- % This file is part of the Stanford GraphBase (c) Stanford University 1993
- @i boilerplate.w %<< legal stuff: PLEASE READ IT BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES!
- @i gb_types.w
- deftitle{GB_,PLANE}
- prerequisite{GB_,MILES}
- @* Introduction. This GraphBase module contains the |plane| subroutine,
- which constructs undirected planar graphs from vertices located randomly
- in a rectangle,
- as well as the |plane_miles| routine, which constructs planar graphs
- based on the mileage and coordinate data in .{miles.dat}. Both
- routines use a general-purpose |delaunay| subroutine,
- which computes the Delaunay triangulation of a given set of points.
- @d plane_miles p_miles /* abbreviation for Procrustean external linkage */
- @(gb_plane.h@>=
- #define plane_miles p_miles
- extern Graph *plane();
- extern Graph *plane_miles();
- extern void delaunay();
- @ The subroutine call |plane(n,x_range,y_range,extend,prob,seed)| constructs
- a planar graph whose vertices have integer coordinates
- uniformly distributed in the rectangle
- $${,(x,y);mid;0le x<|x_range|, ;0le y<|y_range|,},.$$
- The values of |x_range| and |y_range| must be at most $2^{14}=16384$; the
- latter value is the default, which is substituted if |x_range| or |y_range|
- is given as zero. If |extend==0|, the graph will have |n| vertices; otherwise
- it will have |n+1| vertices, where the |(n+1)|st is assigned the coordinates
- $(-1,-1)$ and may be regarded as a point at~$infty$.
- Some of the |n|~finite vertices might have identical coordinates, particularly
- if the point density |n/(x_range*y_range)| is not very small.
- The subroutine works by first constructing the Delaunay triangulation
- of the points, then discarding
- each edge of the resulting graph with probability |prob/65536|. Thus,
- for example, if |prob| is zero the full Delaunay triangulation will be
- returned; if |prob==32768|, about half of the Delaunay edges will remain.
- Each finite edge is assigned a length equal to the Euclidean distance between
- points, multiplied by $2^{10}$ and
- rounded to the nearest integer. If |extend!=0|, the
- Delaunay triangulation will also contain edges between $infty$ and
- all points of the convex hull; such edges, if not discarded, are
- assigned length $2^{28}$, otherwise known as |INFTY|.
- If |extend!=0| and |prob==0|, the graph will have $n+1$ vertices and
- $3(n-1)$ edges; this is the maximum number of edges that a planar graph
- on $n+1$ vertices can have. In such a case the average degree of a vertex will
- be $6(n-1)/(n+1)$, slightly less than~6; hence, if |prob==32768|,
- the average degree of a vertex will usually be near~3.
- As with all other GraphBase routines that rely on random numbers,
- different values of |seed| will produce different graphs, in a
- machine-independent fashion that is reproducible on many different
- computers. Any |seed| value between 0 and $2^{31}-1$ is permissible.
- @d INFTY 0x10000000L /* ``infinite'' length */
- @(gb_plane.h@>=
- #define INFTY @tquad@> 0x10000000L
- @ If the |plane| routine encounters a problem, it returns |NULL|
- (.{NULL}), after putting a code number into the external variable
- |panic_code|. This code number identifies the type of failure.
- Otherwise |plane| returns a pointer to the newly created graph, which
- will be represented with the data structures explained in {sc GB_,GRAPH}.
- (The external variable |panic_code| is itself defined in {sc GB_,GRAPH}.)
- @d panic(c) @+{@+panic_code=c;@+gb_trouble_code=0;@+return NULL;@+}
- @ Here is the overall shape of the CEE/ file .{gb_plane.c}kern.2em:
- @p
- #include "gb_flip.h"
- /* we will use the {sc GB_,FLIP} routines for random numbers */
- #include "gb_graph.h" /* we will use the {sc GB_,GRAPH} data structures */
- #include "gb_miles.h" /* and we might use {sc GB_,MILES} for mileage data */
- #include "gb_io.h"
- /* and {sc GB_,MILES} uses {sc GB_,IO}, which has |str_buf| */
- @h@#
- @<Type declarations@>@;
- @<Global variables@>@;
- @<Subroutines for arithmetic@>@;
- @<Other subroutines@>@;
- @<The |delaunay| routine@>@;
- @<The |plane| routine@>@;
- @<The |plane_miles| routine@>@;
- @ @<The |plane| routine@>=
- Graph *plane(n,x_range,y_range,extend,prob,seed)
- unsigned long n; /* number of vertices desired */
- unsigned long x_range,y_range; /* upper bounds on rectangular coordinates */
- unsigned long extend; /* should a point at infinity be included? */
- unsigned long prob; /* probability of rejecting a Delaunay edge */
- long seed; /* random number seed */
- {@+Graph *new_graph; /* the graph constructed by |plane| */
- register Vertex *v; /* the current vertex of interest */
- register long k; /* the canonical all-purpose index */
- gb_init_rand(seed);
- if (x_range>16384 || y_range>16384) panic(bad_specs); /* range too large */
- if (n<2) panic(very_bad_specs); /* don't make |n| so small, you fool */
- if (x_range==0) x_range=16384; /* default */
- if (y_range==0) y_range=16384; /* default */
- @<Set up a graph with |n| uniformly distributed vertices@>;
- @<Compute the Delaunay triangulation and
- run through the Delaunay edges; reject them with probability
- |prob/65536|, otherwise append them with their Euclidean length@>;
- if (gb_trouble_code) {
- gb_recycle(new_graph);
- panic(alloc_fault); /* oops, we ran out of memory somewhere back there */
- }
- if (extend) new_graph->n++; /* make the ``infinite'' vertex legitimate */
- return new_graph;
- }
- @ The coordinates are placed into utility fields |x_coord| and |y_coord|.
- A random ID number is also stored in utility field~|z_coord|; this number is
- used by the |delaunay| subroutine to break ties when points are equal or
- collinear or cocircular. No two vertices have the same ID number.
- (The header file .{gb_miles.h} defines |x_coord|, |y_coord|, and
- |index_no| to be |x.I|, |y.I|, and |z.I| respectively.)
- @d z_coord z.I
- @<Set up a graph with |n| uniform...@>=
- if (extend) extra_n++; /* allocate one more vertex than usual */
- new_graph=gb_new_graph(n);
- if (new_graph==NULL)
- panic(no_room); /* out of memory before we're even started */
- sprintf(new_graph->id,"plane(%lu,%lu,%lu,%lu,%lu,%ld)",
- n,x_range,y_range,extend,prob,seed);
- strcpy(new_graph->util_types,"ZZZIIIZZZZZZZZ");
- for (k=0,v=new_graph->vertices; k<n; k++,v++) {
- v->x_coord=gb_unif_rand(x_range);
- v->y_coord=gb_unif_rand(y_range);
- v->z_coord=((long)(gb_next_rand()/n))*n+k;
- sprintf(str_buf,"%ld",k);@+v->name=gb_save_string(str_buf);
- }
- if (extend) {
- v->name=gb_save_string("INF");
- v->x_coord=v->y_coord=v->z_coord=-1;
- extra_n--;
- }
- @ @(gb_plane.h@>=
- #define x_coord @tquad@> x.I
- #define y_coord @tquad@> y.I
- #define z_coord @tquad@> z.I
- @* Delaunay triangulation. The Delaunay triangulation of a set of
- vertices in the plane consists of all line segments $uv$ such that
- there exists a circle passing through $u$ and~$v$ containing no other
- vertices. Equivalently, $uv$ is a Delaunay edge if and only if the
- Voronoi regions for $u$ and $v$ are adjacent; the Voronoi region of a
- vertex~$u$ is the polygon with the property that all points inside it
- are closer to $u$ than to any other vertex. In this sense, we can say
- that Delaunay edges connect vertices with their ``neighbors.''
- @^Delaunay [Delone], Boris Nikolaevich@>
- The definitions in the previous paragraph assume that no two vertices are
- equal, that no three vertices lie on a straight line, and that no four vertices
- lie on a circle. If those nondegeneracy conditions aren't satisfied, we can
- perturb the points very slightly so that the assumptions do hold.
- Another way to characterize the Delaunay triangulation is to consider
- what happens when we map a given set of
- points onto the unit sphere via stereographic projection: Point $(x,y)$ is
- mapped to
- $$bigl(2x/(r^2+1),2y/(r^2+1),(r^2-1)/(r^2+1)bigr),,$$ where $r^2=x^2+y^2$.
- If we now extend the configuration by adding $(0,0,1)$,
- which is the limiting point on the sphere when $r$ approaches infinity,
- the Delaunay edges of the original points
- turn out to be edges of the polytope defined by the mapped
- points. This polytope, which is the 3-dimensional convex hull of $n+1$ points
- on the sphere, also has edges from $(0,0,1)$ to the mapped points
- that correspond to the 2-dimensional convex hull of the original points. Under
- our assumption of nondegeneracy, the faces of this polytope are all
- triangles; hence its edges are said to form a triangulation.
- A self-contained presentation of all the relevant theory, together with
- an exposition and proof of correctness of the algorithm below, can be found
- in the author's monograph {sl Axioms and Hulls}, Lecture Notes in
- Computer Science {bf606} (Springer-Verlag, 1992).
- @^Axioms and Hulls@>
- For further references, see Franz Aurenhammer, {sl ACM Computing Surveys/
- @^Aurenhammer, Franz@>
- bf23} (1991), 345--405.
- @ The |delaunay| procedure, which finds the Delaunay triangulation of
- a given set of vertices, is the key ingredient in \{gb_plane}'s
- algorithms for generating planar graphs. The given vertices should
- appear in a GraphBase graph~|g| whose edges, if any, are ignored by
- |delaunay|. The coordinates of each vertex appear in utility fields
- |x_coord| and~|y_coord|, which must be nonnegative and less than
- $2^{14}=16384$. The utility field~|z_coord| must contain a unique ID
- number, distinct for every vertex, so that the algorithm can break
- ties in cases of degeneracy. (Note: These assumptions about the input
- data are the responsibility of the calling procedure; |delaunay| does not
- double-check them. If they are violated, catastrophic failure is possible.)
- Instead of returning the Delaunay triangulation as a graph, |delaunay|
- communicates its answer implicitly by performing the procedure call
- |f(u,v)| on every pair of vertices |u| and~|v| joined by a Delaunay edge.
- Here |f|~is a procedure supplied as a parameter; |u| and~|v| are either
- pointers to vertices or |NULL| (i.e., .{NULL}), where |NULL| denotes the
- vertex ``$infty$.'' As remarked above, edges run between $infty$ and all
- vertices on the convex hull of the given points. The graph of all edges,
- including the infinite edges, is planar.
- For example, if the vertex at infinity is being ignored, the user can
- declare
- $$vcenter{halign{#hfilcr
- |void ins_finite(u,v)|cr
- qquad|Vertex *u,*v;|cr
- |{@+if (u&&v)@+gb_new_edge(u,v,1L);@+}|cr}}$$
- Then the procedure call |delaunay(g,ins_finite)| will add all the finite
- Delaunay edges to the current graph~|g|, giving them all length~1.
- If |delaunay| is unable to allocate enough storage to do its work, it
- will set |gb_trouble_code| nonzero and there will be no edges in
- the triangulation.
- @<The |delaunay| routine@>=
- void delaunay(g,f)
- Graph *g; /* vertices in the plane */
- void @[@] (*f)(); /* procedure that absorbs the triangulated edges */
- {@+@<Local variables for |delaunay|@>;@#
- @<Find the Delaunay triangulation of |g|, or return with |gb_trouble_code|
- nonzero if out of memory@>;
- @<Call |f(u,v)| for each Delaunay edge \{uv}@>;
- gb_free(working_storage);
- }
- @ The procedure passed to |delaunay| will communicate with |plane| via
- global variables called |gprob| and |inf_vertex|.
- @<Glob...@>=
- static unsigned long gprob; /* copy of the |prob| parameter */
- static Vertex *inf_vertex; /* pointer to the vertex $infty$, or |NULL| */
- @ @<Compute the Delaunay triangulation and
- run through the Delaunay edges; reject them with probability
- |prob/65536|, otherwise append them with their Euclidean length@>=
- gprob=prob;
- if (extend) inf_vertex=new_graph->vertices+n;
- else inf_vertex=NULL;
- delaunay(new_graph,new_euclid_edge);
- @ @<Other...@>=
- void new_euclid_edge(u,v)
- Vertex *u,*v;
- {@+register long dx,dy;
- if ((gb_next_rand()>>15)>=gprob) {
- if (u) {
- if (v) {
- dx=u->x_coord-v->x_coord;
- dy=u->y_coord-v->y_coord;
- gb_new_edge(u,v,int_sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy));
- }@+else if (inf_vertex) gb_new_edge(u,inf_vertex,INFTY);
- }@+else if (inf_vertex) gb_new_edge(inf_vertex,v,INFTY);
- }
- }
- @* Arithmetic. Before we lunge into the world of geometric algorithms,
- let's build up some confidence by polishing off some subroutines that
- will be needed to ensure correct results. We assume that |long| integers
- are less than $2^{31}$.
- First is a routine to calculate $s=lfloor2^{10}sqrt x+{1over2}rfloor$,
- the nearest integer to $2^{10}$ times the square root of a given nonnegative
- integer~|x|. If |x>0|, this
- is the unique integer such that $2^{20}x-sle s^2<2^{20}x+s$.
- The following routine appears to work by magic, but the mystery goes
- away when one considers the invariant relations
- $$ m=lfloor 2^{2k-21}rfloor,qquad
- 0<y=lfloor 2^{20-2k}xrfloor-s^2+sle q=2s.$$
- (Exception: We might actually have $y=0$ for a short time when |q=2|.)
- @<Subroutines for arith...@>=
- long int_sqrt(x)
- long x;
- {@+register long y, m, q=2; long k;
- if (x<=0) return 0;
- for (k=25,m=0x20000000;x<m;k--,m>>=2) ; /* find the range */
- if (x>=m+m) y=1;
- else y=0;
- do @<Decrease |k| by 1, maintaining the invariant relations
- between |x|, |y|, |m|, and |q|@>@;
- while (k);
- return q>>1;
- }
- @ @<Decrease |k| by 1, maintaining the invariant relations...@>=
- {
- if (x&m) y+=y+1;
- else y+=y;
- m>>=1;
- if (x&m) y+=y-q+1;
- else y+=y-q;
- q+=q;
- if (y>q)
- y-=q,q+=2;
- else if (y<=0)
- q-=2,y+=q;
- m>>=1;
- k--;
- }
- @ We are going to need multiple-precision arithmetic in order to
- calculate certain geometric predicates properly, but it turns out
- that we do not need to implement general-purpose subroutines for bignums.
- It suffices to have a single special-purpose routine called
- $|sign_test|(|x1|,|x2|,|x3|,allowbreak|y1|,|y2|,|y3|)$, which
- computes a single-precision integer having the same sign as the dot product
- $$hbox{|x1*y1+x2*y2+x3*y3|}$$
- when we have $-2^{29}<|x1|,|x2|,|x3|<2^{29}$ and $0le|y1|,|y2|,|y3|<2^{29}$.
- @<Subroutines for arith...@>=
- long sign_test(x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3)
- long x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3;
- {@+long s1,s2,s3; /* signs of individual terms */
- long a,b,c; /* components of a redundant representation of the dot product */
- register long t; /* temporary register for swapping */
- @<Determine the signs of the terms@>;
- @<If the answer is obvious, return it without further ado; otherwise,
- arrange things so that |x3*y3| has the opposite sign to |x1*y1+x2*y2|@>;
- @<Compute a redundant representation of |x1*y1+x2*y2+x3*y3|@>;
- @<Return the sign of the redundant representation@>;
- }
- @ @<Determine the signs of the terms@>=
- if (x1==0 || y1==0) s1=0;
- else {
- if (x1>0) s1=1;
- else x1=-x1,s1=-1;
- }
- if (x2==0 || y2==0) s2=0;
- else {
- if (x2>0) s2=1;
- else x2=-x2,s2=-1;
- }
- if (x3==0 || y3==0) s3=0;
- else {
- if (x3>0) s3=1;
- else x3=-x3,s3=-1;
- }
- @ The answer is obvious unless one of the terms is positive and one
- of the terms is negative.
- @<If the answer is obvious, return it without further ado; otherwise,
- arrange things so that |x3*y3| has the opposite sign to |x1*y1+x2*y2|@>=
- if ((s1>=0 && s2>=0 && s3>=0) || (s1<=0 && s2<=0 && s3<=0))
- return (s1+s2+s3);
- if (s3==0 || s3==s1) {
- t=s3;@+s3=s2;@+s2=t;
- t=x3;@+x3=x2;@+x2=t;
- t=y3;@+y3=y2;@+y2=t;
- }@+else if (s3==s2) {
- t=s3;@+s3=s1;@+s1=t;
- t=x3;@+x3=x1;@+x1=t;
- t=y3;@+y3=y1;@+y1=t;
- }
- @ We make use of a redundant representation $2^{28}a+2^{14}b+c$, which
- can be computed by brute force. (Everything is understood to be multiplied
- by |-s3|.)
- @<Compute a redundant...@>=
- {@+register long lx,rx,ly,ry;
- lx=x1/0x4000;@+rx=x1%0x4000; /* split off the least significant 14 bits */
- ly=y1/0x4000;@+ry=y1%0x4000;
- a=lx*ly;@+b=lx*ry+ly*rx;@+c=rx*ry;
- lx=x2/0x4000;@+rx=x2%0x4000;
- ly=y2/0x4000;@+ry=y2%0x4000;
- a+=lx*ly;@+b+=lx*ry+ly*rx;@+c+=rx*ry;
- lx=x3/0x4000;@+rx=x3%0x4000;
- ly=y3/0x4000;@+ry=y3%0x4000;
- a-=lx*ly;@+b-=lx*ry+ly*rx;@+c-=rx*ry;
- }
- @ Here we use the fact that $vert cvert<2^{29}$.
- @<Return the sign...@>=
- if (a==0) goto ez;
- if (a<0)
- a=-a,b=-b,c=-c,s3=-s3;
- while (c<0) {
- a--;@+c+=0x10000000;
- if (a==0) goto ez;
- }
- if (b>=0) return -s3; /* the answer is clear when |a>0 && b>=0 && c>=0| */
- b=-b;
- a-=b/0x4000;
- if (a>0) return -s3;
- if (a<=-2) return s3;
- return -s3*((a*0x4000-b%0x4000)*0x4000+c);
- ez:@+ if (b>=0x8000) return -s3;
- if (b<=-0x8000) return s3;
- return -s3*(b*0x4000+c);
- @*Determinants. The |delaunay| routine bases all of its decisions on
- two geometric predicates, which depend on whether certain determinants
- are positive or negative.
- The first predicate, |ccw(u,v,w)|, is true if and only if the three points
- $(u,v,w)$ have a counterclockwise orientation. This means that if we draw the
- unique circle through those points, and if we travel along that circle
- in the counterclockwise direction starting at~|u|, we will encounter
- |v| before~|w|.
- It turns out that |ccw(u,v,w)| holds if and only if the determinant
- $$leftvertmatrix{x_u&y_u&1cr x_v&y_v&1cr x_w&y_w&1cr}
- rightvert=leftvertmatrix{x_u-x_w&y_u-y_wcr x_v-x_w&y_v-y_wcr}
- rightvert$$
- is positive. The evaluation must be exact; if the answer is zero, a special
- tie-breaking rule must be used because the three points were collinear.
- The tie-breaking rule is tricky (and necessarily so, according to the
- theory in {sl Axioms and Hulls/}).
- Integer evaluation of that determinant will not cause |long| integer
- overflow, because we have assumed that all |x| and |y| coordinates lie
- between 0 and~$2^{14}-1$, inclusive. In fact, we could go up to
- $2^{15}-1$ without risking overflow; but the limitation to 14 bits will
- be helpful when we consider a more complicated determinant below.
- @<Other...@>=
- long ccw(u,v,w)
- Vertex *u,*v,*w;
- {@+register long wx=w->x_coord, wy=w->y_coord; /* $x_w$, $y_w$ */
- register long det=(u->x_coord-wx)*(v->y_coord-wy)
- -(u->y_coord-wy)*(v->x_coord-wx);
- Vertex *t;
- if (det==0) {
- det=1;
- if (u->z_coord>v->z_coord) {
- t=u;@+u=v;@+v=t;@+det=-det;
- }
- if (v->z_coord>w->z_coord) {
- t=v;@+v=w;@+w=t;@+det=-det;
- }
- if (u->z_coord>v->z_coord) {
- t=u;@+u=v;@+v=t;@+det=-det;
- }
- if (u->x_coord>v->x_coord || (u->x_coord==v->x_coord &&@|
- (u->y_coord>v->y_coord || (u->y_coord==v->y_coord &&@|
- (w->x_coord>u->x_coord ||
- (w->x_coord==u->x_coord && w->y_coord>=u->y_coord))))))
- det=-det;
- }
- return (det>0);
- }
- @ The other geometric predicate, |incircle(t,u,v,w)|, is true if and only
- if point |t| lies outside the circle passing through |u|, |v|, and~|w|,
- assuming that |ccw(u,v,w)| holds. This predicate makes us work harder, because
- it is equivalent to the sign of a $4times4$ determinant that requires
- twice as much precision:
- $$leftvertmatrix{x_t&y_t&x_t^2+y_t^2&1cr
- x_u&y_u&x_u^2+y_u^2&1cr
- x_v&y_v&x_v^2+y_v^2&1cr
- x_w&y_w&x_w^2+y_w^2&1cr}rightvert=
- leftvertmatrix{x_t-x_w&y_t-y_w&(x_t-x_w)^2+(y_t-y_w)^2cr
- x_u-x_w&y_u-y_w&(x_u-x_w)^2+(y_u-y_w)^2cr
- x_v-x_w&y_v-y_w&(x_v-x_w)^2+(y_v-y_w)^2cr}
- rightvert,.$$
- The sign can, however, be deduced by the |sign_test| subroutine we had
- the foresight to provide earlier.
- @<Other...@>=
- long incircle(t,u,v,w)
- Vertex *t,*u,*v,*w;
- {@+register long wx=w->x_coord, wy=w->y_coord; /* $x_w$, $y_w$ */
- long tx=t->x_coord-wx, ty=t->y_coord-wy; /* $x_t-x_w$, $y_t-y_w$ */
- long ux=u->x_coord-wx, uy=u->y_coord-wy; /* $x_u-x_w$, $y_u-y_w$ */
- long vx=v->x_coord-wx, vy=v->y_coord-wy; /* $x_v-x_w$, $y_v-y_w$ */
- register long det=sign_test(tx*uy-ty*ux,ux*vy-uy*vx,vx*ty-vy*tx,@|
- vx*vx+vy*vy,tx*tx+ty*ty,ux*ux+uy*uy);
- Vertex *s;
- if (det==0) {
- @<Sort |(t,u,v,w)| by ID number@>;
- @<Remove incircle degeneracy@>;
- }
- return (det>0);
- }
- @ @<Sort...@>=
- det=1;
- if (t->z_coord>u->z_coord) {
- s=t;@+t=u;@+u=s;@+det=-det;
- }
- if (v->z_coord>w->z_coord) {
- s=v;@+v=w;@+w=s;@+det=-det;
- }
- if (t->z_coord>v->z_coord) {
- s=t;@+t=v;@+v=s;@+det=-det;
- }
- if (u->z_coord>w->z_coord) {
- s=u;@+u=w;@+w=s;@+det=-det;
- }
- if (u->z_coord>v->z_coord) {
- s=u;@+u=v;@+v=s;@+det=-det;
- }
- @ By slightly perturbing the points, we can always make them nondegenerate,
- although the details are complicated. A sequence of 12 steps, involving
- up to four auxiliary functions
- $$openup3jot
- eqalign{|ff|(t,u,v,w)&=leftvert
- matrix{x_t-x_v&(x_t-x_w)^2+(y_t-y_w)^2-(x_v-x_w)^2-(y_v-y_w)^2cr
- x_u-x_v&(x_u-x_w)^2+(y_u-y_w)^2-(x_v-x_w)^2-(y_v-y_w)^2cr}
- rightvert,,cr
- |gg|(t,u,v,w)&=leftvert
- matrix{y_t-y_v&(x_t-x_w)^2+(y_t-y_w)^2-(x_v-x_w)^2-(y_v-y_w)^2cr
- y_u-y_v&(x_u-x_w)^2+(y_u-y_w)^2-(x_v-x_w)^2-(y_v-y_w)^2cr}
- rightvert,,cr
- |hh|(t,u,v,w)&=(x_u-x_t)(y_v-y_w),,cr
- |jj|(t,u,v,w)&=(x_u-x_v)^2+(y_u-y_w)^2-(x_t-x_v)^2-(y_t-y_w)^2,,cr}
- $$
- does the trick, as explained in {sl Axioms and Hulls}.
- @<Remove incircle degeneracy@>=
- {@+long dd;
- if ((dd=ff(t,u,v,w))<0 || (dd==0 &&@|
- ((dd=gg(t,u,v,w))<0 || (dd==0 &&@|
- ((dd=ff(u,t,w,v))<0 || (dd==0 &&@|
- ((dd=gg(u,t,w,v))<0 || (dd==0 &&@|
- ((dd=ff(v,w,t,u))<0 || (dd==0 &&@|
- ((dd=gg(v,w,t,u))<0 || (dd==0 &&@|
- ((dd=hh(t,u,v,w))<0 || (dd==0 &&@|
- ((dd=jj(t,u,v,w))<0 || (dd==0 &&@|
- ((dd=hh(v,t,u,w))<0 || (dd==0 &&@|
- ((dd=jj(v,t,u,w))<0 || (dd==0 &&
- jj(t,w,u,v)<0))))))))))))))))))))
- det=-det;
- }
- @ @<Subroutines for arith...@>=
- long ff(t,u,v,w)
- Vertex *t,*u,*v,*w;
- {@+register long wx=w->x_coord, wy=w->y_coord; /* $x_w$, $y_w$ */
- long tx=t->x_coord-wx, ty=t->y_coord-wy; /* $x_t-x_w$, $y_t-y_w$ */
- long ux=u->x_coord-wx, uy=u->y_coord-wy; /* $x_u-x_w$, $y_u-y_w$ */
- long vx=v->x_coord-wx, vy=v->y_coord-wy; /* $x_v-x_w$, $y_v-y_w$ */
- return sign_test(ux-tx,vx-ux,tx-vx,vx*vx+vy*vy,tx*tx+ty*ty,ux*ux+uy*uy);
- }
- long gg(t,u,v,w)
- Vertex *t,*u,*v,*w;
- {@+register long wx=w->x_coord, wy=w->y_coord; /* $x_w$, $y_w$ */
- long tx=t->x_coord-wx, ty=t->y_coord-wy; /* $x_t-x_w$, $y_t-y_w$ */
- long ux=u->x_coord-wx, uy=u->y_coord-wy; /* $x_u-x_w$, $y_u-y_w$ */
- long vx=v->x_coord-wx, vy=v->y_coord-wy; /* $x_v-x_w$, $y_v-y_w$ */
- return sign_test(uy-ty,vy-uy,ty-vy,vx*vx+vy*vy,tx*tx+ty*ty,ux*ux+uy*uy);
- }
- long hh(t,u,v,w)
- Vertex *t,*u,*v,*w;
- {
- return (u->x_coord-t->x_coord)*(v->y_coord-w->y_coord);
- }
- long jj(t,u,v,w)
- Vertex *t,*u,*v,*w;
- {@+register long vx=v->x_coord, wy=w->y_coord;
- return (u->x_coord-vx)*(u->x_coord-vx)+(u->y_coord-wy)*(u->y_coord-wy)@|
- -(t->x_coord-vx)*(t->x_coord-vx)-(t->y_coord-wy)*(t->y_coord-wy);
- }
- @* Delaunay data structures. Now we have the primitive predicates
- we need, and we can get on with the geometric aspects of |delaunay|.
- As mentioned above, each vertex is represented by two coordinates and an
- ID number, stored in the utility fields |x_coord|, |y_coord|, and~|z_coord|.
- Each edge of the current triangulation is represented by two arcs
- pointing in opposite directions; the two arcs are called {sl mates}. Each
- arc conceptually has a triangle on its left and a mate on its right.
- An &{arc} record differs from an |Arc|; it has three fields:
- smallskip
- |vert| is the vertex this arc leads to, or |NULL| if that vertex is $infty$;
- smallskip
- |next| is the next arc having the same triangle at the left;
- smallskip
- |inst| is the branch node that points to the triangle at the left, as
- explained below.
- smallskipnoindent
- If |p| points to an arc, then |p->next->next->next==p|, because a triangle
- is bounded by three arcs. We also have |p->next->inst==p->inst|, for
- all arcs~|p|.
- @<Type...@>=
- typedef struct a_struct {
- Vertex *vert; /* |v|, if this arc goes from |u| to |v| */
- struct a_struct *next; /* the arc from |v| that shares
- a triangle with this one */
- struct n_struct *inst; /* instruction to change
- when the triangle is modified */
- } arc;
- @ Storage is allocated in such a way that, if |p| and |q| point respectively
- to an arc and its mate, then |p+q=&arc_block[0]+&arc_block[m-1]|, where |m| is
- the total number of arc records allocated in the |arc_block| array. This
- convention saves us one pointer field in each arc.
- When setting |q| to the mate of |p|, we need to do the calculation
- cautiously using an auxiliary register, because the constant
- |&arc_block[0]+&arc_block[m-1]| might be too large to evaluate without
- integer overflow on some systems.
- @^pointer hacks@>
- @d mate(a,b) { /* given |a|, set |b| to its mate */
- reg=max_arc-(siz_t)a;
- b=(arc*)(reg+min_arc);
- }
- @<Local variables for |delaunay|@>=
- register siz_t reg; /* used while computing mates */
- siz_t min_arc,max_arc; /* |&arc_block[0]|, |&arc_block[m-1]| */
- arc *next_arc; /* the first arc record that hasn't yet been used */
- @ @<Initialize the array of arcs@>=
- next_arc=gb_typed_alloc(6*g->n-6,arc,working_storage);
- if (next_arc==NULL) return; /* |gb_trouble_code| is nonzero */
- min_arc=(siz_t)next_arc;
- max_arc=(siz_t)(next_arc+(6*g->n-7));
- @ @<Call |f(u,v)| for each Delaunay edge...@>=
- a=(arc *)min_arc;
- b=(arc *)max_arc;
- for (; a<next_arc; a++,b--)
- (*f)(a->vert,b->vert);
- @ The last and probably most crucial component of the data structure
- is the collection of {sl branch nodes}, which will be linked together
- into a binary tree. Given a new vertex |w|, we will ascertain what
- triangle it belongs to by starting at the root of this tree and
- executing a sequence of instructions, each of which has the form `if
- |w| lies to the right of the straight line from |u| to~|v| then go to
- $alpha$ else go to~$beta$', where $alpha$ and~$beta$ are nodes
- that continue the search. This process continues until we reach a
- terminal node, which says `congratulations, you're done, |w|~is in
- triangle such-and-such'. The terminal node points to one of the three
- arcs bounding that triangle. If a vertex of the triangle is~$infty$,
- the terminal node points to the arc whose |vert| pointer is~|NULL|.
- @<Type...@>=
- typedef struct n_struct {
- Vertex *u; /* first vertex, or |NULL| if this is a terminal node */
- Vertex *v; /* second vertex, or pointer to the triangle
- corresponding to a terminal node */
- struct n_struct *l; /* go here if |w| lies to the left of $uv$ */
- struct n_struct *r; /* go here if |w| lies to the right of $uv$ */
- } node;
- @ The search tree just described is actually a dag (a directed acyclic
- graph), because it has overlapping subtrees. As the algorithm proceeds,
- the dag gets bigger and bigger, since the number of triangles keeps
- growing. Instructions are never deleted; we just extend the dag by
- substituting new branches for nodes that once were terminal.
- The expected number of nodes in this dag is $O(n)$ when there are $n$~vertices,
- if we input the vertices in random order. But it can be as high as order~$n^2$
- in the worst case. So our program will allocate blocks of nodes dynamically
- instead of assuming a maximum size.
- @d nodes_per_block 127 /* on most computers we want it $equiv 15$ (mod 16) */
- @d new_node(x)
- if (next_node==max_node) {
- x=gb_typed_alloc(nodes_per_block,node,working_storage);
- if (x==NULL) {
- gb_free(working_storage); /* release |delaunay|'s auxiliary memory */
- return; /* |gb_trouble_code| is nonzero */
- }
- next_node=x+1; max_node=x+nodes_per_block;
- }@+else x=next_node++;
- @#
- @d terminal_node(x,p) {@+new_node(x); /* allocate a new node */
- x->v=(Vertex*)(p); /* make it point to a given arc from the triangle */
- } /* note that |x->u==NULL|, representing a terminal node */
- @<Local variables for |delaunay|@>=
- node *next_node; /* the first yet-unused node slot
- in the current block of nodes */
- node *max_node; /* address of nonexistent node following the current
- block of nodes */
- node root_node; /* start here to locate a vertex in its triangle */
- Area working_storage; /* where |delaunay| builds its triangulation */
- @ The algorithm begins with a trivial triangulation that contains
- only the first two vertices, together with two ``triangles'' extending
- to infinity at their left and right.
- @<Initialize the data structures@>=
- next_node=max_node=NULL;
- init_area(working_storage);
- @<Initialize the array of arcs@>;
- u=g->vertices;
- v=u+1;
- @<Make two ``triangles'' for |u|, |v|, and $infty$@>;
- @ We'll need a bunch of local variables to do elementary operations on
- data structures.
- @<Local variables for |delaunay|@>=
- Vertex *p, *q, *r, *s, *t, *tp, *tpp, *u, *v;
- arc *a,*aa,*b,*c,*d, *e;
- node *x,*y,*yp,*ypp;
- @ @<Make two ``triangles'' for |u|, |v|, and $infty$@>=
- root_node.u=u; root_node.v=v;
- a=next_arc;
- terminal_node(x,a+1);
- root_node.l=x;
- a->vert=v;@+a->next=a+1;@+a->inst=x;
- (a+1)->next=a+2;@+(a+1)->inst=x;
- /* |(a+1)->vert=NULL|, representing $infty$ */
- (a+2)->vert=u;@+(a+2)->next=a;@+(a+2)->inst=x;
- mate(a,b);
- terminal_node(x,b-2);
- root_node.r=x;
- b->vert=u;@+b->next=b-2;@+b->inst=x;
- (b-2)->next=b-1;@+(b-2)->inst=x;
- /* |(b-2)->vert=NULL|, representing $infty$ */
- (b-1)->vert=v;@+(b-1)->next=b;@+(b-1)->inst=x;
- next_arc+=3;
- @*Delaunay updating.
- The main loop of the algorithm updates the data structure incrementally
- by adding one new vertex at a time. The new vertex will always be connected
- by an edge (i.e., by two arcs) to each of the vertices of the triangle that
- previously enclosed it. It might also deserve to be connected to other
- nearby vertices.
- @<Find the Delaunay triangulation...@>=
- if (g->n<2) return; /* no edges unless there are at least 2 vertices */
- @<Initialize the data structures@>;
- for (p=g->vertices+2;p<g->vertices+g->n;p++) {
- @<Find an arc |a| on the boundary of the triangle containing |p|@>;
- @<Divide the triangle left of |a| into three triangles surrounding |p|@>;
- @<Explore the triangles surrounding |p|, ``flipping'' their neighbors
- until all triangles that should touch |p| are found@>;
- }
- @ We have set up the branch nodes so that they solve the triangle location
- problem.
- @<Find an arc |a| on the boundary of the triangle containing |p|@>=
- x=&root_node;
- do@+{
- if (ccw(x->u,x->v,p))
- x = x->l;
- else x = x->r;
- }@+while (x->u);
- a = (arc*) x->v; /* terminal node points to the arc we want */
- @ Subdividing a triangle is an easy exercise in data structure manipulation,
- except that we must do something special when one of the vertices is
- infinite. Let's look carefully at what needs to be done.
- Suppose the triangle containing |p| has the vertices |q|, |r|, and |s|
- in counterclockwise order. Let |x| be the terminal node that points to
- the triangle~$Delta qrs$. We want to change |x| so that we will be
- able to locate a future point of $Delta qrs$ within either $Delta pqr$,
- $Delta prs$, or $Delta psq$.
- If |q|, |r|, and |s| are finite, we will change |x| and add five new nodes
- as follows:
- $$vbox{halign{hfil#:enspace&#hfilcr
- $x$&if left of $rp$, go to $x''$, else go to $x'$;cr
- $x'$&if left of $sp$, go to $y$, else go to $y'$;cr
- $x''$&if left of $qp$, go to $y'$, else go to $y''$;cr
- $y$&you're in $Delta prs$;cr
- $y'$&you're in $Delta psq$;cr
- $y''$&you're in $Delta pqr$.cr}}$$
- But if, say, $q=infty$, such instructions make no sense,
- because there are lines in all directions that run from $infty$ to any point.
- In such a case we use ``wedges'' instead of triangles, as explained below.
- At the beginning of the following code, we have |x==a->inst|.
- @<Divide the triangle left of |a| into three triangles surrounding |p|@>=
- b=a->next;@+c=b->next;
- q=a->vert;@+r=b->vert;@+s=c->vert;
- @<Create new terminal nodes |y|, |yp|, |ypp|, and new arcs pointing to them@>;
- if (q==NULL) @<Compile instructions to update convex hull@>
- else {@+register node *xp;
- x->u=r;@+x->v=p;
- new_node(xp);
- xp->u=q;@+xp->v=p;@+xp->l=yp;@+xp->r=ypp; /* instruction $x''$ above */
- x->l=xp;
- new_node(xp);
- xp->u=s;@+xp->v=p;@+xp->l=y;@+xp->r=yp; /* instruction $x'$ above */
- x->r=xp;
- }
- @ The only subtle point here is that |q=a->vert| might be |NULL|. A terminal
- node must point to the proper arc of an infinite triangle.
- @<Create new terminal nodes |y|, |yp|, |ypp|, and new arcs pointing to them@>=
- terminal_node(yp,a);@+terminal_node(ypp,next_arc);@+terminal_node(y,c);
- c->inst=y;@+a->inst=yp;@+b->inst=ypp;
- mate(next_arc,e);
- a->next=e;@+b->next=e-1;@+c->next=e-2;
- next_arc->vert=q;@+next_arc->next=b;@+next_arc->inst=ypp;
- (next_arc+1)->vert=r;@+(next_arc+1)->next=c;@+(next_arc+1)->inst=y;
- (next_arc+2)->vert=s;@+(next_arc+2)->next=a;@+(next_arc+2)->inst=yp;
- e->vert=(e-1)->vert=(e-2)->vert=p;
- e->next=next_arc+2;@+(e-1)->next=next_arc;@+(e-2)->next=next_arc+1;
- e->inst=yp;@+(e-1)->inst=ypp;@+(e-2)->inst=y;
- next_arc += 3;
- @ Outside of the current convex hull, we have ``wedges'' instead of
- triangles. Wedges are exterior angles whose points lie outside an
- edge $rs$ of the convex hull, but not outside the next edge on the other
- side of point |r|. When a new point lies in such a wedge, we have to
- see if it also lies outside the edges $st$, $tu$, etc., in the
- clockwise direction, in which case the convex hull loses points
- $s$, $t$, etc., and we must update the new wedges accordingly.
- This was the hardest part of the program to prove correct; a complete
- proof can be found in {sl Axioms and Hulls}.
- @<Compile...@>=
- {@+register node *xp;
- x->u=r;@+x->v=p;@+x->l=ypp;
- new_node(xp);
- xp->u=s;@+xp->v=p;@+xp->l=y;@+xp->r=yp;
- x->r=xp;
- mate(a,aa);@+d=aa->next;@+t=d->vert;
- while (t!=r && (ccw(p,s,t))) {@+register node *xpp;
- terminal_node(xpp,d);
- xp->r=d->inst;
- xp=d->inst;
- xp->u=t;@+xp->v=p;@+xp->l=xpp;@+xp->r=yp;
- flip(a,aa,d,s,NULL,t,p,xpp,yp);
- a=aa->next;@+mate(a,aa);@+d=aa->next;
- s=t;@+t=d->vert;
- yp->v=(Vertex*)a;
- }
- terminal_node(xp,d->next);
- x=d->inst;@+x->u=s;@+x->v=p;@+x->l=xp;@+x->r=yp;
- d->inst=xp;@+d->next->inst=xp;@+d->next->next->inst=xp;
- r=s; /* this value of |r| shortens the exploration step that follows */
- }
- @ The updating process finishes by walking around the triangles
- that surround |p|, making sure that none of them are adjacent to
- triangles containing |p| in their circumcircle. (Such triangles are
- no longer in the Delaunay triangulation, by definition.)
- @<Explore...@>=
- while(1) {
- mate(c,d);@+e=d->next;
- t=d->vert;@+tp=c->vert;@+tpp=e->vert;
- if (tpp && incircle(tpp,tp,t,p)) { /* triangle $tt''t'$ no longer Delaunay */
- register node *xp, *xpp;
- terminal_node(xp,e);
- terminal_node(xpp,d);
- x=c->inst;@+x->u=tpp;@+x->v=p;@+x->l=xp;@+x->r=xpp;
- x=d->inst;@+x->u=tpp;@+x->v=p;@+x->l=xp;@+x->r=xpp;
- flip(c,d,e,t,tp,tpp,p,xp,xpp);
- c=e;
- }
- else if (tp==r) break;
- else {
- mate(c->next,aa);
- c=aa->next;
- }
- }
- @ Here |d| is the mate of |c|, |e=d->next|, |t=d->vert|, |tp=c->vert|,
- and |tpp=e->vert|. The triangles $Delta tt'p$ and $Delta t'tt''$ to the
- left and right of arc~|c| are being replaced in the current triangulation
- by $Delta ptt''$ and $Delta t''t'p$, corresponding to terminal nodes
- |xp| and |xpp|. (The values of |t| and |tp| are not actually used, so
- some optimization is possible.)
- @<Other...@>=
- void flip(c,d,e,t,tp,tpp,p,xp,xpp)
- arc *c,*d,*e;
- Vertex *t,*tp,*tpp,*p;
- node *xp,*xpp;
- {@+register arc *ep=e->next, *cp=c->next, *cpp=cp->next;
- e->next=c;@+c->next=cpp;@+cpp->next=e;
- e->inst=c->inst=cpp->inst=xp;
- c->vert=p;
- d->next=ep;@+ep->next=cp;@+cp->next=d;
- d->inst=ep->inst=cp->inst=xpp;
- d->vert=tpp;
- }
- @*Use of mileage data. The |delaunay| routine is now complete, and the
- only missing piece of code is the promised routine that generates
- planar graphs based on data from the real world.
- The subroutine call {advancethinmuskip 0mu plus 2mu
- |plane_miles(n,north_weight,west_weight,pop_weight, extend,prob,seed)|}
- will construct a planar graph with min$(128,n)$ vertices, where the
- vertices are exactly the same as the cities produced by the subroutine call
- |miles(n,north_weight,west_weight, pop_weight,0,0,seed)|. (As
- explained in module {sc GB_,MILES}, the weight parameters |north_weight|,
- |west_weight|, and |pop_weight| are used to rank the cities by
- location and/or population.) The edges of the new graph are obtained
- by first constructing the Delaunay triangulation of those cities,
- based on a simple projection onto the plane using their latitude and
- longitude, then discarding each Delaunay edge with probability
- |prob/65536|. The length of each surviving edge is the same as the
- mileage between cities that would appear in the complete graph
- produced by |miles|.
- If |extend!=0|, an additional vertex representing $infty$ is also
- included. The Delaunay triangulation includes edges of length |INFTY|
- connecting this vertex with all cities on the convex hull; these edges,
- like the others, are subject to being discarded with probability |prob/65536|.
- (See the description of |plane| for further comments about using
- |prob| to control the sparseness of the graph.)
- The weight parameters must satisfy
- $$ vert|north_weight|vertle100{,}000,quad
- vert|west_weight|vertle100{,}000,quad
- vert|pop_weight|vertle100.$$
- Vertices of the graph will appear in order of decreasing weight.
- The |seed| parameter defines the pseudo-random numbers used wherever
- a ``random'' choice between equal-weight vertices needs to be made,
- or when deciding whether to discard a Delaunay edge.
- @<The |plane_miles| routine@>=
- Graph *plane_miles(n,north_weight,west_weight,pop_weight,extend,prob,seed)
- unsigned long n; /* number of vertices desired */
- long north_weight; /* coefficient of latitude in the weight function */
- long west_weight; /* coefficient of longitude in the weight function */
- long pop_weight; /* coefficient of population in the weight function */
- unsigned long extend; /* should a point at infinity be included? */
- unsigned long prob; /* probability of rejecting a Delaunay edge */
- long seed; /* random number seed */
- {@+Graph *new_graph; /* the graph constructed by |plane_miles| */
- @<Use |miles| to set up the vertices of a graph@>;
- @<Compute the Delaunay triangulation and
- run through the Delaunay edges; reject them with probability
- |prob/65536|, otherwise append them with the road length in miles@>;
- if (gb_trouble_code) {
- gb_recycle(new_graph);
- panic(alloc_fault); /* oops, we ran out of memory somewhere back there */
- }
- gb_free(new_graph->aux_data); /* recycle special memory used by |miles| */
- if (extend) new_graph->n++; /* make the ``infinite'' vertex legitimate */
- return new_graph;
- }
- @ By setting the |max_distance| parameter to~1, we cause |miles|
- to produce a graph having the desired vertices but no edges.
- The vertices of this graph will have appropriate coordinate fields
- |x_coord|, |y_coord|, and~|z_coord|.
- @<Use |miles|...@>=
- if (extend) extra_n++; /* allocate one more vertex than usual */
- if (n==0 || n>MAX_N) n=MAX_N; /* compute true number of vertices */
- new_graph=miles(n,north_weight,west_weight,pop_weight,1L,0L,seed);
- if (new_graph==NULL) return NULL; /* |panic_code| has been set by |miles| */
- sprintf(new_graph->id,"plane_miles(%lu,%ld,%ld,%ld,%lu,%lu,%ld)",
- n,north_weight,west_weight,pop_weight,extend,prob,seed);
- if (extend) extra_n--; /* restore |extra_n| to its previous value */
- @ @<Compute the Delaunay triangulation and
- run through the Delaunay edges; reject them with probability
- |prob/65536|, otherwise append them with the road length in miles@>=
- gprob=prob;
- if (extend) {
- inf_vertex=new_graph->vertices+new_graph->n;
- inf_vertex->name=gb_save_string("INF");
- inf_vertex->x_coord=inf_vertex->y_coord=inf_vertex->z_coord= -1;
- }@+else inf_vertex=NULL;
- delaunay(new_graph,new_mile_edge);
- @ The mileages will all have been negated by |miles|, so we make them
- positive again.
- @<Other...@>=
- void new_mile_edge(u,v)
- Vertex *u,*v;
- {
- if ((gb_next_rand()>>15)>=gprob) {
- if (u) {
- if (v) gb_new_edge(u,v,-miles_distance(u,v));
- else if (inf_vertex) gb_new_edge(u,inf_vertex,INFTY);
- }@+else if (inf_vertex) gb_new_edge(inf_vertex,v,INFTY);
- }
- }
- @* Index. As usual, we close with an index that
- shows where the identifiers of \{gb_plane} are defined and used.