- % This file is part of the Stanford GraphBase (c) Stanford University 1993
- @i boilerplate.w %<< legal stuff: PLEASE READ IT BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES!
- @i gb_types.w
- def<#1>{$langle${rm#1}$rangle$}
- prerequisite{GB_,ROGET}
- @* Strong components. This demonstration program computes the
- strong components of GraphBase graphs derived from Roget's Thesaurus,
- using a variant of Tarjan's algorithm [R. E. Tarjan, ``Depth-first
- @^Tarjan, Robert Endre@>
- search and linear graph algorithms,'' {sl SIAM Journal on Computing/
- bf1} (1972), 146--160]. We also determine the relationships
- between strong components.
- Two vertices belong to the same strong component if and only if they
- are reachable from each other via directed paths.
- We will print the strong components in ``reverse topological order'';
- that is, if |v| is reachable from~|u| but |u| is not reachable
- from~|v|, the strong component containing~|v| will be listed before
- the strong component containing~|u|.
- Vertices from the |roget| graph are identified both by name and by
- category number.
- @d specs(v) (filename? v-g->vertices+1L: v->cat_no), v->name
- /* category number and category name */
- @ We permit command-line options in UNIX/ style so that a variety of
- graphs can be studied:
- The user can say `.{-n}<number>', `.{-d}<number>', `.{-p}<number>',
- and/or `.{-s}<number>' to change the default values of the parameters
- in the graph |roget(n,d,p,s)|. Or `.{-g}<filename>' to change the
- graph itself.
- @^UNIX dependencies@>
- @p
- #include "gb_graph.h" /* the GraphBase data structures */
- #include "gb_roget.h" /* the |roget| routine */
- #include "gb_save.h" /* |restore_graph| */
- @h@#
- @<Global variables@>@;
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc; /* the number of command-line arguments */
- char *argv[]; /* an array of strings containing those arguments */
- {@+Graph *g; /* the graph we will work on */
- register Vertex *v; /* the current vertex of interest */
- unsigned long n=0; /* the desired number of vertices (0 means infinity) */
- unsigned long d=0; /* the minimum distance between categories in arcs */
- unsigned long p=0; /* 65536 times the probability of rejecting an arc */
- long s=0; /* the random number seed */
- char *filename=NULL; /* external graph substituted for |roget| */
- @<Scan the command-line options@>;
- g=(filename? restore_graph(filename): roget(n,d,p,s));
- if (g==NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, can't create the graph! (error code %ld)n",
- panic_code);
- return -1;
- }
- printf("Reachability analysis of %snn",g->id);
- @<Perform Tarjan's algorithm on |g|@>;
- return 0; /* normal exit */
- }
- @ @<Scan the command-line options@>=
- while (--argc) {
- @^UNIX dependencies@>
- if (sscanf(argv[argc],"-n%lu",&n)==1) ;
- else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"-d%lu",&d)==1) ;
- else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"-p%lu",&p)==1) ;
- else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"-s%ld",&s)==1) ;
- else if (strncmp(argv[argc],"-g",2)==0) filename=argv[argc]+2;
- else {
- fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [-nN][-dN][-pN][-sN][-gfoo]n",argv[0]);
- return -2;
- }
- }
- @ Tarjan's algorithm is inherently recursive. We will implement
- the recursion explicitly via linked lists, instead of using CEE/'s runtime
- stack, because some computer systems
- bog down in the presence of deeply nested recursion.
- Each vertex goes through three stages during the algorithm: First it is
- ``unseen''; then it is ``active''; finally it becomes ``settled,'' when it
- has been assigned to a strong component.
- The data structures that represent the current state of the algorithm
- are implemented by using five of the utility fields in each vertex:
- |rank|, |parent|, |untagged|, |link|, and |min|. We will consider each of
- these in turn.
- @ First is the integer |rank| field, which is zero when a vertex is unseen.
- As soon as the vertex is first examined, it becomes active and its |rank|
- becomes and remains nonzero. Indeed, the $k$th vertex to become active
- will receive rank~$k$. When a vertex finally becomes settled, its rank
- is reset to infinity.
- It's convenient to think of Tarjan's algorithm as a simple adventure
- game in which we want to explore all the rooms of a cave. Passageways between
- the rooms allow one-way travel only. When we come
- into a room for the first time, we assign a new number to that room;
- this is its rank. Later on we might happen to enter the same room
- again, and we will notice that it has nonzero rank. Then we'll be able
- to make a quick exit, saying ``we've already been here.'' (The extra
- complexities of computer games, like dragons that might need to be
- vanquished, do not arise.)
- @d rank z.I /* the |rank| of a vertex is stored in utility field |z| */
- @<Glob...@>=
- long nn; /* the number of vertices that have been seen */
- @ The active vertices will always form an oriented tree, whose arcs are
- a subset of the arcs in the original graph. A tree arc from |u| to~|v|
- will be represented by |v->parent==u|. Every active vertex has a
- parent, which is usually another active vertex; the only exception is
- the root of the tree, whose |parent| is |NULL|.
- In the cave analogy, the ``parent'' of room |v| is the room we were in
- immediately before entering |v| the first time. By following parent
- pointers, we will be able to leave the cave whenever we want.
- As soon as a vertex becomes settled, its |parent| field changes
- significance. Then |v->parent| is set equal to the unique
- representative of the strong component containing vertex~|v|. Thus
- two settled vertices will belong to the same strong component if and only
- if they have the same |parent|.
- @d parent y.V /* the |parent| of a vertex is stored in utility field |y| */
- @ All arcs in the original directed graph are explored systematically during
- a depth-first search. Whenever we look at an arc, we tag it so that
- we won't need to explore it again. In a cave, for example, we might
- mark each passageway between rooms once we've tried to go through it.
- The algorithm doesn't actually place a tag on its |Arc| records; instead,
- each vertex |v| has a pointer |v->untagged| that leads to all
- hitherto-unexplored arcs from~|v|. The arcs of the list that appear
- between |v->arcs| and |v->untagged| are the ones already examined.
- @d untagged x.A
- /* the |untagged| field points to an |Arc| record, or |NULL| */
- @ The algorithm maintains two special stacks: |active_stack| contains
- all the currently active vertices, and |settled_stack| contains all the
- currently settled vertices. Each vertex has a |link| field that points
- to the vertex that is next lower on its stack, or to |NULL| if the vertex is
- at the bottom. The vertices on |active_stack| always appear in increasing
- order of rank from bottom to top.
- @d link w.V /* the |link| field of a vertex occupies utility field |w| */
- @<Glob...@>=
- Vertex * active_stack; /* the top of the stack of active vertices */
- Vertex * settled_stack; /* the top of the stack of settled vertices */
- @ Finally there's a |min| field, which is the tricky part that makes
- everything work. If vertex~|v| is unseen or settled, its |min| field is
- irrelevant. Otherwise |v->min| points to the active vertex~|u|
- of smallest rank having the following property:
- Either |u==v| or there is a directed path from |v| to |u| consisting of
- zero or more mature tree arcs followed by a single non-tree arc.
- What is a tree arc, you ask. And what is a mature arc? Good questions. At the
- moment when arcs of the graph are tagged, we classify them either as tree
- arcs (if they correspond to a new |parent| link in the tree of active
- nodes) or non-tree arcs (otherwise). A tree arc becomes mature when it
- is no longer on the path from the root to the current vertex being
- explored. We also say that a vertex becomes mature when it is
- no longer on that path. All arcs from a mature vertex have been tagged.
- We said before that every vertex is initially unseen, then active, and
- finally settled. With our new definitions, we see further that every arc starts
- out untagged, then it becomes either a non-tree arc or a tree arc. In the
- latter case, the arc begins as an immature tree arc and eventually matures.
- Just believe these definitions, for now. All will become clear soon.
- @d min v.V /* the |min| field of a vertex occupies utility field |v| */
- @ Depth-first search explores a graph by systematically visiting all
- vertices and seeing what they can lead to. In Tarjan's algorithm, as
- we have said, the active vertices form an oriented tree. One of these
- vertices is called the current vertex.
- If the current vertex still has an arc that hasn't been tagged, we
- tag one such arc and there are two cases: Either the arc leads to
- an unseen vertex, or it doesn't. If it does, the arc becomes a tree
- arc; the previously unseen vertex becomes active, and it becomes the
- new current vertex. On the other hand if the arc leads to a vertex
- that has already been seen, the arc becomes a non-tree arc and the
- current vertex doesn't change.
- Finally there will come a time when the current vertex~|v| has no
- untagged arcs. At this point, the
- algorithm might decide that |v| and all its descendants form a strong
- component. Indeed, this condition turns out to be true if and only if
- |v->min==v|; a proof appears below. If so, |v| and all its descendants
- become settled, and they leave the tree. If not, the tree arc from
- |v|'s parent~|u| to~|v| becomes mature, so the value of |v->min| is
- used to update the value of |u->min|. In both cases, |v| becomes mature
- and the new current vertex will be the parent of~|v|. Notice that only the
- value of |u->min| needs to be updated, when the arc from |u| to~|v|
- matures; all other values |w->min| stay the same, because a newly
- mature arc has no mature predecessors.
- The cave analogy helps to clarify the situation: If there's no way out
- of the subcave starting at~|v| unless we come back through |v| itself,
- and if we can get back to |v| from all its descendants, then
- room~|v| and its descendants will become a strong component. Once
- such a strong component is identified, we close it off and don't
- explore that subcave any further.
- If |v| is the root of the tree, it always has |v->min==v|,
- so it will always define a new strong component at the moment it matures.
- Then the depth-first search will terminate, since |v|~has no parent.
- But Tarjan's algorithm will press on, trying to find a vertex~|u| that is still
- unseen. If such a vertex exists,
- a new depth-first search will begin with |u| as the root. This
- process keeps on going until at last all vertices are happily settled.
- The beauty of this algorithm is that it all works very efficiently
- when we organize it as follows:
- @<Perform Tarjan's algorithm on |g|@>=
- @<Make all vertices unseen and all arcs untagged@>;
- for (vv=g->vertices; vv<g->vertices+g->n; vv++)
- if (vv->rank==0) /* |vv| is still unseen */
- @<Perform a depth-first search with |vv| as the root, finding the
- strong components of all unseen vertices reachable from~|vv|@>;
- @<Print out one representative of each arc that runs
- between strong components@>;
- @ @<Glob...@>=
- Vertex *vv; /* sweeps over all vertices, making sure none is left unseen */
- @ It's easy to get the data structures started, according to the
- conventions stipulated above.
- @<Make all vertices unseen...@>=
- for (v=g->vertices+g->n-1; v>=g->vertices; v--) {
- v->rank=0;
- v->untagged=v->arcs;
- }
- nn=0;
- active_stack=settled_stack=NULL;
- @ The task of starting a depth-first search isn't too bad either. Throughout
- this part of the algorithm, variable~|v| will point to the current vertex.
- @<Perform a depth-first search with |vv| as the root...@>=
- {
- v=vv;
- v->parent=NULL;
- @<Make vertex |v| active@>;
- do @<Explore one step from the current vertex~|v|, possibly moving
- to another current vertex and calling~it~|v|@>@;
- while (v!=NULL);
- }
- @ @<Make vertex |v| active@>=
- v->rank=++nn;
- v->link=active_stack;
- active_stack=v;
- v->min=v;
- @ Now things get interesting. But we're just doing what any well-organized
- spelunker would do when calmly exploring a cave.
- There are three main cases,
- depending on whether the current vertex stays where it is, moves
- to a new child, or backtracks to a parent.
- @<Explore one step from the current vertex~|v|, possibly moving
- to another current vertex and calling~it~|v|@>=
- {@+register Vertex *u; /* a vertex adjacent to |v| */
- register Arc *a=v->untagged; /* |v|'s first remaining untagged arc, if any */
- if (a) {
- u=a->tip;
- v->untagged = a->next; /* tag the arc from |v| to |u| */
- if (u->rank) { /* we've seen |u| already */
- if (u->rank < v->min->rank)
- v->min=u; /* non-tree arc, just update |v->min| */
- }@+else { /* |u| is presently unseen */
- u->parent = v; /* the arc from |v| to |u| is a new tree arc */
- v = u; /* |u| will now be the current vertex */
- @<Make vertex |v| active@>;
- }
- }@+else { /* all arcs from |v| are tagged, so |v| matures */
- u=v->parent; /* prepare to backtrack in the tree */
- if (v->min==v) @<Remove |v| and all its successors on the active stack
- from the tree, and mark them as a strong component of the graph@>@;
- else /* the arc from |u| to |v| has just matured,
- making |v->min| visible from |u| */@,
- if (v->min->rank < u->min->rank)
- u->min=v->min;
- v=u; /* the former parent of |v| is the new current vertex |v| */
- }
- }
- @ The elements of the active stack are always in order
- by rank, and all children of a vertex~|v| in the tree have rank higher
- than~|v|. Tarjan's algorithm relies on a converse property: {sl All
- active nodes whose rank exceeds that of the current vertex~|v| are
- descendants of~|v|.} (This property holds because the algorithm has constructed
- the tree by assigning ranks in preorder, ``the order of succession to the
- throne.'' First come |v|'s firstborn and descendants, then the nextborn,
- and so on.) Therefore the descendants of the current vertex always appear
- consecutively at the top of the stack.
- Another fundamental property of Tarjan's algorithm is more subtle:
- {sl There is always a way to get from any active vertex to the
- current vertex.} This follows from the fact that all mature active vertices~|u|
- have |u->min->rank<u->rank|. If some active vertex does not lead to the
- current vertex~|v|,
- let |u| be the counterexample with smallest rank. Then |u| isn't an
- ancestor of~|v|, hence |u| must be mature; hence it leads to the
- active vertex |u->min|, from which there {sl is/} a path to~|v|,
- contradicting our assumption.
- Therefore |v| and its active descendants are all reachable from each
- other, and they must belong to the same strong component. Moreover, if
- |v->min=v|, this component can't be made any larger. For there is no
- arc from any of these vertices to an unseen vertex; all arcs from |v|
- and its descendants have already been tagged. And there is no arc from
- any of these vertices to an active vertex that is below |v| on the
- stack; otherwise |v->min| would have smaller rank than~|v|. Hence all
- arcs, if any, that lead from these vertices to some other vertex must
- lead to settled vertices. And we know from previous steps of the
- computation that the settled vertices all belong to other strong
- components.
- Therefore we are justified in settling |v| and its active descendants now.
- Removing them from the tree of active vertices does not remove any
- vertex from which there is a path to a vertex of rank less than |v->rank|.
- Hence their removal does not affect the validity of the |u->min| value
- for any vertex~|u| that remains active.
- We print out enough information for a reader to verify the
- strength of the claimed component easily.
- @d infinity g->n /* infinite rank (or close enough) */
- @<Remove |v| and all its successors on the active stack
- from the tree, and mark them as a strong component of the graph@>=
- {@+register Vertex *t; /* runs through the vertices of the
- new strong component */
- t=active_stack;
- active_stack=v->link;
- v->link=settled_stack;
- settled_stack=t; /* we've moved the top of one stack to the other */
- printf("Strong component `%ld %s'", specs(v));
- if (t==v) putchar('n'); /* single vertex */
- else {
- printf(" also includes:n");
- while (t!=v) {
- printf(" %ld %s (from %ld %s; %ld %s)n",
- specs(t), specs(t->parent), specs(t->min));
- t->rank=infinity; /* now |t| is settled */
- t->parent=v; /* and |v| represents the new strong component */
- t=t->link;
- }
- }
- v->rank=infinity; /* |v| too is settled */
- v->parent=v; /* and represents its own strong component */
- }
- @ After all the strong components have been found, we can also compute the
- relations between them, without mentioning any cross-connection more than
- once. In fact, we built the |settled_stack| precisely so that this task
- could be done easily without sorting or searching. If only the strong
- components themselves were of interest, this part of the algorithm wouldn't
- be necessary.
- For this step we use the name |arc_from| for the field we previously
- called |untagged|. The trick here relies on the fact that all vertices of the
- same strong component appear together in |settled_stack|.
- @d arc_from x.V /* utility field |x| will now point to a vertex */
- @<Print out one representative of each arc that runs between...@>=
- printf("nLinks between components:n");
- for (v=settled_stack; v; v=v->link) {@+register Vertex *u=v->parent;
- register Arc *a;
- u->arc_from=u;
- for (a=v->arcs; a; a=a->next) {@+register Vertex *w=a->tip->parent;
- if (w->arc_from!=u) {
- w->arc_from=u;
- printf("%ld %s -> %ld %s (e.g., %ld %s -> %ld %s)n",
- specs(u),specs(w),specs(v),specs(a->tip));
- }
- }
- }
- @* Index. We close with a list that shows where the identifiers of this
- program are defined and used.