- % This file is part of the Stanford GraphBase (c) Stanford University 1993
- @i boilerplate.w %<< legal stuff: PLEASE READ IT BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES!
- @i gb_types.w
- deftitle{GB_,MILES}
- prerequisites{GB_,GRAPH}{GB_,IO}
- @* Introduction. This GraphBase module contains the |miles| subroutine,
- which creates a family of undirected graphs based on highway mileage data
- between North American cities. Examples of the use of this procedure can be
- found in the demo programs {sc MILES_,SPAN} and {sc GB_,PLANE}.
- @(gb_miles.h@>=
- extern Graph *miles();
- @ The subroutine call {advancethinmuskip 0mu plus 4mu
- |miles(n,north_weight,west_weight,pop_weight,max_distance,max_degree,seed)|}
- constructs a graph based on the information in .{miles.dat}.
- Each vertex of the graph corresponds to one of the 128 cities whose
- name is alphabetically greater than or equal to `Ravenna, Ohio' in
- the 1949 edition of Rand McNally {char`&} Company's {sl Standard Highway
- Mileage Guide}. Edges between vertices are assigned lengths representing
- distances between cities, in miles. In most cases these mileages come
- from the Rand McNally Guide, but several dozen entries needed to be changed
- drastically because they were obviously too large or too small; in such cases
- an educated guess was made. Furthermore, about 5% of the entries were
- adjusted slightly in order to
- ensure that all distances satisfy the ``triangle inequality'': The
- graph generated by |miles| has the property that the
- distance from |u| to~|v| plus the distance from |v| to~|w| always exceeds
- or equals the distance from |u| to~|w|.
- The constructed graph will have $min(n,128)$ vertices; the default value
- |n=128| is substituted if |n=0|. If |n| is less
- than 128, the |n| cities will be selected by assigning a weight to
- each city and choosing the |n| with largest weight, using random
- numbers to break ties in case of equal weights. Weights are computed
- by the formula
- $$ |north_weight|cdot|lat|+|west_weight|cdot|lon|+|pop_weight|cdot|pop|, $$
- where |lat| is latitude north of the equator, |lon| is longitude
- west of Greenwich, and |pop| is the population in 1980. Both |lat| and |lon|
- are given in ``centidegrees'' (hundredths of degrees). For example,
- San Francisco has |lat=3778|, |lon=12242|, and |pop=678974|;
- this means that, before the recent earthquake, it was located at
- $37.78^circ$ north latitude and $122.42^circ$ west longitude, and that it had
- 678,974 residents in the 1980 census. The weight parameters must satisfy
- $$ vert|north_weight|vertle100{,}000,quad
- vert|west_weight|vertle100{,}000,quad
- vert|pop_weight|vertle100.$$
- The constructed graph will be ``complete''---that is, it will have
- edges between every pair of vertices---unless special values are given to
- the parameters
- |max_distance| or |max_degree|. If |max_distance!=0|, edges with more
- than |max_distance| miles will not appear; if |max_degree!=0|, each
- vertex will be limited to at most |max_degree| of its shortest edges.
- Vertices of the graph will appear in order of decreasing weight.
- The |seed| parameter defines the pseudo-random numbers used wherever
- a ``random'' choice between equal-weight vertices or equal-length edges
- needs to be made.
- @d MAX_N 128
- @(gb_miles.h@>=
- #define MAX_N 128 /* maximum and default number of cities */
- @ Examples: The call |miles(100,0,0,1,0,0,0)| will construct a
- complete graph on 100 vertices, representing the 100 most populous
- cities in the database. It turns out that San Diego, with a
- population of 875,538, is the winning city by this criterion, followed
- by San Antonio (population 786,023), San Francisco (678,974), and
- Washington D.C. (638,432).
- To get |n| cities in the western United States and Canada, you can say
- $|miles|(n,0,1,0,ldots,)$; to get |n| cities in the Northeast, use a
- call like $|miles|(n,1,-1,0,ldots,)$. A parameter setting like
- $(50,-500,0,1,ldots,)$ produces mostly Southern cities, except for a
- few large metropolises in the north.
- If you ask for |miles(n,a,b,c,0,1,0)|, you get an edge between cities if
- and only if each city is the nearest to the other, among the |n| cities
- selected. (The graph is always undirected: There is an arc from |u| to~|v|
- if and only if there's an arc of the same length from |v| to~|u|.)
- A random selection of cities can be obtained by calling
- |miles(n,0,0,0,m,d,s)|. Different choices of the seed number |s| will
- produce different selections, in a system-independent manner;
- identical results will be obtained on all computers when identical
- parameters have been specified. Equivalent experiments on algorithms
- for graph manipulation can therefore be performed by researchers in
- different parts of the world. Any value of |s| between 0 and
- $2^{31}-1$ is permissible.
- @ If the |miles| routine encounters a problem, it returns |NULL|
- (.{NULL}), after putting a code number into the external variable
- |panic_code|. This code number identifies the type of failure.
- Otherwise |miles| returns a pointer to the newly created graph, which
- will be represented with the data structures explained in {sc GB_,GRAPH}.
- (The external variable |panic_code| is itself defined in {sc GB_,GRAPH}.)
- @d panic(c) @+{@+panic_code=c;@+gb_trouble_code=0;@+return NULL;@+}
- @ The CEE/ file .{gb_miles.c} has the following overall shape:
- @p
- #include "gb_io.h" /* we will use the {sc GB_,IO} routines for input */
- #include "gb_flip.h"
- /* we will use the {sc GB_,FLIP} routines for random numbers */
- #include "gb_graph.h" /* we will use the {sc GB_,GRAPH} data structures */
- #include "gb_sort.h" /* and the linksort routine */
- @h@#
- @<Type declarations@>@;
- @<Private variables@>@;
- @#
- Graph *miles(n,north_weight,west_weight,pop_weight,
- max_distance,max_degree,seed)
- unsigned long n; /* number of vertices desired */
- long north_weight; /* coefficient of latitude in the weight function */
- long west_weight; /* coefficient of longitude in the weight function */
- long pop_weight; /* coefficient of population in the weight function */
- unsigned long max_distance; /* maximum distance in an edge, if nonzero */
- unsigned long max_degree;
- /* maximum number of edges per vertex, if nonzero */
- long seed; /* random number seed */
- {@+@<Local variables@>@;@#
- gb_init_rand(seed);
- @<Check that the parameters are valid@>;
- @<Set up a graph with |n| vertices@>;
- @<Read the data file .{miles.dat} and compute city weights@>;
- @<Determine the |n| cities to use in the graph@>;
- @<Put the appropriate edges into the graph@>;
- if (gb_trouble_code) {
- gb_recycle(new_graph);
- panic(alloc_fault); /* oops, we ran out of memory somewhere back there */
- }
- return new_graph;
- }
- @ @<Local var...@>=
- Graph *new_graph; /* the graph constructed by |miles| */
- register long j,k; /* all-purpose indices */
- @ @<Check that the parameters are valid@>=
- if (n==0 || n>MAX_N) n=MAX_N;
- if (max_degree==0 || max_degree>=n) max_degree=n-1;
- if (north_weight>100000 || west_weight>100000 || pop_weight>100 @|
- || north_weight<-100000 || west_weight<-100000 || pop_weight<-100)
- panic(bad_specs); /* the magnitude of at least one weight is too big */
- @ @<Set up a graph with |n| vertices@>=
- new_graph=gb_new_graph(n);
- if (new_graph==NULL)
- panic(no_room); /* out of memory before we're even started */
- sprintf(new_graph->id,"miles(%lu,%ld,%ld,%ld,%lu,%lu,%ld)",
- n,north_weight,west_weight,pop_weight,max_distance,max_degree,seed);
- strcpy(new_graph->util_types,"ZZIIIIZZZZZZZZ");
- @* Vertices. As we read in the data, we construct a list of nodes,
- each of which contains a city's name, latitude, longitude, population,
- and weight. These nodes conform to the specifications stipulated in
- the {sc GB_,SORT} module. After the list has been sorted by weight, the
- top |n| entries will be the vertices of the new graph.
- @<Type decl...@>=
- typedef struct node_struct { /* records to be sorted by |gb_linksort| */
- long key; /* the nonnegative sort key (weight plus $2^{30}$) */
- struct node_struct *link; /* pointer to next record */
- long kk; /* index of city in the original database */
- long lat,lon,pop; /* latitude, longitude, population */
- char name[30]; /* |"City Name, ST"| */
- } node;
- @ The constants defined here are taken from the specific data in .{miles.dat},
- because this routine is not intended to be perfectly general.
- @<Private...@>=
- static long min_lat=2672, max_lat=5042, min_lon=7180, max_lon=12312,
- min_pop=2521, max_pop=875538; /* tight bounds on data entries */
- static node *node_block; /* array of nodes holding city info */
- static long *distance; /* array of distances */
- @ The data in .{miles.dat} appears in 128 groups of lines, one for each
- city, in reverse alphabetical order. These groups have the general form
- $$vcenter{halign{tt#hfilcr
- City Name, ST[lat,lon]popcr
- d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 ... (possibly several lines' worth)cr
- }}$$
- where .{City Name} is the name of the city (possibly including spaces);
- .{ST} is the two-letter state code; .{lat} and .{lon} are latitude
- and longitude in hundredths of degrees; .{pop} is the population; and
- the remaining numbers .{d1}, .{d2}, dots are distances to the
- previously named cities in reverse order. Each distance is separated
- from the previous item by either a blank space or a newline character.
- For example, the line
- $$hbox{tt San Francisco, CA[3778,12242]678974}$$
- specifies the data about San Francisco that was mentioned earlier.
- From the first few groups
- $$vcenter{halign{tt#hfilcr
- Youngstown, OH[4110,8065]115436cr
- Yankton, SD[4288,9739]12011cr
- 966cr
- Yakima, WA[4660,12051]49826cr
- 1513 2410cr
- Worcester, MA[4227,7180]161799cr
- 2964 1520 604cr
- }}$$
- we learn that the distance from Worcester, Massachusetts, to Yakima,
- Washington, is 2964 miles; from Worcester to Youngstown it is 604 miles.
- The following two-letter ``state codes'' are used for Canadian provinces:
- $.{BC}=null$British Columbia,
- $.{MB}=null$Manitoba,
- $.{ON}=null$Ontario,
- $.{SK}=null$Saskatchewan.
- @<Read the data file .{miles.dat} and compute city weights@>=
- node_block=gb_typed_alloc(MAX_N,node,new_graph->aux_data);
- distance=gb_typed_alloc(MAX_N*MAX_N,long,new_graph->aux_data);
- if (gb_trouble_code) {
- gb_free(new_graph->aux_data);
- panic(no_room+1); /* no room to copy the data */
- }
- if (gb_open("miles.dat")!=0)
- panic(early_data_fault);
- /* couldn't open |"miles.dat"| using GraphBase conventions;
- |io_errors| tells why */
- for (k=MAX_N-1; k>=0; k--) @<Read and store data for city |k|@>;
- if (gb_close()!=0)
- panic(late_data_fault);
- /* something's wrong with |"miles.dat"|; see |io_errors| */
- @ The bounds we've imposed on |north_weight|, |west_weight|, and |pop_weight|
- guarantee that the key value computed here will be between 0 and~$2^{31}$.
- @<Read and store...@>=
- {@+register node *p;
- p=node_block+k;
- p->kk=k;
- if (k) p->link=p-1;
- gb_string(p->name,'[');
- if (gb_char()!='[') panic(syntax_error); /* out of sync in .{miles.dat} */
- p->lat=gb_number(10);
- if (p->lat<min_lat || p->lat>max_lat || gb_char()!=',')
- panic(syntax_error+1); /* latitude data was clobbered */
- p->lon=gb_number(10);
- if (p->lon<min_lon || p->lon>max_lon || gb_char()!=']')
- panic(syntax_error+2); /* longitude data was clobbered */
- p->pop=gb_number(10);
- if (p->pop<min_pop || p->pop>max_pop)
- panic(syntax_error+3); /* population data was clobbered */
- p->key=north_weight*(p->lat-min_lat)
- +west_weight*(p->lon-min_lon)
- +pop_weight*(p->pop-min_pop)+0x40000000;
- @<Read the mileage data for city |k|@>;
- gb_newline();
- }
- @ @d d(j,k) *(distance+(MAX_N*j+k))
- @<Read the mileage...@>=
- {
- for (j=k+1; j<MAX_N; j++) {
- if (gb_char()!=' ')
- gb_newline();
- d(j,k)=d(k,j)=gb_number(10);
- }
- }
- @ Once all the nodes have been set up, we can use the |gb_linksort| routine
- to sort them into the desired order. This routine, which is part of
- the \{gb_graph} module, builds 128 lists from which the desired nodes
- are readily accessed in decreasing order of weight, using random numbers
- to break ties.
- We set the population to zero in every city that isn't chosen. Then
- that city will be excluded when edges are examined later.
- @<Determine the |n| cities to use in the graph@>=
- {@+register node *p; /* the current node being considered */
- register Vertex *v=new_graph->vertices; /* the first unfilled vertex */
- gb_linksort(node_block+MAX_N-1);
- for (j=127; j>=0; j--)
- for (p=(node*)gb_sorted[j]; p; p=p->link) {
- if (v<new_graph->vertices+n) @<Add city |p->kk| to the graph@>@;
- else p->pop=0; /* this city is not being used */
- }
- }
- @ Utility fields |x| and |y| for each vertex are set to coordinates that
- can be used in geometric computations; these coordinates are obtained by
- simple linear transformations of latitude and longitude (not by any
- kind of sophisticated polyconic projection). We will have
- $$0le xle5132, qquad 0le yle 3555.$$
- Utility field~|z| is set to the city's index number (0 to 127) in the
- original database. Utility field~|w| is set to the city's population.
- The coordinates computed here are compatible with those in the TEX/ file
- .{cities.texmap}. Users might want to incorporate edited copies of that file
- into documents that display results obtained with |miles| graphs.
- @.cities.texmap@>
- @d x_coord x.I
- @d y_coord y.I
- @d index_no z.I
- @d people w.I
- @<Add city |p->kk| to the graph@>=
- {
- v->x_coord=max_lon-p->lon; /* |x| coordinate is complement of longitude */
- v->y_coord=p->lat-min_lat;
- v->y_coord+=(v->y_coord)>>1; /* |y| coordinate is 1.5 times latitude */
- v->index_no=p->kk;
- v->people=p->pop;
- v->name=gb_save_string(p->name);
- v++;
- }
- @ @(gb_miles.h@>=
- #define x_coord @tquad@> x.I
- /* utility field definitions for the header file */
- #define y_coord @tquad@> y.I
- #define index_no @tquad@> z.I
- #define people @tquad@> w.I
- @* Arcs. We make the distance negative in the matrix entry for an arc
- that is not to be included. Nothing needs to be done in this regard
- unless the user has specified a maximum degree or a maximum edge length.
- @<Put the approp...@>=
- if (max_distance>0 || max_degree>0)
- @<Prune unwanted edges by negating their distances@>;
- {@+register Vertex *u,*v;
- for (u=new_graph->vertices;u<new_graph->vertices+n;u++) {
- j=u->index_no;
- for (v=u+1;v<new_graph->vertices+n;v++) {
- k=v->index_no;
- if (d(j,k)>0 && d(k,j)>0)
- gb_new_edge(u,v,d(j,k));
- }
- }
- }
- @ @<Prune...@>=
- {@+register node *p;
- if (max_degree==0) max_degree=MAX_N;
- if (max_distance==0) max_distance=30000;
- for (p=node_block; p<node_block+MAX_N; p++)
- if (p->pop) { /* this city not deleted */
- k=p->kk;
- @<Blank out all undesired edges from city |k|@>;
- }
- }
- @ Here we reuse the key fields of the nodes, storing complementary distances
- there instead of weights. We also let the sorting routine change the
- link fields. The other fields, however---especially |pop|---remain
- unchanged. Yes, the author knows this is a wee bit tricky, but why~not?
- @<Blank...@>=
- {@+register node *q;
- register node*s=NULL; /* list of nodes containing edges from city |k| */
- for (q=node_block; q<node_block+MAX_N; q++)
- if (q->pop && q!=p) { /* another city not deleted */
- j=d(k,q->kk); /* distance from |p| to |q| */
- if (j>max_distance)
- d(k,q->kk)=-j;
- else {
- q->key=max_distance-j;
- q->link=s;
- s=q;
- }
- }
- gb_linksort(s);
- /* now all the surviving edges from |p| are in the list |gb_sorted[0]| */
- j=0; /* |j| counts how many edges have been accepted */
- for (q=(node*)gb_sorted[0]; q; q=q->link)
- if (++j>max_degree)
- d(k,q->kk)=-d(k,q->kk);
- }
- @ Random access to the distance matrix is provided to users via
- the external function |miles_distance|. Caution: This function can be
- used only with the graph most recently made by |miles|, and only when
- the graph's |aux_data| has not been recycled, and only when the
- |z| utility fields have not been used for another purpose.
- The result might be negative when an edge has been suppressed. Moreover,
- we can in fact have |miles_distance(u,v)<0| when |miles_distance(v,u)>0|,
- if the distance in question was suppressed by the |max_degree| constraint
- on~|u| but not on~|v|.
- @p long miles_distance(u,v)
- Vertex *u,*v;
- {
- return d(u->index_no,v->index_no);
- }
- @ @(gb_miles.h@>=
- extern long miles_distance();
- @* Index. As usual, we close with an index that
- shows where the identifiers of \{gb_miles} are defined and used.