- # This file is part of CWEB.
- # It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, express or implied.
- # Version 3.0 --- June 1993
- # Copyright (C) 1987,1990,1993 Silvio Levy and Donald E. Knuth
- # Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
- # document provided that the copyright notice and this permission notice
- # are preserved on all copies.
- # Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
- # document under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
- # entire resulting derived work is given a different name and distributed
- # under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.
- #
- # Read the README file, then edit this file to reflect local conditions
- #
- # directory for TeX inputs (cwebmac.tex goes here)
- MACROSDIR= /usr/local/lib/tex/inputs
- # directory for CWEB inputs in @i files
- CWEBINPUTS= /usr/local/lib/cweb
- # extension for manual pages ("l" distinguishes local from system stuff)
- #MANEXT= 1
- # directory for manual pages (cweb.1 goes here)
- MANDIR= /usr/man/man$(MANEXT)
- # destination directory for executables; must end in /
- DESTDIR= /bin/
- # directory for GNU EMACS Lisp code (cweb.el goes here)
- EMACSDIR= /usr/local/emacs/lisp
- # Set DESTPREF to null if you want to call the executables "tangle" and "weave"
- # (probably NOT a good idea; we recommend leaving DESTPREF=c)
- # Set CCHANGES to comm-foo.ch if you need changes to common.w
- # Set TCHANGES to ctang-foo.ch if you need changes to ctangle.w
- # Set WCHANGES to cweav-foo.ch if you need changes to cweave.w
- # We keep debugging info around, for fun, but most users don't need it
- CFLAGS = -g
- #CFLAGS = -O
- #LINKFLAGS = -s # for smaller (stripped) executables on many UNIX systems
- # What C compiler are you using?
- CC = gcc
- # RM and CP are used below in case rm and cp are aliased
- RM= /bin/rm
- CP= /bin/cp
- ########## You shouldn't have to change anything after this point #######
- CWEAVE = ./cweave
- CTANGLE = ./ctangle
- SOURCES = cweave.w common.w ctangle.w
- ALMOSTALL = common.w ctangle.w Makefile README common.c common.h ctangle.c
- cwebman.tex cwebmac.tex examples comm-vms.ch ctang-vms.ch
- cweav-vms.ch comm-man.ch ctang-man.ch cweav-man.ch
- comm-pc.ch ctang-pc.ch cweav-pc.ch comm-amiga.ch
- comm-bs.ch ctang-bs.ch cweav-bs.ch makefile.bs
- comm-ql.ch ctang-ql.ch cweav-ql.ch readme.ql
- comm-os2.ch cweb.1 cweb.el prod.w
- ALL = $(ALMOSTALL) cweave.w
- .SUFFIXES: .dvi .tex .w
- .w.tex:
- $(CWEAVE) $*
- .tex.dvi:
- tex $<
- .w.dvi:
- make $*.tex
- make $*.dvi
- .w.c:
- $(CTANGLE) $*
- .w.o:
- make $*.c
- make $*.o
- all: ctangle cweave
- cautiously: ctangle
- $(CP) common.c SAVEcommon.c
- ./ctangle common $(CCHANGES)
- diff common.c SAVEcommon.c
- $(RM) SAVEcommon.c
- $(CP) ctangle.c SAVEctangle.c
- ./ctangle ctangle $(TCHANGES)
- diff ctangle.c SAVEctangle.c
- $(RM) SAVEctangle.c
- SAVEctangle.c:
- $(CP) ctangle.c SAVEctangle.c
- SAVEcommon.c:
- $(CP) common.c SAVEcommon.c
- common.c: common.w $(CCHANGES)
- $(CTANGLE) common $(CCHANGES)
- common.o: common.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DCWEBINPUTS="$(CWEBINPUTS)" -c common.c
- ctangle: ctangle.o common.o
- $(CC) $(LINKFLAGS) -o ctangle ctangle.o common.o
- ctangle.c: ctangle.w $(TCHANGES)
- $(CTANGLE) ctangle $(TCHANGES)
- cweave: cweave.o common.o
- $(CC) $(LINKFLAGS) -o cweave cweave.o common.o
- cweave.c: cweave.w $(WCHANGES)
- $(CTANGLE) cweave $(WCHANGES)
- doc: $(SOURCES:.w=.dvi)
- usermanual: cwebman.tex cwebmac.tex
- tex cwebman
- fullmanual: usermanual $(SOURCES) comm-man.ch ctang-man.ch cweav-man.ch
- make cweave
- ./cweave common.w comm-man.ch
- tex common.tex
- ./cweave ctangle.w ctang-man.ch
- tex ctangle.tex
- ./cweave cweave.w cweav-man.ch
- tex cweave.tex
- # be sure to leave ctangle.c and common.c for bootstrapping
- clean:
- $(RM) -f -r *~ *.o common.tex cweave.tex cweave.c ctangle.tex
- *.log *.dvi *.toc *.idx *.scn core cweave.w.[12] cweave ctangle
- install: all
- $(CP) cweave $(DESTDIR)$(DESTPREF)weave
- chmod 755 $(DESTDIR)$(DESTPREF)weave
- $(CP) ctangle $(DESTDIR)$(DESTPREF)tangle
- chmod 755 $(DESTDIR)$(DESTPREF)tangle
- ### manuals not required
- ##$(CP) cweb.1 $(MANDIR)/cweb.$(MANEXT)
- ##chmod 644 $(MANDIR)/cweb.$(MANEXT)
- ##$(CP) cwebmac.tex $(MACROSDIR)
- ##chmod 644 $(MACROSDIR)/cwebmac.tex
- ##$(CP) cweb.el $(EMACSDIR)
- ##chmod 644 $(EMACSDIR)/cweb.el
- bundle: $(ALL)
- sed -n '1,2200 p' cweave.w > cweave.w.1
- sed -n '2201,$$ p' cweave.w > cweave.w.2
- /usr/local/bin/shar -m100000 -c -v -f cweb $(ALMOSTALL) cweave.w.[12]
- tags: $(ALL)
- etags -z $(ALL)
- cweb.tar: $(ALL)
- tar cvhf cweb.tar $(ALL)
- floppy: $(ALL)
- bar cvhf /dev/rfd0 $(ALL)
- bar tvf /dev/rfd0
- eject