- This is the change file for CWEB's CWEAVE for VAX/VMS.
- created:
- 1991 JM (John Mulhollen, Science Applications International Corporation)
- modified:
- 01-FEB-1992 ST (Stephan Trebels <>)
- > include ctype,stdio from textlibrary SYS$SHARE:VAXCDEF.TLB
- > change banner line to include (VAX/VMS)
- > allow $ in identifiers (*necessary* for VAX/VMS)
- ? will someone eventally make a CLD interface? (should be easy)
- (also modified by Don Knuth to keep version numbers uptodate)
- @x section 1 (01-FEB-1992 ST)
- @d banner "This is CWEAVE (Version 3.4)n"
- @y
- @d banner "This is CWEAVE (VAX/VMS Version 3.4)n"
- @z
- @x section 6 (from common.h) (01-FEB-1992 ST)
- #include <stdio.h>
- @y
- #include stdio /* VMS searches Textlibraries faster */
- @z
- @x section 38 (1991 JM) (01-FEB-1992 ST)
- #include <ctype.h> /* definition of |isalpha|, |isdigit| and so on */
- @y
- #include ctype /* VMS searches Textlibraries faster */
- @z
- @x section 39 (01-FEB-1992 ST)
- @d isxalpha(c) ((c)=='_') /* non-alpha character allowed in identifier */
- @y
- @d isxalpha(c) ((c)=='_' || (c)=='$') /* non-alpha characters allowed in id */
- @z