- datethis
- @* Introduction. This program is a simple filter that inputs TEX/ or .{CWEB}
- files and outputs its best guess at the ``words'' they contain. The word
- list can then be passed to a spelling check routine such as {tt wordtest}.
- If this program is invoked with the name `{tt excweb}', it will apply
- special rules based on the syntax of .{CWEB} files. Otherwise it will
- use only the TEX/ conventions. (Note that UNIX/'s {tt ln} command
- allows a program to be invoked with more than one name although it
- appears only once in the computer's memory.)
- The TEX/ conventions adopted here say that words are what remain
- after you remove nonletters, control sequences,
- comments triggered by .% marks, and material enclosed
- within .{$...$} or .{$$...$$}. However, an apostrophe within
- a word will be retained. The plain TEX/ control
- sequences for accented characters and special text characters, namely
- $$vbox{halign{&.{\#}hfilqquadcr
- '&`&relax^&"&relax~&=&.&u&vcr
- H&t&c&d&b&oe&OE&ae&AEcr
- aa&AA&o&O&l&L&ss&i&jcr}}$$
- will also be retained, so that users can treat them as parts of words.
- A blank space
- following any of the alphabetic control sequences in this list will be carried
- along too. If any of these control sequences is followed by .{, everything
- up to the next .} will also be retained. Thus, for example, the
- construction `.{m\={\i}n\u us}' will be considered a single word,
- in spite of the control sequences and the space between the two u's.
- The .{CWEB} conventions are essentially the same as the TEX/ conventions,
- in the TEX/ parts of a .{CWEB} file. The CEE/ parts of the file
- are blanked out.
- No attempt is made to reach a high level of artificial intelligence,
- which would be able to truly understand the input file. Tricky users can
- confuse us. But we claim that devious tricks are their problem, not ours.
- @ So here goes. The main idea is to keep a one-character lookahead
- buffer, called |c|, which is set to zero when the character has been
- processed. A giant switch to various cases, depending on the value of~|c|,
- keeps everything moving.
- If you don't like |goto| statements, don't read this. (And don't read
- any other programs that simulate finite-state automata.)
- @c
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- extern void exit(); /* system routine that terminates execution */
- @#
- @<Global variables@>@;
- @<Procedures@>@;
- @#
- int main(argc,argv)
- int argc; /* the number of arguments (should be 1, but this isn't checked) */
- char *argv[]; /* the arguments (|*argv| is the program name) */
- {
- @<Local variables@>;
- if (strlen(*argv)>=6 && strcmp(*argv+strlen(*argv)-6,"excweb")==0) {
- web=1;
- @<Adjust tables for .{CWEB} mode@>;
- } else web=0;
- comment=skipping=c=0;
- main_cycle: if (c) goto big_switch;
- restart: c=get();
- big_switch: switch(c) {
- @<Special cases of the giant switch where we don't just discard |c|@>@;
- case EOF: exit(0);
- default: goto restart;
- }
- @<Labeled code segments, which exit by explicit |goto|@>;
- }
- @ @<Global variables@>=
- int c; /* one-character look-see buffer */
- @ @<Local variables@>=
- int web; /* are we looking for .{CWEB} constructs? */
- int comment; /* are we inside a CEE/ comment in a .{CWEB} document? */
- int skipping; /* are we skipping CEE/ code in a .{CWEB} document? */
- int save_skipping; /* value of |skipping| outside current CEE/ mode */
- register int cc; /* temporary buffer */
- @* Simple cases.
- Let's do some of the easiest things first, in order to get the hang of
- this program. Several special characters will cause us to ignore everything
- until the first appearance of something else.
- @d discard_to(x) {@+while (get()!=x) ;@+}
- @<Special cases...@>=
- case '%': discard_to('n');@+goto restart;
- case '$': c=getchar();
- if (c!='$') discard_to('$')@;
- else { /* after .{$$} we discard everything to the next .{$$} */
- do discard_to('$')@;
- while (getchar()!='$');
- }
- goto restart;
- @ The `|get|' procedure in the code above is like Cee's standard
- `|getchar|', except that it immediately terminates execution at the end of
- the input file. Otherwise malformed input files could lead to
- infinite loops.
- @<Procedures@>=
- int get()
- {@+register int x;
- x=getchar();
- if (x==EOF) exit(0);
- return x;
- }
- @ More complex behavior is handled by jumping out of the |switch| statement
- to one of the routines following it. None of the cases say |break|, so
- the code following the switch statement is accessible only via |goto|.
- @<Special cases...@>=
- case 'a': case 'A':
- case 'b': case 'B':
- case 'c': case 'C':
- case 'd': case 'D':
- case 'e': case 'E':
- case 'f': case 'F':
- case 'g': case 'G':
- case 'h': case 'H':
- case 'i': case 'I':
- case 'j': case 'J':
- case 'k': case 'K':
- case 'l': case 'L':
- case 'm': case 'M':
- case 'n': case 'N':
- case 'o': case 'O':
- case 'p': case 'P':
- case 'q': case 'Q':
- case 'r': case 'R':
- case 's': case 'S':
- case 't': case 'T':
- case 'u': case 'U':
- case 'v': case 'V':
- case 'w': case 'W':
- case 'x': case 'X':
- case 'y': case 'Y':
- case 'z': case 'Z':
- goto out_word;
- @ When letters appear in |stdin|, we pass them immediately through to |stdout|
- with little further ado.
- An apostrophe is rejected unless it is immediately followed by a letter.
- @<Labeled code...@>=
- out_word: putchar(c);
- continue_word: c=getchar();
- checkout_word:
- if (isalpha(c)) goto out_word;
- if (c==''') {
- c=getchar();
- if (isalpha(c)) {
- putchar(''');@+goto out_word;
- }
- goto end_word;
- }
- if (c=='\' && controlseq()) goto control_seq_in_word;
- end_word: putchar('n');
- goto main_cycle;
- @* Control sequences. The |controlseq()| function is the only
- delicate part of this program. After a backslash has been scanned,
- |controlseq| looks to see if the next characters define one of the
- special plain TEX/ macros listed above. If so, the control sequence
- and its immediately following argument (if any) are output and
- |controlseq| returns a nonzero value. If not, nothing is output and
- |controlseq| returns zero. In both cases the value of |c| will be
- nonzero if and only if |controlseq| has had to look ahead at a
- character it decided not to process.
- @ @<Labeled code...@>=
- control_seq_in_word: if (!c) goto continue_word;
- goto checkout_word;
- @ @<Special cases...@>=
- case '\': if (controlseq()) goto control_seq_in_word;
- goto main_cycle;
- @ @<Procedures@>=
- int controlseq()
- {
- int l; /* number of letters in the control sequence */
- char a,b; /* the first two characters after `.\' */
- l=0;
- a=c=getchar();
- while (isalpha(c)) {
- l++;
- c=getchar();
- if (l==1) b=c;
- }
- if (l==0) c=getchar();
- @<Check for special plain TEX/ control sequences;
- output them and |return 1| if found@>;
- return 0;
- }
- @ @d pair(x,y) (a==x && b==y)
- @<Check for special...@>=
- if ((a>='"' && a<='~' && ptab[a-'"']==l) ||
- (l==2 && (pair('a','e') || pair('A','E')@|
- || pair('o','e') || pair('O','E')@|
- || pair('a','a') || pair('A','A') || pair('s','s')))) {
- putchar('\');
- putchar(a);
- if (l==2) putchar(b);
- if (l && c==' ') {
- putchar(' '); /* optional space after alphabetic control sequence */
- c=getchar();
- }
- if (c=='{') {
- do@+{putchar(c);
- c=get();
- }@+while (c!='}'); /* optional argument after special control sequence */
- putchar(c);
- c=0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- @ The |ptab| entries for nonletters are 0 when the control sequence is
- special, otherwise~1; the conventions for letters are reversed.
- @<Global...@>=
- char ptab[]={0,1,1,1,1,0, /* .{\"} and .{\'} */
- 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1, /* .{\.} */
- 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1, /* .{\=} */
- 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1, /* .{\H}, .{\L}, .{\O} */
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1, /* .{\^} */
- 0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0, /* .{\`}, .{\b}, .{\c}, .{\d} */
- 0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1, /* .{\i}, .{\j}, .{\l}, .{\o} */
- 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0, /* .{\t}, .{\u}, .{\v} */
- 0,0,0,1,1,1,0}; /* .{\~} */
- @ In .{CWEB} the TEX/ control sequence `.{\.}' denotes the typewriter
- font used for strings, not the dot-over accent. We must modify
- |ptab| to reflect this unfortunate (but too-late-too-change) design decision.
- @<Adjust tables for .{CWEB} mode@>=
- ptab[12]=1;
- @* CWEB considerations.
- We're finished now with all that would be needed if we only wanted to
- handle TEX/. For .{CWEB} a bit more should be done.
- The .{CWEB} escape character is .{@@}, and the character following
- it tells us what mode we should enter. In TEX/ mode we should not
- only do what we normally do for TEX/ files, we should also ignore
- material delimited by .{char"7C...char"7C}, being careful to recognize when
- |'|'| is part of a string (as it just was). And we should stop TEX/
- mode if we scan .{*/} while in a CEE/ comment.
- @<Special cases...@>=
- case '@@': if (web) goto do_web;
- goto restart;
- case '|': if (web>1) {
- save_skipping=skipping;
- goto skip_C_prime;
- }
- goto restart;
- case '*': if (!comment) goto restart;
- c=getchar();
- if (c=='/') {
- comment=0;
- goto skip_C;
- }
- goto big_switch;
- @ The characters that follow .@@ in a .{CWEB} file can be classified into
- a few types that have distinct implications for {tt excweb}.
- @d nop 0 /* control code that doesn't matter to us */
- @d start_section 1 /* control code that begins a .{CWEB} section */
- @d start_C 2 /* control code that begins CEE/ code */
- @d start_name 3 /* control code that begins a section name */
- @d start_index 4 /* control code for .{CWEB} index entry */
- @d start_insert 5 /* control code for CEE/ material ended by `.{@@>}' */
- @d end_item 6 /* `.{@@>}' */
- @d ignore_line 7 /* `.{@@i}' or `.{@@l}' */
- @<Global...@>=
- char wtab[]={start_section,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop, /* .{ !"#$%&'} */
- start_name,nop,start_section,nop,nop,nop,start_index,nop, /* .{()*+,-./} */
- nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop, /* .{01234567} */
- nop,nop,start_index,nop,start_name,start_insert,end_item,nop,
- /* .{89:;<=>?} */
- nop,nop,nop,start_C,start_C,nop,start_C,nop, /* .{@@ABCDEFG} */
- nop,ignore_line,nop,nop,ignore_line,nop,nop,nop, /* .{HIJKLMNO} */
- start_C,start_insert,nop,start_C,start_insert,nop,nop,nop, /* .{PQRSTUVW} */
- nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,nop,start_index,nop, /* .{XYZ[\]^_} */
- nop,nop,nop,start_C,start_C,nop,start_C,nop, /* .{`abcdefg} */
- nop,ignore_line,nop,nop,ignore_line,nop,nop,nop, /* .{hijklmno} */
- start_C,start_insert,nop,start_C,start_insert}; /* .{pqrst} */
- @ We do not leave TEX/ mode until the first .{WEB} section has begun.
- @<Labeled code...@>=
- do_web: c=getchar();
- if (c<' ' || c>'t') goto restart;
- switch(wtab[c-' ']){
- case nop: case start_index: goto restart;
- case start_section: web++; /* out of ``limbo'' */
- comment=skipping=0;@+goto restart;
- case start_C: if (web>1) goto skip_C;
- goto restart;
- case start_name: case start_insert: if (web>1) skipping=1;
- goto restart;
- case end_item: if (skipping) goto skip_C;
- goto restart;
- case ignore_line: discard_to('n');
- goto restart;
- }
- @ The final piece of program we need is a sub-automaton to pass over
- the CEE/ parts of a .{CWEB} document. The main subtlety here is that
- we don't want to get out of synch while scanning over a supposed
- string constant or verbatim insert.
- @<Labeled code...@>=
- skip_C: save_skipping=2;
- skip_C_prime: skipping=1;
- while (1) {
- c=get();
- C_switch: switch(c) {
- case '/': c=get();
- if (c!='*') goto C_switch;
- comment=1; /* fall through to the next case, returning to TEX/ mode */
- case '|': if (save_skipping==2) continue; /* |'|'| as CEE/ operator */
- skipping=save_skipping;@+goto restart; /* |'|'| as .{CWEB} delimiter */
- case '@@': c=getchar();
- inner_switch: if (c<' ' || c>'t') continue;
- switch(wtab[c-' ']) {
- case nop: case start_C: case end_item: continue;
- case start_section: web++;
- comment=skipping=0;@+goto restart;
- case start_name: case start_index: goto restart;
- case start_insert: do@+discard_to('@@')@;@+while ((c=getchar())=='@@');
- goto inner_switch; /* now |c| should equal |'>'| */
- case ignore_line: discard_to('n');
- continue;
- }
- case ''': case '"':
- while ((cc=get())!=c && cc!='n')
- if (cc=='\') getchar();
- else if (cc=='@@') {
- cc=getchar();
- if (cc!='@@') { /* syntax error, we try to recover */
- c=cc; goto inner_switch;
- }
- };
- continue; /* .{CWEB} strings do not extend past one line */
- default: continue;
- }
- }
- @* Index.