- /*
- * tkUnixCursor.c --
- *
- * This file contains X specific cursor manipulation routines.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- *
- * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
- * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- *
- * RCS: @(#) $Id: tkUnixCursor.c,v 1.6 2002/08/05 04:30:40 dgp Exp $
- */
- #include "tkPort.h"
- #include "tkInt.h"
- /*
- * The following data structure is a superset of the TkCursor structure
- * defined in tkCursor.c. Each system specific cursor module will define
- * a different cursor structure. All of these structures must have the
- * same header consisting of the fields in TkCursor.
- */
- typedef struct {
- TkCursor info; /* Generic cursor info used by tkCursor.c */
- Display *display; /* Display for which cursor is valid. */
- } TkUnixCursor;
- /*
- * The table below is used to map from the name of a cursor to its
- * index in the official cursor font:
- */
- static struct CursorName {
- char *name;
- unsigned int shape;
- } cursorNames[] = {
- {"X_cursor", XC_X_cursor},
- {"arrow", XC_arrow},
- {"based_arrow_down", XC_based_arrow_down},
- {"based_arrow_up", XC_based_arrow_up},
- {"boat", XC_boat},
- {"bogosity", XC_bogosity},
- {"bottom_left_corner", XC_bottom_left_corner},
- {"bottom_right_corner", XC_bottom_right_corner},
- {"bottom_side", XC_bottom_side},
- {"bottom_tee", XC_bottom_tee},
- {"box_spiral", XC_box_spiral},
- {"center_ptr", XC_center_ptr},
- {"circle", XC_circle},
- {"clock", XC_clock},
- {"coffee_mug", XC_coffee_mug},
- {"cross", XC_cross},
- {"cross_reverse", XC_cross_reverse},
- {"crosshair", XC_crosshair},
- {"diamond_cross", XC_diamond_cross},
- {"dot", XC_dot},
- {"dotbox", XC_dotbox},
- {"double_arrow", XC_double_arrow},
- {"draft_large", XC_draft_large},
- {"draft_small", XC_draft_small},
- {"draped_box", XC_draped_box},
- {"exchange", XC_exchange},
- {"fleur", XC_fleur},
- {"gobbler", XC_gobbler},
- {"gumby", XC_gumby},
- {"hand1", XC_hand1},
- {"hand2", XC_hand2},
- {"heart", XC_heart},
- {"icon", XC_icon},
- {"iron_cross", XC_iron_cross},
- {"left_ptr", XC_left_ptr},
- {"left_side", XC_left_side},
- {"left_tee", XC_left_tee},
- {"leftbutton", XC_leftbutton},
- {"ll_angle", XC_ll_angle},
- {"lr_angle", XC_lr_angle},
- {"man", XC_man},
- {"middlebutton", XC_middlebutton},
- {"mouse", XC_mouse},
- {"pencil", XC_pencil},
- {"pirate", XC_pirate},
- {"plus", XC_plus},
- {"question_arrow", XC_question_arrow},
- {"right_ptr", XC_right_ptr},
- {"right_side", XC_right_side},
- {"right_tee", XC_right_tee},
- {"rightbutton", XC_rightbutton},
- {"rtl_logo", XC_rtl_logo},
- {"sailboat", XC_sailboat},
- {"sb_down_arrow", XC_sb_down_arrow},
- {"sb_h_double_arrow", XC_sb_h_double_arrow},
- {"sb_left_arrow", XC_sb_left_arrow},
- {"sb_right_arrow", XC_sb_right_arrow},
- {"sb_up_arrow", XC_sb_up_arrow},
- {"sb_v_double_arrow", XC_sb_v_double_arrow},
- {"shuttle", XC_shuttle},
- {"sizing", XC_sizing},
- {"spider", XC_spider},
- {"spraycan", XC_spraycan},
- {"star", XC_star},
- {"target", XC_target},
- {"tcross", XC_tcross},
- {"top_left_arrow", XC_top_left_arrow},
- {"top_left_corner", XC_top_left_corner},
- {"top_right_corner", XC_top_right_corner},
- {"top_side", XC_top_side},
- {"top_tee", XC_top_tee},
- {"trek", XC_trek},
- {"ul_angle", XC_ul_angle},
- {"umbrella", XC_umbrella},
- {"ur_angle", XC_ur_angle},
- {"watch", XC_watch},
- {"xterm", XC_xterm},
- {NULL, 0}
- };
- /*
- * Font to use for cursors:
- */
- #ifndef CURSORFONT
- #define CURSORFONT "cursor"
- #endif
- /*
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * TkGetCursorByName --
- *
- * Retrieve a cursor by name. Parse the cursor name into fields
- * and create a cursor, either from the standard cursor font or
- * from bitmap files.
- *
- * Results:
- * Returns a new cursor, or NULL on errors.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Allocates a new cursor.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- TkCursor *
- TkGetCursorByName(interp, tkwin, string)
- Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Interpreter to use for error reporting. */
- Tk_Window tkwin; /* Window in which cursor will be used. */
- Tk_Uid string; /* Description of cursor. See manual entry
- * for details on legal syntax. */
- {
- TkUnixCursor *cursorPtr = NULL;
- Cursor cursor = None;
- int argc;
- CONST char **argv = NULL;
- Pixmap source = None;
- Pixmap mask = None;
- Display *display = Tk_Display(tkwin);
- if (Tcl_SplitList(interp, string, &argc, &argv) != TCL_OK) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (argc == 0) {
- goto badString;
- }
- if (argv[0][0] != '@') {
- XColor fg, bg;
- unsigned int maskIndex;
- register struct CursorName *namePtr;
- TkDisplay *dispPtr;
- /*
- * The cursor is to come from the standard cursor font. If one
- * arg, it is cursor name (use black and white for fg and bg).
- * If two args, they are name and fg color (ignore mask). If
- * three args, they are name, fg, bg. Some of the code below
- * is stolen from the XCreateFontCursor Xlib procedure.
- */
- if (argc > 3) {
- goto badString;
- }
- for (namePtr = cursorNames; ; namePtr++) {
- if (namePtr->name == NULL) {
- goto badString;
- }
- if ((namePtr->name[0] == argv[0][0])
- && (strcmp(namePtr->name, argv[0]) == 0)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- maskIndex = namePtr->shape + 1;
- if (argc == 1) {
- = = = 0;
- = = = 65535;
- } else {
- if (XParseColor(display, Tk_Colormap(tkwin), argv[1],
- &fg) == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "invalid color name "", argv[1],
- """, (char *) NULL);
- goto cleanup;
- }
- if (argc == 2) {
- = = = 0;
- maskIndex = namePtr->shape;
- } else {
- if (XParseColor(display, Tk_Colormap(tkwin), argv[2],
- &bg) == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "invalid color name "", argv[2],
- """, (char *) NULL);
- goto cleanup;
- }
- }
- }
- dispPtr = ((TkWindow *) tkwin)->dispPtr;
- if (dispPtr->cursorFont == None) {
- dispPtr->cursorFont = XLoadFont(display, CURSORFONT);
- if (dispPtr->cursorFont == None) {
- Tcl_SetResult(interp, "couldn't load cursor font", TCL_STATIC);
- goto cleanup;
- }
- }
- cursor = XCreateGlyphCursor(display, dispPtr->cursorFont,
- dispPtr->cursorFont, namePtr->shape, maskIndex,
- &fg, &bg);
- } else {
- int width, height, maskWidth, maskHeight;
- int xHot, yHot, dummy1, dummy2;
- XColor fg, bg;
- /*
- * Prevent file system access in safe interpreters.
- */
- if (Tcl_IsSafe(interp)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "can't get cursor from a file in",
- " a safe interpreter", (char *) NULL);
- cursorPtr = NULL;
- goto cleanup;
- }
- /*
- * The cursor is to be created by reading bitmap files. There
- * should be either two elements in the list (source, color) or
- * four (source mask fg bg).
- */
- if ((argc != 2) && (argc != 4)) {
- goto badString;
- }
- if (TkReadBitmapFile(display,
- RootWindowOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin)), &argv[0][1],
- (unsigned int *) &width, (unsigned int *) &height,
- &source, &xHot, &yHot) != BitmapSuccess) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "cleanup reading bitmap file "",
- &argv[0][1], """, (char *) NULL);
- goto cleanup;
- }
- if ((xHot < 0) || (yHot < 0) || (xHot >= width) || (yHot >= height)) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad hot spot in bitmap file "",
- &argv[0][1], """, (char *) NULL);
- goto cleanup;
- }
- if (argc == 2) {
- if (XParseColor(display, Tk_Colormap(tkwin), argv[1],
- &fg) == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "invalid color name "",
- argv[1], """, (char *) NULL);
- goto cleanup;
- }
- cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(display, source, source,
- &fg, &fg, (unsigned) xHot, (unsigned) yHot);
- } else {
- if (TkReadBitmapFile(display,
- RootWindowOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin)), argv[1],
- (unsigned int *) &maskWidth, (unsigned int *) &maskHeight,
- &mask, &dummy1, &dummy2) != BitmapSuccess) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "cleanup reading bitmap file "",
- argv[1], """, (char *) NULL);
- goto cleanup;
- }
- if ((maskWidth != width) && (maskHeight != height)) {
- Tcl_SetResult(interp,
- "source and mask bitmaps have different sizes",
- goto cleanup;
- }
- if (XParseColor(display, Tk_Colormap(tkwin), argv[2],
- &fg) == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "invalid color name "", argv[2],
- """, (char *) NULL);
- goto cleanup;
- }
- if (XParseColor(display, Tk_Colormap(tkwin), argv[3],
- &bg) == 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "invalid color name "", argv[3],
- """, (char *) NULL);
- goto cleanup;
- }
- cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(display, source, mask,
- &fg, &bg, (unsigned) xHot, (unsigned) yHot);
- }
- }
- if (cursor != None) {
- cursorPtr = (TkUnixCursor *) ckalloc(sizeof(TkUnixCursor));
- cursorPtr->info.cursor = (Tk_Cursor) cursor;
- cursorPtr->display = display;
- }
- cleanup:
- if (argv != NULL) {
- ckfree((char *) argv);
- }
- if (source != None) {
- Tk_FreePixmap(display, source);
- }
- if (mask != None) {
- Tk_FreePixmap(display, mask);
- }
- return (TkCursor *) cursorPtr;
- badString:
- if (argv) {
- ckfree((char *) argv);
- }
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad cursor spec "", string, """,
- (char *) NULL);
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * TkCreateCursorFromData --
- *
- * Creates a cursor from the source and mask bits.
- *
- * Results:
- * Returns a new cursor, or NULL on errors.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Allocates a new cursor.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- TkCursor *
- TkCreateCursorFromData(tkwin, source, mask, width, height, xHot, yHot,
- fgColor, bgColor)
- Tk_Window tkwin; /* Window in which cursor will be used. */
- CONST char *source; /* Bitmap data for cursor shape. */
- CONST char *mask; /* Bitmap data for cursor mask. */
- int width, height; /* Dimensions of cursor. */
- int xHot, yHot; /* Location of hot-spot in cursor. */
- XColor fgColor; /* Foreground color for cursor. */
- XColor bgColor; /* Background color for cursor. */
- {
- Cursor cursor;
- Pixmap sourcePixmap, maskPixmap;
- TkUnixCursor *cursorPtr = NULL;
- Display *display = Tk_Display(tkwin);
- sourcePixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(display,
- RootWindowOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin)), source, (unsigned) width,
- (unsigned) height);
- maskPixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(display,
- RootWindowOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin)), mask, (unsigned) width,
- (unsigned) height);
- cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(display, sourcePixmap,
- maskPixmap, &fgColor, &bgColor, (unsigned) xHot, (unsigned) yHot);
- Tk_FreePixmap(display, sourcePixmap);
- Tk_FreePixmap(display, maskPixmap);
- if (cursor != None) {
- cursorPtr = (TkUnixCursor *) ckalloc(sizeof(TkUnixCursor));
- cursorPtr->info.cursor = (Tk_Cursor) cursor;
- cursorPtr->display = display;
- }
- return (TkCursor *) cursorPtr;
- }
- /*
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * TkpFreeCursor --
- *
- * This procedure is called to release a cursor allocated by
- * TkGetCursorByName.
- *
- * Results:
- * None.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * The cursor data structure is deallocated.
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- void
- TkpFreeCursor(cursorPtr)
- TkCursor *cursorPtr;
- {
- TkUnixCursor *unixCursorPtr = (TkUnixCursor *) cursorPtr;
- XFreeCursor(unixCursorPtr->display, (Cursor) unixCursorPtr->info.cursor);
- Tk_FreeXId(unixCursorPtr->display, (XID) unixCursorPtr->info.cursor);
- }