- # This file is a Tcl script to test the procedures in the file
- # tkWindow.c. It is organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- # Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # RCS: @(#) $Id: window.test,v 2004/02/13 01:43:05 hobbs Exp $
- package require tcltest 2.1
- namespace import -force tcltest::configure
- namespace import -force tcltest::testsDirectory
- namespace import -force tcltest::interpreter
- namespace import -force tcltest::makeFile
- namespace import -force tcltest::removeFile
- configure -testdir [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]]]
- configure -loadfile [file join [testsDirectory] constraints.tcl]
- tcltest::loadTestedCommands
- update
- # XXX This file is woefully incomplete. Right now it only tests
- # a few parts of a few procedures in tkWindow.c
- test window-1.1 {Tk_CreateWindowFromPath procedure, parent dead} {
- proc bgerror msg {
- global x errorInfo
- set x [list $msg $errorInfo]
- }
- set x unchanged
- catch {destroy .t}
- frame .t -width 100 -height 50
- place .t -x 10 -y 10
- bind .t <Destroy> {button .t.b -text hello; pack .t.b}
- update
- destroy .t
- update
- rename bgerror {}
- set x
- } {{can't create window: parent has been destroyed} {can't create window: parent has been destroyed
- while executing
- "button .t.b -text hello"
- (command bound to event)}}
- # Most of the tests below don't produce meaningful results; they
- # will simply dump core if there are bugs.
- test window-2.1 {Tk_DestroyWindow procedure, destroy handler deletes parent} {
- toplevel .t -width 300 -height 200
- wm geometry .t +0+0
- frame .t.f -width 200 -height 200 -relief raised -bd 2
- place .t.f -x 0 -y 0
- frame .t.f.f -width 100 -height 100 -relief raised -bd 2
- place .t.f.f -relx 1 -rely 1 -anchor se
- bind .t.f <Destroy> {destroy .t}
- update
- destroy .t.f
- } {}
- test window-2.2 {Tk_DestroyWindow procedure, destroy handler deletes parent} {
- toplevel .t -width 300 -height 200
- wm geometry .t +0+0
- frame .t.f -width 200 -height 200 -relief raised -bd 2
- place .t.f -x 0 -y 0
- frame .t.f.f -width 100 -height 100 -relief raised -bd 2
- place .t.f.f -relx 1 -rely 1 -anchor se
- bind .t.f.f <Destroy> {destroy .t}
- update
- destroy .t.f
- } {}
- test window-2.3 {Tk_DestroyWindow procedure, destroy handler deletes parent} {
- frame .f -width 80 -height 120 -relief raised -bd 2
- place .f -relx 0.5 -rely 0.5 -anchor center
- toplevel .f.t -width 300 -height 200
- wm geometry .f.t +0+0
- frame .f.t.f -width 200 -height 200 -relief raised -bd 2
- place .f.t.f -x 0 -y 0
- frame .f.t.f.f -width 100 -height 100 -relief raised -bd 2
- place .f.t.f.f -relx 1 -rely 1 -anchor se
- update
- destroy .f
- } {}
- test window-2.4 {Tk_DestroyWindow, cleanup half dead window at exit}
- unixOrWin {
- set script [makeFile {
- update
- bind . <Destroy> exit
- destroy .
- } script]
- set error [catch {exec [interpreter] $script -geometry 10x10+0+0} msg]
- removeFile script
- list $error $msg
- } {0 {}}
- test window-2.5 {Tk_DestroyWindow, cleanup half dead windows at exit}
- unixOrWin {
- set script [makeFile {
- toplevel .t
- update
- bind .t <Destroy> exit
- destroy .t
- } script]
- set error [catch {exec [interpreter] $script -geometry 10x10+0+0} msg]
- removeFile script
- list $error $msg
- } {0 {}}
- test window-2.6 {Tk_DestroyWindow, cleanup half dead windows at exit}
- unixOrWin {
- set script [makeFile {
- toplevel .t
- update
- bind .t <Destroy> exit
- destroy .
- } script]
- set error [catch {exec [interpreter] $script -geometry 10x10+0+0} msg]
- removeFile script
- list $error $msg
- } {0 {}}
- test window-2.7 {Tk_DestroyWindow, cleanup half dead windows at exit}
- unixOrWin {
- set script [makeFile {
- toplevel .t
- toplevel .t.f
- update
- bind .t.f <Destroy> exit
- destroy .
- } script]
- set error [catch {exec [interpreter] $script -geometry 10x10+0+0} msg]
- removeFile script
- list $error $msg
- } {0 {}}
- test window-2.8 {Tk_DestroyWindow, cleanup half dead windows at exit}
- unixOrWin {
- set script [makeFile {
- toplevel .t1
- toplevel .t2
- toplevel .t3
- update
- bind .t3 <Destroy> {destroy .t2}
- bind .t2 <Destroy> {destroy .t1}
- bind .t1 <Destroy> {exit 0}
- destroy .t3
- } script]
- set error [catch {exec [interpreter] $script -geometry 10x10+0+0} msg]
- removeFile script
- list $error $msg
- } {0 {}}
- test window-2.9 {Tk_DestroyWindow, Destroy bindings evaluated after exit}
- unixOrWin {
- set script [makeFile {
- toplevel .t1
- toplevel .t2
- update
- bind .t2 <Destroy> {puts "Destroy .t2" ; exit 1}
- bind .t1 <Destroy> {puts "Destroy .t1" ; exit 0}
- destroy .t2
- } script]
- set error [catch {exec [interpreter] $script -geometry 10x10+0+0} msg]
- removeFile script
- list $error $msg
- } {0 {Destroy .t2
- Destroy .t1}}
- test window-2.10 {Tk_DestroyWindow, Destroy binding evaluated once} unixOrWin {
- set script [makeFile {
- update
- bind . <Destroy> {
- puts "Destroy ."
- bind . <Destroy> {puts "Re-Destroy ."}
- exit 0
- }
- destroy .
- } script]
- set error [catch {exec [interpreter] $script -geometry 10x10+0+0} msg]
- removeFile script
- list $error $msg
- } {0 {Destroy .}}
- test window-2.11 {Tk_DestroyWindow, don't reanimate a half-dead window}
- unixOrWin {
- set script [makeFile {
- toplevel .t1
- toplevel .t2
- update
- bind .t1 <Destroy> {
- if {[catch {entry .t2.newchild}]} {
- puts YES
- } else {
- puts NO
- }
- }
- bind .t2 <Destroy> {exit}
- destroy .t2
- } script]
- set error [catch {exec [interpreter] $script -geometry 10x10+0+0} msg]
- removeFile script
- list $error $msg
- } {0 YES}
- # Some tests require the testmenubar command
- testConstraint testmenubar [llength [info commands testmenubar]]
- test window-3.1 {Tk_MakeWindowExist procedure, stacking order and menubars}
- {unixOnly testmenubar} {
- catch {destroy .t}
- toplevel .t -width 300 -height 200
- wm geometry .t +0+0
- pack [entry .t.e]
- frame .t.f -bd 2 -relief raised
- testmenubar window .t .t.f
- update
- # If stacking order isn't handle properly, generates an X error.
- } {}
- test window-3.2 {Tk_MakeWindowExist procedure, stacking order and menubars}
- {unixOnly testmenubar} {
- catch {destroy .t}
- toplevel .t -width 300 -height 200
- wm geometry .t +0+0
- pack [entry .t.e]
- pack [entry .t.e2]
- update
- frame .t.f -bd 2 -relief raised
- raise .t.f .t.e
- testmenubar window .t .t.f
- update
- # If stacking order isn't handled properly, generates an X error.
- } {}
- test window-4.1 {Tk_NameToWindow procedure} {testmenubar} {
- catch {destroy .t}
- list [catch {winfo geometry .t} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad window path name ".t"}}
- test window-4.2 {Tk_NameToWindow procedure} {testmenubar} {
- catch {destroy .t}
- frame .t -width 100 -height 50
- place .t -x 10 -y 10
- update
- list [catch {winfo geometry .t} msg] $msg
- } {0 100x50+10+10}
- test window-5.1 {Tk_MakeWindowExist procedure, stacking order and menubars}
- {unixOnly testmenubar} {
- catch {destroy .t}
- toplevel .t -width 300 -height 200
- wm geometry .t +0+0
- pack [entry .t.e]
- pack [entry .t.e2]
- frame .t.f -bd 2 -relief raised
- testmenubar window .t .t.f
- update
- lower .t.e2 .t.f
- update
- # If stacking order isn't handled properly, generates an X error.
- } {}
- # cleanup
- ::tcltest::cleanupTests
- return