- # This file is a Tcl script to test out the old syntax of Tk's
- # "pack" command (before release 3.3). It is organized in the
- # standard fashion for Tcl tests.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1991-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
- # Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- # Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # RCS: @(#) $Id: oldpack.test,v 1.5 2002/07/13 20:28:35 dgp Exp $
- package require tcltest 2.1
- namespace import -force tcltest::configure
- namespace import -force tcltest::testsDirectory
- configure -testdir [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]]]
- configure -loadfile [file join [testsDirectory] constraints.tcl]
- tcltest::loadTestedCommands
- # First, test a single window packed in various ways in a parent
- catch {destroy .pack}
- frame .pack
- place .pack -width 100 -height 100
- frame .pack.red -width 10 -height 20
- label .pack.red.l -text R -bd 2 -relief raised
- place .pack.red.l -relwidth 1.0 -relheight 1.0
- frame .pack.green -width 30 -height 40
- label .pack.green.l -text G -bd 2 -relief raised
- place .pack.green.l -relwidth 1.0 -relheight 1.0
- frame .pack.blue -width 40 -height 40
- label .pack.blue.l -text B -bd 2 -relief raised
- place .pack.blue.l -relwidth 1.0 -relheight 1.0
- frame .pack.violet -width 80 -height 20
- label .pack.violet.l -text P -bd 2 -relief raised
- place .pack.violet.l -relwidth 1.0 -relheight 1.0
- test pack-1.1 {basic positioning} {
- pack ap .pack .pack.red top
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+45+0
- test pack-1.2 {basic positioning} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red bottom
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+45+80
- test pack-1.3 {basic positioning} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red left
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+0+40
- test pack-1.4 {basic positioning} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red right
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+90+40
- # Try adding padding around the window and make sure that the
- # window gets a larger frame.
- test pack-2.1 {padding} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {t padx 20}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+45+0
- test pack-2.2 {padding} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {top pady 20}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+45+10
- test pack-2.3 {padding} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {l padx 20}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+10+40
- test pack-2.4 {padding} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {left pady 20}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+0+40
- # Position the window at different positions in its frame to
- # make sure they all work. Try two differenet frame locations,
- # to make sure that frame offsets are being added in correctly.
- test pack-3.1 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {b padx 20 pady 30}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+45+65
- test pack-3.2 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {bottom padx 20 pady 30 fr n}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+45+50
- test pack-3.3 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {bottom padx 20 pady 30 frame ne}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+90+50
- test pack-3.4 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {bottom padx 20 pady 30 frame e}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+90+65
- test pack-3.5 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {bottom padx 20 pady 30 frame se}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+90+80
- test pack-3.6 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {bottom padx 20 pady 30 frame s}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+45+80
- test pack-3.7 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {bottom padx 20 pady 30 frame sw}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+0+80
- test pack-3.8 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {bottom padx 20 pady 30 frame w}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+0+65
- test pack-3.9 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {bottom padx 20 pady 30 frame nw}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+0+50
- test pack-3.10 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {bottom padx 20 pady 30 frame c}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+45+65
- test pack-3.11 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {r padx 20 pady 30}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+80+40
- test pack-3.12 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {right padx 20 pady 30 frame n}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+80+0
- test pack-3.13 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {right padx 20 pady 30 frame ne}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+90+0
- test pack-3.14 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {right padx 20 pady 30 frame e}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+90+40
- test pack-3.15 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {right padx 20 pady 30 frame se}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+90+80
- test pack-3.16 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {right padx 20 pady 30 frame s}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+80+80
- test pack-3.17 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {right padx 20 pady 30 frame sw}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+70+80
- test pack-3.18 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {right padx 20 pady 30 frame w}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+70+40
- test pack-3.19 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {right padx 20 pady 30 frame nw}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+70+0
- test pack-3.20 {framing} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {right padx 20 pady 30 frame center}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x20+80+40
- # Try out various filling combinations in a couple of different
- # frame locations.
- test pack-4.1 {filling} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {bottom padx 20 pady 30 fillx}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 100x20+0+65
- test pack-4.2 {filling} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {bottom padx 20 pady 30 filly}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x50+45+50
- test pack-4.3 {filling} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {bottom padx 20 pady 30 fill}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 100x50+0+50
- test pack-4.4 {filling} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {right padx 20 pady 30 fillx}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 30x20+70+40
- test pack-4.5 {filling} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {right padx 20 pady 30 filly}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 10x100+80+0
- test pack-4.6 {filling} {
- pack append .pack .pack.red {right padx 20 pady 30 fill}
- update
- winfo geometry .pack.red
- } 30x100+70+0
- # Multiple windows: make sure that space is properly subtracted
- # from the cavity as windows are positioned inwards from all
- # different sides. Also make sure that windows get unmapped if
- # there isn't enough space for them.
- pack append .pack .pack.red top .pack.green top .pack.blue top
- .pack.violet top
- update
- test pack-5.1 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.red} 10x20+45+0
- test pack-5.2 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.green} 30x40+35+20
- test pack-5.3 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.blue} 40x40+30+60
- test pack-5.4 {multiple windows} {winfo ismapped .pack.violet} 0
- pack b .pack.blue .pack.violet top
- update
- test pack-5.5 {multiple windows} {winfo ismapped .pack.violet} 1
- test pack-5.6 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.violet} 80x20+10+60
- test pack-5.7 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.blue} 40x20+30+80
- pack after .pack.blue .pack.red top
- update
- test pack-5.8 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.green} 30x40+35+0
- test pack-5.9 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.violet} 80x20+10+40
- test pack-5.10 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.blue} 40x40+30+60
- test pack-5.11 {multiple windows} {winfo ismapped .pack.red} 0
- pack before .pack.green .pack.red right .pack.blue left
- update
- test pack-5.12 {multiple windows} {winfo ismapped .pack.red} 1
- test pack-5.13 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.red} 10x20+90+40
- test pack-5.14 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.blue} 40x40+0+30
- test pack-5.15 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.green} 30x40+50+0
- test pack-5.16 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.violet} 50x20+40+40
- pack append .pack .pack.violet left .pack.green bottom .pack.red bottom
- .pack.blue bottom
- update
- test pack-5.17 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.violet} 80x20+0+40
- test pack-5.18 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.green} 20x40+80+60
- test pack-5.19 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.red} 10x20+85+40
- test pack-5.20 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.blue} 20x40+80+0
- pack after .pack.blue .pack.blue top .pack.red right .pack.green right
- .pack.violet right
- update
- test pack-5.21 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.blue} 40x40+30+0
- test pack-5.22 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.red} 10x20+90+60
- test pack-5.23 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.green} 30x40+60+50
- test pack-5.24 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.violet} 60x20+0+60
- pack after .pack.blue .pack.red left .pack.green left .pack.violet left
- update
- test pack-5.25 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.blue} 40x40+30+0
- test pack-5.26 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.red} 10x20+0+60
- test pack-5.27 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.green} 30x40+10+50
- test pack-5.28 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.violet} 60x20+40+60
- pack append .pack .pack.violet left .pack.green left .pack.blue left
- .pack.red left
- update
- test pack-5.29 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.violet} 80x20+0+40
- test pack-5.30 {multiple windows} {winfo geometry .pack.green} 20x40+80+30
- test pack-5.31 {multiple windows} {winfo ismapped .pack.blue} 0
- test pack-5.32 {multiple windows} {winfo ismapped .pack.red} 0
- # Test the ability of the packer to propagate geometry information
- # to its parent. Make sure it computes the parent's needs both in
- # the direction of packing (width for "left" and "right" windows,
- # for example), and perpendicular to the pack direction (height for
- # "left" and "right" windows).
- pack append .pack .pack.red top .pack.green top .pack.blue top
- .pack.violet top
- update
- test pack-6.1 {geometry propagation} {winfo reqwidth .pack} 80
- test pack-6.2 {geometry propagation} {winfo reqheight .pack} 120
- destroy .pack.violet
- update
- test pack-6.3 {geometry propagation} {winfo reqwidth .pack} 40
- test pack-6.4 {geometry propagation} {winfo reqheight .pack} 100
- frame .pack.violet -width 80 -height 20 -bg violet
- label .pack.violet.l -text P -bd 2 -relief raised
- place .pack.violet.l -relwidth 1.0 -relheight 1.0
- pack append .pack .pack.red left .pack.green right .pack.blue bottom
- .pack.violet top
- update
- test pack-6.5 {geometry propagation} {winfo reqwidth .pack} 120
- test pack-6.6 {geometry propagation} {winfo reqheight .pack} 60
- pack append .pack .pack.violet top .pack.green top .pack.blue left
- .pack.red left
- update
- test pack-6.7 {geometry propagation} {winfo reqwidth .pack} 80
- test pack-6.8 {geometry propagation} {winfo reqheight .pack} 100
- # Test the "expand" option, and make sure space is evenly divided
- # when several windows request expansion.
- pack append .pack .pack.violet top .pack.green {left e}
- .pack.blue {left expand} .pack.red {left expand}
- update
- test pack-7.1 {multiple expanded windows} {
- pack append .pack .pack.violet top .pack.green {left e}
- .pack.blue {left expand} .pack.red {left expand}
- update
- list [winfo geometry .pack.green] [winfo geometry .pack.blue]
- [winfo geometry .pack.red]
- } {30x40+3+40 40x40+39+40 10x20+86+50}
- test pack-7.2 {multiple expanded windows} {
- pack append .pack .pack.green left .pack.violet {bottom expand}
- .pack.blue {bottom expand} .pack.red {bottom expand}
- update
- list [winfo geometry .pack.violet] [winfo geometry .pack.blue]
- [winfo geometry .pack.red]
- } {70x20+30+77 40x40+45+30 10x20+60+3}
- test pack-7.3 {multiple expanded windows} {
- foreach i [winfo child .pack] {
- pack unpack $i
- }
- pack append .pack .pack.green {left e fill} .pack.red {left expand fill}
- .pack.blue {top fill}
- update
- list [winfo geometry .pack.green] [winfo geometry .pack.red]
- [winfo geometry .pack.blue]
- } {40x100+0+0 20x100+40+0 40x40+60+0}
- test pack-7.4 {multiple expanded windows} {
- foreach i [winfo child .pack] {
- pack unpack $i
- }
- pack append .pack .pack.red {top expand} .pack.violet {top expand}
- .pack.blue {right fill}
- update
- list [winfo geometry .pack.red] [winfo geometry .pack.violet]
- [winfo geometry .pack.blue]
- } {10x20+45+5 80x20+10+35 40x40+60+60}
- test pack-7.5 {multiple expanded windows} {
- foreach i [winfo child .pack] {
- pack unpack $i
- }
- pack append .pack .pack.green {right frame s} .pack.red {top expand}
- update
- list [winfo geometry .pack.green] [winfo geometry .pack.red]
- } {30x40+70+60 10x20+30+40}
- test pack-7.6 {multiple expanded windows} {
- foreach i [winfo child .pack] {
- pack unpack $i
- }
- pack append .pack .pack.violet {bottom frame e} .pack.red {right expand}
- update
- list [winfo geometry .pack.violet] [winfo geometry .pack.red]
- } {80x20+20+80 10x20+45+30}
- # Need more bizarre tests with combinations of expanded windows and
- # windows in opposing directions! Also, include padding in expanded
- # (and unexpanded) windows.
- # Syntax errors on pack commands
- test pack-8.1 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 wrong # args: should be "pack option arg ?arg ...?"}
- test pack-8.2 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack append} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 wrong # args: should be "pack option arg ?arg ...?"}
- test pack-8.3 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack gorp foo} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 bad option "gorp": must be configure, forget, info, propagate, or slaves}
- test pack-8.4 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack a .pack} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 bad option "a": must be configure, forget, info, propagate, or slaves}
- test pack-8.5 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack after foobar} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 bad window path name "foobar"}
- test pack-8.6 {syntax errors} {
- frame .pack.yellow -bg yellow
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack after .pack.yellow} msg]
- destroy .pack.yellow
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 window ".pack.yellow" isn't packed}
- test pack-8.7 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack append foobar} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 bad window path name "foobar"}
- test pack-8.8 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack before foobar} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 bad window path name "foobar"}
- test pack-8.9 {syntax errors} {
- frame .pack.yellow -bg yellow
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack before .pack.yellow} msg]
- destroy .pack.yellow
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 window ".pack.yellow" isn't packed}
- test pack-8.10 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack info .pack help} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 wrong # args: should be "pack info window"}
- test pack-8.11 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack info foobar} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 bad window path name "foobar"}
- test pack-8.12 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack append .pack .pack.blue} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 wrong # args: window ".pack.blue" should be followed by options}
- test pack-8.13 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack append . .pack.blue top} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 can't pack .pack.blue inside .}
- test pack-8.14 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack append .pack .pack.blue f} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 bad option "f": should be top, bottom, left, right, expand, fill, fillx, filly, padx, pady, or frame}
- test pack-8.15 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack append .pack .pack.blue pad} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 bad option "pad": should be top, bottom, left, right, expand, fill, fillx, filly, padx, pady, or frame}
- test pack-8.16 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack append .pack .pack.blue {frame south}} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 bad anchor "south": must be n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw, or center}
- test pack-8.17 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack append .pack .pack.blue {padx -2}} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 bad pad value "-2": must be positive screen distance}
- test pack-8.18 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack append .pack .pack.blue {padx}} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 wrong # args: "padx" option must be followed by screen distance}
- test pack-8.19 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack append .pack .pack.blue {pady -2}} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 bad pad value "-2": must be positive screen distance}
- test pack-8.20 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack append .pack .pack.blue {pady}} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 wrong # args: "pady" option must be followed by screen distance}
- test pack-8.21 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack append .pack .pack.blue "{abc"} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 unmatched open brace in list}
- test pack-8.22 {syntax errors} {
- set msg ""
- set result [catch {pack append .pack .pack.blue frame} msg]
- concat $result $msg
- } {1 wrong # args: "frame" option must be followed by anchor point}
- # Test "pack info" command output.
- test pack-9.1 {information output} {
- pack append .pack .pack.blue {top fillx frame n}
- .pack.red {bottom filly frame s} .pack.green {left fill frame w}
- .pack.violet {right expand frame e}
- list [pack slaves .pack] [pack info .pack.blue] [pack info .pack.red]
- [pack info .pack.green] [pack info .pack.violet]
- } {{.pack.blue .pack.red .pack.green .pack.violet} {-in .pack -anchor n -expand 0 -fill x -ipadx 0 -ipady 0 -padx 0 -pady 0 -side top} {-in .pack -anchor s -expand 0 -fill y -ipadx 0 -ipady 0 -padx 0 -pady 0 -side bottom} {-in .pack -anchor w -expand 0 -fill both -ipadx 0 -ipady 0 -padx 0 -pady 0 -side left} {-in .pack -anchor e -expand 1 -fill none -ipadx 0 -ipady 0 -padx 0 -pady 0 -side right}}
- test pack-9.2 {information output} {
- pack append .pack .pack.blue {padx 10 frame nw}
- .pack.red {pady 20 frame ne} .pack.green {frame se}
- .pack.violet {frame sw}
- list [pack slaves .pack] [pack info .pack.blue] [pack info .pack.red]
- [pack info .pack.green] [pack info .pack.violet]
- } {{.pack.blue .pack.red .pack.green .pack.violet} {-in .pack -anchor nw -expand 0 -fill none -ipadx 0 -ipady 0 -padx 5 -pady 0 -side top} {-in .pack -anchor ne -expand 0 -fill none -ipadx 0 -ipady 0 -padx 0 -pady 10 -side top} {-in .pack -anchor se -expand 0 -fill none -ipadx 0 -ipady 0 -padx 0 -pady 0 -side top} {-in .pack -anchor sw -expand 0 -fill none -ipadx 0 -ipady 0 -padx 0 -pady 0 -side top}}
- test pack-9.3 {information output} {
- pack append .pack .pack.blue {frame center} .pack.red {frame center}
- .pack.green {frame c} .pack.violet {frame c}
- list [pack slaves .pack] [pack info .pack.blue] [pack info .pack.red]
- [pack info .pack.green] [pack info .pack.violet]
- } {{.pack.blue .pack.red .pack.green .pack.violet} {-in .pack -anchor center -expand 0 -fill none -ipadx 0 -ipady 0 -padx 0 -pady 0 -side top} {-in .pack -anchor center -expand 0 -fill none -ipadx 0 -ipady 0 -padx 0 -pady 0 -side top} {-in .pack -anchor center -expand 0 -fill none -ipadx 0 -ipady 0 -padx 0 -pady 0 -side top} {-in .pack -anchor center -expand 0 -fill none -ipadx 0 -ipady 0 -padx 0 -pady 0 -side top}}
- catch {destroy .pack}
- # cleanup
- ::tcltest::cleanupTests
- return