- # This file is a Tcl script to test out the "focus" command and the
- # other procedures in the file tkFocus.c. It is organized in the
- # standard fashion for Tcl tests.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- # Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # RCS: @(#) $Id: focus.test,v 1.8 2002/07/14 05:48:46 dgp Exp $
- package require tcltest 2.1
- namespace import -force tcltest::configure
- namespace import -force tcltest::testsDirectory
- configure -testdir [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]]]
- configure -loadfile [file join [testsDirectory] constraints.tcl]
- tcltest::loadTestedCommands
- button .b -text .b -relief raised -bd 2
- pack .b
- proc focusSetup {} {
- catch {destroy .t}
- toplevel .t
- wm geom .t +0+0
- foreach i {b1 b2 b3 b4} {
- button .t.$i -text .t.$i -relief raised -bd 2
- pack .t.$i
- }
- tkwait visibility .t.b4
- }
- proc focusSetupAlt {} {
- global env
- catch {destroy .alt}
- toplevel .alt -screen $env(TK_ALT_DISPLAY)
- foreach i {a b c d} {
- button .alt.$i -text .alt.$i -relief raised -bd 2
- pack .alt.$i
- }
- tkwait visibility .alt.d
- }
- # Make sure the window manager knows who has focus
- catch {fixfocus}
- # The following procedure ensures that there is no input focus
- # in this application. It does it by arranging for another
- # application to grab the focus. The "after" and "update" stuff
- # is needed to wait long enough for pending actions to get through
- # the X server and possibly also the window manager.
- setupbg
- proc focusClear {} {
- global x;
- after 200 {set x 1}
- tkwait variable x
- dobg {focus -force .; update}
- update
- }
- focusSetup
- if {[testConstraint altDisplay]} {
- focusSetupAlt
- }
- update
- bind all <FocusIn> {
- append focusInfo "in %W %dn"
- }
- bind all <FocusOut> {
- append focusInfo "out %W %dn"
- }
- bind all <KeyPress> {
- append focusInfo "press %W %K"
- }
- test focus-1.1 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure} {unixOnly} {
- focusClear
- focus
- } {}
- test focus-1.2 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure} {unixOnly altDisplay} {
- focus .alt.b
- focus
- } {}
- test focus-1.3 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure} {unixOnly} {
- focusClear
- focus .t.b3
- focus
- } {}
- test focus-1.4 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure} {unixOnly} {
- list [catch {focus ""} msg] $msg
- } {0 {}}
- test focus-1.5 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure} {unixOnly} {
- focusClear
- focus -force .t
- focus .t.b3
- focus
- } {.t.b3}
- test focus-1.6 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure} {unixOnly} {
- list [catch {focus .gorp} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad window path name ".gorp"}}
- test focus-1.7 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure} {unixOnly} {
- list [catch {focus .gorp a} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad option ".gorp": must be -displayof, -force, or -lastfor}}
- test focus-1.8 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure, focussing on dead window} {unixOnly} {
- toplevel .t2
- wm geom .t2 +10+10
- frame .t2.f -width 200 -height 100 -bd 2 -relief raised
- frame .t2.f2 -width 200 -height 100 -bd 2 -relief raised
- pack .t2.f .t2.f2
- bind .t2.f <Destroy> {focus .t2.f}
- bind .t2.f2 <Destroy> {focus .t2}
- focus -force .t2.f2
- tkwait visibility .t2.f2
- update
- set x [focus]
- destroy .t2.f2
- lappend x [focus]
- destroy .t2.f
- lappend x [focus]
- destroy .t2
- set x
- } {.t2.f2 .t2 .t2}
- test focus-1.9 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure, -displayof option} {unixOnly} {
- list [catch {focus -displayof} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "focus -displayof window"}}
- test focus-1.10 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure, -displayof option} {unixOnly} {
- list [catch {focus -displayof a b} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "focus -displayof window"}}
- test focus-1.11 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure, -displayof option} {unixOnly} {
- list [catch {focus -displayof .lousy} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad window path name ".lousy"}}
- test focus-1.12 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure, -displayof option} {unixOnly} {
- focusClear
- focus .t
- focus -displayof .t.b3
- } {}
- test focus-1.13 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure, -displayof option} {unixOnly} {
- focusClear
- focus -force .t
- focus -displayof .t.b3
- } {.t}
- test focus-1.14 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure, -displayof option} {unixOnly altDisplay} {
- focus -force .alt.c
- focus -displayof .alt
- } {.alt.c}
- test focus-1.15 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure, -force option} {unixOnly} {
- list [catch {focus -force} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "focus -force window"}}
- test focus-1.16 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure, -force option} {unixOnly} {
- list [catch {focus -force a b} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "focus -force window"}}
- test focus-1.17 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure, -force option} {unixOnly} {
- list [catch {focus -force foo} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad window path name "foo"}}
- test focus-1.18 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure, -force option} {unixOnly} {
- list [catch {focus -force ""} msg] $msg
- } {0 {}}
- test focus-1.19 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure, -force option} {unixOnly} {
- focusClear
- focus .t.b1
- set x [list [focus]]
- focus -force .t.b1
- lappend x [focus]
- } {{} .t.b1}
- test focus-1.20 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure, -lastfor option} {unixOnly} {
- list [catch {focus -lastfor} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "focus -lastfor window"}}
- test focus-1.21 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure, -lastfor option} {unixOnly} {
- list [catch {focus -lastfor 1 2} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "focus -lastfor window"}}
- test focus-1.22 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure, -lastfor option} {unixOnly} {
- list [catch {focus -lastfor who_knows?} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad window path name "who_knows?"}}
- test focus-1.23 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure, -lastfor option} {unixOnly} {
- focus .b
- focus .t.b1
- list [focus -lastfor .] [focus -lastfor .t.b3]
- } {.b .t.b1}
- test focus-1.24 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure, -lastfor option} {unixOnly} {
- destroy .t
- focusSetup
- update
- focus -lastfor .t.b2
- } {.t}
- test focus-1.25 {Tk_FocusCmd procedure} {unixOnly} {
- list [catch {focus -unknown} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad option "-unknown": must be -displayof, -force, or -lastfor}}
- test focus-2.1 {TkFocusFilterEvent procedure} {unixOnly nonPortable testwrapper} {
- focus -force .b
- destroy .t
- focusSetup
- update
- set focusInfo {}
- event gen [testwrapper .t] <FocusIn> -detail NotifyAncestor
- -sendevent 0x54217567
- list $focusInfo
- } {{}}
- test focus-2.2 {TkFocusFilterEvent procedure} {unixOnly nonPortable testwrapper} {
- focus -force .b
- destroy .t
- focusSetup
- update
- set focusInfo {}
- event gen .t <FocusIn> -detail NotifyAncestor -sendevent 0x547321ac
- list $focusInfo [focus]
- } {{in .t NotifyAncestor
- } .b}
- test focus-2.3 {TkFocusFilterEvent procedure} {unixOnly nonPortable testwrapper} {
- focus -force .b
- destroy .t
- focusSetup
- update
- set focusInfo {}
- event gen [testwrapper .t] <FocusIn> -detail NotifyAncestor
- update
- list $focusInfo [focus -lastfor .t]
- } {{out .b NotifyNonlinear
- out . NotifyNonlinearVirtual
- in .t NotifyNonlinear
- } .t}
- test focus-2.4 {TkFocusFilterEvent procedure, FocusIn events}
- {unixOnly nonPortable testwrapper} {
- set result {}
- focus .t.b1
- # Important to end with NotifyAncestor, which is an
- # event that is processed normally. This has a side
- # effect on text 2.5
- foreach detail {NotifyAncestor NotifyNonlinear
- NotifyNonlinearVirtual NotifyPointer NotifyPointerRoot
- NotifyVirtual NotifyAncestor} {
- focus -force .
- update
- event gen [testwrapper .t] <FocusIn> -detail $detail
- set focusInfo {}
- update
- lappend result $focusInfo
- }
- set result
- } {{out . NotifyNonlinear
- in .t NotifyNonlinearVirtual
- in .t.b1 NotifyNonlinear
- } {out . NotifyNonlinear
- in .t NotifyNonlinearVirtual
- in .t.b1 NotifyNonlinear
- } {} {out . NotifyNonlinear
- in .t NotifyNonlinearVirtual
- in .t.b1 NotifyNonlinear
- } {} {} {out . NotifyNonlinear
- in .t NotifyNonlinearVirtual
- in .t.b1 NotifyNonlinear
- }}
- test focus-2.5 {TkFocusFilterEvent procedure, creating FocusInfo struct}
- {unixOnly nonPortable testwrapper} {
- focusSetup
- focus .t.b1
- update
- event gen [testwrapper .t] <FocusIn> -detail NotifyAncestor
- list $focusInfo [focus]
- } {{out . NotifyNonlinear
- in .t NotifyNonlinearVirtual
- in .t.b1 NotifyNonlinear
- } .t.b1}
- test focus-2.6 {TkFocusFilterEvent procedure, FocusIn events}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- focus .t.b1
- focus .
- update
- event gen [testwrapper .t] <FocusIn> -detail NotifyAncestor
- set focusInfo {}
- set x [focus]
- event gen . <KeyPress-x>
- list $x $focusInfo
- } {.t.b1 {press .t.b1 x}}
- test focus-2.7 {TkFocusFilterEvent procedure, FocusOut events}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- set result {}
- foreach detail {NotifyAncestor NotifyInferior NotifyNonlinear
- NotifyNonlinearVirtual NotifyPointer NotifyPointerRoot
- NotifyVirtual} {
- focus -force .t.b1
- event gen [testwrapper .t] <FocusOut> -detail $detail
- update
- lappend result [focus]
- }
- set result
- } {{} .t.b1 {} {} .t.b1 .t.b1 {}}
- test focus-2.8 {TkFocusFilterEvent procedure, FocusOut events}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- focus -force .t.b1
- event gen .t.b1 <FocusOut> -detail NotifyAncestor
- focus
- } {.t.b1}
- test focus-2.9 {TkFocusFilterEvent procedure, FocusOut events}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- focus .t.b1
- event gen [testwrapper .] <FocusOut> -detail NotifyAncestor
- focus
- } {}
- test focus-2.10 {TkFocusFilterEvent procedure, Enter events}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- set result {}
- focus .t.b1
- focusClear
- foreach detail {NotifyAncestor NotifyInferior NotifyNonlinear
- NotifyNonlinearVirtual NotifyVirtual} {
- event gen [testwrapper .t] <Enter> -detail $detail -focus 1
- update
- lappend result [focus]
- event gen [testwrapper .t] <Leave> -detail NotifyAncestor
- update
- }
- set result
- } {.t.b1 {} .t.b1 .t.b1 .t.b1}
- test focus-2.11 {TkFocusFilterEvent procedure, Enter events}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- focusClear
- set focusInfo {}
- event gen [testwrapper .t] <Enter> -detail NotifyAncestor
- update
- set focusInfo
- } {}
- test focus-2.12 {TkFocusFilterEvent procedure, Enter events}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- focus -force .b
- update
- set focusInfo {}
- event gen [testwrapper .t] <Enter> -detail NotifyAncestor -focus 1
- update
- set focusInfo
- } {}
- test focus-2.13 {TkFocusFilterEvent procedure, Enter events}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- focus .t.b1
- focusClear
- event gen [testwrapper .t] <Enter> -detail NotifyAncestor -focus 1
- set focusInfo {}
- update
- set focusInfo
- } {in .t NotifyVirtual
- in .t.b1 NotifyAncestor
- }
- test focus-2.14 {TkFocusFilterEvent procedure, Enter events, ignore errors when setting focus due to implicit focus} {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- focusClear
- catch {destroy .t2}
- toplevel .t2
- wm withdraw .t2
- update
- set focusInfo {}
- event gen [testwrapper .t2] <Enter> -detail NotifyAncestor -focus 1
- update
- destroy .t2
- } {}
- test focus-2.15 {TkFocusFilterEvent procedure, Leave events}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- set result {}
- focus .t.b1
- foreach detail {NotifyAncestor NotifyInferior NotifyNonlinear
- NotifyNonlinearVirtual NotifyVirtual} {
- focusClear
- event gen [testwrapper .t] <Enter> -detail NotifyAncestor -focus 1
- update
- event gen [testwrapper .t] <Leave> -detail $detail
- update
- lappend result [focus]
- }
- set result
- } {{} .t.b1 {} {} {}}
- test focus-2.16 {TkFocusFilterEvent procedure, Leave events}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- set result {}
- focus .t.b1
- event gen [testwrapper .t] <Enter> -detail NotifyAncestor -focus 1
- update
- set focusInfo {}
- event gen [testwrapper .t] <Leave> -detail NotifyAncestor
- update
- set focusInfo
- } {out .t.b1 NotifyAncestor
- out .t NotifyVirtual
- }
- test focus-2.17 {TkFocusFilterEvent procedure, Leave events}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- set result {}
- focus .t.b1
- event gen [testwrapper .t] <Enter> -detail NotifyAncestor -focus 1
- update
- set focusInfo {}
- event gen .t.b1 <Leave> -detail NotifyAncestor
- event gen [testwrapper .] <Leave> -detail NotifyAncestor
- update
- list $focusInfo [focus]
- } {{out .t.b1 NotifyAncestor
- out .t NotifyVirtual
- } {}}
- test focus-3.1 {SetFocus procedure, create record on focus}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- toplevel .t2 -width 250 -height 100
- wm geometry .t2 +0+0
- update
- focus -force .t2
- update
- focus
- } {.t2}
- catch {destroy .t2}
- # This test produces no result, but it will generate a protocol
- # error if Tk forgets to make the window exist before focussing
- # on it.
- test focus-3.2 {SetFocus procedure, making window exist}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- update
- button .b2 -text "Another button"
- focus .b2
- update
- } {}
- catch {destroy .b2}
- update
- # The following test doesn't produce a check-able result, but if
- # there are bugs it may generate an X protocol error.
- test focus-3.3 {SetFocus procedure, delaying claim of X focus}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- focusSetup
- focus -force .t.b2
- update
- } {}
- test focus-3.4 {SetFocus procedure, delaying claim of X focus}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- focusSetup
- wm withdraw .t
- focus -force .t.b2
- toplevel .t2 -width 250 -height 100
- wm geometry .t2 +10+10
- focus -force .t2
- wm withdraw .t2
- update
- wm deiconify .t2
- wm deiconify .t
- } {}
- catch {destroy .t2}
- test focus-3.5 {SetFocus procedure, generating events}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- focusSetup
- focusClear
- set focusInfo {}
- focus -force .t.b2
- update
- set focusInfo
- } {in .t NotifyVirtual
- in .t.b2 NotifyAncestor
- }
- test focus-3.6 {SetFocus procedure, generating events}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- focusSetup
- focus -force .b
- update
- set focusInfo {}
- focus .t.b2
- update
- set focusInfo
- } {out .b NotifyNonlinear
- out . NotifyNonlinearVirtual
- in .t NotifyNonlinearVirtual
- in .t.b2 NotifyNonlinear
- }
- test focus-3.7 {SetFocus procedure, generating events}
- {unixOnly nonPortable testwrapper} {
- # Non-portable because some platforms generate extra events.
- focusSetup
- focusClear
- set focusInfo {}
- focus .t.b2
- update
- set focusInfo
- } {}
- test focus-4.1 {TkFocusDeadWindow procedure} {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- focusSetup
- update
- focus -force .b
- update
- destroy .t
- focus
- } {.b}
- test focus-4.2 {TkFocusDeadWindow procedure} {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- focusSetup
- update
- focus -force .t.b2
- focus .b
- update
- destroy .t.b2
- update
- focus
- } {.b}
- # Non-portable due to wm-specific redirection of input focus when
- # windows are deleted:
- test focus-4.3 {TkFocusDeadWindow procedure} {unixOnly nonPortable testwrapper} {
- focusSetup
- update
- focus .t
- update
- destroy .t
- update
- focus
- } {}
- test focus-4.4 {TkFocusDeadWindow procedure} {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- focusSetup
- focus -force .t.b2
- update
- destroy .t.b2
- focus
- } {.t}
- # I don't know how to test most of the remaining procedures of this file
- # explicitly; they've already been exercised by the preceding tests.
- setupbg
- test focus-5.1 {ChangeXFocus procedure, don't take focus unless have it}
- {unixOnly testwrapper secureserver} {
- focusSetup
- focus -force .t
- update
- set result [focus]
- send [dobg {tk appname}] {focus -force .; update}
- lappend result [focus]
- focus .t.b2
- update
- lappend result [focus]
- } {.t {} {}}
- catch {destroy .t}
- bind all <FocusIn> {}
- bind all <FocusOut> {}
- bind all <KeyPress> {}
- cleanupbg
- fixfocus
- test focus-6.1 {miscellaneous - embedded application in same process}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- eval interp delete [interp slaves]
- catch {destroy .t}
- toplevel .t
- wm geometry .t +0+0
- frame .t.f1 -container 1
- frame .t.f2
- pack .t.f1 .t.f2
- entry .t.f2.e1 -bg red
- pack .t.f2.e1
- bind all <FocusIn> {lappend x "focus in %W %d"}
- bind all <FocusOut> {lappend x "focus out %W %d"}
- interp create child
- child eval "set argv {-use [winfo id .t.f1]}"
- load {} Tk child
- child eval {
- entry .e1 -bg lightBlue
- pack .e1
- bind all <FocusIn> {lappend x "focus in %W %d"}
- bind all <FocusOut> {lappend x "focus out %W %d"}
- set x {}
- }
- # Claim the focus and wait long enough for it to really arrive.
- focus -force .t.f2.e1
- after 300 {set timer 1}
- vwait timer
- set x {}
- lappend x [focus] [child eval focus]
- # See if a "focus" command will move the focus to the embedded
- # application.
- child eval {focus .e1}
- after 300 {set timer 1}
- vwait timer
- lappend x |
- child eval {lappend x |}
- # Bring the focus back to the main application.
- focus .t.f2.e1
- after 300 {set timer 1}
- vwait timer
- set result [list $x [child eval {set x}]]
- interp delete child
- set result
- } {{.t.f2.e1 {} {focus out .t.f2.e1 NotifyNonlinear} {focus out .t.f2 NotifyNonlinearVirtual} {focus in .t.f1 NotifyNonlinear} | {focus out .t.f1 NotifyNonlinear} {focus in .t.f2 NotifyNonlinearVirtual} {focus in .t.f2.e1 NotifyNonlinear}} {{focus in . NotifyVirtual} {focus in .e1 NotifyAncestor} | {focus out .e1 NotifyAncestor} {focus out . NotifyVirtual}}}
- test focus-6.2 {miscellaneous - embedded application in different process}
- {unixOnly testwrapper} {
- eval interp delete [interp slaves]
- catch {destroy .t}
- setupbg
- toplevel .t
- wm geometry .t +0+0
- frame .t.f1 -container 1
- frame .t.f2
- pack .t.f1 .t.f2
- entry .t.f2.e1 -bg red
- pack .t.f2.e1
- bind all <FocusIn> {lappend x "focus in %W %d"}
- bind all <FocusOut> {lappend x "focus out %W %d"}
- setupbg -use [winfo id .t.f1]
- dobg {
- entry .e1 -bg lightBlue
- pack .e1
- bind all <FocusIn> {lappend x "focus in %W %d"}
- bind all <FocusOut> {lappend x "focus out %W %d"}
- set x {}
- }
- # Claim the focus and wait long enough for it to really arrive.
- focus -force .t.f2.e1
- after 300 {set timer 1}
- vwait timer
- set x {}
- lappend x [focus] [dobg focus]
- # See if a "focus" command will move the focus to the embedded
- # application.
- dobg {focus .e1}
- after 300 {set timer 1}
- vwait timer
- lappend x |
- dobg {lappend x |}
- # Bring the focus back to the main application.
- focus .t.f2.e1
- after 300 {set timer 1}
- vwait timer
- set result [list $x [dobg {set x}]]
- cleanupbg
- set result
- } {{.t.f2.e1 {} {focus out .t.f2.e1 NotifyNonlinear} {focus out .t.f2 NotifyNonlinearVirtual} {focus in .t.f1 NotifyNonlinear} | {focus out .t.f1 NotifyNonlinear} {focus in .t.f2 NotifyNonlinearVirtual} {focus in .t.f2.e1 NotifyNonlinear}} {{focus in . NotifyVirtual} {focus in .e1 NotifyAncestor} | {focus out .e1 NotifyAncestor} {focus out . NotifyVirtual}}}
- deleteWindows
- bind all <FocusIn> {}
- bind all <FocusOut> {}
- # cleanup
- ::tcltest::cleanupTests
- return