- # This file is a Tcl script to test out Tk's "tk_dialog" command.
- # It is organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests.
- #
- # RCS: @(#) $Id: dialog.test,v 1.3 2002/07/14 05:48:46 dgp Exp $
- #
- package require tcltest 2.1
- namespace import -force tcltest::configure
- namespace import -force tcltest::testsDirectory
- configure -testdir [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]]]
- configure -loadfile [file join [testsDirectory] constraints.tcl]
- tcltest::loadTestedCommands
- test dialog-1.1 {tk_dialog command} {
- list [catch {tk_dialog} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "tk_dialog w title text bitmap default args"}}
- test dialog-1.2 {tk_dialog command} {
- list [catch {tk_dialog foo foo foo foo foo} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad window path name "foo"}}
- test dialog-1.3 {tk_dialog command} {
- set res [list [catch {tk_dialog .d foo foo foo foo} msg] $msg]
- destroy .d
- set res
- } {1 {bitmap "foo" not defined}}
- proc PressButton {btn} {
- if {![winfo ismapped $btn]} {
- update
- }
- event generate $btn <Enter>
- event generate $btn <1> -x 5 -y 5
- event generate $btn <ButtonRelease-1> -x 5 -y 5
- }
- proc HitReturn {w} {
- event generate $w <Enter>
- focus -force $w
- event generate $w <KeyPress> -keysym Return
- }
- test dialog-2.0 {tk_dialog operation} {
- set x [after 5000 [list set tk::Priv(button) "no response"]]
- after 100 PressButton .d.button0
- set res [tk_dialog .d foo foo info 0 click]
- after cancel $x
- set res
- } {0}
- test dialog-2.1 {tk_dialog operation} {
- set x [after 5000 [list set tk::Priv(button) "no response"]]
- after 100 HitReturn .d
- set res [tk_dialog .d foo foo info 1 click default]
- after cancel $x
- set res
- } {1}
- test dialog-2.2 {tk_dialog operation} {
- set x [after 5000 [list set tk::Priv(button) "no response"]]
- after 100 destroy .d
- set res [tk_dialog .d foo foo info 0 click]
- after cancel $x
- set res
- } {-1}
- tcltest::cleanupTests
- return