- # This file is a Tcl script to test out the "image" command and the
- # other procedures in the file tkImage.c. It is organized in the
- # standard fashion for Tcl tests.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1994 The Regents of the University of California.
- # Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- # Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # RCS: @(#) $Id: image.test,v 2003/09/17 23:45:05 dgp Exp $
- package require tcltest 2.1
- namespace import -force tcltest::configure
- namespace import -force tcltest::testsDirectory
- configure -testdir [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]]]
- configure -loadfile [file join [testsDirectory] constraints.tcl]
- tcltest::loadTestedCommands
- namespace import -force tcltest::interpreter
- namespace import -force tcltest::makeFile
- namespace import -force tcltest::removeFile
- eval image delete [image names]
- canvas .c -highlightthickness 2
- pack .c
- update
- test image-1.1 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "create" option} {
- list [catch image msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "image option ?args?"}}
- test image-1.2 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "create" option} {
- list [catch {image gorp} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad option "gorp": must be create, delete, height, inuse, names, type, types, or width}}
- test image-1.3 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "create" option} {
- list [catch {image create} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "image create type ?name? ?options?"}}
- test image-1.4 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "create" option} {
- list [catch {image c bad_type} msg] $msg
- } {1 {image type "bad_type" doesn't exist}}
- test image-1.5 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "create" option} testImageType {
- list [image create test myimage] [image names]
- } {myimage myimage}
- test image-1.6 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "create" option} testImageType {
- scan [image create test] image%d first
- image create test myimage
- scan [image create test -variable x] image%d second
- expr $second-$first
- } {1}
- test image-1.7 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "create" option} testImageType {
- image delete myimage
- image create test myimage -variable x
- .c create image 100 50 -image myimage
- .c create image 100 150 -image myimage
- update
- set x {}
- image create test myimage -variable x
- update
- set x
- } {{myimage free} {myimage free} {myimage delete} {myimage get} {myimage get} {myimage display 0 0 30 15 30 30} {myimage display 0 0 30 15 30 130}}
- test image-1.8 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "create" option} testImageType {
- .c delete all
- image create test myimage -variable x
- .c create image 100 50 -image myimage
- .c create image 100 150 -image myimage
- image delete myimage
- update
- set x {}
- image create test myimage -variable x
- update
- set x
- } {{myimage get} {myimage get} {myimage display 0 0 30 15 30 30} {myimage display 0 0 30 15 30 130}}
- test image-1.9 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "create" option} testImageType {
- .c delete all
- eval image delete [image names]
- list [catch {image create test -badName foo} msg] $msg [image names]
- } {1 {bad option name "-badName"} {}}
- test image-1.10 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "create" option with same name as main window} {
- set script [makeFile {
- update
- puts [list [catch {image create photo .} msg] $msg]
- exit
- } script]
- set x [list [catch {exec [interpreter] <$script} msg] $msg]
- removeFile script
- set x
- } {0 {1 {images may not be named the same as the main window}}}
- test image-1.11 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "create" option with same name as main window after renaming} {
- set script [makeFile {
- update
- puts [list [catch {rename . foo;image create photo foo} msg] $msg]
- exit
- } script]
- set x [list [catch {exec [interpreter] <$script} msg] $msg]
- removeFile script
- set x
- } {0 {1 {images may not be named the same as the main window}}}
- test image-1.11 {Tk_ImageCmd, "create" option: do not generated command name in use} -setup {
- set i [image create bitmap]
- regexp {^image(d+)$} $i -> serial
- incr serial
- proc image$serial {} {return works}
- set j [image create bitmap]
- } -body {
- image$serial
- } -cleanup {
- rename image$serial {}
- image delete $i $j
- } -result works
- test image-2.1 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "delete" option} {
- list [catch {image delete} msg] $msg
- } {0 {}}
- test image-2.2 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "delete" option} testImageType {
- .c delete all
- eval image delete [image names]
- image create test myimage
- image create test img2
- set result {}
- lappend result [lsort [image names]]
- image d myimage img2
- lappend result [image names]
- } {{img2 myimage} {}}
- test image-2.3 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "delete" option} testImageType {
- .c delete all
- eval image delete [image names]
- image create test myimage
- image create test img2
- list [catch {image delete myimage gorp img2} msg] $msg [image names]
- } {1 {image "gorp" doesn't exist} img2}
- test image-3.1 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "height" option} {
- list [catch {image height} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "image height name"}}
- test image-3.2 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "height" option} {
- list [catch {image height a b} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "image height name"}}
- test image-3.3 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "height" option} {
- list [catch {image height foo} msg] $msg
- } {1 {image "foo" doesn't exist}}
- test image-3.4 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "height" option} testImageType {
- image create test myimage
- set x [image h myimage]
- myimage changed 0 0 0 0 60 50
- list $x [image height myimage]
- } {15 50}
- test image-4.1 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "names" option} {
- list [catch {image names x} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "image names"}}
- test image-4.2 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "names" option} testImageType {
- .c delete all
- eval image delete [image names]
- image create test myimage
- image create test img2
- image create test 24613
- lsort [image names]
- } {24613 img2 myimage}
- test image-4.3 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "names" option} {
- .c delete all
- eval image delete [image names]
- lsort [image names]
- } {}
- test image-5.1 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "type" option} {
- list [catch {image type} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "image type name"}}
- test image-5.2 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "type" option} {
- list [catch {image type a b} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "image type name"}}
- test image-5.3 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "type" option} {
- list [catch {image type foo} msg] $msg
- } {1 {image "foo" doesn't exist}}
- test image-5.4 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "type" option} testImageType {
- image create test myimage
- image type myimage
- } {test}
- test image-5.5 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "type" option} testImageType {
- image create test myimage
- .c create image 50 50 -image myimage
- image delete myimage
- image type myimage
- } {}
- test image-6.1 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "types" option} {
- list [catch {image types x} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "image types"}}
- test image-6.2 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "types" option} testImageType {
- lsort [image types]
- } {bitmap photo test}
- test image-7.1 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "width" option} {
- list [catch {image width} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "image width name"}}
- test image-7.2 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "width" option} {
- list [catch {image width a b} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "image width name"}}
- test image-7.3 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "width" option} {
- list [catch {image width foo} msg] $msg
- } {1 {image "foo" doesn't exist}}
- test image-7.4 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "width" option} testImageType {
- image create test myimage
- set x [image w myimage]
- myimage changed 0 0 0 0 60 50
- list $x [image width myimage]
- } {30 60}
- test image-8.1 {Tk_ImageCmd procedure, "inuse" option} testImageType {
- catch {image delete myimage2}
- image create test myimage2
- set res {}
- lappend res [image inuse myimage2]
- catch {destroy .b}
- button .b -image myimage2
- lappend res [image inuse myimage2]
- catch {destroy .b}
- image delete myimage2
- set res
- } [list 0 1]
- test image-9.1 {Tk_ImageChanged procedure} testImageType {
- .c delete all
- eval image delete [image names]
- image create test foo -variable x
- .c create image 50 50 -image foo
- update
- set x {}
- foo changed 5 6 7 8 30 15
- update
- set x
- } {{foo display 5 6 7 8 30 30}}
- test image-9.2 {Tk_ImageChanged procedure} testImageType {
- .c delete all
- eval image delete [image names]
- image create test foo -variable x
- .c create image 50 50 -image foo
- .c create image 90 100 -image foo
- update
- set x {}
- foo changed 5 6 7 8 30 15
- update
- set x
- } {{foo display 5 6 25 9 30 30} {foo display 0 0 12 14 65 74}}
- test image-10.1 {Tk_GetImage procedure} {
- list [catch {.c create image 100 10 -image bad_name} msg] $msg
- } {1 {image "bad_name" doesn't exist}}
- test image-10.2 {Tk_GetImage procedure} testImageType {
- image create test mytest
- catch {destroy .l}
- label .l -image mytest
- image delete mytest
- set result [list [catch {label .l2 -image mytest} msg] $msg]
- destroy .l
- set result
- } {1 {image "mytest" doesn't exist}}
- test image-11.1 {Tk_FreeImage procedure} testImageType {
- .c delete all
- eval image delete [image names]
- image create test foo -variable x
- .c create image 50 50 -image foo -tags i1
- .c create image 90 100 -image foo -tags i2
- pack forget .c
- update
- set x {}
- .c delete i1
- pack .c
- update
- list [image names] $x
- } {foo {{foo free} {foo display 0 0 30 15 103 121}}}
- test image-11.2 {Tk_FreeImage procedure} testImageType {
- .c delete all
- eval image delete [image names]
- image create test foo -variable x
- .c create image 50 50 -image foo -tags i1
- image delete foo
- update
- set names [image names]
- set x {}
- .c delete i1
- pack forget .c
- pack .c
- update
- list $names [image names] $x
- } {foo {} {}}
- # Non-portable, apparently due to differences in rounding:
- test image-12.1 {Tk_RedrawImage procedure, redisplay area clipping}
- {testImageType nonPortable} {
- .c delete all
- eval image delete [image names]
- image create test foo -variable x
- .c create image 50 60 -image foo -tags i1 -anchor nw
- update
- .c create rectangle 30 40 55 65 -width 0 -fill black -outline {}
- set x {}
- update
- set x
- } {{foo display 0 0 5 5 50 50}}
- test image-12.2 {Tk_RedrawImage procedure, redisplay area clipping}
- {testImageType nonPortable} {
- .c delete all
- eval image delete [image names]
- image create test foo -variable x
- .c create image 50 60 -image foo -tags i1 -anchor nw
- update
- .c create rectangle 60 40 100 65 -width 0 -fill black -outline {}
- set x {}
- update
- set x
- } {{foo display 10 0 20 5 30 50}}
- test image-12.3 {Tk_RedrawImage procedure, redisplay area clipping}
- {testImageType nonPortable} {
- .c delete all
- eval image delete [image names]
- image create test foo -variable x
- .c create image 50 60 -image foo -tags i1 -anchor nw
- update
- .c create rectangle 60 70 100 200 -width 0 -fill black -outline {}
- set x {}
- update
- set x
- } {{foo display 10 10 20 5 30 30}}
- test image-12.4 {Tk_RedrawImage procedure, redisplay area clipping}
- {testImageType nonPortable} {
- .c delete all
- eval image delete [image names]
- image create test foo -variable x
- .c create image 50 60 -image foo -tags i1 -anchor nw
- update
- .c create rectangle 30 70 55 200 -width 0 -fill black -outline {}
- set x {}
- update
- set x
- } {{foo display 0 10 5 5 50 30}}
- test image-12.5 {Tk_RedrawImage procedure, redisplay area clipping}
- {testImageType nonPortable} {
- .c delete all
- eval image delete [image names]
- image create test foo -variable x
- .c create image 50 60 -image foo -tags i1 -anchor nw
- update
- .c create rectangle 10 20 120 130 -width 0 -fill black -outline {}
- set x {}
- update
- set x
- } {{foo display 0 0 30 15 70 70}}
- test image-12.6 {Tk_RedrawImage procedure, redisplay area clipping}
- {testImageType nonPortable} {
- .c delete all
- eval image delete [image names]
- image create test foo -variable x
- .c create image 50 60 -image foo -tags i1 -anchor nw
- update
- .c create rectangle 55 65 75 70 -width 0 -fill black -outline {}
- set x {}
- update
- set x
- } {{foo display 5 5 20 5 30 30}}
- test image-13.1 {Tk_SizeOfImage procedure} testImageType {
- eval image delete [image names]
- image create test foo -variable x
- set result [list [image width foo] [image height foo]]
- foo changed 0 0 0 0 85 60
- lappend result [image width foo] [image height foo]
- } {30 15 85 60}
- test image-13.2 {DeleteImage procedure} testImageType {
- .c delete all
- eval image delete [image names]
- image create test foo -variable x
- .c create image 50 50 -image foo -tags i1
- .c create image 90 100 -image foo -tags i2
- set x {}
- image delete foo
- lappend x | [image names] |
- image delete foo
- lappend x | [image names] |
- } {{foo free} {foo free} {foo delete} | foo | | foo |}
- catch {image delete hidden}
- set l [image names]
- set h [interp hidden]
- test image-14.1 {image command vs hidden commands} {
- catch {image delete hidden}
- image create photo hidden
- interp hide {} hidden
- image delete hidden
- list [image names] [interp hidden]
- } [list $l $h]
- destroy .c
- eval image delete [image names]
- # cleanup
- ::tcltest::cleanupTests
- return