- # This file is a Tcl script to test labels, buttons, checkbuttons, and
- # radiobuttons in Tk (i.e., all the widgets defined in tkButton.c). It is
- # organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1994 The Regents of the University of California.
- # Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- # Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # RCS: @(#) $Id: button.test,v 1.13 2002/09/02 23:32:35 hobbs Exp $
- package require tcltest 2.1
- namespace import -force tcltest::configure
- namespace import -force tcltest::testsDirectory
- configure -testdir [file join [pwd] [file dirname [info script]]]
- configure -loadfile [file join [testsDirectory] constraints.tcl]
- tcltest::loadTestedCommands
- proc bogusTrace args {
- error "trace aborted"
- }
- catch {unset value}
- catch {unset value2}
- # Create entries in the option database to be sure that geometry options
- # like border width have predictable values.
- option add *Button.borderWidth 2
- option add *Button.highlightThickness 2
- option add *Button.font {Helvetica -12 bold}
- eval image delete [image names]
- if {[testConstraint testImageType]} {
- image create test image1
- }
- label .l -text Label
- button .b -text Button
- checkbutton .c -text Checkbutton
- radiobutton .r -text Radiobutton
- pack .l .b .c .r
- update
- set i 1
- foreach test {
- {-activebackground #012345 #012345 non-existent
- {unknown color name "non-existent"} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-activeforeground #ff0000 #ff0000 non-existent
- {unknown color name "non-existent"} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-anchor nw nw bogus {bad anchor "bogus": must be n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw, or center} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-background #ff0000 #ff0000 non-existent
- {unknown color name "non-existent"} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-bd 4 4 badValue {bad screen distance "badValue"} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-bg #ff0000 #ff0000 non-existent {unknown color name "non-existent"}
- {1 1 1 1}}
- {-bitmap questhead questhead badValue {bitmap "badValue" not defined}
- {1 1 1 1}}
- {-borderwidth 1.3 1.3 badValue {bad screen distance "badValue"} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-command "set x" {set x} {} {} {0 1 1 1}}
- {-compound left left bogus {bad compound "bogus": must be bottom, center, left, none, right, or top} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-cursor arrow arrow badValue {bad cursor spec "badValue"} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-default active active huh?
- {bad default "huh?": must be active, disabled, or normal}
- {0 1 0 0}}
- {-disabledforeground #00ff00 #00ff00 xyzzy {unknown color name "xyzzy"}
- {1 1 1 1}}
- {-fg #110022 #110022 bogus {unknown color name "bogus"} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-font {Helvetica 12} {Helvetica 12} {} {font "" doesn't exist} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-foreground #110022 #110022 bogus {unknown color name "bogus"} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-height 18 18 20.0 {expected integer but got "20.0"} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-highlightbackground #112233 #112233 ugly {unknown color name "ugly"}
- {1 1 1 1}}
- {-highlightcolor #110022 #110022 bogus {unknown color name "bogus"}
- {1 1 1 1}}
- {-highlightthickness 6m 6m badValue {bad screen distance "badValue"}
- {1 1 1 1}}
- {-image image1 image1 bogus {image "bogus" doesn't exist} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-indicatoron yes 1 no_way {expected boolean value but got "no_way"}
- {0 0 1 1}}
- {-justify right right bogus {bad justification "bogus": must be left, right, or center} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-offrelief flat flat 1.5 {bad relief "1.5": must be flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, or sunken} {0 0 1 1}}
- {-offvalue lousy lousy {} {} {0 0 1 0}}
- {-offvalue fantastic fantastic {} {} {0 0 1 0}}
- {-overrelief "" "" 1.5 {bad relief "1.5": must be flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, or sunken} {0 1 1 1}}
- {-padx 12m 12m 420x {bad screen distance "420x"} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-pady 12m 12m 420x {bad screen distance "420x"} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-repeatdelay 100 100 foo {expected integer but got "foo"} {0 1 0 0}}
- {-repeatinterval 100 100 foo {expected integer but got "foo"} {0 1 0 0}}
- {-relief flat flat 1.5 {bad relief "1.5": must be flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, or sunken} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-selectcolor #110022 #110022 bogus {unknown color name "bogus"} {0 0 1 1}}
- {-selectimage image1 image1 bogus {image "bogus" doesn't exist} {0 0 1 1}}
- {-state normal normal bogus {bad state "bogus": must be active, disabled, or normal} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-takefocus "any string" "any string" {} {} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-text "Sample text" {Sample text} {} {} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-textvariable i i {} {} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-underline 5 5 3p {expected integer but got "3p"} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-value anyString anyString {} {} {0 0 0 1}}
- {-width 402 402 3p {expected integer but got "3p"} {1 1 1 1}}
- {-wraplength 100 100 6x {bad screen distance "6x"} {1 1 1 1}}
- } {
- set name [lindex $test 0]
- set classes [lindex $test 5]
- foreach w {.l .b .c .r} hasOption [lindex $test 5] {
- if $hasOption {
- test button-1.$i {configuration options} testImageType {
- $w configure $name [lindex $test 1]
- lindex [$w configure $name] 4
- } [lindex $test 2]
- incr i
- if {[lindex $test 3] != ""} {
- test button-1.$i {configuration options} testImageType {
- list [catch {$w configure $name [lindex $test 3]} msg] $msg
- } [list 1 [lindex $test 4]]
- }
- $w configure $name [lindex [$w configure $name] 3]
- } else {
- test button-1.$i {configuration options} testImageType {
- list [catch {$w configure $name [lindex $test 1]} msg] $msg
- } "1 {unknown option "$name"}"
- }
- }
- incr i
- }
- test button-1.$i {configuration options} {
- .c configure -selectcolor {}
- } {}
- test button-3.1 {ButtonCreate - not enough cd ../unix
- } {
- list [catch {button} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be "button pathName ?options?"}}
- test button-3.2 {ButtonCreate procedure - setting label class} {
- catch {destroy .x}
- label .x
- winfo class .x
- } {Label}
- test button-3.3 {ButtonCreate - setting button class} {
- catch {destroy .x}
- button .x
- winfo class .x
- } {Button}
- test button-3.4 {ButtonCreate - setting checkbutton class} {
- catch {destroy .x}
- checkbutton .x
- winfo class .x
- } {Checkbutton}
- test button-3.5 {ButtonCreate - setting radiobutton class} {
- catch {destroy .x}
- radiobutton .x
- winfo class .x
- } {Radiobutton}
- rename button gorp
- test button-3.6 {ButtonCreate - setting class} {
- catch {destroy .x}
- gorp .x
- winfo class .x
- } {Button}
- rename gorp button
- test button-3.7 {ButtonCreate - bad window name} {
- list [catch {button foo} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad window path name "foo"}}
- test button-3.8 {ButtonCreate procedure - error in default option value} {
- catch {destroy .funny}
- option add *funny.background bogus
- list [catch {button .funny} msg] $msg $errorInfo
- } {1 {unknown color name "bogus"} {unknown color name "bogus"
- (database entry for "-background" in widget ".funny")
- invoked from within
- "button .funny"}}
- test button-3.9 {ButtonCreate procedure - option error} {
- catch {destroy .x}
- list [catch {button .x -gorp foo} msg] $msg [winfo exists .x]
- } {1 {unknown option "-gorp"} 0}
- test button-3.10 {ButtonCreate procedure - return value} {
- catch {destroy .abcd}
- set x [button .abcd]
- destroy .abc
- set x
- } {.abcd}
- test button-4.1 {ButtonWidgetCmd - too few arguments} {
- list [catch {.b} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be ".b option ?arg arg ...?"}}
- test button-4.2 {ButtonWidgetCmd - bad option name} {
- list [catch {.b c} msg] $msg
- } {1 {ambiguous option "c": must be cget, configure, flash, or invoke}}
- test button-4.3 {ButtonWidgetCmd - bad option name} {
- list [catch {.b bogus} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad option "bogus": must be cget, configure, flash, or invoke}}
- test button-4.4 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
- list [catch {.b cget a b} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be ".b cget option"}}
- test button-4.5 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
- list [catch {.b cget -gorp} msg] $msg
- } {1 {unknown option "-gorp"}}
- test button-4.6 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
- .b configure -highlightthickness 3
- .b cget -highlightthickness
- } {3}
- test button-4.7 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
- catch {.l cget -disabledforeground}
- } {0}
- test button-4.8 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
- catch {.b cget -disabledforeground}
- } {0}
- test button-4.9 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
- list [catch {.b cget -variable} msg] $msg
- } {1 {unknown option "-variable"}}
- test button-4.10 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
- catch {.c cget -variable}
- } {0}
- test button-4.11 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
- list [catch {.c cget -value} msg] $msg
- } {1 {unknown option "-value"}}
- test button-4.12 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
- catch {.r cget -value}
- } {0}
- test button-4.13 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
- list [catch {.r cget -onvalue} msg] $msg
- } {1 {unknown option "-onvalue"}}
- test button-4.14 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} {
- llength [.c configure]
- } {39}
- test button-4.15 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} {
- list [catch {.b configure -gorp} msg] $msg
- } {1 {unknown option "-gorp"}}
- test button-4.16 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} {
- list [catch {.b co -bg #ffffff -fg} msg] $msg
- } {1 {value for "-fg" missing}}
- test button-4.17 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} {
- .b configure -fg #123456
- .b configure -bg #654321
- lindex [.b configure -fg] 4
- } {#123456}
- .c configure -variable value -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
- .r configure -variable value2 -value red
- test button-4.18 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "deselect" option} {
- list [catch {.c deselect foo} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be ".c deselect"}}
- test button-4.19 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "deselect" option} {
- list [catch {.l deselect} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad option "deselect": must be cget or configure}}
- test button-4.20 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "deselect" option} {
- list [catch {.b deselect} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad option "deselect": must be cget, configure, flash, or invoke}}
- test button-4.21 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "deselect" option} {
- set value 1
- .c d
- set value
- } {0}
- test button-4.22 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "deselect" option} {
- set value2 green
- .r deselect
- set value2
- } {green}
- test button-4.23 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "deselect" option} {
- set value2 red
- .r deselect
- set value2
- } {}
- test button-4.24 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "deselect" option} {
- set value 1
- trace variable value w bogusTrace
- set result [list [catch {.c deselect} msg] $msg $errorInfo $value]
- trace vdelete value w bogusTrace
- set result
- } {1 {can't set "value": trace aborted} {can't set "value": trace aborted
- while executing
- ".c deselect"} 0}
- test button-4.25 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "deselect" option} {
- set value2 red
- trace variable value2 w bogusTrace
- set result [list [catch {.r deselect} msg] $msg $errorInfo $value2]
- trace vdelete value2 w bogusTrace
- set result
- } {1 {can't set "value2": trace aborted} {can't set "value2": trace aborted
- while executing
- ".r deselect"} {}}
- test button-4.26 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "flash" option} {
- list [catch {.b flash foo} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be ".b flash"}}
- test button-4.27 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "flash" option} {
- list [catch {.l flash} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad option "flash": must be cget or configure}}
- test button-4.28 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "flash" option} {
- list [catch {.b flash} msg] $msg
- } {0 {}}
- test button-4.29 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "flash" option} {
- list [catch {.c flash} msg] $msg
- } {0 {}}
- test button-4.30 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "flash" option} {
- list [catch {.r f} msg] $msg
- } {0 {}}
- test button-4.31 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "invoke" option} {
- list [catch {.b invoke foo} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be ".b invoke"}}
- test button-4.32 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "invoke" option} {
- list [catch {.l invoke} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad option "invoke": must be cget or configure}}
- test button-4.33 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "invoke" option} {
- .b configure -command {set x invoked}
- set x "not invoked"
- .b invoke
- set x
- } {invoked}
- test button-4.34 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "invoke" option} {
- .b configure -command {set x invoked} -state disabled
- set x "not invoked"
- .b invoke
- set x
- } {not invoked}
- test button-4.35 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "invoke" option} {
- set value bogus
- .c configure -command {set x invoked} -variable value -onvalue 1
- -offvalue 0
- set x "not invoked"
- .c invoke
- list $x $value
- } {invoked 1}
- test button-4.36 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "invoke" option} {
- set value2 green
- .r configure -command {set x invoked} -variable value2 -value red
- set x "not invoked"
- .r i
- list $x $value2
- } {invoked red}
- test button-4.37 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "select" option} {
- list [catch {.l select} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad option "select": must be cget or configure}}
- test button-4.38 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "select" option} {
- list [catch {.b select} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad option "select": must be cget, configure, flash, or invoke}}
- test button-4.39 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "select" option} {
- list [catch {.c select foo} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be ".c select"}}
- test button-4.40 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "select" option} {
- set value bogus
- .c configure -command {} -variable value -onvalue lovely -offvalue 0
- .c s
- set value
- } {lovely}
- test button-4.41 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "select" option} {
- set value2 green
- .r configure -command {} -variable value2 -value red
- .r select
- set value2
- } {red}
- test button-4.42 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "select" option} {
- set value2 yellow
- trace variable value2 w bogusTrace
- set result [list [catch {.r select} msg] $msg $errorInfo $value2]
- trace vdelete value2 w bogusTrace
- set result
- } {1 {can't set "value2": trace aborted} {can't set "value2": trace aborted
- while executing
- ".r select"} red}
- test button-4.43 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "toggle" option} {
- list [catch {.l toggle} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad option "toggle": must be cget or configure}}
- test button-4.44 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "toggle" option} {
- list [catch {.b toggle} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad option "toggle": must be cget, configure, flash, or invoke}}
- test button-4.45 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "toggle" option} {
- list [catch {.r toggle} msg] $msg
- } {1 {bad option "toggle": must be cget, configure, deselect, flash, invoke, or select}}
- test button-4.46 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "toggle" option} {
- list [catch {.c toggle foo} msg] $msg
- } {1 {wrong # args: should be ".c toggle"}}
- test button-4.47 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "toggle" option} {
- set value bogus
- .c configure -command {} -variable value -onvalue sunshine -offvalue rain
- .c toggle
- set result $value
- .c toggle
- lappend result $value
- .c toggle
- lappend result $value
- } {sunshine rain sunshine}
- test button-4.48 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "toggle" option} {
- .c configure -onvalue xyz -offvalue abc
- set value xyz
- trace variable value w bogusTrace
- set result [list [catch {.c toggle} msg] $msg $errorInfo $value]
- trace vdelete value w bogusTrace
- set result
- } {1 {can't set "value": trace aborted} {can't set "value": trace aborted
- while executing
- ".c toggle"} abc}
- test button-4.49 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "toggle" option} {
- .c configure -onvalue xyz -offvalue abc
- set value abc
- trace variable value w bogusTrace
- set result [list [catch {.c toggle} msg] $msg $errorInfo $value]
- trace vdelete value w bogusTrace
- set result
- } {1 {can't set "value": trace aborted} {can't set "value": trace aborted
- while executing
- ".c toggle"} xyz}
- test button-4.50 {ButtonWidgetCmd procedure, "toggle" option} {
- catch {unset value}; set value(1) 1;
- set result [list [catch {.c toggle} msg] $msg $errorInfo]
- unset value;
- set result
- } {1 {can't set "value": variable is array} {can't set "value": variable is array
- while executing
- ".c toggle"}}
- test button-5.1 {DestroyButton procedure} testImageType {
- image create test image1
- button .b1 -image image1
- button .b2 -fg #ff0000 -text "Button 2"
- button .b3 -state active -text "Button 3"
- button .b4 -disabledforeground #0000ff -state disabled -text "Button 4"
- checkbutton .b5 -variable x -text "Checkbutton 5"
- set x 1
- pack .b1 .b2 .b3 .b4 .b5
- update
- deleteWindows
- } {}
- test button-6.1 {ConfigureButton - textvariable trace} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- button .b1 -bd 4 -bg green
- catch {.b1 configure -bd 7 -bg green -fg bogus}
- list [catch {.b1 configure -bd 7 -bg red -fg bogus} msg]
- $msg [.b1 cget -bd] [.b1 cget -bg]
- } {1 {unknown color name "bogus"} 4 green}
- test button-6.2 {ConfigureButton - textvariable trace} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- set x From-x
- set y From-y
- button .b1 -textvariable x
- .b1 configure -textvariable y
- set x New
- lindex [.b1 configure -text] 4
- } {From-y}
- test button-6.2 {ConfigureButton - variable traces} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- catch {unset x}
- checkbutton .b1 -variable x
- set x 1
- set y 1
- .b1 configure -textvariable y
- set x 0
- .b1 toggle
- set y
- } {1}
- test button-6.3 {ConfigureButton - image handling} testImageType {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- eval image delete [image names]
- image create test image1
- image create test image2
- button .b1 -image image1
- image delete image1
- .b1 configure -image image2
- image names
- } {image2}
- test button-6.5 {ConfigureButton - default value for variable} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- checkbutton .b1
- .b1 cget -variable
- } {b1}
- test button-6.6 {ConfigureButton - setting selected state from variable} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- set x 0
- set y Shiny
- checkbutton .b1 -variable x
- .b1 configure -variable y -onvalue Shiny
- .b1 toggle
- set y
- } 0
- test button-6.7 {ConfigureButton - setting selected state from variable} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- catch {unset x}
- checkbutton .b1 -variable x -offvalue Bogus
- set x
- } Bogus
- test button-6.8 {ConfigureButton - setting selected state from variable} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- catch {unset x}
- radiobutton .b1 -variable x
- set x
- } {}
- test button-6.9 {ConfigureButton - error in setting variable} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- catch {unset x}
- trace variable x w bogusTrace
- set result [list [catch {radiobutton .b1 -variable x} msg] $msg]
- trace vdelete x w bogusTrace
- set result
- } {1 {can't set "x": trace aborted}}
- test button-6.10 {ConfigureButton - bad image name} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- list [catch {button .b1 -image bogus} msg] $msg
- } {1 {image "bogus" doesn't exist}}
- test button-6.11 {ConfigureButton - setting variable from current text value} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- catch {unset x}
- button .b1 -textvariable x -text "Button 1"
- set x
- } {Button 1}
- test button-6.12 {ConfigureButton - using current value of variable} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- set x Override
- button .b1 -textvariable x -text "Button 1"
- set x
- } {Override}
- test button-6.13 {ConfigureButton - variable handling} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- catch {unset x}
- trace variable x w bogusTrace
- set result [list [catch {radiobutton .b1 -text foo -textvariable x} msg]
- $msg $x]
- trace vdelete x w bogusTrace
- set result
- } {1 {can't set "x": trace aborted} foo}
- test button-6.14 {ConfigureButton - -width option} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- button .b1 -text "Button 1"
- list [catch {.b1 configure -width 1i} msg] $msg $errorInfo
- } {1 {expected integer but got "1i"} {expected integer but got "1i"
- (processing -width option)
- invoked from within
- ".b1 configure -width 1i"}}
- test button-6.15 {ConfigureButton - -height option} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- button .b1 -text "Button 1"
- list [catch {.b1 configure -height 0.5c} msg] $msg $errorInfo
- } {1 {expected integer but got "0.5c"} {expected integer but got "0.5c"
- (processing -height option)
- invoked from within
- ".b1 configure -height 0.5c"}}
- test button-6.16 {ConfigureButton - -width option} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- button .b1 -bitmap questhead
- list [catch {.b1 configure -width abc} msg] $msg $errorInfo
- } {1 {bad screen distance "abc"} {bad screen distance "abc"
- (processing -width option)
- invoked from within
- ".b1 configure -width abc"}}
- test button-6.17 {ConfigureButton - -height option} testImageType {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- eval image delete [image names]
- image create test image1
- button .b1 -image image1
- list [catch {.b1 configure -height 0.5x} msg] $msg $errorInfo
- } {1 {bad screen distance "0.5x"} {bad screen distance "0.5x"
- (processing -height option)
- invoked from within
- ".b1 configure -height 0.5x"}}
- test button-6.18 {ConfigureButton - computing geometry} {nonPortable fonts} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- button .b1 -text "Sample text" -width 10 -height 2
- pack .b1
- set result "[winfo reqwidth .b1] [winfo reqheight .b1]"
- .b1 configure -bitmap questhead
- lappend result [winfo reqwidth .b1] [winfo reqheight .b1]
- } {102 46 20 12}
- test button-6.19 {ConfigureButton - computing geometry} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- button .b1 -text "Button 1"
- set old [winfo reqwidth .b1]
- .b1 configure -text "Much longer text"
- set new [winfo reqwidth .b1]
- expr $old == $new
- } {0}
- test button-7.1 {ButtonEventProc procedure} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- button .b1 -text "Test Button" -command {
- destroy .b1
- set x [list [winfo exists .b1] [info commands .b1]]
- }
- .b1 invoke
- set x
- } {0 {}}
- test button-7.2 {ButtonEventProc procedure} {
- deleteWindows
- button .b1 -bg #543210
- rename .b1 .b2
- set x {}
- lappend x [winfo children .]
- lappend x [.b2 cget -bg]
- destroy .b1
- lappend x [info command .b*] [winfo children .]
- } {.b1 #543210 {} {}}
- test button-8.1 {ButtonCmdDeletedProc procedure} {
- deleteWindows
- button .b1
- rename .b1 {}
- list [info command .b*] [winfo children .]
- } {{} {}}
- test button-9.1 {TkInvokeButton procedure} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- set x 0
- checkbutton .b1 -variable x
- set result $x
- .b1 invoke
- lappend result $x
- .b1 invoke
- lappend result $x
- } {0 1 0}
- test button-9.2 {TkInvokeButton procedure} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- set x 0
- checkbutton .b1 -variable x
- trace variable x w bogusTrace
- set result [list [catch {.b1 invoke} msg] $msg $x]
- trace vdelete x w bogusTrace
- set result
- } {1 {can't set "x": trace aborted} 1}
- test button-9.3 {TkInvokeButton procedure} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- set x 1
- checkbutton .b1 -variable x
- trace variable x w bogusTrace
- set result [list [catch {.b1 invoke} msg] $msg $x]
- trace vdelete x w bogusTrace
- set result
- } {1 {can't set "x": trace aborted} 0}
- test button-9.4 {TkInvokeButton procedure} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- set x 0
- radiobutton .b1 -variable x -value red
- set result $x
- .b1 invoke
- lappend result $x
- .b1 invoke
- lappend result $x
- } {0 red red}
- test button-9.5 {TkInvokeButton procedure} {
- catch {destroy .b1}
- radiobutton .b1 -variable x -value red
- set x green
- trace variable x w bogusTrace
- set result [list [catch {.b1 invoke} msg] $msg $errorInfo $x]
- trace vdelete x w bogusTrace
- set result
- } {1 {can't set "x": trace aborted} {can't set "x": trace aborted
- while executing
- ".b1 invoke"} red}
- test button-9.6 {TkInvokeButton procedure} {
- deleteWindows
- set result untouched
- button .b1 -command {set result invoked}
- list [catch {.b1 invoke} msg] $msg $result
- } {0 invoked invoked}
- test button-9.7 {TkInvokeButton procedure} {
- deleteWindows
- set result untouched
- set x 0
- checkbutton .b1 -variable x -command {set result "invoked $x"}
- list [catch {.b1 invoke} msg] $msg $result
- } {0 {invoked 1} {invoked 1}}
- test button-9.8 {TkInvokeButton procedure} {
- deleteWindows
- set result untouched
- set x 0
- radiobutton .b1 -variable x -value red -command {set result "invoked $x"}
- list [catch {.b1 invoke} msg] $msg $result
- } {0 {invoked red} {invoked red}}
- test button-10.1 {ButtonVarProc procedure} {
- deleteWindows
- set x 1
- checkbutton .b1 -variable x
- unset x
- set result [info exists x]
- .b1 toggle
- lappend result $x
- set x 0
- .b1 toggle
- lappend result $x
- } {0 1 1}
- test button-10.2 {ButtonVarProc procedure} {
- deleteWindows
- set x 0
- checkbutton .b1 -variable x
- set x 44
- .b1 toggle
- set x
- } {1}
- test button-10.3 {ButtonVarProc procedure} {
- deleteWindows
- set x 1
- checkbutton .b1 -variable x
- set x 44
- .b1 toggle
- set x
- } {1}
- test button-10.4 {ButtonVarProc procedure} {
- deleteWindows
- set x 0
- checkbutton .b1 -variable x
- set x 1
- .b1 toggle
- set x
- } {0}
- test button-10.5 {ButtonVarProc procedure} {
- deleteWindows
- set x 1
- checkbutton .b1 -variable x
- set x 1
- .b1 toggle
- set x
- } {0}
- test button-10.6 {ButtonVarProc procedure} {
- deleteWindows
- set x 0
- checkbutton .b1 -variable x
- set x 0
- .b1 toggle
- set x
- } {1}
- test button-10.7 {ButtonVarProc procedure} {
- deleteWindows
- set x 1
- checkbutton .b1 -variable x
- set x 0
- .b1 toggle
- set x
- } {1}
- test button-10.8 {ButtonVarProc procedure, can't read variable} {
- # This test does nothing but produce a core dump if there's a prbblem.
- deleteWindows
- catch {unset a}
- checkbutton .b1 -variable a
- unset a
- set a(32) 0
- unset a
- } {}
- test button-11.1 {ButtonTextVarProc procedure} {
- deleteWindows
- set x Label
- button .b1 -textvariable x
- unset x
- set result [list $x [lindex [.b1 configure -text] 4]]
- set x New
- lappend result [lindex [.b1 configure -text] 4]
- } {Label Label New}
- test button-11.2 {ButtonTextVarProc procedure} {
- deleteWindows
- # Windows buttons have a default min width, so we have to
- # set this to be longer to force the wider button.
- set x ExtraLongLabel
- button .b1 -textvariable x
- set old [winfo reqwidth .b1]
- set x New
- set new [winfo reqwidth .b1]
- list [lindex [.b1 configure -text] 4] [expr $old == $new]
- } {New 0}
- test button-12.1 {ButtonImageProc procedure} testImageType {
- deleteWindows
- eval image delete [image names]
- image create test image1
- label .b1 -image image1 -padx 0 -pady 0 -bd 0
- pack .b1
- set result "[winfo reqwidth .b1] [winfo reqheight .b1]"
- image1 changed 0 0 0 0 80 100
- lappend result [winfo reqwidth .b1] [winfo reqheight .b1]
- } {30 15 80 100}
- deleteWindows
- set l [interp hidden]
- test button-13.1 {button widget vs hidden commands} {
- catch {destroy .b}
- button .b -text hello
- interp hide {} .b
- destroy .b
- list [winfo children .] [interp hidden]
- } [list {} $l]
- deleteWindows
- test button-14.1 {size behaviouor} {
- set res {}
- foreach class {label button radiobutton checkbutton} {
- eval destroy [winfo children .]
- $class .a -text Hej
- $class .b -text Hej -width 10 -height 1
- $class .c -text "" -width 10 -height 1
- for {set t 0} {$t < 2} {incr t} {
- set res2 {}
- # With -width, width should not be affected by text change
- lappend res2 [expr {[winfo reqwidth .b] == [winfo reqwidth .c]}]
- # With -height, height should not be affected by text change
- lappend res2 [expr {[winfo reqheight .b] == [winfo reqheight .c]}]
- # A one line text should be as high as -height 1
- lappend res2 [expr {[winfo reqheight .a] == [winfo reqheight .b]}]
- lappend res $res2
- # Do the second round with another font
- .a configure -font "Arial 20"
- .b configure -font "Arial 20"
- .c configure -font "Arial 20"
- }
- }
- set res
- } {{1 1 1} {1 1 1} {1 1 1} {1 1 1} {1 1 1} {1 1 1} {1 1 1} {1 1 1}}
- deleteWindows
- option clear
- # cleanup
- ::tcltest::cleanupTests
- return