- '"
- '" Copyright (c) 2001 Donal K. Fellows
- '"
- '" See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
- '" of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
- '"
- '" RCS: @(#) $Id: console.n,v 2004/10/28 10:19:29 dkf Exp $
- '"
- .so man.macros
- .TH console n 8.4 Tk "Tk Built-In Commands"
- .BS
- '" Note: do not modify the .SH NAME line immediately below!
- console - Control the console on systems without a real console
- fBconsolefR fIsubcommandfR ?fIarg ...fR?
- .BE
- .PP
- The console window is a replacement for a real console to allow input
- and output on the standard I/O channels on platforms that do not have
- a real console. It is implemented as a separate interpreter with the
- Tk toolkit loaded, and control over this interpreter is given through
- the fBconsolefR command. The behaviour of the console window is
- defined mainly through the contents of the fIconsole.tclfR file in
- the Tk library (or the fIConsolefR resource on Macintosh systems.)
- .PP
- .TP
- fBconsole eval fIscriptfR
- Evaluate the fIscriptfR argument as a Tcl script in the console
- interpreter. The normal interpreter is accessed through the
- fBconsoleinterpfR command in the console interpreter.
- .TP
- fBconsole hidefR
- Hide the console window from view. Precisely equivalent to
- withdrawing the fB.fR window in the console interpreter.
- .TP
- fBconsole showfR
- Display the console window. Precisely equivalent to deiconifying the
- fB.fR window in the console interpreter.
- .TP
- fBconsole title fR?fIstringfR?
- Query or modify the title of the console window. If fIstringfR is
- not specified, queries the title of the console window, and sets the
- title of the console window to fIstringfR otherwise. Precisely
- equivalent to using the fBwm titlefR command in the console
- interpreter.
- .PP
- The fBconsoleinterpfR command in the console interpreter allows
- scripts to be evaluated in the main interpreter. It supports two
- subcommands: fBevalfR and fBrecordfR.
- .PP
- .TP
- fBconsoleinterp eval fIscriptfR
- Evaluates fIscriptfR as a Tcl script at the global level in the main
- interpreter.
- .TP
- fBconsoleinterp record fIscriptfR
- Records and evaluates fIscriptfR as a Tcl script at the global level
- in the main interpreter as if fIscriptfR had been typed in at the
- console.
- .PP
- There are several additional commands in the console interpreter that
- are called in response to activity in the main interpreter.
- fIThese are documented here for completeness only; they form part of
- the internal implementation of the console and are likely to change or
- be modified without warning.fR
- .PP
- Output to the console from the main interpreter via the stdout and
- stderr channels is handled by invoking the fBtk::ConsoleOutputfR
- command in the console interpreter with two arguments. The first
- argument is the name of the channel being written to, and the second
- argument is the string being written to the channel (after encoding
- and end-of-line translation processing has been performed.)
- .PP
- When the fB.fR window of the main interpreter is destroyed, the
- fBtk::ConsoleExitfR command in the console interpreter is called
- (assuming the console interpreter has not already been deleted itself,
- that is.)
- .PP
- The default script creates a console window (implemented using a text
- widget) that has the following behaviour:
- .IP [1]
- Pressing the tab key inserts a TAB character (as defined by the Tcl
- et escape.)
- .IP [2]
- Pressing the return key causes the current line (if complete by the
- rules of fBinfo completefR) to be passed to the main interpreter for
- evaluation.
- .IP [3]
- Pressing the delete key deletes the selected text (if any text is
- selected) or the character to the right of the cursor (if not at the
- end of the line.)
- .IP [4]
- Pressing the backspace key deletes the selected text (if any text is
- selected) or the character to the left of the cursor (of not at the
- start of the line.)
- .IP [5]
- Pressing either Control+A or the home key causes the cursor to go to
- the start of the line (but after the prompt, if a prompt is present on
- the line.)
- .IP [6]
- Pressing either Control+E or the end key causes the cursor to go to
- the end of the line.
- .IP [7]
- Pressing either Control+P or the up key causes the previous entry in
- the command history to be selected.
- .IP [8]
- Pressing either Control+N or the down key causes the next entry in the
- command history to be selected.
- .IP [9]
- Pressing either Control+B or the left key causes the cursor to move
- one character backward as long as the cursor is not at the prompt.
- .IP [10]
- Pressing either Control+F or the right key causes the cursor to move
- one character forward.
- .IP [11]
- Pressing F9 rebuilds the console window by destroying all its children
- and reloading the Tcl script that defined the console's behaviour.
- .PP
- Most other behaviour is the same as a conventional text widget except
- for the way that the fI<<Cut>>fR event is handled identically to the
- fI<<Copy>>fR event.
- Not all platforms have the fBconsolefR command, so debugging code
- often has the following code fragment in it so output produced by
- fBputsfR can be seen while during development:
- .CS
- catch {fBconsole showfR}
- .CE
- console, interpreter, window, interactive, output channels
- destroy(n), fconfigure(n), history(n), interp(n), puts(n), text(n), wm(n)