- This code is essentially XGraph release 11.4, with some modifications
- which were made for use by the NCSA Relativity group.
- These modifications were made by Paul Walker, and he should be
- contacted at the below address if you have any problems/questions
- regarding these features.
- 1. Animation. XGraph will now do a *very* crude animation of
- your data sets. It occasionally has problems with refreshes
- and will consequently run your animation three of four times.
- Consider this an undocumented feature! You can adjust the
- speed of the animation with the -dl option. I find "2" works
- well on a sparc displaying on MacX, "5" on a sparc on its
- own display, and "10" on an SGI or RS6K on its own display.
- Remeber, this animation is not being advertised as anything
- other than very crude, so if you are looking for production
- quality video, turn elsewhere. We find it useful as it will
- quickly generate animation which shows time evolution.
- 2. Differentation. You can press the "Derivative" button to
- see the first and second derivatives of your data set. The
- method is a standard centered difference. You cannot display
- higher than second derivatives. Animation, zooming, etc...
- work in each of the derivative windows. Endpoints are found
- linearly interpolating inner values to ends, so pay them
- little heed!
- 3. New Color Map. We couldn't differentiate the colors once we
- got past yellow, so we created a new color map. If you don't
- like it, look in init.c for the variable "defColors" and
- comment out the new one, replacing it with the commented
- old one. Of course, you are free to insert your own choices
- here also ... Just use standard X color names.
- These modifications were made by Paul Walker, and distributed with the
- Original author's consent. See Copyright.h for information about
- distribution and ownership of these changes. Contact Paul Walker at
- Paul Walker
- 605 E. Springfield Ave
- Champaign IL 61820