- /*
- * Xgraph Dialog Boxes
- *
- * This file constructs the hardcopy and error dialog
- * boxes used by xgraph. It uses the mini-toolbox given
- * in toolbox.c.
- */
- #include "copyright.h"
- #include "xgout.h"
- #include "xgraph.h"
- #include "hard_devices.h"
- #include "xtb.h"
- #include "params.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <X11/Xutil.h>
- void do_error();
- #define MAXCHBUF 1024
- #ifdef SHADOW
- #define gray_width 16
- #define gray_height 16
- static short gray_bits[] =
- {
- 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa,
- 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa,
- 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa,
- 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa};
- #endif
- static void make_msg_box();
- static void del_msg_box();
- #define D_VPAD 2
- #define D_HPAD 2
- #define D_INT 4
- #define D_BRDR 2
- #define D_INP 35
- #define D_DSP 10
- #define D_FS 10
- struct d_info {
- char *prog; /* Program name */
- xtb_data cookie; /* Info used by do_harcopy */
- Window choices; /* Output device choices */
- Window fod; /* File or device flag */
- Window fodspec; /* File or device spec */
- Window docu_p; /* Document predicate */
- Window dimspec; /* Maximum dimension spec */
- Window tf_family; /* Title font family spec */
- Window tf_size; /* Title font size spec */
- Window af_family; /* Axis font family spec */
- Window af_size; /* Axis font size spec */
- };
- #define BACKSPACE 0010
- #define DELETE 0177
- #define CONTROL_U 0025
- #define CONTROL_X 0030
- static xtb_hret
- df_fun(win, ch, text, val)
- Window win; /* Widget window */
- int ch; /* Typed character */
- char *text; /* Copy of text */
- xtb_data val; /* User info */
- /*
- * This is the handler function for the text widget for
- * specifing the file or device name. It supports simple
- * line editing operations.
- */
- {
- if ((ch == BACKSPACE) || (ch == DELETE)) {
- if (!xtb_ti_dch(win))
- XBell(disp, 0);
- }
- else if ((ch == CONTROL_U) || (ch == CONTROL_X)) {
- (void) xtb_ti_set(win, "", (xtb_data) 0);
- }
- else {
- /* Insert if printable - ascii dependent */
- if ((ch < ' ') || (ch >= DELETE) || !xtb_ti_ins(win, ch)) {
- XBell(disp, 0);
- }
- }
- return XTB_HANDLED;
- }
- static xtb_hret
- ok_fun(win, bval, info)
- Window win; /* Button window */
- int bval; /* Button value */
- xtb_data info; /* Local button info */
- /*
- * This is the handler function for when the `Ok' button
- * is hit. It sets the button, does the hardcopy output,
- * and turns the button off. It returns a status which
- * deactivates the dialog.
- */
- {
- struct d_info *real_info = (struct d_info *) info;
- int val,
- dev_p,
- doc_p;
- char file_or_dev[MAXCHBUF],
- dim_spec[MAXCHBUF],
- *dev_spec;
- char tfam[MAXCHBUF],
- afam[MAXCHBUF];
- char tsizstr[MAXCHBUF],
- asizstr[MAXCHBUF];
- double centimeters,
- tsize,
- asize;
- xtb_hret rtn;
- (void) xtb_bt_set(win, 1, (xtb_data) 0, 0);
- val = xtb_br_get(real_info->choices);
- if ((val >= 0) && (val < hard_count)) {
- dev_p = xtb_br_get(real_info->fod);
- if ((dev_p == 0) || (dev_p == 1)) {
- xtb_ti_get(real_info->fodspec, file_or_dev, (xtb_data *) 0);
- doc_p = xtb_bt_get(real_info->docu_p, (xtb_data *) 0, (int *) 0);
- xtb_ti_get(real_info->dimspec, dim_spec, (xtb_data *) 0);
- if (sscanf(dim_spec, "%lf", ¢imeters) == 1) {
- xtb_ti_get(real_info->tf_family, tfam, (xtb_data *) 0);
- xtb_ti_get(real_info->af_family, afam, (xtb_data *) 0);
- xtb_ti_get(real_info->tf_size, tsizstr, (xtb_data *) 0);
- if (sscanf(tsizstr, "%lf", &tsize) == 1) {
- xtb_ti_get(real_info->af_size, asizstr, (xtb_data *) 0);
- if (sscanf(asizstr, "%lf", &asize) == 1) {
- /* Got all the info */
- if (dev_p) {
- dev_spec = (char *) 0;
- }
- else {
- dev_spec = hard_devices[val].dev_spec;
- }
- do_hardcopy(real_info->prog, real_info->cookie,
- hard_devices[val].dev_init, dev_spec,
- file_or_dev, centimeters,
- tfam, tsize, afam, asize, doc_p);
- rtn = XTB_STOP;
- }
- else {
- /* Bad axis size */
- do_error("Bad axis font sizen");
- rtn = XTB_HANDLED;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* Bad title size */
- do_error("Bad title font sizen");
- rtn = XTB_HANDLED;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* Bad max dimension */
- do_error("Bad maximum dimensionn");
- rtn = XTB_HANDLED;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* Bad device spec */
- do_error("Must specify `To File' or `To Device'n");
- rtn = XTB_HANDLED;
- }
- }
- else {
- /* Bad value spec */
- do_error("Must specify an output devicen");
- rtn = XTB_HANDLED;
- }
- (void) xtb_bt_set(win, 0, (xtb_data) 0, 0);
- return rtn;
- }
- static xtb_hret
- can_fun(win, val, info)
- Window win; /* Button window */
- int val; /* Button value */
- xtb_data info; /* Local button info */
- /*
- * This is the handler function for the cancel button. It
- * turns itself on and off and then exits with a status
- * which kills the dialog.
- */
- {
- (void) xtb_bt_set(win, 1, (xtb_data) 0, 0);
- (void) xtb_bt_set(win, 0, (xtb_data) 0, 0);
- return XTB_STOP;
- }
- static xtb_hret
- docu_fun(win, val, info)
- Window win; /* Button window */
- int val; /* Button value */
- xtb_data info; /* Local button info */
- /*
- * This is the handler function for the document button. It
- * toggles it's state.
- */
- {
- int state;
- state = xtb_bt_get(win, (xtb_data *) 0, (int *) 0);
- xtb_bt_set(win, (state == 0), (xtb_data) 0, 0);
- return XTB_HANDLED;
- }
- static xtb_hret
- dev_fun(win, old, new, info)
- Window win; /* Button row window */
- int old; /* Previous button */
- int new; /* Current button */
- xtb_data info; /* User data */
- /*
- * This routine swaps the device specific information
- * in the dialog based on what device is selected. The
- * information passed is the information for the whole
- * dialog.
- */
- {
- struct d_info *data = (struct d_info *) info;
- char text[MAXCHBUF];
- int fod_spot,
- inactive;
- fod_spot = xtb_br_get(data->fod);
- if ((old >= 0) && (old < hard_count)) {
- /* Save old info */
- xtb_ti_get(data->fodspec, text, (xtb_data *) 0);
- if (fod_spot == 1) {
- strncpy(hard_devices[old].dev_file, text, MFNAME - 1);
- }
- else if (fod_spot == 0) {
- strncpy(hard_devices[old].dev_printer, text, MFNAME - 1);
- }
- if (xtb_bt_get(data->docu_p, (xtb_data *) 0, &inactive)) {
- if (inactive)
- hard_devices[old].dev_docu = NONE;
- else
- hard_devices[old].dev_docu = YES;
- }
- else if (inactive)
- hard_devices[old].dev_docu = NONE;
- else
- hard_devices[old].dev_docu = NO;
- xtb_ti_get(data->dimspec, text, (xtb_data *) 0);
- if (sscanf(text, "%lf", &hard_devices[old].dev_max_dim) != 1) {
- do_error("Warning: can't read maximum dimension");
- }
- xtb_ti_get(data->tf_family, text, (xtb_data *) 0);
- strncpy(hard_devices[old].dev_title_font, text, MFNAME - 1);
- xtb_ti_get(data->tf_size, text, (xtb_data *) 0);
- if (sscanf(text, "%lf", &hard_devices[old].dev_title_size) != 1) {
- do_error("Warning: can't read title font size");
- }
- xtb_ti_get(data->af_family, text, (xtb_data *) 0);
- strncpy(hard_devices[old].dev_axis_font, text, MFNAME - 1);
- xtb_ti_get(data->af_size, text, (xtb_data *) 0);
- if (sscanf(text, "%lf", &hard_devices[old].dev_axis_size) != 1) {
- do_error("Warning: can't read axis font size");
- }
- }
- /* Insert new info */
- if ((new >= 0) && (new < hard_count)) {
- if (fod_spot == 1) {
- xtb_ti_set(data->fodspec, hard_devices[new].dev_file, (xtb_data) 0);
- }
- else if (fod_spot == 0) {
- xtb_ti_set(data->fodspec, hard_devices[new].dev_printer,
- (xtb_data) 0);
- }
- else {
- xtb_ti_set(data->fodspec, "", (xtb_data) 0);
- }
- switch (hard_devices[new].dev_docu) {
- case NONE:
- (void) xtb_bt_set(data->docu_p, 0, (xtb_data) 0, 1);
- break;
- case NO:
- (void) xtb_bt_set(data->docu_p, 0, (xtb_data) 0, 0);
- break;
- case YES:
- (void) xtb_bt_set(data->docu_p, 1, (xtb_data) 0, 0);
- break;
- }
- (void) sprintf(text, "%lg", hard_devices[new].dev_max_dim);
- xtb_ti_set(data->dimspec, text, (xtb_data) 0);
- xtb_ti_set(data->tf_family, hard_devices[new].dev_title_font,
- (xtb_data) 0);
- (void) sprintf(text, "%lg", hard_devices[new].dev_title_size);
- xtb_ti_set(data->tf_size, text, (xtb_data) 0);
- xtb_ti_set(data->af_family, hard_devices[new].dev_axis_font,
- (xtb_data) 0);
- (void) sprintf(text, "%lg", hard_devices[new].dev_axis_size);
- xtb_ti_set(data->af_size, text, (xtb_data) 0);
- }
- return XTB_HANDLED;
- }
- static xtb_hret
- fd_fun(win, old, new, info)
- Window win; /* Button row window */
- int old; /* Previous button */
- int new; /* Current button */
- xtb_data info; /* User data */
- /*
- * This routine swaps the default file or device names
- * based on the state of the file or device buttons.
- * The information passed is the information for the whole
- * dialog.
- */
- {
- struct d_info *data = (struct d_info *) info;
- char text[MAXCHBUF];
- int which_one;
- which_one = xtb_br_get(data->choices);
- if ((which_one >= 0) && (which_one < hard_count)) {
- if (old == 0) {
- /* Save into device space */
- xtb_ti_get(data->fodspec, text, (xtb_data *) 0);
- strncpy(hard_devices[which_one].dev_printer, text, MFNAME - 1);
- }
- else if (old == 1) {
- /* Save into file space */
- xtb_ti_get(data->fodspec, text, (xtb_data *) 0);
- which_one = xtb_br_get(data->choices);
- strncpy(hard_devices[which_one].dev_file, text, MFNAME - 1);
- }
- if (new == 0) {
- /* Restore into device */
- xtb_ti_set(data->fodspec, hard_devices[which_one].dev_printer,
- (xtb_data *) 0);
- }
- else if (new == 1) {
- xtb_ti_set(data->fodspec, hard_devices[which_one].dev_file,
- (xtb_data *) 0);
- }
- }
- return XTB_HANDLED;
- }
- /* Indices for frames made in make_dialog */
- enum d_frames_defn {
- } d_frames;
- #define AF(ix) af[(int) (ix)]
- #define BAR_SLACK 10
- static void
- make_dialog(win, spawned, prog, cookie, okbtn, frame)
- Window win; /* Parent window */
- Window spawned; /* Spawned from window */
- char *prog; /* Program name */
- xtb_data cookie; /* Info for do_hardcopy */
- xtb_frame *okbtn; /* Frame for OK button */
- xtb_frame *frame; /* Returned window/size */
- /*
- * This routine constructs a new dialog for asking the user about
- * hardcopy devices. The dialog and its size is returned in
- * `frame'. The window of the `ok' button is returned in `btnwin'.
- * This can be used to reset some of the button state to reuse the dialog.
- */
- {
- Window overall;
- xtb_frame AF(LAST_F);
- xtb_fmt *def,
- *cntrl,
- *mindim,
- *tfarea,
- *afarea;
- Cursor diag_cursor;
- XColor fg_color,
- bg_color;
- XSizeHints hints;
- unsigned long wamask;
- XSetWindowAttributes wattr;
- struct d_info *info;
- int i,
- found,
- max_width,
- which_one,
- fodi;
- char **names;
- static char *fodstrs[] =
- {"To Device", "To File"};
- XFontStruct *bigFont = PM_FONT("TitleFont");
- XFontStruct *medFont = PM_FONT("LabelFont");
- char *Odevice = PM_STR("Device");
- char *Odisp = PM_STR("Disposition");
- char *OfileDev = PM_STR("FileOrDev");
- wamask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWOverrideRedirect |
- CWSaveUnder | CWColormap;
- wattr.background_pixel = PM_PIXEL("Background");
- wattr.border_pixel = PM_PIXEL("Border");
- wattr.override_redirect = True;
- wattr.save_under = True;
- wattr.colormap = cmap;
- overall = XCreateWindow(disp, win, 0, 0, 1, 1, D_BRDR,
- depth, InputOutput, vis,
- wamask, &wattr);
- frame->win = overall;
- frame->width = frame->height = frame->x_loc = frame->y_loc = 0;
- XStoreName(disp, overall, "Hardcopy Dialog");
- XSetTransientForHint(disp, spawned, overall);
- info = (struct d_info *) Malloc(sizeof(struct d_info));
- info->prog = prog;
- info->cookie = cookie;
- /* Make all frames */
- xtb_to_new(overall, "Hardcopy Options", bigFont, &AF(TITLE_F));
- xtb_to_new(overall, "Output device:", medFont, &AF(ODEVLBL_F));
- found = -1;
- names = (char **) Malloc((unsigned) (sizeof(char *) * hard_count));
- for (i = 0; i < hard_count; i++) {
- names[i] = hard_devices[i].dev_name;
- if (strcmp(Odevice, names[i]) == 0) {
- found = i;
- }
- }
- xtb_br_new(overall, hard_count, names, found,
- dev_fun, (xtb_data) info, &AF(ODEVROW_F));
- info->choices = AF(ODEVROW_F).win;
- xtb_to_new(overall, "Disposition:", medFont, &AF(DISPLBL_F));
- found = -1;
- for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- if (strcmp(Odisp, fodstrs[i]) == 0) {
- found = i;
- }
- }
- xtb_br_new(overall, 2, fodstrs, found,
- fd_fun, (xtb_data) info, &AF(DISPROW_F));
- info->fod = AF(DISPROW_F).win;
- xtb_to_new(overall, "File or Device Name:", medFont, &AF(FDLBL_F));
- xtb_ti_new(overall, "", D_INP, df_fun, (xtb_data) 0, &AF(FDINP_F));
- if (OfileDev && strlen(OfileDev)) {
- which_one = xtb_br_get(info->choices);
- if ((which_one >= 0) && (which_one < hard_count)) {
- fodi = xtb_br_get(info->fod);
- if (fodi == 0) {
- strncpy(hard_devices[which_one].dev_printer, OfileDev, MFNAME - 1);
- }
- else if (fodi == 1) {
- strncpy(hard_devices[which_one].dev_file, OfileDev, MFNAME - 1);
- }
- }
- }
- info->fodspec = AF(FDINP_F).win;
- xtb_to_new(overall, "Optional Parameters", bigFont, &AF(OPTLBL_F));
- xtb_bt_new(overall, "Include in Document", docu_fun, (xtb_data) 0, &AF(DOCU_F));
- info->docu_p = AF(DOCU_F).win;
- xtb_to_new(overall, "Maximum Dimension (cm):", medFont, &AF(MDIMLBL_F));
- xtb_ti_new(overall, "", D_DSP, df_fun, (xtb_data) 0, &AF(MDIMI_F));
- info->dimspec = AF(MDIMI_F).win;
- xtb_to_new(overall, "Title Font", medFont, &AF(TFLBL_F));
- xtb_to_new(overall, "Family:", medFont, &AF(TFFAMLBL_F));
- xtb_ti_new(overall, "", MFNAME, df_fun, (xtb_data) 0, &AF(TFFAM_F));
- info->tf_family = AF(TFFAM_F).win;
- xtb_to_new(overall, "Size (pnts):", medFont, &AF(TFSIZLBL_F));
- xtb_ti_new(overall, "", D_FS, df_fun, (xtb_data) 0, &AF(TFSIZ_F));
- info->tf_size = AF(TFSIZ_F).win;
- xtb_to_new(overall, "Axis Font", medFont, &AF(AFLBL_F));
- xtb_to_new(overall, "Family:", medFont, &AF(AFFAMLBL_F));
- xtb_ti_new(overall, "", MFNAME, df_fun, (xtb_data) 0, &AF(AFFAM_F));
- info->af_family = AF(AFFAM_F).win;
- xtb_to_new(overall, "Size (pnts):", medFont, &AF(AFSIZLBL_F));
- xtb_ti_new(overall, "", D_FS, df_fun, (xtb_data) 0, &AF(AFSIZ_F));
- info->af_size = AF(AFSIZ_F).win;
- xtb_bt_new(overall, " Ok ", ok_fun, (xtb_data) info, &AF(OK_F));
- xtb_bt_new(overall, "Cancel", can_fun, (xtb_data) 0, &AF(CAN_F));
- /* Dividing bar */
- max_width = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < ((int) BAR_F); i++) {
- if (AF(i).width > max_width)
- max_width = AF(i).width;
- }
- xtb_bk_new(overall, max_width - BAR_SLACK, 1, &AF(BAR_F));
- /* Set device specific info */
- (void) dev_fun(info->choices, -1, xtb_br_get(info->choices), (xtb_data) info);
- (void) fd_fun(info->fod, -1, xtb_br_get(info->fod), (xtb_data) info);
- /*
- * Now place elements - could make this one expression but pcc is too
- * wimpy.
- */
- cntrl = xtb_vert(XTB_LEFT, D_VPAD, D_INT,
- xtb_hort(XTB_CENTER, D_HPAD, D_INT,
- xtb_w(&AF(ODEVLBL_F)),
- xtb_w(&AF(ODEVROW_F)), NE),
- xtb_hort(XTB_CENTER, D_HPAD, D_INT,
- xtb_w(&AF(DISPLBL_F)),
- xtb_w(&AF(DISPROW_F)), NE),
- xtb_hort(XTB_CENTER, D_HPAD, D_INT,
- xtb_w(&AF(FDLBL_F)),
- xtb_w(&AF(FDINP_F)), NE),
- NE);
- mindim = xtb_vert(XTB_LEFT, D_VPAD, D_INT,
- xtb_hort(XTB_CENTER, D_HPAD, D_INT,
- xtb_w(&AF(MDIMLBL_F)),
- xtb_w(&AF(MDIMI_F)),
- NE),
- NE);
- tfarea = xtb_vert(XTB_LEFT, D_VPAD, D_INT,
- xtb_hort(XTB_CENTER, D_HPAD, D_INT,
- xtb_w(&AF(TFFAMLBL_F)),
- xtb_w(&AF(TFFAM_F)),
- xtb_w(&AF(TFSIZLBL_F)),
- xtb_w(&AF(TFSIZ_F)), NE),
- NE);
- afarea = xtb_vert(XTB_LEFT, D_VPAD, D_INT,
- xtb_hort(XTB_CENTER, D_HPAD, D_INT,
- xtb_w(&AF(AFFAMLBL_F)),
- xtb_w(&AF(AFFAM_F)),
- xtb_w(&AF(AFSIZLBL_F)),
- xtb_w(&AF(AFSIZ_F)), NE),
- NE);
- def = xtb_fmt_do
- (xtb_vert(XTB_CENTER, D_VPAD, D_INT,
- xtb_w(&AF(TITLE_F)),
- cntrl,
- xtb_w(&AF(BAR_F)),
- xtb_w(&AF(OPTLBL_F)),
- mindim,
- xtb_w(&AF(DOCU_F)),
- xtb_w(&AF(TFLBL_F)),
- tfarea,
- xtb_w(&AF(AFLBL_F)),
- afarea,
- xtb_hort(XTB_CENTER, D_HPAD, D_INT,
- xtb_w(&AF(OK_F)), xtb_w(&AF(CAN_F)), NE),
- NE),
- &frame->width, &frame->height);
- xtb_mv_frames(LAST_F, af);
- xtb_fmt_free(def);
- /* Make window large enough to contain the info */
- XResizeWindow(disp, overall, frame->width, frame->height);
- hints.flags = PSize;
- hints.width = frame->width;
- hints.height = frame->height;
- XSetNormalHints(disp, overall, &hints);
- diag_cursor = XCreateFontCursor(disp, XC_dotbox);
- fg_color.pixel = PM_PIXEL("Foreground");
- XQueryColor(disp, cmap, &fg_color);
- bg_color.pixel = PM_PIXEL("Background");
- XQueryColor(disp, cmap, &bg_color);
- XRecolorCursor(disp, diag_cursor, &fg_color, &bg_color);
- XDefineCursor(disp, overall, diag_cursor);
- frame->width += (2 * D_BRDR);
- frame->height += (2 * D_BRDR);
- *okbtn = AF(OK_F);
- }
- #ifdef SHADOW
- Window
- make_shadow(w, h)
- int w,
- h;
- /*
- * Makes a shadow window for a pop-up window of the specified size.
- * Needs hint work as well. Try no background window.
- */
- {
- Window shadow;
- Bitmap gray_bm;
- Pixmap gray_pm;
- gray_bm = XStoreBitmap(gray_width, gray_height, gray_bits);
- gray_pm = XMakePixmap(gray_bm, PM_PIXEL("Foreground"), PM_PIXEL("Background"));
- shadow = XCreateWindow(RootWindow, 0, 0, w, h, 0, BlackPixmap, gray_pm);
- XFreePixmap(gray_pm);
- XFreeBitmap(gray_bm);
- return shadow;
- }
- #endif
- #define SH_W 5
- #define SH_H 5
- void
- ho_dialog(parent, prog, cookie)
- Window parent; /* Parent window */
- char *prog; /* Program name */
- xtb_data cookie; /* Info passed to do_hardcopy */
- /*
- * Asks the user about hardcopy devices. A table of hardcopy
- * device names and function pointers to their initialization
- * functions is assumed to be in the global `hard_devices' and
- * `hard_count'. Returns a non-zero status if the dialog was
- * sucessfully posted. Calls do_hardcopy in xgraph to actually
- * output information.
- */
- {
- #ifdef SHADOW
- static Window shadow;
- #endif
- static Window dummy;
- static xtb_frame overall =
- {(Window) 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
- static xtb_frame okbtn;
- XEvent evt;
- XWindowAttributes winInfo;
- XSizeHints hints;
- struct d_info *info;
- if (!overall.win) {
- make_dialog(RootWindow(disp, screen), parent, prog, cookie,
- &okbtn, &overall);
- #ifdef SHADOW
- shadow = make_shadow(d_w, d_h);
- #endif
- }
- else {
- /* Change the button information */
- (void) xtb_bt_get(okbtn.win, (xtb_data *) & info, (int *) 0);
- info->prog = prog;
- info->cookie = cookie;
- }
- XGetWindowAttributes(disp, parent, &winInfo);
- XTranslateCoordinates(disp, parent, RootWindow(disp, screen),
- 0, 0, &winInfo.x, &winInfo.y, &dummy);
- XMoveWindow(disp, overall.win,
- (int) (winInfo.x + winInfo.width / 2 - overall.width / 2),
- (int) (winInfo.y + winInfo.height / 2 - overall.height / 2));
- hints.flags = PPosition;
- hints.x = winInfo.x + winInfo.width / 2 - overall.width / 2;
- hints.y = winInfo.y + winInfo.height / 2 - overall.height / 2;
- XSetNormalHints(disp, overall.win, &hints);
- #ifdef SHADOW
- XMoveWindow(disp, shadow, winInfo.x + winInfo.width / 2 - d_w / 2 + SH_W,
- winInfo.y + winInfo.height / 2 - d_h / 2 + SH_H);
- hints.flags = PPosition;
- hints.x = winInfo.x + winInfo.width / 2 - d_w / 2 + SH_W;
- hints.y = winInfo.y + winInfo.height / 2 - d_h / 2 + SH_H;
- XSetNormalHints(disp, shadow, &hints);
- XRaiseWindow(disp, shadow);
- XMapWindow(disp, shadow);
- #endif
- XRaiseWindow(disp, overall.win);
- XMapWindow(disp, overall.win);
- do {
- XNextEvent(disp, &evt);
- } while (xtb_dispatch(&evt) != XTB_STOP);
- XUnmapWindow(disp, overall.win);
- #ifdef SHADOW
- XUnmapWindow(disp, shadow);
- #endif
- }
- static xtb_hret
- err_func(win, bval, info)
- Window win; /* Button window */
- int bval; /* Button value */
- xtb_data info; /* Local button info */
- /*
- * Handler function for button in error box. Simply stops dialog.
- */
- {
- (void) xtb_bt_set(win, 1, (xtb_data) 0, 0);
- (void) xtb_bt_set(win, 0, (xtb_data) 0, 0);
- return XTB_STOP;
- }
- struct err_info {
- Window title;
- Window contbtn;
- int num_lines;
- int alloc_lines;
- Window *lines;
- };
- #define E_LINES 2
- #define E_VPAD 3
- #define E_HPAD 3
- #define E_INTER 1
- #define ML 256
- static void
- make_msg_box(text, title, frame)
- char *text; /* Error text */
- char *title; /* Title text */
- xtb_frame *frame; /* Returned frame */
- /*
- * Makes an error box with a title.
- */
- {
- XSizeHints hints;
- struct err_info *new_info;
- xtb_frame tf,
- cf,
- lf;
- char *lineptr,
- line[ML];
- int y,
- i;
- unsigned long wamask;
- XSetWindowAttributes wattr;
- XFontStruct *bigFont = PM_FONT("TitleFont");
- XFontStruct *medFont = PM_FONT("LabelFont");
- wamask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWOverrideRedirect |
- CWSaveUnder | CWColormap;
- wattr.background_pixel = PM_PIXEL("Background");
- wattr.border_pixel = PM_PIXEL("Border");
- wattr.override_redirect = True;
- wattr.save_under = True;
- wattr.colormap = cmap;
- frame->win = XCreateWindow(disp, RootWindow(disp, screen),
- 0, 0, 1, 1, D_BRDR,
- depth, InputOutput, vis,
- wamask, &wattr);
- frame->x_loc = frame->y_loc = frame->width = frame->height = 0;
- XStoreName(disp, frame->win, "Error Dialog");
- XSetTransientForHint(disp, RootWindow(disp, screen), frame->win);
- new_info = (struct err_info *) Malloc((unsigned) sizeof(struct err_info));
- xtb_to_new(frame->win, title, bigFont, &tf);
- new_info->title = tf.win;
- if (tf.width > frame->width)
- frame->width = tf.width;
- xtb_bt_new(frame->win, "Dismiss", err_func, (xtb_data) 0, &cf);
- new_info->contbtn = cf.win;
- if (cf.width > frame->width)
- frame->width = cf.width;
- new_info->alloc_lines = E_LINES;
- new_info->num_lines = 0;
- new_info->lines = (Window *) Malloc((unsigned) (sizeof(Window) * E_LINES));
- /* zero the memory out of paranoia */
- memset(new_info->lines, 0, sizeof(Window) * E_LINES);
- lineptr = text;
- while (getline(&lineptr, line)) {
- if (new_info->num_lines >= new_info->alloc_lines) {
- int old_alloc_lines_size = new_info->alloc_lines * sizeof(Window);
- new_info->alloc_lines *= 2;
- new_info->lines = (Window *) Realloc((char *) new_info->lines,
- (unsigned)
- (new_info->alloc_lines *
- sizeof(Window)));
- memset(((char*)new_info->lines) + old_alloc_lines_size,
- 0, old_alloc_lines_size);
- }
- xtb_to_new(frame->win, line, medFont, &lf);
- new_info->lines[new_info->num_lines] = lf.win;
- new_info->num_lines += 1;
- if (lf.width > frame->width)
- frame->width = lf.width;
- }
- /* Placement */
- frame->width += (2 * E_HPAD);
- y = E_VPAD;
- /* Title */
- XMoveWindow(disp, new_info->title, (int) (frame->width / 2 - tf.width / 2), y);
- y += (tf.height + E_INTER);
- /* All lines */
- for (i = 0; i < new_info->num_lines; i++) {
- XMoveWindow(disp, new_info->lines[i], E_HPAD, y);
- y += (lf.height + E_INTER);
- }
- /* Button */
- XMoveWindow(disp, new_info->contbtn, (int) (frame->width / 2 - cf.width / 2), y);
- y += (cf.height + E_INTER);
- /* Make dialog the right size */
- y += (E_VPAD - E_INTER);
- XResizeWindow(disp, frame->win, frame->width, (unsigned int) y);
- hints.flags = PSize;
- hints.width = frame->width;
- hints.height = (unsigned int) y;
- XSetNormalHints(disp, frame->win, &hints);
- frame->width += (2 * D_BRDR);
- frame->height = y + (2 * D_BRDR);
- xtb_register(frame->win, (xtb_hret(*) ()) 0, (xtb_data) new_info);
- }
- void
- msg_box(title, text)
- char *title,
- *text;
- /*
- * This posts a dialog that contains lines of text and a continue
- * button. The text may be multiple lines. The dialog is remade
- * each time.
- */
- {
- #ifdef SHADOW
- Window shadow;
- #endif
- XWindowAttributes info;
- XEvent evt;
- XSizeHints hints;
- xtb_frame text_frame;
- make_msg_box(text, title, &text_frame);
- #ifdef SHADOW
- shadow = make_shadow(w, h);
- #endif
- XGetWindowAttributes(disp, RootWindow(disp, screen), &info);
- XMoveWindow(disp, text_frame.win, (int) (info.width / 2 - text_frame.width / 2),
- (int) (info.height / 2 - text_frame.height / 2));
- hints.flags = PPosition;
- hints.x = info.width / 2 - text_frame.width / 2;
- hints.y = info.height / 2 - text_frame.height / 2;
- XSetNormalHints(disp, text_frame.win, &hints);
- #ifdef SHADOW
- XMoveWindow(disp, shadow, info.width / 2 - w / 2 + SH_W,
- info.height / 2 - h / 2 + SH_H);
- hints.flags = PPosition;
- hints.x = info.width / 2 - w / 2 + SH_W;
- hints.y = info.height / 2 - h / 2 + SH_H;
- XSetNormalHints(disp, text_frame.win, &hints);
- XRaiseWindow(disp, shadow);
- XMapWindow(disp, shadow);
- #endif
- XRaiseWindow(disp, text_frame.win);
- XMapWindow(disp, text_frame.win);
- do {
- XNextEvent(disp, &evt);
- } while (xtb_dispatch(&evt) != XTB_STOP);
- #ifdef SHADOW
- XDestroyWindow(disp, shadow);
- #endif
- del_msg_box(text_frame.win);
- }
- void
- do_error(err_text)
- char *err_text;
- {
- if (PM_INT("Output Device") == D_XWINDOWS)
- msg_box("Xgraph Error", err_text);
- else
- fputs(err_text, stderr);
- }
- int
- getline(tptr, lptr)
- char **tptr;
- char *lptr;
- /*
- * Returns next line from tptr. Assumes `lptr' is large enough to
- * accept the line.
- */
- {
- char *start;
- start = *tptr;
- while (*tptr && **tptr && (**tptr != 'n')) {
- (*tptr)++;
- }
- if (*tptr > start) {
- (void) strncpy(lptr, start, (*tptr - start));
- lptr[*tptr - start] = ' ';
- if (**tptr == 'n')
- (*tptr)++;
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- static void
- del_msg_box(msg)
- Window msg;
- /*
- * Deletes all components of an msg box
- */
- {
- struct err_info *info;
- char *dummy;
- int i;
- if (xtb_unregister(msg, (xtb_data *) & info)) {
- xtb_to_del(info->title);
- xtb_bt_del(info->contbtn, (xtb_data *) & dummy);
- for (i = 0; i < info->num_lines; i++) {
- xtb_to_del(info->lines[i]);
- }
- Free((char *) info->lines);
- Free((char *) info);
- XDestroyWindow(disp, msg);
- }
- }