- .TH XGRAPH 1 "December, 1989"
- xgraph - Draw a graph on an X11 Display
- .B xgraph
- [ options ] [[-geometry |=]WxH+X+Y ] [ -display host:display.screen ] [ file ... ]
- The
- .I xgraph
- program draws a graph on an X display given data read from either
- data files or from standard input if no files are specified.
- It can display up to 64 independent data sets using different colors
- and/or line styles for each set.
- It annotates the graph with a title, axis labels, grid lines or tick
- marks, grid labels,
- and a legend.
- There are options to control the appearance of most components of
- the graph.
- .PP
- The input format is similar to
- .I graph(1G)
- but differs slightly.
- The data consists of a number of
- .I "data sets."
- Data sets are separated by a blank line.
- A new data set is also
- assumed at the start of each input file.
- A data set consists of an ordered list of points of the form "{directive} X Y".
- The directive is either "draw" or "move" and can be omitted.
- If the directive is "draw", a line will be drawn between the previous
- point and the current point (if a line graph is chosen).
- Specifying a "move" directive tells xgraph not to draw a line between
- the points.
- If the directive is omitted, "draw" is assumed for all points in
- a data set except the
- first point where "move" is assumed.
- The "move" directive is used most often to allow discontinuous data
- in a data set.
- The name of a data set can be specified by
- enclosing the name in double quotes on a line by itself in the
- body of the data set. The trailing double quote is optional.
- Overall graphing options for the graph can be specified in data
- files by writing lines of the form "<option>: <value>". The
- option names are the same as those used for specifying X
- resources (see below). The option and value must be separated by at
- bleast one space.
- An example input file with three data sets is shown below. Note
- that set three is not named, set two has discontinuous data,
- and the title of the graph is specified near the top of the file.
- .sp 1
- .nf
- TitleText: Sample Data
- 0.5 7.8
- 1.0 6.2
- "set one
- 1.5 8.9
- "set two"
- -3.4 1.4e-3
- -2.0 1.9e-2
- move -1.0 2.0e-2
- -0.65 2.2e-4
- 2.2 12.8
- 2.4 -3.3
- 2.6 -32.2
- 2.8 -10.3
- .fi
- .PP
- After
- .I xgraph
- has read the data, it will create a new window to graphically
- display the data.
- The interface used to specify the size and location of this window depends
- on the window manager currently in use.
- Refer to the reference manual of the window manager for details.
- .PP
- Once the window has been opened, all of the data sets will be displayed
- graphically (subject to the options explained below) with a legend in
- the upper right corner of the screen.
- To zoom in on a portion of the graph, depress a mouse button in
- the window and sweep out a region.
- .I xgraph
- will then open a new window looking at just that portion of the graph.
- .I xgraph
- also presents three control buttons in the upper left corner of
- each window:
- .I Close,
- .I Hardcopy,
- and
- .I About.
- Windows are closed by depressing a mouse button while the mouse
- cursor is inside the
- .I Close
- button. Typing EOF (control-D) in a window also closes that window.
- Depressing a mouse button while the mouse cursor is in the
- .I Hardcopy
- button causes a dialog to appear asking about hardcopy (printout)
- options. These options are described below:
- .IP "Output Device"
- Specifies the type of the output device (e.g. "HPGL", "Postscript", etc).
- An output device is chosen by depressing the mouse inside its name.
- The default values of other fields will change when you select a
- different output device.
- .IP "Disposition"
- Specifies whether the output should go directly to a device
- or to a file. Again, the default values of other fields will change
- when you select a different disposition.
- .IP "File or Device Name"
- If the disposition is "To Device", this field specifies the device
- name.
- A device name is the same as the name given for the -P command
- of lpr(1).
- If the disposition is "To File", this field specifies the name
- of the output file.
- .IP "Maximum Dimension"
- This specifies the maximum size of the plot on the hardcopy
- device in centimeters.
- .I xgraph
- takes in account the aspect ratio of the plot on the screen
- and will scale the plot so that the longer side of the plot
- is no more than the value of this parameter.
- If the device supports it, the plot may also be rotated on the page
- based on the value of the maximum dimension.
- .IP "Include in Document"
- If selected, this option causes
- .I xgraph
- to produce harcopy output that is suitable for inclusion in other
- larger documents.
- As an example, when this option is selected the Postscript output
- produced by xgraph will have a bounding box suitable for use with
- psfig.
- .IP "Title Font Family"
- This field specifies the name of a font to use when drawing
- the graph title. Suitable defaults are initially chosen for
- any given hardcopy device.
- The value of this field is hardware specific -- refer to
- the device reference manual for details.
- .IP "Title Font Size"
- This field specifies the desired size of the title fonts in points
- (1/72 of an inch).
- If the device supports scalable fonts, the
- font will be scaled to this size.
- .IP "Axis Font Family and Axis Font Size"
- These fields are like
- .I "Title Font Family"
- and
- .I "Title Font Size"
- except they specify values for the font
- .I xgraph
- uses to draw axis labels, and legend descriptions.
- .IP "Control Buttons"
- After specifing the parameters for the plot, the "Ok" button causes
- .I xgraph
- to produce a hardcopy.
- Pressing the "Cancel" button will abort the hardcopy operation.
- Depressing the
- .I About
- button causes Xgraph to display a window containing the version of
- the program and an electronic mailing address for the author
- for comments and suggestions.
- .PP
- .I xgraph
- accepts a large number of options most of which can be specified
- either on the command line, in the user's .Xdefaults or .Xresources file,
- or in the data files themselves.
- A list of these options is given below. The command line
- option is specified first with its X default or data file name (if any)
- in parenthesis afterward.
- The format of the option in the X defaults file is "program.option: value"
- where program is the program name (xgraph) and the option name is the
- one specified below.
- Option specifications in the data file are similar to the X defaults file
- specification except the program name is omitted.
- .TP
- .B -geometry WxH+X+Y or =WxH+X+Y (Geometry)
- Specifies the initial size and location of the xgraph window.
- .TP
- .B -<digit> <name>
- These options specify the data set name for the corresponding data set.
- The digit should be in the range '0' to '63'.
- This name will be used in the legend.
- .TP
- .B -bar (BarGraph)
- Specifies that vertical bars should be drawn from the data points to
- a base point which can be specified with -brb. Usually, the -nl
- flag is used with this option. The point itself is located at
- the center of the bar.
- .TP
- .B -bof (BarGraph)
- Offset the bars for additional datasets by the specified amount.
- .TP
- .B -device <name>
- Set the output device for xgraph. The default is 'X'; other valid
- devices are 'ps', 'hpgl', 'idraw' and tgif.
- .TP
- .B -o <filename> -O <filename>
- Set the output file name for postscript, hpgl and idraw devices.
- Files created with -O can be used other documents, and files generated
- with -o can be printed directly.
- .TP
- .B -P<printername>
- Set the printer name for postscript or hpgl devices. This and the -o or -O
- option are mutually exclusive.
- .TP
- .B -stk
- Stack elements coming from different datasets, instead of plotting them
- from the same baseline. Datasets must match exactly.
- .TP
- .B -fitx
- Translate and scale the x data from all datasets to fit [0..1].
- .B -fity
- Translate and scale the y data from all datasets to fit [0..1].
- .TP
- .B -scale <factor>
- Output scale factor for postscript, hpgl and idraw devices. The default
- is 1.0, and 0.5 will generate a 50% reduced plot.
- .TP
- .B -fmtx <printf-format> -fmty <printf-format>
- Use the format specified to generate the legents for the x or y axis.
- .TP
- .B -bb (BoundBox)
- Draw a bounding box around the data region. This is very useful
- if you prefer to see tick marks rather than grid lines (see -tk).
- .TP
- .B -bd <color> (Border)
- This specifies the border color of the
- .I xgraph
- window.
- .TP
- .B -bg <color> (Background)
- Background color of the
- .I xgraph
- window.
- .TP
- .B -brb <base> (BarBase)
- This specifies the base for a bar graph. By default, the base is zero.
- .TP
- .B -brw <width> (BarWidth)
- This specifies the width of bars in a bar graph. The amount is specified
- in the user's units. By default, a bar one pixel wide is drawn.
- .TP
- .B -bw <size> (BorderSize)
- Border width (in pixels) of the
- .I xgraph
- window.
- .TP
- .B -db (Debug)
- Causes xgraph to run in synchronous mode and prints out the values
- of all known defaults.
- .TP
- .B -fg <color> (Foreground)
- Foreground color. This color is used to draw all text and the normal
- grid lines in the window.
- .TP
- .B -gw (GridSize)
- Width, in pixels, of normal grid lines.
- .TP
- .B -gs (GridStyle)
- Line style pattern of normal grid lines.
- .TP
- .B -lf <fontname> (LabelFont)
- Label font. All axis labels and grid labels are drawn using this font.
- A font name may be specified exactly (e.g. "9x15" or
- "-*-courier-bold-r-normal-*-140-*") or in an abbreviated form: <family>-<size>.
- The family is the family name (like helvetica) and the size is the font
- size in points (like 12). The default for this parameter is "helvetica-12".
- .TP
- .B -lnx (LogX)
- Specifies a logarithmic X axis. Grid labels represent powers of ten.
- .TP
- .B -lny (LogY)
- Specifies a logarithmic Y axis. Grid labels represent powers of ten.
- .TP
- .B -lw width (LineWidth)
- Specifies the width of the data lines in pixels. The default is zero.
- .TP
- .B -lx <xl,xh> (XLowLimit, XHighLimit)
- This option limits the range of the X axis to the specified
- interval. This (along with -ly) can be used to "zoom in" on a particularly
- interesting portion of a larger graph.
- .TP
- .B -ly <yl,yh> (YLowLimit, YHighLimit)
- This option limits the range of the Y axis to the specified
- interval.
- .TP
- .B -m (Markers)
- Mark each data point with a distinctive marker.
- There are eight distinctive markers used by xgraph.
- These markers are assigned uniquely to each different line style on
- black and white machines and varies with each color on color machines.
- .TP
- .B -M (StyleMarkers)
- Similar to -m but markers are assigned uniquely to each eight consecutive
- data sets (this corresponds to each different line style on color machines).
- .TP
- .B -nl (NoLines)
- Turn off drawing lines. When used with -m, -M, -p, or -P this can be used to
- produce scatter plots. When used with -bar, it can be used to
- produce standard bar graphs.
- .TP
- .B -ng (NoLegend)
- Turn off drawing Legends. Can be used to increase the drawing area.
- .TP
- .B -p (PixelMarkers)
- Marks each data point with a small marker (pixel sized). This is
- usually used with the -nl option for scatter plots.
- .TP
- .B -P (LargePixels)
- Similar to -p but marks each pixel with a large dot.
- .TP
- .B -rv (ReverseVideo)
- Reverse video. On black and white displays, this will invert
- the foreground and background colors.
- The behaviour on color displays is undefined.
- .TP
- .B -t <string> (TitleText)
- Title of the plot. This string is centered at the top of the graph.
- .TP
- .B -tf <fontname> (TitleFont)
- Title font. This is the name of the font to use for the graph title.
- A font name may be specified exactly (e.g. "9x15" or
- "-*-courier-bold-r-normal-*-140-*") or in an abbreviated form: <family>-<size>.
- The family is the family name (like helvetica) and the size is the font
- size in points (like 12). The default for this parameter is "helvetica-18".
- .TP
- .B -tk (Ticks)
- This option causes
- .I xgraph
- to draw tick marks rather than full grid lines. The -bb option
- is also useful when viewing graphs with tick marks only.
- .TP
- .B -tkax (Tick Axis)
- When tick marks are enabled, plot the axes.
- .TP
- .B -x <unitname> (XUnitText)
- This is the unit name for the X axis. Its default is "X".
- .TP
- .B -y <unitname> (YUnitText)
- This is the unit name for the Y axis. Its default is "Y".
- .TP
- .B -zg <color> (ZeroColor)
- This is the color used to draw the zero grid line.
- .TP
- .B -zw <width> (ZeroWidth)
- This is the width of the zero grid line in pixels.
- .PP
- Some options can only be specified in the X defaults file or in the
- data files. These options are described below:
- .TP
- .B <digit>.Color
- Specifies the color for a data set. Eight independent colors can
- be specified. Thus, the digit should be between '0' and '7'.
- If there are more than eight data sets, the colors
- will repeat but with a new line style (see below).
- .TP
- .B <digit>.Style
- Specifies the line style for a data set. A string of ones
- and zeros specifies the pattern used for the line style.
- Eight independent line styles can be specified. Thus, the
- digit should be between '0' and '7'. If there are more
- than eight data sets, these styles will be reused. On color
- workstations, one line style is used for each of eight colors.
- Thus, 64 unique data sets can be displayed.
- .TP
- .B Device
- The default output form presented in the hardcopy dialog (i.e. "Postscript",
- "HPGL", etc).
- .TP
- .B Disposition
- The default setting of whether output goes directly to a device or to a file.
- This must be one of the strings "To File" or "To Device".
- .TP
- .B FileOrDev
- The default file name or device string in the hardcopy dialog.
- .TP
- .B ZeroWidth
- Width, in pixels, of the zero grid line.
- .TP
- .B ZeroStyle
- Line style pattern of the zero grid line.
- David Harrison
- University of California
- .br
- - Zooming in on bar graphs doesn't work right.
- .br
- - There is no way to produce hardcopy without running xgraph interactively.