资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
- Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Sam Lantinga
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- Sam Lantinga
- */
- #ifdef SAVE_RCSID
- static char rcsid =
- "@(#) $Id: SDL_fbvideo.c,v 1.4 2002/04/22 21:38:04 wmay Exp $";
- #endif
- /* Framebuffer console based SDL video driver implementation.
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- #include <sys/mman.h>
- #include <asm/page.h> /* For definition of PAGE_SIZE */
- #include "SDL.h"
- #include "SDL_error.h"
- #include "SDL_video.h"
- #include "SDL_mouse.h"
- #include "SDL_sysvideo.h"
- #include "SDL_pixels_c.h"
- #include "SDL_events_c.h"
- #include "SDL_fbvideo.h"
- #include "SDL_fbmouse_c.h"
- #include "SDL_fbevents_c.h"
- #include "SDL_fb3dfx.h"
- #include "SDL_fbmatrox.h"
- #include "SDL_fbriva.h"
- #if defined(i386) && defined(FB_TYPE_VGA_PLANES)
- #define FB_AUX_VGA_PLANES_VGA4 0
- #endif
- static inline void outb (unsigned char value, unsigned short port)
- {
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("outb %b0,%w1"::"a" (value), "Nd" (port));
- }
- #endif /* FB_TYPE_VGA_PLANES */
- /* A list of video resolutions that we query for (sorted largest to smallest) */
- static const SDL_Rect checkres[] = {
- { 0, 0, 1600, 1200 }, /* 16 bpp: 0x11E, or 286 */
- { 0, 0, 1408, 1056 }, /* 16 bpp: 0x19A, or 410 */
- { 0, 0, 1280, 1024 }, /* 16 bpp: 0x11A, or 282 */
- { 0, 0, 1152, 864 }, /* 16 bpp: 0x192, or 402 */
- { 0, 0, 1024, 768 }, /* 16 bpp: 0x117, or 279 */
- { 0, 0, 960, 720 }, /* 16 bpp: 0x18A, or 394 */
- { 0, 0, 800, 600 }, /* 16 bpp: 0x114, or 276 */
- { 0, 0, 768, 576 }, /* 16 bpp: 0x182, or 386 */
- { 0, 0, 720, 576 }, /* PAL */
- { 0, 0, 720, 480 }, /* NTSC */
- { 0, 0, 640, 480 }, /* 16 bpp: 0x111, or 273 */
- { 0, 0, 640, 400 }, /* 8 bpp: 0x100, or 256 */
- { 0, 0, 512, 384 },
- { 0, 0, 320, 240 },
- { 0, 0, 320, 200 }
- };
- static const struct {
- int xres;
- int yres;
- int pixclock;
- int left;
- int right;
- int upper;
- int lower;
- int hslen;
- int vslen;
- int sync;
- int vmode;
- } vesa_timings[] = {
- #ifdef USE_VESA_TIMINGS /* Only tested on Matrox Millenium I */
- { 640, 400, 39771, 48, 16, 39, 8, 96, 2, 2, 0 }, /* 70 Hz */
- { 640, 480, 39683, 48, 16, 33, 10, 96, 2, 0, 0 }, /* 60 Hz */
- { 768, 576, 26101, 144, 16, 28, 6, 112, 4, 0, 0 }, /* 60 Hz */
- { 800, 600, 24038, 144, 24, 28, 8, 112, 6, 0, 0 }, /* 60 Hz */
- { 960, 720, 17686, 144, 24, 28, 8, 112, 4, 0, 0 }, /* 60 Hz */
- { 1024, 768, 15386, 160, 32, 30, 4, 128, 4, 0, 0 }, /* 60 Hz */
- { 1152, 864, 12286, 192, 32, 30, 4, 128, 4, 0, 0 }, /* 60 Hz */
- { 1280, 1024, 9369, 224, 32, 32, 4, 136, 4, 0, 0 }, /* 60 Hz */
- { 1408, 1056, 8214, 256, 40, 32, 5, 144, 5, 0, 0 }, /* 60 Hz */
- { 1600, 1200,/*?*/0, 272, 48, 32, 5, 152, 5, 0, 0 }, /* 60 Hz */
- #else
- /* You can generate these timings from your XF86Config file using
- the 'modeline2fb' perl script included with the fbset package.
- These timings were generated for Matrox Millenium I, 15" monitor.
- */
- { 320, 200, 79440, 16, 16, 20, 4, 48, 1, 0, 2 }, /* 70 Hz */
- { 320, 240, 63492, 16, 16, 16, 4, 48, 2, 0, 2 }, /* 72 Hz */
- { 512, 384, 49603, 48, 16, 16, 1, 64, 3, 0, 0 }, /* 78 Hz */
- { 640, 400, 31746, 96, 32, 41, 1, 64, 3, 2, 0 }, /* 85 Hz */
- { 640, 480, 31746, 120, 16, 16, 1, 64, 3, 0, 0 }, /* 75 Hz */
- { 768, 576, 26101, 144, 16, 28, 6, 112, 4, 0, 0 }, /* 60 Hz */
- { 800, 600, 20000, 64, 56, 23, 37, 120, 6, 3, 0 }, /* 72 Hz */
- { 960, 720, 17686, 144, 24, 28, 8, 112, 4, 0, 0 }, /* 60 Hz */
- { 1024, 768, 13333, 144, 24, 29, 3, 136, 6, 0, 0 }, /* 70 Hz */
- { 1152, 864, 12286, 192, 32, 30, 4, 128, 4, 0, 0 }, /* 60 Hz */
- { 1280, 1024, 9369, 224, 32, 32, 4, 136, 4, 0, 0 }, /* 60 Hz */
- { 1408, 1056, 8214, 256, 40, 32, 5, 144, 5, 0, 0 }, /* 60 Hz */
- { 1600, 1200,/*?*/0, 272, 48, 32, 5, 152, 5, 0, 0 }, /* 60 Hz */
- #endif
- };
- /* Initialization/Query functions */
- static int FB_VideoInit(_THIS, SDL_PixelFormat *vformat);
- static SDL_Rect **FB_ListModes(_THIS, SDL_PixelFormat *format, Uint32 flags);
- static SDL_Surface *FB_SetVideoMode(_THIS, SDL_Surface *current, int width, int height, int bpp, Uint32 flags);
- static SDL_Surface *FB_SetVGA16Mode(_THIS, SDL_Surface *current, int width, int height, int bpp, Uint32 flags);
- #endif
- static int FB_SetColors(_THIS, int firstcolor, int ncolors, SDL_Color *colors);
- static void FB_VideoQuit(_THIS);
- /* Hardware surface functions */
- static int FB_InitHWSurfaces(_THIS, SDL_Surface *screen, char *base, int size);
- static void FB_FreeHWSurfaces(_THIS);
- static int FB_AllocHWSurface(_THIS, SDL_Surface *surface);
- static int FB_LockHWSurface(_THIS, SDL_Surface *surface);
- static void FB_UnlockHWSurface(_THIS, SDL_Surface *surface);
- static void FB_FreeHWSurface(_THIS, SDL_Surface *surface);
- static void FB_WaitVBL(_THIS);
- static void FB_WaitIdle(_THIS);
- static int FB_FlipHWSurface(_THIS, SDL_Surface *surface);
- /* Internal palette functions */
- static void FB_SavePalette(_THIS, struct fb_fix_screeninfo *finfo,
- struct fb_var_screeninfo *vinfo);
- static void FB_RestorePalette(_THIS);
- /* FB driver bootstrap functions */
- static int FB_Available(void)
- {
- int console;
- const char *SDL_fbdev;
- SDL_fbdev = getenv("SDL_FBDEV");
- if ( SDL_fbdev == NULL ) {
- SDL_fbdev = "/dev/fb0";
- }
- console = open(SDL_fbdev, O_RDWR, 0);
- if ( console >= 0 ) {
- close(console);
- }
- return(console >= 0);
- }
- static void FB_DeleteDevice(SDL_VideoDevice *device)
- {
- free(device->hidden);
- free(device);
- }
- static SDL_VideoDevice *FB_CreateDevice(int devindex)
- {
- SDL_VideoDevice *this;
- /* Initialize all variables that we clean on shutdown */
- this = (SDL_VideoDevice *)malloc(sizeof(SDL_VideoDevice));
- if ( this ) {
- memset(this, 0, (sizeof *this));
- this->hidden = (struct SDL_PrivateVideoData *)
- malloc((sizeof *this->hidden));
- }
- if ( (this == NULL) || (this->hidden == NULL) ) {
- SDL_OutOfMemory();
- if ( this ) {
- free(this);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- memset(this->hidden, 0, (sizeof *this->hidden));
- wait_vbl = FB_WaitVBL;
- wait_idle = FB_WaitIdle;
- mouse_fd = -1;
- keyboard_fd = -1;
- /* Set the function pointers */
- this->VideoInit = FB_VideoInit;
- this->ListModes = FB_ListModes;
- this->SetVideoMode = FB_SetVideoMode;
- this->SetColors = FB_SetColors;
- this->UpdateRects = NULL;
- this->VideoQuit = FB_VideoQuit;
- this->AllocHWSurface = FB_AllocHWSurface;
- this->CheckHWBlit = NULL;
- this->FillHWRect = NULL;
- this->SetHWColorKey = NULL;
- this->SetHWAlpha = NULL;
- this->LockHWSurface = FB_LockHWSurface;
- this->UnlockHWSurface = FB_UnlockHWSurface;
- this->FlipHWSurface = FB_FlipHWSurface;
- this->FreeHWSurface = FB_FreeHWSurface;
- this->SetCaption = NULL;
- this->SetIcon = NULL;
- this->IconifyWindow = NULL;
- this->GrabInput = NULL;
- this->GetWMInfo = NULL;
- this->InitOSKeymap = FB_InitOSKeymap;
- this->PumpEvents = FB_PumpEvents;
- this->free = FB_DeleteDevice;
- return this;
- }
- VideoBootStrap FBCON_bootstrap = {
- "fbcon", "Linux Framebuffer Console",
- FB_Available, FB_CreateDevice
- };
- static int FB_CheckMode(_THIS, struct fb_var_screeninfo *vinfo,
- int index, unsigned int *w, unsigned int *h)
- {
- int mode_okay;
- mode_okay = 0;
- vinfo->bits_per_pixel = (index+1)*8;
- vinfo->xres = *w;
- vinfo->xres_virtual = *w;
- vinfo->yres = *h;
- vinfo->yres_virtual = *h;
- vinfo->activate = FB_ACTIVATE_TEST;
- if ( ioctl(console_fd, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, vinfo) == 0 ) {
- #ifdef FBCON_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "Checked mode %dx%d at %d bpp, got mode %dx%d at %d bppn", *w, *h, (index+1)*8, vinfo->xres, vinfo->yres, vinfo->bits_per_pixel);
- #endif
- if ( (((vinfo->bits_per_pixel+7)/8)-1) == index ) {
- *w = vinfo->xres;
- *h = vinfo->yres;
- mode_okay = 1;
- }
- }
- return mode_okay;
- }
- static int FB_AddMode(_THIS, int index, unsigned int w, unsigned int h)
- {
- SDL_Rect *mode;
- int i;
- int next_mode;
- /* Check to see if we already have this mode */
- if ( SDL_nummodes[index] > 0 ) {
- mode = SDL_modelist[index][SDL_nummodes[index]-1];
- if ( (mode->w == w) && (mode->h == h) ) {
- #ifdef FBCON_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "We already have mode %dx%d at %d bytes per pixeln", w, h, index+1);
- #endif
- return(0);
- }
- }
- /* Only allow a mode if we have a valid timing for it */
- next_mode = -1;
- for ( i=0; i<(sizeof(vesa_timings)/sizeof(vesa_timings[0])); ++i ) {
- if ( (w == vesa_timings[i].xres) &&
- (h == vesa_timings[i].yres) && vesa_timings[i].pixclock ) {
- next_mode = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( next_mode == -1 ) {
- #ifdef FBCON_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "No valid timing line for mode %dx%dn", w, h);
- #endif
- return(0);
- }
- /* Set up the new video mode rectangle */
- mode = (SDL_Rect *)malloc(sizeof *mode);
- if ( mode == NULL ) {
- SDL_OutOfMemory();
- return(-1);
- }
- mode->x = 0;
- mode->y = 0;
- mode->w = w;
- mode->h = h;
- #ifdef FBCON_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "Adding mode %dx%d at %d bytes per pixeln", w, h, index+1);
- #endif
- /* Allocate the new list of modes, and fill in the new mode */
- next_mode = SDL_nummodes[index];
- SDL_modelist[index] = (SDL_Rect **)
- realloc(SDL_modelist[index], (1+next_mode+1)*sizeof(SDL_Rect *));
- if ( SDL_modelist[index] == NULL ) {
- SDL_OutOfMemory();
- SDL_nummodes[index] = 0;
- free(mode);
- return(-1);
- }
- SDL_modelist[index][next_mode] = mode;
- SDL_modelist[index][next_mode+1] = NULL;
- SDL_nummodes[index]++;
- return(0);
- }
- static int FB_VideoInit(_THIS, SDL_PixelFormat *vformat)
- {
- struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo;
- struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;
- int i, j;
- int current_index;
- unsigned int current_w;
- unsigned int current_h;
- const char *SDL_fbdev;
- /* Initialize the library */
- SDL_fbdev = getenv("SDL_FBDEV");
- if ( SDL_fbdev == NULL ) {
- SDL_fbdev = "/dev/fb0";
- }
- console_fd = open(SDL_fbdev, O_RDWR, 0);
- if ( console_fd < 0 ) {
- SDL_SetError("Unable to open %s", SDL_fbdev);
- return(-1);
- }
- /* Create the hardware surface lock mutex */
- hw_lock = SDL_CreateMutex();
- if ( hw_lock == NULL ) {
- SDL_SetError("Unable to create lock mutex");
- FB_VideoQuit(this);
- return(-1);
- }
- #endif
- /* Get the type of video hardware */
- if ( ioctl(console_fd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &finfo) < 0 ) {
- SDL_SetError("Couldn't get console hardware info");
- FB_VideoQuit(this);
- return(-1);
- }
- switch (finfo.type) {
- /* Supported, no worries.. */
- break;
- /* VGA16 is supported, but that's it */
- if ( finfo.type_aux == FB_AUX_VGA_PLANES_VGA4 ) {
- if ( ioperm(0x3b4, 0x3df - 0x3b4 + 1, 1) < 0 ) {
- SDL_SetError("No I/O port permissions");
- FB_VideoQuit(this);
- return(-1);
- }
- this->SetVideoMode = FB_SetVGA16Mode;
- break;
- }
- /* Fall through to unsupported case */
- #endif /* VGA16_FBCON_SUPPORT */
- default:
- SDL_SetError("Unsupported console hardware");
- FB_VideoQuit(this);
- return(-1);
- }
- switch (finfo.visual) {
- break;
- default:
- SDL_SetError("Unsupported console hardware");
- FB_VideoQuit(this);
- return(-1);
- }
- /* Check if the user wants to disable hardware acceleration */
- { const char *fb_accel;
- fb_accel = getenv("SDL_FBACCEL");
- if ( fb_accel ) {
- finfo.accel = atoi(fb_accel);
- }
- }
- /* Memory map the device, compensating for buggy PPC mmap() */
- mapped_offset = (((long)finfo.smem_start) -
- (((long)finfo.smem_start)&~(PAGE_SIZE-1)));
- mapped_memlen = finfo.smem_len+mapped_offset;
- mapped_mem = mmap(NULL, mapped_memlen,
- if ( mapped_mem == (char *)-1 ) {
- SDL_SetError("Unable to memory map the video hardware");
- mapped_mem = NULL;
- FB_VideoQuit(this);
- return(-1);
- }
- /* Determine the current screen depth */
- if ( ioctl(console_fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo) < 0 ) {
- SDL_SetError("Couldn't get console pixel format");
- FB_VideoQuit(this);
- return(-1);
- }
- vformat->BitsPerPixel = vinfo.bits_per_pixel;
- if ( vformat->BitsPerPixel < 8 ) {
- /* Assuming VGA16, we handle this via a shadow framebuffer */
- vformat->BitsPerPixel = 8;
- }
- for ( i=0; i<; ++i ) {
- vformat->Rmask <<= 1;
- vformat->Rmask |= (0x00000001<<;
- }
- for ( i=0; i<; ++i ) {
- vformat->Gmask <<= 1;
- vformat->Gmask |= (0x00000001<<;
- }
- for ( i=0; i<; ++i ) {
- vformat->Bmask <<= 1;
- vformat->Bmask |= (0x00000001<<;
- }
- saved_vinfo = vinfo;
- /* Save hardware palette, if needed */
- FB_SavePalette(this, &finfo, &vinfo);
- /* If the I/O registers are available, memory map them so we
- can take advantage of any supported hardware acceleration.
- */
- vinfo.accel_flags = 0; /* Temporarily reserve registers */
- ioctl(console_fd, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo);
- if ( finfo.accel && finfo.mmio_len ) {
- mapped_iolen = finfo.mmio_len;
- mapped_io = mmap(NULL, mapped_iolen, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
- MAP_SHARED, console_fd, mapped_memlen);
- if ( mapped_io == (char *)-1 ) {
- /* Hmm, failed to memory map I/O registers */
- mapped_io = NULL;
- }
- }
- /* Query for the list of available video modes */
- current_w = vinfo.xres;
- current_h = vinfo.yres;
- current_index = ((vinfo.bits_per_pixel+7)/8)-1;
- for ( i=0; i<NUM_MODELISTS; ++i ) {
- SDL_nummodes[i] = 0;
- SDL_modelist[i] = NULL;
- for ( j=0; j<(sizeof(checkres)/sizeof(checkres[0])); ++j ) {
- unsigned int w, h;
- /* See if we are querying for the current mode */
- w = checkres[j].w;
- h = checkres[j].h;
- if ( i == current_index ) {
- if ( (current_w > w) || (current_h > h) ) {
- /* Only check once */
- FB_AddMode(this, i,current_w,current_h);
- current_index = -1;
- }
- }
- if ( FB_CheckMode(this, &vinfo, i, &w, &h) ) {
- FB_AddMode(this, i, w, h);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Fill in our hardware acceleration capabilities */
- this->info.wm_available = 0;
- this->info.hw_available = 1;
- this->info.video_mem = finfo.smem_len/1024;
- if ( mapped_io ) {
- switch (finfo.accel) {
- /*case FB_ACCEL_MATROX_MGAG200: G200 acceleration broken! */
- printf("Matrox hardware accelerator!n");
- #endif
- FB_MatroxAccel(this, finfo.accel);
- break;
- printf("3DFX hardware accelerator!n");
- #endif
- FB_3DfxAccel(this, finfo.accel);
- break;
- case FB_ACCEL_NV3:
- case FB_ACCEL_NV4:
- printf("NVidia hardware accelerator!n");
- #endif
- FB_RivaAccel(this, finfo.accel);
- break;
- default:
- printf("Unknown hardware accelerator.n");
- #endif
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Enable mouse and keyboard support */
- if ( FB_OpenKeyboard(this) < 0 ) {
- FB_VideoQuit(this);
- return(-1);
- }
- if ( FB_OpenMouse(this) < 0 ) {
- const char *sdl_nomouse;
- sdl_nomouse = getenv("SDL_NOMOUSE");
- if ( ! sdl_nomouse ) {
- SDL_SetError("Unable to open mouse");
- FB_VideoQuit(this);
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- /* We're done! */
- return(0);
- }
- static SDL_Rect **FB_ListModes(_THIS, SDL_PixelFormat *format, Uint32 flags)
- {
- return(SDL_modelist[((format->BitsPerPixel+7)/8)-1]);
- }
- /* Various screen update functions available */
- static void FB_DirectUpdate(_THIS, int numrects, SDL_Rect *rects);
- static void FB_VGA16Update(_THIS, int numrects, SDL_Rect *rects);
- #endif
- #ifdef FBCON_DEBUG
- static void print_vinfo(struct fb_var_screeninfo *vinfo)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Printing vinfo:n");
- fprintf(stderr, "txres: %dn", vinfo->xres);
- fprintf(stderr, "tyres: %dn", vinfo->yres);
- fprintf(stderr, "txres_virtual: %dn", vinfo->xres_virtual);
- fprintf(stderr, "tyres_virtual: %dn", vinfo->yres_virtual);
- fprintf(stderr, "txoffset: %dn", vinfo->xoffset);
- fprintf(stderr, "tyoffset: %dn", vinfo->yoffset);
- fprintf(stderr, "tbits_per_pixel: %dn", vinfo->bits_per_pixel);
- fprintf(stderr, "tgrayscale: %dn", vinfo->grayscale);
- fprintf(stderr, "tnonstd: %dn", vinfo->nonstd);
- fprintf(stderr, "tactivate: %dn", vinfo->activate);
- fprintf(stderr, "theight: %dn", vinfo->height);
- fprintf(stderr, "twidth: %dn", vinfo->width);
- fprintf(stderr, "taccel_flags: %dn", vinfo->accel_flags);
- fprintf(stderr, "tpixclock: %dn", vinfo->pixclock);
- fprintf(stderr, "tleft_margin: %dn", vinfo->left_margin);
- fprintf(stderr, "tright_margin: %dn", vinfo->right_margin);
- fprintf(stderr, "tupper_margin: %dn", vinfo->upper_margin);
- fprintf(stderr, "tlower_margin: %dn", vinfo->lower_margin);
- fprintf(stderr, "thsync_len: %dn", vinfo->hsync_len);
- fprintf(stderr, "tvsync_len: %dn", vinfo->vsync_len);
- fprintf(stderr, "tsync: %dn", vinfo->sync);
- fprintf(stderr, "tvmode: %dn", vinfo->vmode);
- fprintf(stderr, "tred: %d/%dn", vinfo->red.length, vinfo->red.offset);
- fprintf(stderr, "tgreen: %d/%dn", vinfo->green.length, vinfo->green.offset);
- fprintf(stderr, "tblue: %d/%dn", vinfo->blue.length, vinfo->blue.offset);
- fprintf(stderr, "talpha: %d/%dn", vinfo->transp.length, vinfo->transp.offset);
- }
- static void print_finfo(struct fb_fix_screeninfo *finfo)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Printing finfo:n");
- fprintf(stderr, "tsmem_start = %pn", (char *)finfo->smem_start);
- fprintf(stderr, "tsmem_len = %dn", finfo->smem_len);
- fprintf(stderr, "ttype = %dn", finfo->type);
- fprintf(stderr, "ttype_aux = %dn", finfo->type_aux);
- fprintf(stderr, "tvisual = %dn", finfo->visual);
- fprintf(stderr, "txpanstep = %dn", finfo->xpanstep);
- fprintf(stderr, "typanstep = %dn", finfo->ypanstep);
- fprintf(stderr, "tywrapstep = %dn", finfo->ywrapstep);
- fprintf(stderr, "tline_length = %dn", finfo->line_length);
- fprintf(stderr, "tmmio_start = %pn", (char *)finfo->mmio_start);
- fprintf(stderr, "tmmio_len = %dn", finfo->mmio_len);
- fprintf(stderr, "taccel = %dn", finfo->accel);
- }
- #endif
- static int choose_fbmodes_mode(struct fb_var_screeninfo *vinfo)
- {
- int matched;
- FILE *fbmodes;
- matched = 0;
- fbmodes = fopen("/etc/fb.modes", "r");
- if ( fbmodes ) {
- /* FIXME: Parse the mode definition file */
- fclose(fbmodes);
- }
- return(matched);
- }
- static int choose_vesa_mode(struct fb_var_screeninfo *vinfo)
- {
- int matched;
- int i;
- /* Check for VESA timings */
- matched = 0;
- for ( i=0; i<(sizeof(vesa_timings)/sizeof(vesa_timings[0])); ++i ) {
- if ( (vinfo->xres == vesa_timings[i].xres) &&
- (vinfo->yres == vesa_timings[i].yres) ) {
- #ifdef FBCON_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "Using VESA timings for %dx%dn",
- vinfo->xres, vinfo->yres);
- #endif
- if ( vesa_timings[i].pixclock ) {
- vinfo->pixclock = vesa_timings[i].pixclock;
- }
- vinfo->left_margin = vesa_timings[i].left;
- vinfo->right_margin = vesa_timings[i].right;
- vinfo->upper_margin = vesa_timings[i].upper;
- vinfo->lower_margin = vesa_timings[i].lower;
- vinfo->hsync_len = vesa_timings[i].hslen;
- vinfo->vsync_len = vesa_timings[i].vslen;
- vinfo->sync = vesa_timings[i].sync;
- vinfo->vmode = vesa_timings[i].vmode;
- matched = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- return(matched);
- }
- static SDL_Surface *FB_SetVGA16Mode(_THIS, SDL_Surface *current,
- int width, int height, int bpp, Uint32 flags)
- {
- struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo;
- struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;
- /* Set the terminal into graphics mode */
- if ( FB_EnterGraphicsMode(this) < 0 ) {
- return(NULL);
- }
- /* Restore the original palette */
- FB_RestorePalette(this);
- /* Set the video mode and get the final screen format */
- if ( ioctl(console_fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo) < 0 ) {
- SDL_SetError("Couldn't get console screen info");
- return(NULL);
- }
- cache_vinfo = vinfo;
- #ifdef FBCON_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "Printing actual vinfo:n");
- print_vinfo(&vinfo);
- #endif
- if ( ! SDL_ReallocFormat(current, bpp, 0, 0, 0, 0) ) {
- return(NULL);
- }
- current->format->palette->ncolors = 16;
- /* Get the fixed information about the console hardware.
- This is necessary since finfo.line_length changes.
- */
- if ( ioctl(console_fd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &finfo) < 0 ) {
- SDL_SetError("Couldn't get console hardware info");
- return(NULL);
- }
- #ifdef FBCON_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "Printing actual finfo:n");
- print_finfo(&finfo);
- #endif
- /* Save hardware palette, if needed */
- FB_SavePalette(this, &finfo, &vinfo);
- /* Set up the new mode framebuffer */
- current->flags = SDL_FULLSCREEN;
- current->w = vinfo.xres;
- current->h = vinfo.yres;
- current->pitch = current->w;
- current->pixels = malloc(current->h*current->pitch);
- /* Set the update rectangle function */
- this->UpdateRects = FB_VGA16Update;
- /* We're done */
- return(current);
- }
- #endif /* VGA16_FBCON_SUPPORT */
- static SDL_Surface *FB_SetVideoMode(_THIS, SDL_Surface *current,
- int width, int height, int bpp, Uint32 flags)
- {
- struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo;
- struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;
- int i;
- Uint32 Rmask;
- Uint32 Gmask;
- Uint32 Bmask;
- char *surfaces_mem;
- int surfaces_len;
- /* Set the terminal into graphics mode */
- if ( FB_EnterGraphicsMode(this) < 0 ) {
- return(NULL);
- }
- /* Restore the original palette */
- FB_RestorePalette(this);
- /* Set the video mode and get the final screen format */
- if ( ioctl(console_fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo) < 0 ) {
- SDL_SetError("Couldn't get console screen info");
- return(NULL);
- }
- #ifdef FBCON_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "Printing original vinfo:n");
- print_vinfo(&vinfo);
- #endif
- if ( (vinfo.xres != width) || (vinfo.yres != height) ||
- (vinfo.bits_per_pixel != bpp) || (flags & SDL_DOUBLEBUF) ) {
- vinfo.activate = FB_ACTIVATE_NOW;
- vinfo.accel_flags = 0;
- vinfo.bits_per_pixel = bpp;
- vinfo.xres = width;
- vinfo.xres_virtual = width;
- vinfo.yres = height;
- if ( flags & SDL_DOUBLEBUF ) {
- vinfo.yres_virtual = height*2;
- } else {
- vinfo.yres_virtual = height;
- }
- vinfo.xoffset = 0;
- vinfo.yoffset = 0;
- = = 0;
- = = 0;
- = = 0;
- vinfo.transp.length = vinfo.transp.offset = 0;
- if ( ! choose_fbmodes_mode(&vinfo) ) {
- choose_vesa_mode(&vinfo);
- }
- #ifdef FBCON_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "Printing wanted vinfo:n");
- print_vinfo(&vinfo);
- #endif
- if ( ioctl(console_fd, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo) < 0 ) {
- vinfo.yres_virtual = height;
- if ( ioctl(console_fd, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &vinfo) < 0 ) {
- SDL_SetError("Couldn't set console screen info");
- return(NULL);
- }
- }
- } else {
- int maxheight;
- /* Figure out how much video memory is available */
- if ( flags & SDL_DOUBLEBUF ) {
- maxheight = height*2;
- } else {
- maxheight = height;
- }
- if ( vinfo.yres_virtual > maxheight ) {
- vinfo.yres_virtual = maxheight;
- }
- }
- cache_vinfo = vinfo;
- #ifdef FBCON_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "Printing actual vinfo:n");
- print_vinfo(&vinfo);
- #endif
- Rmask = 0;
- for ( i=0; i<; ++i ) {
- Rmask <<= 1;
- Rmask |= (0x00000001<<;
- }
- Gmask = 0;
- for ( i=0; i<; ++i ) {
- Gmask <<= 1;
- Gmask |= (0x00000001<<;
- }
- Bmask = 0;
- for ( i=0; i<; ++i ) {
- Bmask <<= 1;
- Bmask |= (0x00000001<<;
- }
- if ( ! SDL_ReallocFormat(current, vinfo.bits_per_pixel,
- Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, 0) ) {
- return(NULL);
- }
- /* Get the fixed information about the console hardware.
- This is necessary since finfo.line_length changes.
- */
- if ( ioctl(console_fd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &finfo) < 0 ) {
- SDL_SetError("Couldn't get console hardware info");
- return(NULL);
- }
- /* Save hardware palette, if needed */
- FB_SavePalette(this, &finfo, &vinfo);
- /* Set up the new mode framebuffer */
- current->flags = (SDL_FULLSCREEN|SDL_HWSURFACE);
- current->w = vinfo.xres;
- current->h = vinfo.yres;
- current->pitch = finfo.line_length;
- current->pixels = mapped_mem+mapped_offset;
- /* Set up the information for hardware surfaces */
- surfaces_mem = (char *)current->pixels +
- vinfo.yres_virtual*current->pitch;
- surfaces_len = (mapped_memlen-(surfaces_mem-mapped_mem));
- FB_FreeHWSurfaces(this);
- FB_InitHWSurfaces(this, current, surfaces_mem, surfaces_len);
- /* Let the application know we have a hardware palette */
- switch (finfo.visual) {
- current->flags |= SDL_HWPALETTE;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /* Update for double-buffering, if we can */
- if ( flags & SDL_DOUBLEBUF ) {
- if ( vinfo.yres_virtual == (height*2) ) {
- current->flags |= SDL_DOUBLEBUF;
- flip_page = 0;
- flip_address[0] = (char *)current->pixels;
- flip_address[1] = (char *)current->pixels+
- current->h*current->pitch;
- this->screen = current;
- FB_FlipHWSurface(this, current);
- this->screen = NULL;
- }
- }
- /* Set the update rectangle function */
- this->UpdateRects = FB_DirectUpdate;
- /* We're done */
- return(current);
- }
- #ifdef FBCON_DEBUG
- void FB_DumpHWSurfaces(_THIS)
- {
- vidmem_bucket *bucket;
- printf("Memory left: %d (%d total)n", surfaces_memleft, surfaces_memtotal);
- printf("n");
- printf(" Base Sizen");
- for ( bucket=&surfaces; bucket; bucket=bucket->next ) {
- printf("Bucket: %p, %d (%s)n", bucket->base, bucket->size, bucket->used ? "used" : "free");
- if ( bucket->prev ) {
- if ( bucket->base != bucket->prev->base+bucket->prev->size ) {
- printf("Warning, corrupt bucket list! (prev)n");
- }
- } else {
- if ( bucket != &surfaces ) {
- printf("Warning, corrupt bucket list! (!prev)n");
- }
- }
- if ( bucket->next ) {
- if ( bucket->next->base != bucket->base+bucket->size ) {
- printf("Warning, corrupt bucket list! (next)n");
- }
- }
- }
- printf("n");
- }
- #endif
- static int FB_InitHWSurfaces(_THIS, SDL_Surface *screen, char *base, int size)
- {
- vidmem_bucket *bucket;
- surfaces_memtotal = size;
- surfaces_memleft = size;
- if ( surfaces_memleft > 0 ) {
- bucket = (vidmem_bucket *)malloc(sizeof(*bucket));
- if ( bucket == NULL ) {
- SDL_OutOfMemory();
- return(-1);
- }
- bucket->prev = &surfaces;
- bucket->used = 0;
- bucket->dirty = 0;
- bucket->base = base;
- bucket->size = size;
- bucket->next = NULL;
- } else {
- bucket = NULL;
- }
- surfaces.prev = NULL;
- surfaces.used = 1;
- surfaces.dirty = 0;
- surfaces.base = screen->pixels;
- surfaces.size = (unsigned int)((long)base - (long)surfaces.base);
- = bucket;
- screen->hwdata = (struct private_hwdata *)&surfaces;
- return(0);
- }
- static void FB_FreeHWSurfaces(_THIS)
- {
- vidmem_bucket *bucket, *freeable;
- bucket =;
- while ( bucket ) {
- freeable = bucket;
- bucket = bucket->next;
- free(freeable);
- }
- = NULL;
- }
- static int FB_AllocHWSurface(_THIS, SDL_Surface *surface)
- {
- vidmem_bucket *bucket;
- int size;
- int extra;
- /* Temporarily, we only allow surfaces the same width as display.
- Some blitters require the pitch between two hardware surfaces
- to be the same. Others have interesting alignment restrictions.
- Until someone who knows these details looks at the code...
- */
- if ( surface->pitch > SDL_VideoSurface->pitch ) {
- SDL_SetError("Surface requested wider than screen");
- return(-1);
- }
- surface->pitch = SDL_VideoSurface->pitch;
- size = surface->h * surface->pitch;
- #ifdef FBCON_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "Allocating bucket of %d bytesn", size);
- #endif
- /* Quick check for available mem */
- if ( size > surfaces_memleft ) {
- SDL_SetError("Not enough video memory");
- return(-1);
- }
- /* Search for an empty bucket big enough */
- for ( bucket=&surfaces; bucket; bucket=bucket->next ) {
- if ( ! bucket->used && (size <= bucket->size) ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( bucket == NULL ) {
- SDL_SetError("Video memory too fragmented");
- return(-1);
- }
- /* Create a new bucket for left-over memory */
- extra = (bucket->size - size);
- if ( extra ) {
- vidmem_bucket *newbucket;
- #ifdef FBCON_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "Adding new free bucket of %d bytesn", extra);
- #endif
- newbucket = (vidmem_bucket *)malloc(sizeof(*newbucket));
- if ( newbucket == NULL ) {
- SDL_OutOfMemory();
- return(-1);
- }
- newbucket->prev = bucket;
- newbucket->used = 0;
- newbucket->base = bucket->base+size;
- newbucket->size = extra;
- newbucket->next = bucket->next;
- if ( bucket->next ) {
- bucket->next->prev = newbucket;
- }
- bucket->next = newbucket;
- }
- /* Set the current bucket values and return it! */
- bucket->used = 1;
- bucket->size = size;
- bucket->dirty = 0;
- #ifdef FBCON_DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "Allocated %d bytes at %pn", bucket->size, bucket->base);
- #endif
- surfaces_memleft -= size;
- surface->flags |= SDL_HWSURFACE;
- surface->pixels = bucket->base;
- surface->hwdata = (struct private_hwdata *)bucket;
- return(0);
- }
- static void FB_FreeHWSurface(_THIS, SDL_Surface *surface)
- {
- vidmem_bucket *bucket, *freeable;
- /* Look for the bucket in the current list */
- for ( bucket=&surfaces; bucket; bucket=bucket->next ) {
- if ( bucket == (vidmem_bucket *)surface->hwdata ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( bucket && bucket->used ) {
- /* Add the memory back to the total */
- #ifdef DGA_DEBUG
- printf("Freeing bucket of %d bytesn", bucket->size);
- #endif
- surfaces_memleft += bucket->size;
- /* Can we merge the space with surrounding buckets? */
- bucket->used = 0;
- if ( bucket->next && ! bucket->next->used ) {
- #ifdef DGA_DEBUG
- printf("Merging with next bucket, for %d total bytesn", bucket->size+bucket->next->size);
- #endif
- freeable = bucket->next;
- bucket->size += bucket->next->size;
- bucket->next = bucket->next->next;
- if ( bucket->next ) {
- bucket->next->prev = bucket;
- }
- free(freeable);
- }
- if ( bucket->prev && ! bucket->prev->used ) {
- #ifdef DGA_DEBUG
- printf("Merging with previous bucket, for %d total bytesn", bucket->prev->size+bucket->size);
- #endif
- freeable = bucket;
- bucket->prev->size += bucket->size;
- bucket->prev->next = bucket->next;
- if ( bucket->next ) {
- bucket->next->prev = bucket->prev;
- }
- free(freeable);
- }
- }
- surface->pixels = NULL;
- surface->hwdata = NULL;
- }
- static int FB_LockHWSurface(_THIS, SDL_Surface *surface)
- {
- if ( surface == this->screen ) {
- SDL_mutexP(hw_lock);
- if ( FB_IsSurfaceBusy(surface) ) {
- FB_WaitBusySurfaces(this);
- }
- } else {
- if ( FB_IsSurfaceBusy(surface) ) {
- FB_WaitBusySurfaces(this);
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- static void FB_UnlockHWSurface(_THIS, SDL_Surface *surface)
- {
- if ( surface == this->screen ) {
- SDL_mutexV(hw_lock);
- }
- }
- static void FB_WaitVBL(_THIS)
- {
- #ifdef FBIOWAITRETRACE /* Heheh, this didn't make it into the main kernel */
- ioctl(console_fd, FBIOWAITRETRACE, 0);
- #endif
- return;
- }
- static void FB_WaitIdle(_THIS)
- {
- return;
- }
- static int FB_FlipHWSurface(_THIS, SDL_Surface *surface)
- {
- /* Wait for vertical retrace and then flip display */
- cache_vinfo.yoffset = flip_page*surface->h;
- if ( FB_IsSurfaceBusy(this->screen) ) {
- FB_WaitBusySurfaces(this);
- }
- wait_vbl(this);
- if ( ioctl(console_fd, FBIOPAN_DISPLAY, &cache_vinfo) < 0 ) {
- SDL_SetError("ioctl(FBIOPAN_DISPLAY) failed");
- return(-1);
- }
- flip_page = !flip_page;
- surface->pixels = flip_address[flip_page];
- return(0);
- }
- static void FB_DirectUpdate(_THIS, int numrects, SDL_Rect *rects)
- {
- /* The application is already updating the visible video memory */
- return;
- }
- /* Code adapted with thanks from the XFree86 VGA16 driver! :) */
- #define writeGr(index, value)
- outb(index, 0x3CE);
- outb(value, 0x3CF);
- #define writeSeq(index, value)
- outb(index, 0x3C4);
- outb(value, 0x3C5);
- static void FB_VGA16Update(_THIS, int numrects, SDL_Rect *rects)
- {
- SDL_Surface *screen;
- int width, height, FBPitch, left, i, j, SRCPitch, phase;
- register Uint32 m;
- Uint8 s1, s2, s3, s4;
- Uint32 *src, *srcPtr;
- Uint8 *dst, *dstPtr;
- screen = this->screen;
- FBPitch = screen->w >> 3;
- SRCPitch = screen->pitch >> 2;
- writeGr(0x03, 0x00);
- writeGr(0x05, 0x00);
- writeGr(0x01, 0x00);
- writeGr(0x08, 0xFF);
- while(numrects--) {
- left = rects->x & ~7;
- width = (rects->w + 7) >> 3;
- height = rects->h;
- src = (Uint32*)screen->pixels + (rects->y * SRCPitch) + (left >> 2);
- dst = (Uint8*)mapped_mem + (rects->y * FBPitch) + (left >> 3);
- if((phase = (long)dst & 3L)) {
- phase = 4 - phase;
- if(phase > width) phase = width;
- width -= phase;
- }
- while(height--) {
- writeSeq(0x02, 1 << 0);
- dstPtr = dst;
- srcPtr = src;
- i = width;
- j = phase;
- while(j--) {
- m = (srcPtr[1] & 0x01010101) | ((srcPtr[0] & 0x01010101) << 4);
- *dstPtr++ = (m >> 24) | (m >> 15) | (m >> 6) | (m << 3);
- srcPtr += 2;
- }
- while(i >= 4) {
- m = (srcPtr[1] & 0x01010101) | ((srcPtr[0] & 0x01010101) << 4);
- s1 = (m >> 24) | (m >> 15) | (m >> 6) | (m << 3);
- m = (srcPtr[3] & 0x01010101) | ((srcPtr[2] & 0x01010101) << 4);
- s2 = (m >> 24) | (m >> 15) | (m >> 6) | (m << 3);
- m = (srcPtr[5] & 0x01010101) | ((srcPtr[4] & 0x01010101) << 4);
- s3 = (m >> 24) | (m >> 15) | (m >> 6) | (m << 3);
- m = (srcPtr[7] & 0x01010101) | ((srcPtr[6] & 0x01010101) << 4);
- s4 = (m >> 24) | (m >> 15) | (m >> 6) | (m << 3);
- *((Uint32*)dstPtr) = s1 | (s2 << 8) | (s3 << 16) | (s4 << 24);
- srcPtr += 8;
- dstPtr += 4;
- i -= 4;
- }
- while(i--) {
- m = (srcPtr[1] & 0x01010101) | ((srcPtr[0] & 0x01010101) << 4);
- *dstPtr++ = (m >> 24) | (m >> 15) | (m >> 6) | (m << 3);
- srcPtr += 2;
- }
- writeSeq(0x02, 1 << 1);
- dstPtr = dst;
- srcPtr = src;
- i = width;
- j = phase;
- while(j--) {
- m = (srcPtr[1] & 0x02020202) | ((srcPtr[0] & 0x02020202) << 4);
- *dstPtr++ = (m >> 25) | (m >> 16) | (m >> 7) | (m << 2);
- srcPtr += 2;
- }
- while(i >= 4) {
- m = (srcPtr[1] & 0x02020202) | ((srcPtr[0] & 0x02020202) << 4);
- s1 = (m >> 25) | (m >> 16) | (m >> 7) | (m << 2);
- m = (srcPtr[3] & 0x02020202) | ((srcPtr[2] & 0x02020202) << 4);
- s2 = (m >> 25) | (m >> 16) | (m >> 7) | (m << 2);
- m = (srcPtr[5] & 0x02020202) | ((srcPtr[4] & 0x02020202) << 4);
- s3 = (m >> 25) | (m >> 16) | (m >> 7) | (m << 2);
- m = (srcPtr[7] & 0x02020202) | ((srcPtr[6] & 0x02020202) << 4);
- s4 = (m >> 25) | (m >> 16) | (m >> 7) | (m << 2);
- *((Uint32*)dstPtr) = s1 | (s2 << 8) | (s3 << 16) | (s4 << 24);
- srcPtr += 8;
- dstPtr += 4;
- i -= 4;
- }
- while(i--) {
- m = (srcPtr[1] & 0x02020202) | ((srcPtr[0] & 0x02020202) << 4);
- *dstPtr++ = (m >> 25) | (m >> 16) | (m >> 7) | (m << 2);
- srcPtr += 2;
- }
- writeSeq(0x02, 1 << 2);
- dstPtr = dst;
- srcPtr = src;
- i = width;
- j = phase;
- while(j--) {
- m = (srcPtr[1] & 0x04040404) | ((srcPtr[0] & 0x04040404) << 4);
- *dstPtr++ = (m >> 26) | (m >> 17) | (m >> 8) | (m << 1);
- srcPtr += 2;
- }
- while(i >= 4) {
- m = (srcPtr[1] & 0x04040404) | ((srcPtr[0] & 0x04040404) << 4);
- s1 = (m >> 26) | (m >> 17) | (m >> 8) | (m << 1);
- m = (srcPtr[3] & 0x04040404) | ((srcPtr[2] & 0x04040404) << 4);
- s2 = (m >> 26) | (m >> 17) | (m >> 8) | (m << 1);
- m = (srcPtr[5] & 0x04040404) | ((srcPtr[4] & 0x04040404) << 4);
- s3 = (m >> 26) | (m >> 17) | (m >> 8) | (m << 1);
- m = (srcPtr[7] & 0x04040404) | ((srcPtr[6] & 0x04040404) << 4);
- s4 = (m >> 26) | (m >> 17) | (m >> 8) | (m << 1);
- *((Uint32*)dstPtr) = s1 | (s2 << 8) | (s3 << 16) | (s4 << 24);
- srcPtr += 8;
- dstPtr += 4;
- i -= 4;
- }
- while(i--) {
- m = (srcPtr[1] & 0x04040404) | ((srcPtr[0] & 0x04040404) << 4);
- *dstPtr++ = (m >> 26) | (m >> 17) | (m >> 8) | (m << 1);
- srcPtr += 2;
- }
- writeSeq(0x02, 1 << 3);
- dstPtr = dst;
- srcPtr = src;
- i = width;
- j = phase;
- while(j--) {
- m = (srcPtr[1] & 0x08080808) | ((srcPtr[0] & 0x08080808) << 4);
- *dstPtr++ = (m >> 27) | (m >> 18) | (m >> 9) | m;
- srcPtr += 2;
- }
- while(i >= 4) {
- m = (srcPtr[1] & 0x08080808) | ((srcPtr[0] & 0x08080808) << 4);
- s1 = (m >> 27) | (m >> 18) | (m >> 9) | m;
- m = (srcPtr[3] & 0x08080808) | ((srcPtr[2] & 0x08080808) << 4);
- s2 = (m >> 27) | (m >> 18) | (m >> 9) | m;
- m = (srcPtr[5] & 0x08080808) | ((srcPtr[4] & 0x08080808) << 4);
- s3 = (m >> 27) | (m >> 18) | (m >> 9) | m;
- m = (srcPtr[7] & 0x08080808) | ((srcPtr[6] & 0x08080808) << 4);
- s4 = (m >> 27) | (m >> 18) | (m >> 9) | m;
- *((Uint32*)dstPtr) = s1 | (s2 << 8) | (s3 << 16) | (s4 << 24);
- srcPtr += 8;
- dstPtr += 4;
- i -= 4;
- }
- while(i--) {
- m = (srcPtr[1] & 0x08080808) | ((srcPtr[0] & 0x08080808) << 4);
- *dstPtr++ = (m >> 27) | (m >> 18) | (m >> 9) | m;
- srcPtr += 2;
- }
- dst += FBPitch;
- src += SRCPitch;
- }
- rects++;
- }
- }
- #endif /* VGA16_FBCON_SUPPORT */
- void FB_SavePaletteTo(_THIS, int palette_len, __u16 *area)
- {
- struct fb_cmap cmap;
- cmap.start = 0;
- cmap.len = palette_len;
- = &area[0*palette_len];
- = &area[1*palette_len];
- = &area[2*palette_len];
- cmap.transp = NULL;
- ioctl(console_fd, FBIOGETCMAP, &cmap);
- }
- void FB_RestorePaletteFrom(_THIS, int palette_len, __u16 *area)
- {
- struct fb_cmap cmap;
- cmap.start = 0;
- cmap.len = palette_len;
- = &area[0*palette_len];
- = &area[1*palette_len];
- = &area[2*palette_len];
- cmap.transp = NULL;
- ioctl(console_fd, FBIOPUTCMAP, &cmap);
- }
- static void FB_SavePalette(_THIS, struct fb_fix_screeninfo *finfo,
- struct fb_var_screeninfo *vinfo)
- {
- int i;
- /* Save hardware palette, if needed */
- if ( finfo->visual == FB_VISUAL_PSEUDOCOLOR ) {
- saved_cmaplen = 1<<vinfo->bits_per_pixel;
- saved_cmap=(__u16 *)malloc(3*saved_cmaplen*sizeof(*saved_cmap));
- if ( saved_cmap != NULL ) {
- FB_SavePaletteTo(this, saved_cmaplen, saved_cmap);
- }
- }
- /* Added support for FB_VISUAL_DIRECTCOLOR.
- With this mode pixel information is passed through the palette...
- Neat fading and gamma correction effects can be had by simply
- fooling around with the palette instead of changing the pixel
- values themselves... Very neat!
- Adam Meyerowitz 1/19/2000
- */
- if ( finfo->visual == FB_VISUAL_DIRECTCOLOR ) {
- __u16 new_entries[3*256];
- /* Save the colormap */
- saved_cmaplen = 256;
- saved_cmap=(__u16 *)malloc(3*saved_cmaplen*sizeof(*saved_cmap));
- if ( saved_cmap != NULL ) {
- FB_SavePaletteTo(this, saved_cmaplen, saved_cmap);
- }
- /* Allocate new identity colormap */
- for ( i=0; i<256; ++i ) {
- new_entries[(0*256)+i] =
- new_entries[(1*256)+i] =
- new_entries[(2*256)+i] = (i<<8)|i;
- }
- FB_RestorePaletteFrom(this, 256, new_entries);
- }
- }
- static void FB_RestorePalette(_THIS)
- {
- /* Restore the original palette */
- if ( saved_cmap ) {
- FB_RestorePaletteFrom(this, saved_cmaplen, saved_cmap);
- free(saved_cmap);
- saved_cmap = NULL;
- }
- }
- static int FB_SetColors(_THIS, int firstcolor, int ncolors, SDL_Color *colors)
- {
- int i;
- __u16 r[256];
- __u16 g[256];
- __u16 b[256];
- struct fb_cmap cmap;
- /* Set up the colormap */
- for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) {
- r[i] = colors[i].r << 8;
- g[i] = colors[i].g << 8;
- b[i] = colors[i].b << 8;
- }
- cmap.start = firstcolor;
- cmap.len = ncolors;
- = r;
- = g;
- = b;
- cmap.transp = NULL;
- if( (ioctl(console_fd, FBIOPUTCMAP, &cmap) < 0) ||
- !(this->screen->flags & SDL_HWPALETTE) ) {
- colors = this->screen->format->palette->colors;
- ncolors = this->screen->format->palette->ncolors;
- cmap.start = 0;
- cmap.len = ncolors;
- memset(r, 0, sizeof(r));
- memset(g, 0, sizeof(g));
- memset(b, 0, sizeof(b));
- if ( ioctl(console_fd, FBIOGETCMAP, &cmap) == 0 ) {
- for ( i=ncolors-1; i>=0; --i ) {
- colors[i].r = (r[i]>>8);
- colors[i].g = (g[i]>>8);
- colors[i].b = (b[i]>>8);
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- return(1);
- }
- /* Note: If we are terminated, this could be called in the middle of
- another SDL video routine -- notably UpdateRects.
- */
- static void FB_VideoQuit(_THIS)
- {
- int i, j;
- if ( this->screen ) {
- /* Clear screen and tell SDL not to free the pixels */
- if ( this->screen->pixels && FB_InGraphicsMode(this) ) {
- #ifdef __powerpc__ /* SIGBUS when using memset() ?? */
- Uint8 *rowp = (Uint8 *)this->screen->pixels;
- int left = this->screen->pitch*this->screen->h;
- while ( left-- ) { *rowp++ = 0; }
- #else
- memset(this->screen->pixels,0,this->screen->h*this->screen->pitch);
- #endif
- }
- /* This test fails when using the VGA16 shadow memory */
- if ( ((char *)this->screen->pixels >= mapped_mem) &&
- ((char *)this->screen->pixels < (mapped_mem+mapped_memlen)) ) {
- this->screen->pixels = NULL;
- }
- }
- /* Clear the lock mutex */
- if ( hw_lock ) {
- SDL_DestroyMutex(hw_lock);
- hw_lock = NULL;
- }
- /* Clean up defined video modes */
- for ( i=0; i<NUM_MODELISTS; ++i ) {
- if ( SDL_modelist[i] != NULL ) {
- for ( j=0; SDL_modelist[i][j]; ++j ) {
- free(SDL_modelist[i][j]);
- }
- free(SDL_modelist[i]);
- SDL_modelist[i] = NULL;
- }
- }
- /* Clean up the memory bucket list */
- FB_FreeHWSurfaces(this);
- /* Close console and input file descriptors */
- if ( console_fd > 0 ) {
- /* Unmap the video framebuffer and I/O registers */
- if ( mapped_mem ) {
- munmap(mapped_mem, mapped_memlen);
- mapped_mem = NULL;
- }
- if ( mapped_io ) {
- munmap(mapped_io, mapped_iolen);
- mapped_io = NULL;
- }
- /* Restore the original video mode and palette */
- if ( FB_InGraphicsMode(this) ) {
- FB_RestorePalette(this);
- ioctl(console_fd, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &saved_vinfo);
- }
- /* We're all done with the framebuffer */
- close(console_fd);
- console_fd = -1;
- }
- FB_CloseMouse(this);
- FB_CloseKeyboard(this);
- }