资源名称:(J2EE)oa.rar [点击查看]
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <taglib xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
- xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-jsptaglibrary_2_0.xsd"
- version="2.0">
- <description>JSTL 1.1 sql library</description>
- <display-name>JSTL sql</display-name>
- <tlib-version>1.1</tlib-version>
- <short-name>sql</short-name>
- <uri>http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/sql</uri>
- <validator>
- <description>
- Provides core validation features for JSTL tags.
- </description>
- <validator-class>
- org.apache.taglibs.standard.tlv.JstlSqlTLV
- </validator-class>
- </validator>
- <tag>
- <description>
- Provides nested database action elements with a shared Connection,
- set up to execute all statements as one transaction.
- </description>
- <name>transaction</name>
- <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.sql.TransactionTag</tag-class>
- <body-content>JSP</body-content>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- DataSource associated with the database to access. A
- String value represents a relative path to a JNDI
- resource or the parameters for the JDBC
- DriverManager facility.
- </description>
- <name>dataSource</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- Transaction isolation level. If not specified, it is the
- isolation level the DataSource has been configured
- with.
- </description>
- <name>isolation</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- </tag>
- <tag>
- <description>
- Executes the SQL query defined in its body or through the
- sql attribute.
- </description>
- <name>query</name>
- <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.sql.QueryTag</tag-class>
- <body-content>JSP</body-content>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- Name of the exported scoped variable for the
- query result. The type of the scoped variable is
- javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.
- Result (see Chapter 16 "Java APIs").
- </description>
- <name>var</name>
- <required>true</required>
- <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- Scope of var.
- </description>
- <name>scope</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- SQL query statement.
- </description>
- <name>sql</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- Data source associated with the database to
- query. A String value represents a relative path
- to a JNDI resource or the parameters for the
- DriverManager class.
- </description>
- <name>dataSource</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- The returned Result object includes the rows
- starting at the specified index. The first row of
- the original query result set is at index 0. If not
- specified, rows are included starting from the
- first row at index 0.
- </description>
- <name>startRow</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- The maximum number of rows to be included in
- the query result. If not specified, or set to -1, no
- limit on the maximum number of rows is
- enforced.
- </description>
- <name>maxRows</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- </tag>
- <tag>
- <description>
- Executes the SQL update defined in its body or through the
- sql attribute.
- </description>
- <name>update</name>
- <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.sql.UpdateTag</tag-class>
- <body-content>JSP</body-content>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- Name of the exported scoped variable for the result
- of the database update. The type of the scoped
- variable is java.lang.Integer.
- </description>
- <name>var</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- Scope of var.
- </description>
- <name>scope</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- SQL update statement.
- </description>
- <name>sql</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- Data source associated with the database to update.
- A String value represents a relative path to a JNDI
- resource or the parameters for the JDBC
- DriverManager class.
- </description>
- <name>dataSource</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- </tag>
- <tag>
- <description>
- Sets a parameter in an SQL statement to the specified value.
- </description>
- <name>param</name>
- <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.sql.ParamTag</tag-class>
- <body-content>JSP</body-content>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- Parameter value.
- </description>
- <name>value</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- </tag>
- <tag>
- <description>
- Sets a parameter in an SQL statement to the specified java.util.Date value.
- </description>
- <name>dateParam</name>
- <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.sql.DateParamTag</tag-class>
- <body-content>empty</body-content>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- Parameter value for DATE, TIME, or
- TIMESTAMP column in a database table.
- </description>
- <name>value</name>
- <required>true</required>
- <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- One of "date", "time" or "timestamp".
- </description>
- <name>type</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- </tag>
- <tag>
- <description>
- Creates a simple DataSource suitable only for prototyping.
- </description>
- <name>setDataSource</name>
- <tag-class>org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.sql.SetDataSourceTag</tag-class>
- <body-content>empty</body-content>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- Name of the exported scoped variable
- for the data source specified. Type can
- be String or DataSource.
- </description>
- <name>var</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- If var is specified, scope of the
- exported variable. Otherwise, scope of
- the data source configuration variable.
- </description>
- <name>scope</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- Data source. If specified as a string, it
- can either be a relative path to a JNDI
- resource, or a JDBC parameters string
- as defined in Section 10.1.1.
- </description>
- <name>dataSource</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- JDBC parameter: driver class name.
- </description>
- <name>driver</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- JDBC parameter: URL associated with
- the database.
- </description>
- <name>url</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- JDBC parameter: database user on
- whose behalf the connection to the
- database is being made.
- </description>
- <name>user</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- <attribute>
- <description>
- JDBC parameter: user password
- </description>
- <name>password</name>
- <required>false</required>
- <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
- </attribute>
- </tag>
- </taglib>