资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
- Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Sam Lantinga
- Copyright (C) 2001 Hsieh-Fu Tsai
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- Sam Lantinga
- Hsieh-Fu Tsai
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "SDL_video.h"
- #include "SDL_pixels_c.h"
- #include "SDL_events_c.h"
- #include "SDL_thread.h"
- #include "SDL_nxvideo.h"
- #include "SDL_nxmodes_c.h"
- #include "SDL_nxwm_c.h"
- #include "SDL_nxmouse_c.h"
- #include "SDL_nximage_c.h"
- #include "SDL_nxevents_c.h"
- // Initialization/Query functions
- static int NX_VideoInit (_THIS, SDL_PixelFormat * vformat) ;
- static SDL_Surface * NX_SetVideoMode (_THIS, SDL_Surface * current, int width, int height, int bpp, Uint32 flags) ;
- static int NX_SetColors (_THIS, int firstcolor, int ncolors, SDL_Color * colors) ;
- static void NX_VideoQuit (_THIS) ;
- static void NX_DestroyWindow (_THIS, SDL_Surface * screen) ;
- static int NX_ToggleFullScreen (_THIS, int on) ;
- static void NX_UpdateMouse (_THIS) ;
- static int NX_SetGammaRamp (_THIS, Uint16 * ramp) ;
- static int NX_GetGammaRamp (_THIS, Uint16 * ramp) ;
- // Microwin driver bootstrap functions
- static int NX_Available ()
- {
- Dprintf ("enter NX_Availablen") ;
- if (GrOpen () < 0) return 0 ;
- GrClose () ;
- Dprintf ("leave NX_Availablen") ;
- return 1 ;
- }
- static void NX_DeleteDevice (SDL_VideoDevice * device)
- {
- Dprintf ("enter NX_DeleteDevicen") ;
- if (device) {
- if (device -> hidden) free (device -> hidden) ;
- if (device -> gl_data) free (device -> gl_data) ;
- free (device) ;
- }
- Dprintf ("leave NX_DeleteDevicen") ;
- }
- static SDL_VideoDevice * NX_CreateDevice (int devindex)
- {
- SDL_VideoDevice * device ;
- Dprintf ("enter NX_CreateDevicen") ;
- // Initialize all variables that we clean on shutdown
- device = (SDL_VideoDevice *) malloc (sizeof (SDL_VideoDevice)) ;
- if (device) {
- memset (device, 0, (sizeof * device)) ;
- device -> hidden = (struct SDL_PrivateVideoData *)
- malloc ((sizeof * device -> hidden)) ;
- device -> gl_data = NULL ;
- }
- if ((device == NULL) || (device -> hidden == NULL)) {
- SDL_OutOfMemory () ;
- NX_DeleteDevice (device) ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- memset (device -> hidden, 0, (sizeof * device -> hidden)) ;
- // Set the function pointers
- device -> VideoInit = NX_VideoInit ;
- device -> ListModes = NX_ListModes ;
- device -> SetVideoMode = NX_SetVideoMode ;
- device -> ToggleFullScreen = NX_ToggleFullScreen ;
- device -> UpdateMouse = NX_UpdateMouse ;
- device -> CreateYUVOverlay = NULL ;
- device -> SetColors = NX_SetColors ;
- device -> UpdateRects = NULL ;
- device -> VideoQuit = NX_VideoQuit;
- device -> AllocHWSurface = NULL ;
- device -> CheckHWBlit = NULL ;
- device -> FillHWRect = NULL ;
- device -> SetHWColorKey = NULL ;
- device -> SetHWAlpha = NULL ;
- device -> LockHWSurface = NULL ;
- device -> UnlockHWSurface = NULL ;
- device -> FlipHWSurface = NULL ;
- device -> FreeHWSurface = NULL ;
- device -> SetGamma = NULL ;
- device -> GetGamma = NULL ;
- device -> SetGammaRamp = NX_SetGammaRamp ;
- device -> GetGammaRamp = NX_GetGammaRamp ;
- #ifdef HAVE_OPENGL
- device -> GL_LoadLibrary = NULL ;
- device -> GL_GetProcAddress = NULL ;
- device -> GL_GetAttribute = NULL ;
- device -> GL_MakeCurrent = NULL ;
- device -> GL_SwapBuffers = NULL ;
- #endif
- device -> SetIcon = NULL ;
- device -> SetCaption = NX_SetCaption;
- device -> IconifyWindow = NULL ;
- device -> GrabInput = NULL ;
- device -> GetWMInfo = NX_GetWMInfo ;
- device -> FreeWMCursor = NX_FreeWMCursor ;
- device -> CreateWMCursor = NX_CreateWMCursor ;
- device -> ShowWMCursor = NX_ShowWMCursor ;
- device -> WarpWMCursor = NX_WarpWMCursor ;
- device -> CheckMouseMode = NULL ;
- device -> InitOSKeymap = NX_InitOSKeymap ;
- device -> PumpEvents = NX_PumpEvents ;
- device -> free = NX_DeleteDevice ;
- Dprintf ("leave NX_CreateDevicen") ;
- return device ;
- }
- VideoBootStrap NX_bootstrap = {
- "nanox", "nanox", NX_Available, NX_CreateDevice
- } ;
- static void create_aux_windows (_THIS)
- {
- Dprintf ("enter create_aux_windowsn") ;
- // Don't create any extra windows if we are being managed
- if (SDL_windowid) {
- FSwindow = 0 ;
- return ;
- }
- if (FSwindow && FSwindow != GR_ROOT_WINDOW_ID) {
- GrDestroyWindow (FSwindow) ;
- }
- FSwindow = GrNewWindow (GR_ROOT_WINDOW_ID, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, BLACK, BLACK) ;
- props.flags = GR_WM_FLAGS_PROPS ;
- props.props = GR_WM_PROPS_NODECORATE ;
- GrSetWMProperties (FSwindow, & props) ;
- GrSelectEvents (FSwindow, (GR_EVENT_MASK_EXPOSURE |
- Dprintf ("leave create_aux_windowsn") ;
- }
- int NX_VideoInit (_THIS, SDL_PixelFormat * vformat)
- {
- Dprintf ("enter NX_VideoInitn") ;
- if (GrOpen () < 0) {
- SDL_SetError ("GrOpen() fail") ;
- return -1 ;
- }
- // use share memory to speed up
- GrReqShmCmds (0xFFFF);
- #endif
- SDL_Window = 0 ;
- FSwindow = 0 ;
- GammaRamp_R = NULL ;
- GammaRamp_G = NULL ;
- GammaRamp_B = NULL ;
- GrGetScreenInfo (& si) ;
- SDL_Visual.bpp = si.bpp ;
- // GetVideoMode
- SDL_modelist = (SDL_Rect **) malloc (sizeof (SDL_Rect *) * 2) ;
- if (SDL_modelist) {
- SDL_modelist [0] = (SDL_Rect *) malloc (sizeof(SDL_Rect)) ;
- if (SDL_modelist [0]) {
- SDL_modelist [0] -> x = 0 ;
- SDL_modelist [0] -> y = 0 ;
- SDL_modelist [0] -> w = si.cols ;
- SDL_modelist [0] -> h = si.rows ;
- }
- SDL_modelist [1] = NULL ;
- }
- pixel_type = MWPF_RGB ;
- SDL_Visual.red_mask = 0x000000FF ;
- SDL_Visual.green_mask = 0x0000FF00 ;
- SDL_Visual.blue_mask = 0x00FF0000 ;
- #endif
- #ifdef NANOX_PIXEL_0888
- pixel_type = MWPF_TRUECOLOR0888 ;
- SDL_Visual.red_mask = 0x00FF0000 ;
- SDL_Visual.green_mask = 0x0000FF00 ;
- SDL_Visual.blue_mask = 0x000000FF ;
- #endif
- #ifdef NANOX_PIXEL_888
- pixel_type = MWPF_TRUECOLOR888 ;
- SDL_Visual.red_mask = 0xFF0000 ;
- SDL_Visual.green_mask = 0x00FF00 ;
- SDL_Visual.blue_mask = 0x0000FF ;
- #endif
- #ifdef NANOX_PIXEL_565
- pixel_type = MWPF_TRUECOLOR565 ;
- SDL_Visual.red_mask = 0xF800 ;
- SDL_Visual.green_mask = 0x07E0 ;
- SDL_Visual.blue_mask = 0x001F ;
- #endif
- #ifdef NANOX_PIXEL_555
- pixel_type = MWPF_TRUECOLOR555 ;
- SDL_Visual.red_mask = 0x7C00 ;
- SDL_Visual.green_mask = 0x03E0 ;
- SDL_Visual.blue_mask = 0x001F ;
- #endif
- #ifdef NANOX_PIXEL_332
- pixel_type = MWPF_TRUECOLOR332 ;
- #endif
- pixel_type = MWPF_PALETTE ;
- #endif
- vformat -> BitsPerPixel = SDL_Visual.bpp ;
- if (vformat -> BitsPerPixel > 8) {
- vformat -> Rmask = SDL_Visual.red_mask ;
- vformat -> Gmask = SDL_Visual.green_mask ;
- vformat -> Bmask = SDL_Visual.blue_mask ;
- }
- // See if we have been passed a window to use
- SDL_windowid = getenv ("SDL_WINDOWID") ;
- // Create the fullscreen (and managed windows : no implement)
- create_aux_windows (this) ;
- Dprintf ("leave NX_VideoInitn") ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- void NX_VideoQuit (_THIS)
- {
- Dprintf ("enter NX_VideoQuitn") ;
- // Start shutting down the windows
- NX_DestroyImage (this, this -> screen) ;
- NX_DestroyWindow (this, this -> screen) ;
- if (FSwindow && FSwindow != GR_ROOT_WINDOW_ID) {
- GrDestroyWindow (FSwindow) ;
- }
- NX_FreeVideoModes (this) ;
- free (GammaRamp_R) ;
- free (GammaRamp_G) ;
- free (GammaRamp_B) ;
- GrClose () ;
- Dprintf ("leave NX_VideoQuitn") ;
- }
- static void NX_DestroyWindow (_THIS, SDL_Surface * screen)
- {
- Dprintf ("enter NX_DestroyWindown") ;
- if (! SDL_windowid) {
- if (screen && (screen -> flags & SDL_FULLSCREEN)) {
- screen -> flags &= ~ SDL_FULLSCREEN ;
- NX_LeaveFullScreen (this) ;
- }
- // Destroy the output window
- if (SDL_Window && SDL_Window != GR_ROOT_WINDOW_ID) {
- GrDestroyWindow (SDL_Window) ;
- }
- }
- // Free the graphics context
- if (! SDL_GC) {
- GrDestroyGC (SDL_GC) ;
- SDL_GC = 0;
- }
- Dprintf ("leave NX_DestroyWindown") ;
- }
- static int NX_CreateWindow (_THIS, SDL_Surface * screen,
- int w, int h, int bpp, Uint32 flags)
- {
- Dprintf ("enter NX_CreateWindown") ;
- // If a window is already present, destroy it and start fresh
- if (SDL_Window && SDL_Window != GR_ROOT_WINDOW_ID) {
- NX_DestroyWindow (this, screen) ;
- }
- // See if we have been given a window id
- if (SDL_windowid) {
- SDL_Window = strtol (SDL_windowid, NULL, 0) ;
- } else {
- SDL_Window = 0 ;
- }
- if ( ! SDL_ReallocFormat (screen, bpp, SDL_Visual.red_mask,
- SDL_Visual.green_mask, SDL_Visual.blue_mask, 0))
- return -1;
- // Create (or use) the nanox display window
- if (! SDL_windowid) {
- SDL_Window = GrNewWindow (GR_ROOT_WINDOW_ID, 0, 0, w, h, 0, BLACK, WHITE) ;
- GrSelectEvents (SDL_Window, (GR_EVENT_MASK_EXPOSURE |
- }
- /* Create the graphics context here, once we have a window */
- SDL_GC = GrNewGC () ;
- if (SDL_GC == 0) {
- SDL_SetError("Couldn't create graphics context");
- return(-1);
- }
- // Map them both and go fullscreen, if requested
- if (! SDL_windowid) {
- GrMapWindow (SDL_Window) ;
- if (flags & SDL_FULLSCREEN) {
- screen -> flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN ;
- NX_EnterFullScreen (this) ;
- } else {
- screen -> flags &= ~ SDL_FULLSCREEN ;
- }
- }
- Dprintf ("leave NX_CreateWindown") ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- SDL_Surface * NX_SetVideoMode (_THIS, SDL_Surface * current,
- int width, int height, int bpp, Uint32 flags)
- {
- Dprintf ("enter NX_SetVideoModen") ;
- // Lock the event thread, in multi-threading environments
- SDL_Lock_EventThread () ;
- bpp = SDL_Visual.bpp ;
- if (NX_CreateWindow (this, current, width, height, bpp, flags) < 0) {
- current = NULL;
- goto done;
- }
- if (current -> w != width || current -> h != height) {
- current -> w = width ;
- current -> h = height ;
- current -> pitch = SDL_CalculatePitch (current) ;
- NX_ResizeImage (this, current, flags) ;
- }
- current -> flags |= (flags & (SDL_RESIZABLE | SDL_NOFRAME)) ;
- done:
- SDL_Unlock_EventThread () ;
- Dprintf ("leave NX_SetVideoModen") ;
- // We're done!
- return current ;
- }
- // ncolors <= 256
- int NX_SetColors (_THIS, int firstcolor, int ncolors, SDL_Color * colors)
- {
- int i ;
- GR_PALETTE pal ;
- Dprintf ("enter NX_SetColorsn") ;
- if (ncolors > 256) return 0 ;
- pal.count = ncolors ;
- for (i = 0; i < ncolors; ++ i) {
- pal.palette [i].r = colors [i].r ;
- pal.palette [i].g = colors [i].g ;
- pal.palette [i].b = colors [i].b ;
- }
- GrSetSystemPalette (firstcolor, & pal) ;
- Dprintf ("leave NX_SetColorsn") ;
- return 1 ;
- }
- static int NX_ToggleFullScreen (_THIS, int on)
- {
- SDL_Rect rect ;
- Uint32 event_thread ;
- Dprintf ("enter NX_ToggleFullScreenn") ;
- // Don't switch if we don't own the window
- if (SDL_windowid) return 0 ;
- // Don't lock if we are the event thread
- event_thread = SDL_EventThreadID () ;
- if (event_thread && (SDL_ThreadID () == event_thread)) {
- event_thread = 0 ;
- }
- if (event_thread) {
- SDL_Lock_EventThread() ;
- }
- if (on) {
- NX_EnterFullScreen (this) ;
- } else {
- this -> screen -> flags &= ~ SDL_FULLSCREEN ;
- NX_LeaveFullScreen (this) ;
- }
- rect.x = rect.y = 0 ;
- rect.w = this -> screen -> w, rect.h = this -> screen -> h ;
- NX_NormalUpdate (this, 1, & rect) ;
- if (event_thread) {
- SDL_Unlock_EventThread () ;
- }
- Dprintf ("leave NX_ToggleFullScreenn") ;
- return 1 ;
- }
- // Update the current mouse state and position
- static void NX_UpdateMouse (_THIS)
- {
- int x, y ;
- Dprintf ("enter NX_UpdateMousen") ;
- // Lock the event thread, in multi-threading environments
- SDL_Lock_EventThread () ;
- GrGetScreenInfo (& si) ;
- GrGetWindowInfo (SDL_Window, & info) ;
- x = si.xpos - info.x ;
- y = si.ypos - info.y ;
- if (x >= 0 && x <= info.width && y >= 0 && y <= info.height) {
- SDL_PrivateAppActive (1, SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS) ;
- SDL_PrivateMouseMotion (0, 0, x, y);
- } else {
- SDL_PrivateAppActive (0, SDL_APPMOUSEFOCUS) ;
- }
- SDL_Unlock_EventThread () ;
- Dprintf ("leave NX_UpdateMousen") ;
- }
- static int NX_SetGammaRamp (_THIS, Uint16 * ramp)
- {
- int i ;
- Uint16 * red, * green, * blue ;
- Dprintf ("enter NX_SetGammaRampn") ;
- if (SDL_Visual.bpp != 32 && SDL_Visual.bpp != 24) return -1 ;
- if (! GammaRamp_R) GammaRamp_R = (Uint16 *) malloc (sizeof (Uint16) * CI_SIZE) ;
- if (! GammaRamp_G) GammaRamp_G = (Uint16 *) malloc (sizeof (Uint16) * CI_SIZE) ;
- if (! GammaRamp_B) GammaRamp_B = (Uint16 *) malloc (sizeof (Uint16) * CI_SIZE) ;
- if ((! GammaRamp_R) || (! GammaRamp_G) || (! GammaRamp_B)) {
- SDL_OutOfMemory () ;
- return -1 ;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < CI_SIZE; ++ i)
- GammaRamp_R [i] = GammaRamp_G [i] = GammaRamp_B [i] = i ;
- red = ramp ;
- green = ramp + CI_SIZE ;
- blue = green + CI_SIZE ;
- for (i = 0; i < CI_SIZE; ++ i) {
- GammaRamp_R [i] = red [i] ;
- GammaRamp_G [i] = green [i] ;
- GammaRamp_B [i] = blue [i] ;
- }
- Dprintf ("leave NX_SetGammaRampn") ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- static int NX_GetGammaRamp (_THIS, Uint16 * ramp)
- {
- int i ;
- Uint16 * red, * green, * blue ;
- Dprintf ("enter NX_GetGammaRampn") ;
- if (SDL_Visual.bpp != 32 && SDL_Visual.bpp != 24) return -1 ;
- red = ramp ;
- green = ramp + CI_SIZE ;
- blue = green + CI_SIZE ;
- if (GammaRamp_R && GammaRamp_G && GammaRamp_B) {
- for (i = 0; i < CI_SIZE; ++ i) {
- red [i] = GammaRamp_R [i] ;
- green [i] = GammaRamp_G [i] ;
- blue [i] = GammaRamp_B [i] ;
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < CI_SIZE; ++ i)
- red [i] = green [i] = blue [i] = i ;
- }
- Dprintf ("leave NX_GetGammaRampn") ;
- return 0 ;
- }