资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #ifndef _MBPREDICTION_H_
- #define _MBPREDICTION_H_
- #include "../portab.h"
- #include "../decoder.h"
- #include "../global.h"
- #ifndef MIN
- #define MIN(X, Y) ((X)<(Y)?(X):(Y))
- #endif
- #ifndef MAX
- #define MAX(X, Y) ((X)>(Y)?(X):(Y))
- #endif
- // very large value
- #define MV_MAX_ERROR (4096 * 256)
- #define MVequal(A,B) ( ((A).x)==((B).x) && ((A).y)==((B).y) )
- void MBPrediction(MBParam *pParam, /* <-- the parameter for ACDC and MV prediction */
- uint32_t x_pos, /* <-- The x position of the MB to be searched */
- uint32_t y_pos, /* <-- The y position of the MB to be searched */
- uint32_t x_dim, /* <-- Number of macroblocks in a row */
- int16_t *qcoeff, /* <-> The quantized DCT coefficients */
- MACROBLOCK *MB_array /* <-> the array of all the MB Infomations */
- );
- void add_acdc(MACROBLOCK *pMB,
- uint32_t block,
- int16_t dct_codes[64],
- uint32_t iDcScaler,
- int16_t predictors[8]);
- void predict_acdc(MACROBLOCK *pMBs,
- uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t mb_width,
- uint32_t block,
- int16_t qcoeff[64],
- uint32_t current_quant,
- int32_t iDcScaler,
- int16_t predictors[8]);
- /* This is somehow a copy of get_pmv, but returning all MVs and Minimum SAD
- instead of only Median MV */
- static __inline int get_pmvdata(const MACROBLOCK * const pMBs,
- const uint32_t x, const uint32_t y,
- const uint32_t x_dim,
- const uint32_t block,
- VECTOR * const pmv,
- int32_t * const psad)
- {
- /* pmv are filled with:
- [0]: Median (or whatever is correct in a special case)
- [1]: left neighbour
- [2]: top neighbour,
- [3]: topright neighbour,
- psad are filled with:
- [0]: minimum of [1] to [3]
- [1]: left neighbour's SAD // [1] to [3] are actually not needed
- [2]: top neighbour's SAD,
- [3]: topright neighbour's SAD,
- */
- int xin1, xin2, xin3;
- int yin1, yin2, yin3;
- int vec1, vec2, vec3;
- static VECTOR zeroMV;
- uint32_t index = x + y * x_dim;
- zeroMV.x = zeroMV.y = 0;
- // first row (special case)
- if (y == 0 && (block == 0 || block == 1))
- {
- if ((x == 0) && (block == 0)) // first column, first block
- {
- pmv[0] = pmv[1] = pmv[2] = pmv[3] = zeroMV;
- psad[0] = psad[1] = psad[2] = psad[3] = MV_MAX_ERROR;
- return 0;
- }
- if (block == 1) // second block; has only a left neighbour
- {
- pmv[0] = pmv[1] = pMBs[index].mvs[0];
- pmv[2] = pmv[3] = zeroMV;
- psad[0] = psad[1] = pMBs[index].sad8[0];
- psad[2] = psad[3] = MV_MAX_ERROR;
- return 0;
- }
- else /* block==0, but x!=0, so again, there is a left neighbour*/
- {
- pmv[0] = pmv[1] = pMBs[index-1].mvs[1];
- pmv[2] = pmv[3] = zeroMV;
- psad[0] = psad[1] = pMBs[index-1].sad8[1];
- psad[2] = psad[3] = MV_MAX_ERROR;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- MODE_INTER, vm18 page 48
- MODE_INTER4V vm18 page 51
- (x,y-1) (x+1,y-1)
- [ | ] [ | ]
- [ 2 | 3 ] [ 2 | ]
- (x-1,y) (x,y) (x+1,y)
- [ | 1 ] [ 0 | 1 ] [ 0 | ]
- [ | 3 ] [ 2 | 3 ] [ | ]
- */
- switch (block)
- {
- case 0:
- xin1 = x - 1; yin1 = y; vec1 = 1; /* left */
- xin2 = x; yin2 = y - 1; vec2 = 2; /* top */
- xin3 = x + 1; yin3 = y - 1; vec3 = 2; /* top right */
- break;
- case 1:
- xin1 = x; yin1 = y; vec1 = 0;
- xin2 = x; yin2 = y - 1; vec2 = 3;
- xin3 = x + 1; yin3 = y - 1; vec3 = 2;
- break;
- case 2:
- xin1 = x - 1; yin1 = y; vec1 = 3;
- xin2 = x; yin2 = y; vec2 = 0;
- xin3 = x; yin3 = y; vec3 = 1;
- break;
- default:
- xin1 = x; yin1 = y; vec1 = 2;
- xin2 = x; yin2 = y; vec2 = 0;
- xin3 = x; yin3 = y; vec3 = 1;
- }
- if (xin1 < 0 || /* yin1 < 0 || */ xin1 >= (int32_t)x_dim)
- {
- pmv[1] = zeroMV;
- psad[1] = MV_MAX_ERROR;
- }
- else
- {
- pmv[1] = pMBs[xin1 + yin1 * x_dim].mvs[vec1];
- psad[1] = pMBs[xin1 + yin1 * x_dim].sad8[vec1];
- }
- if (xin2 < 0 || /* yin2 < 0 || */ xin2 >= (int32_t)x_dim)
- {
- pmv[2] = zeroMV;
- psad[2] = MV_MAX_ERROR;
- }
- else
- {
- pmv[2] = pMBs[xin2 + yin2 * x_dim].mvs[vec2];
- psad[2] = pMBs[xin2 + yin2 * x_dim].sad8[vec2];
- }
- if (xin3 < 0 || /* yin3 < 0 || */ xin3 >= (int32_t)x_dim)
- {
- pmv[3] = zeroMV;
- psad[3] = MV_MAX_ERROR;
- }
- else
- {
- pmv[3] = pMBs[xin3 + yin3 * x_dim].mvs[vec3];
- psad[3] = pMBs[xin2 + yin2 * x_dim].sad8[vec3];
- }
- if ( (MVequal(pmv[1],pmv[2])) && (MVequal(pmv[1],pmv[3])) )
- { pmv[0]=pmv[1];
- psad[0]=psad[1];
- return 1;
- }
- // median,minimum
- pmv[0].x = MIN(MAX(pmv[1].x, pmv[2].x), MIN(MAX(pmv[2].x, pmv[3].x), MAX(pmv[1].x, pmv[3].x)));
- pmv[0].y = MIN(MAX(pmv[1].y, pmv[2].y), MIN(MAX(pmv[2].y, pmv[3].y), MAX(pmv[1].y, pmv[3].y)));
- psad[0]=MIN(MIN(psad[1],psad[2]),psad[3]);
- return 0;
- }
- #endif /* _MBPREDICTION_H_ */