资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
- * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
- * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Dave Mackie dmackie@cisco.com
- */
- #include "mp4common.h"
- /* rtp hint track operations */
- MP4RtpHintTrack::MP4RtpHintTrack(MP4File* pFile, MP4Atom* pTrakAtom)
- : MP4Track(pFile, pTrakAtom)
- {
- m_pRefTrack = NULL;
- m_pRtpMapProperty = NULL;
- m_pPayloadNumberProperty = NULL;
- m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty = NULL;
- m_pSnroProperty = NULL;
- m_pTsroProperty = NULL;
- m_pReadHint = NULL;
- m_pReadHintSample = NULL;
- m_readHintSampleSize = 0;
- m_pWriteHint = NULL;
- m_writeHintId = MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID;
- m_writePacketId = 0;
- m_pTrpy = NULL;
- m_pNump = NULL;
- m_pTpyl = NULL;
- m_pMaxr = NULL;
- m_pDmed = NULL;
- m_pDimm = NULL;
- m_pPmax = NULL;
- m_pDmax = NULL;
- m_pMaxPdu = NULL;
- m_pAvgPdu = NULL;
- m_pMaxBitRate = NULL;
- m_pAvgBitRate = NULL;
- m_thisSec = 0;
- m_bytesThisSec = 0;
- m_bytesThisHint = 0;
- m_bytesThisPacket = 0;
- }
- MP4RtpHintTrack::~MP4RtpHintTrack()
- {
- delete m_pReadHint;
- delete m_pReadHintSample;
- delete m_pWriteHint;
- }
- void MP4RtpHintTrack::InitRefTrack()
- {
- if (m_pRefTrack == NULL) {
- MP4Integer32Property* pRefTrackIdProperty = NULL;
- m_pTrakAtom->FindProperty(
- "trak.tref.hint.entries[0].trackId",
- (MP4Property**)&pRefTrackIdProperty);
- ASSERT(pRefTrackIdProperty);
- m_pRefTrack = m_pFile->GetTrack(pRefTrackIdProperty->GetValue());
- }
- }
- void MP4RtpHintTrack::InitRtpStart()
- {
- struct timeval tv;
- gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
- srandom((tv.tv_usec << 12) | (tv.tv_sec & 0xFFF));
- ASSERT(m_pTrakAtom);
- m_pTrakAtom->FindProperty(
- "trak.udta.hnti.rtp .snro.offset",
- (MP4Property**)&m_pSnroProperty);
- if (m_pSnroProperty) {
- m_rtpSequenceStart = m_pSnroProperty->GetValue();
- } else {
- m_rtpSequenceStart = random();
- }
- m_pTrakAtom->FindProperty(
- "trak.udta.hnti.rtp .tsro.offset",
- (MP4Property**)&m_pTsroProperty);
- if (m_pTsroProperty) {
- m_rtpTimestampStart = m_pTsroProperty->GetValue();
- } else {
- m_rtpTimestampStart = random();
- }
- }
- void MP4RtpHintTrack::ReadHint(
- MP4SampleId hintSampleId,
- u_int16_t* pNumPackets)
- {
- if (m_pRefTrack == NULL) {
- InitRefTrack();
- InitRtpStart();
- }
- // dispose of any old hint
- delete m_pReadHint;
- m_pReadHint = NULL;
- delete m_pReadHintSample;
- m_pReadHintSample = NULL;
- m_readHintSampleSize = 0;
- // read the desired hint sample into memory
- ReadSample(
- hintSampleId,
- &m_pReadHintSample,
- &m_readHintSampleSize,
- &m_readHintTimestamp);
- m_pFile->EnableMemoryBuffer(m_pReadHintSample, m_readHintSampleSize);
- m_pReadHint = new MP4RtpHint(this);
- m_pReadHint->Read(m_pFile);
- m_pFile->DisableMemoryBuffer();
- if (pNumPackets) {
- *pNumPackets = GetHintNumberOfPackets();
- }
- }
- u_int16_t MP4RtpHintTrack::GetHintNumberOfPackets()
- {
- if (m_pReadHint == NULL) {
- throw new MP4Error("no hint has been read",
- "MP4GetRtpHintNumberOfPackets");
- }
- return m_pReadHint->GetNumberOfPackets();
- }
- bool MP4RtpHintTrack::GetPacketBFrame(u_int16_t packetIndex)
- {
- if (m_pReadHint == NULL) {
- throw new MP4Error("no hint has been read",
- "MP4GetRtpPacketBFrame");
- }
- MP4RtpPacket* pPacket =
- m_pReadHint->GetPacket(packetIndex);
- return pPacket->IsBFrame();
- }
- u_int16_t MP4RtpHintTrack::GetPacketTransmitOffset(u_int16_t packetIndex)
- {
- if (m_pReadHint == NULL) {
- throw new MP4Error("no hint has been read",
- "MP4GetRtpPacketTransmitOffset");
- }
- MP4RtpPacket* pPacket =
- m_pReadHint->GetPacket(packetIndex);
- return pPacket->GetTransmitOffset();
- }
- void MP4RtpHintTrack::ReadPacket(
- u_int16_t packetIndex,
- u_int8_t** ppBytes,
- u_int32_t* pNumBytes,
- u_int32_t ssrc,
- bool addHeader,
- bool addPayload)
- {
- if (m_pReadHint == NULL) {
- throw new MP4Error("no hint has been read",
- "MP4ReadRtpPacket");
- }
- if (!addHeader && !addPayload) {
- throw new MP4Error("no data requested",
- "MP4ReadRtpPacket");
- }
- MP4RtpPacket* pPacket =
- m_pReadHint->GetPacket(packetIndex);
- *pNumBytes = 0;
- if (addHeader) {
- *pNumBytes += 12;
- }
- if (addPayload) {
- *pNumBytes += pPacket->GetDataSize();
- }
- // if needed, allocate the packet memory
- bool buffer_malloc = false;
- if (*ppBytes == NULL) {
- *ppBytes = (u_int8_t*)MP4Malloc(*pNumBytes);
- buffer_malloc = true;
- }
- try {
- u_int8_t* pDest = *ppBytes;
- if (addHeader) {
- *pDest++ =
- 0x80 | (pPacket->GetPBit() << 5) | (pPacket->GetXBit() << 4);
- *pDest++ =
- (pPacket->GetMBit() << 7) | pPacket->GetPayload();
- *((u_int16_t*)pDest) =
- htons(m_rtpSequenceStart + pPacket->GetSequenceNumber());
- pDest += 2;
- *((u_int32_t*)pDest) =
- htonl(m_rtpTimestampStart + (u_int32_t)m_readHintTimestamp);
- pDest += 4;
- *((u_int32_t*)pDest) =
- htonl(ssrc);
- pDest += 4;
- }
- if (addPayload) {
- pPacket->GetData(pDest);
- }
- }
- catch (MP4Error* e) {
- if (buffer_malloc) {
- MP4Free(*ppBytes);
- *ppBytes = NULL;
- }
- throw e;
- }
- VERBOSE_READ_HINT(m_pFile->GetVerbosity(),
- printf("ReadPacket: %u ", packetIndex);
- MP4HexDump(*ppBytes, *pNumBytes););
- }
- MP4Timestamp MP4RtpHintTrack::GetRtpTimestampStart()
- {
- if (m_pRefTrack == NULL) {
- InitRefTrack();
- InitRtpStart();
- }
- return m_rtpTimestampStart;
- }
- void MP4RtpHintTrack::SetRtpTimestampStart(MP4Timestamp start)
- {
- if (!m_pTsroProperty) {
- MP4Atom* pTsroAtom =
- m_pFile->AddDescendantAtoms(m_pTrakAtom, "udta.hnti.rtp .tsro");
- ASSERT(pTsroAtom);
- pTsroAtom->FindProperty("offset",
- (MP4Property**)&m_pTsroProperty);
- ASSERT(m_pTsroProperty);
- }
- m_pTsroProperty->SetValue(start);
- m_rtpTimestampStart = start;
- }
- void MP4RtpHintTrack::InitPayload()
- {
- ASSERT(m_pTrakAtom);
- if (m_pRtpMapProperty == NULL) {
- m_pTrakAtom->FindProperty(
- "trak.udta.hinf.payt.rtpMap",
- (MP4Property**)&m_pRtpMapProperty);
- }
- if (m_pPayloadNumberProperty == NULL) {
- m_pTrakAtom->FindProperty(
- "trak.udta.hinf.payt.payloadNumber",
- (MP4Property**)&m_pPayloadNumberProperty);
- }
- if (m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty == NULL) {
- m_pTrakAtom->FindProperty(
- "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.rtp .maxPacketSize",
- (MP4Property**)&m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty);
- }
- }
- void MP4RtpHintTrack::GetPayload(
- char** ppPayloadName,
- u_int8_t* pPayloadNumber,
- u_int16_t* pMaxPayloadSize)
- {
- InitPayload();
- if (ppPayloadName) {
- if (m_pRtpMapProperty) {
- const char* pRtpMap = m_pRtpMapProperty->GetValue();
- char* pSlash = strchr(pRtpMap, '/');
- u_int32_t length;
- if (pSlash) {
- length = pSlash - pRtpMap;
- } else {
- length = strlen(pRtpMap);
- }
- *ppPayloadName = (char*)MP4Calloc(length + 1);
- strncpy(*ppPayloadName, pRtpMap, length);
- } else {
- *ppPayloadName = NULL;
- }
- }
- if (pPayloadNumber) {
- if (m_pPayloadNumberProperty) {
- *pPayloadNumber = m_pPayloadNumberProperty->GetValue();
- } else {
- *pPayloadNumber = 0;
- }
- }
- if (pMaxPayloadSize) {
- if (m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty) {
- *pMaxPayloadSize = m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty->GetValue();
- } else {
- *pMaxPayloadSize = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- void MP4RtpHintTrack::SetPayload(
- const char* payloadName,
- u_int8_t payloadNumber,
- u_int16_t maxPayloadSize)
- {
- InitRefTrack();
- InitPayload();
- ASSERT(m_pRtpMapProperty);
- ASSERT(m_pPayloadNumberProperty);
- ASSERT(m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty);
- char* rtpMapBuf = (char*)MP4Malloc(strlen(payloadName) + 16);
- sprintf(rtpMapBuf, "%s/%u", payloadName, GetTimeScale());
- m_pRtpMapProperty->SetValue(rtpMapBuf);
- m_pPayloadNumberProperty->SetValue(payloadNumber);
- if (maxPayloadSize == 0) {
- maxPayloadSize = 1460;
- }
- m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty->SetValue(maxPayloadSize);
- // set sdp media type
- const char* sdpMediaType;
- if (!strcmp(m_pRefTrack->GetType(), MP4_AUDIO_TRACK_TYPE)) {
- sdpMediaType = "audio";
- } else if (!strcmp(m_pRefTrack->GetType(), MP4_VIDEO_TRACK_TYPE)) {
- sdpMediaType = "video";
- } else {
- sdpMediaType = "application";
- }
- char* sdpBuf = (char*)MP4Malloc(
- strlen(sdpMediaType) + strlen(rtpMapBuf) + 256);
- sprintf(sdpBuf,
- "m=%s 0 RTP/AVP %u 15 12"
- "a=rtpmap:%u %s 15 12"
- "a=control:trackID=%u 15 12"
- "a=mpeg4-esid:%u 15 12",
- sdpMediaType, payloadNumber,
- payloadNumber, rtpMapBuf,
- m_trackId,
- m_pRefTrack->GetId());
- MP4StringProperty* pSdpProperty = NULL;
- m_pTrakAtom->FindProperty("trak.udta.hnti.sdp .sdpText",
- (MP4Property**)&pSdpProperty);
- ASSERT(pSdpProperty);
- pSdpProperty->SetValue(sdpBuf);
- // cleanup
- MP4Free(rtpMapBuf);
- MP4Free(sdpBuf);
- }
- void MP4RtpHintTrack::AddHint(bool isBFrame, u_int32_t timestampOffset)
- {
- // on first hint, need to lookup the reference track
- if (m_writeHintId == MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID) {
- InitRefTrack();
- InitStats();
- }
- if (m_pWriteHint) {
- throw new MP4Error("unwritten hint is still pending", "MP4AddRtpHint");
- }
- m_pWriteHint = new MP4RtpHint(this);
- m_pWriteHint->SetBFrame(isBFrame);
- m_pWriteHint->SetTimestampOffset(timestampOffset);
- m_bytesThisHint = 0;
- m_writeHintId++;
- }
- void MP4RtpHintTrack::AddPacket(bool setMbit, int32_t transmitOffset)
- {
- if (m_pWriteHint == NULL) {
- throw new MP4Error("no hint pending", "MP4RtpAddPacket");
- }
- MP4RtpPacket* pPacket = m_pWriteHint->AddPacket();
- ASSERT(m_pPayloadNumberProperty);
- pPacket->Set(
- m_pPayloadNumberProperty->GetValue(),
- m_writePacketId++,
- setMbit);
- pPacket->SetTransmitOffset(transmitOffset);
- m_bytesThisHint += 12;
- if (m_bytesThisPacket > m_pPmax->GetValue()) {
- m_pPmax->SetValue(m_bytesThisPacket);
- }
- m_bytesThisPacket = 12;
- m_pNump->IncrementValue();
- m_pTrpy->IncrementValue(12); // RTP packet header size
- }
- void MP4RtpHintTrack::AddImmediateData(
- const u_int8_t* pBytes,
- u_int32_t numBytes)
- {
- if (m_pWriteHint == NULL) {
- throw new MP4Error("no hint pending", "MP4RtpAddImmediateData");
- }
- MP4RtpPacket* pPacket = m_pWriteHint->GetCurrentPacket();
- if (pPacket == NULL) {
- throw new MP4Error("no packet pending", "MP4RtpAddImmediateData");
- }
- if (pBytes == NULL || numBytes == 0) {
- throw new MP4Error("no data",
- "AddImmediateData");
- }
- if (numBytes > 14) {
- throw new MP4Error("data size is larger than 14 bytes",
- "AddImmediateData");
- }
- MP4RtpImmediateData* pData = new MP4RtpImmediateData(pPacket);
- pData->Set(pBytes, numBytes);
- pPacket->AddData(pData);
- m_bytesThisHint += numBytes;
- m_bytesThisPacket += numBytes;
- m_pDimm->IncrementValue(numBytes);
- m_pTpyl->IncrementValue(numBytes);
- m_pTrpy->IncrementValue(numBytes);
- }
- void MP4RtpHintTrack::AddSampleData(
- MP4SampleId sampleId,
- u_int32_t dataOffset,
- u_int32_t dataLength)
- {
- if (m_pWriteHint == NULL) {
- throw new MP4Error("no hint pending", "MP4RtpAddSampleData");
- }
- MP4RtpPacket* pPacket = m_pWriteHint->GetCurrentPacket();
- if (pPacket == NULL) {
- throw new MP4Error("no packet pending", "MP4RtpAddSampleData");
- }
- MP4RtpSampleData* pData = new MP4RtpSampleData(pPacket);
- pData->SetReferenceSample(sampleId, dataOffset, dataLength);
- pPacket->AddData(pData);
- m_bytesThisHint += dataLength;
- m_bytesThisPacket += dataLength;
- m_pDmed->IncrementValue(dataLength);
- m_pTpyl->IncrementValue(dataLength);
- m_pTrpy->IncrementValue(dataLength);
- }
- void MP4RtpHintTrack::AddESConfigurationPacket()
- {
- if (m_pWriteHint == NULL) {
- throw new MP4Error("no hint pending",
- "MP4RtpAddESConfigurationPacket");
- }
- u_int8_t* pConfig = NULL;
- u_int32_t configSize = 0;
- m_pFile->GetTrackESConfiguration(m_pRefTrack->GetId(),
- &pConfig, &configSize);
- if (pConfig == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- ASSERT(m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty);
- if (configSize > m_pMaxPacketSizeProperty->GetValue()) {
- throw new MP4Error("ES configuration is too large for RTP payload",
- "MP4RtpAddESConfigurationPacket");
- }
- AddPacket(false);
- MP4RtpPacket* pPacket = m_pWriteHint->GetCurrentPacket();
- ASSERT(pPacket);
- // This is ugly!
- // To get the ES configuration data somewhere known
- // we create a sample data reference that points to
- // this hint track (not the media track)
- // and this sample of the hint track
- // the offset into this sample is filled in during the write process
- MP4RtpSampleData* pData = new MP4RtpSampleData(pPacket);
- pData->SetEmbeddedImmediate(m_writeSampleId, pConfig, configSize);
- pPacket->AddData(pData);
- m_bytesThisHint += configSize;
- m_bytesThisPacket += configSize;
- m_pTpyl->IncrementValue(configSize);
- m_pTrpy->IncrementValue(configSize);
- }
- void MP4RtpHintTrack::WriteHint(MP4Duration duration, bool isSyncSample)
- {
- if (m_pWriteHint == NULL) {
- throw new MP4Error("no hint pending", "MP4WriteRtpHint");
- }
- u_int8_t* pBytes;
- u_int64_t numBytes;
- m_pFile->EnableMemoryBuffer();
- m_pWriteHint->Write(m_pFile);
- m_pFile->DisableMemoryBuffer(&pBytes, &numBytes);
- WriteSample(pBytes, numBytes, duration, 0, isSyncSample);
- MP4Free(pBytes);
- // update statistics
- if (m_bytesThisPacket > m_pPmax->GetValue()) {
- m_pPmax->SetValue(m_bytesThisPacket);
- }
- if (duration > m_pDmax->GetValue()) {
- m_pDmax->SetValue(duration);
- }
- MP4Timestamp startTime;
- GetSampleTimes(m_writeHintId, &startTime, NULL);
- if (startTime < m_thisSec + GetTimeScale()) {
- m_bytesThisSec += m_bytesThisHint;
- } else {
- if (m_bytesThisSec > m_pMaxr->GetValue()) {
- m_pMaxr->SetValue(m_bytesThisSec);
- }
- m_thisSec = startTime - (startTime % GetTimeScale());
- m_bytesThisSec = m_bytesThisHint;
- }
- // cleanup
- delete m_pWriteHint;
- m_pWriteHint = NULL;
- }
- void MP4RtpHintTrack::FinishWrite()
- {
- if (m_writeHintId != MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID) {
- m_pMaxPdu->SetValue(m_pPmax->GetValue());
- if (m_pNump->GetValue()) {
- m_pAvgPdu->SetValue(m_pTrpy->GetValue() / m_pNump->GetValue());
- }
- m_pMaxBitRate->SetValue(m_pMaxr->GetValue() * 8);
- if (GetDuration()) {
- m_pAvgBitRate->SetValue(
- m_pTrpy->GetValue() * 8 * GetTimeScale() / GetDuration());
- }
- }
- MP4Track::FinishWrite();
- }
- void MP4RtpHintTrack::InitStats()
- {
- MP4Atom* pHinfAtom = m_pTrakAtom->FindAtom("trak.udta.hinf");
- ASSERT(pHinfAtom);
- pHinfAtom->FindProperty("hinf.trpy.bytes", (MP4Property**)&m_pTrpy);
- pHinfAtom->FindProperty("hinf.nump.packets", (MP4Property**)&m_pNump);
- pHinfAtom->FindProperty("hinf.tpyl.bytes", (MP4Property**)&m_pTpyl);
- pHinfAtom->FindProperty("hinf.maxr.bytes", (MP4Property**)&m_pMaxr);
- pHinfAtom->FindProperty("hinf.dmed.bytes", (MP4Property**)&m_pDmed);
- pHinfAtom->FindProperty("hinf.dimm.bytes", (MP4Property**)&m_pDimm);
- pHinfAtom->FindProperty("hinf.pmax.bytes", (MP4Property**)&m_pPmax);
- pHinfAtom->FindProperty("hinf.dmax.milliSecs", (MP4Property**)&m_pDmax);
- MP4Atom* pHmhdAtom = m_pTrakAtom->FindAtom("trak.mdia.minf.hmhd");
- ASSERT(pHmhdAtom);
- pHmhdAtom->FindProperty("hmhd.maxPduSize", (MP4Property**)&m_pMaxPdu);
- pHmhdAtom->FindProperty("hmhd.avgPduSize", (MP4Property**)&m_pAvgPdu);
- pHmhdAtom->FindProperty("hmhd.maxBitRate", (MP4Property**)&m_pMaxBitRate);
- pHmhdAtom->FindProperty("hmhd.avgBitRate", (MP4Property**)&m_pAvgBitRate);
- MP4Integer32Property* pMaxrPeriod = NULL;
- pHinfAtom->FindProperty("hinf.maxr.granularity",
- (MP4Property**)&pMaxrPeriod);
- if (pMaxrPeriod) {
- pMaxrPeriod->SetValue(1000); // 1 second
- }
- }
- MP4RtpHint::MP4RtpHint(MP4RtpHintTrack* pTrack)
- {
- m_pTrack = pTrack;
- AddProperty( /* 0 */
- new MP4Integer16Property("packetCount"));
- AddProperty( /* 1 */
- new MP4Integer16Property("reserved"));
- }
- MP4RtpHint::~MP4RtpHint()
- {
- for (u_int32_t i = 0; i < m_rtpPackets.Size(); i++) {
- delete m_rtpPackets[i];
- }
- }
- MP4RtpPacket* MP4RtpHint::AddPacket()
- {
- MP4RtpPacket* pPacket = new MP4RtpPacket(this);
- m_rtpPackets.Add(pPacket);
- // packetCount property
- ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[0])->IncrementValue();
- pPacket->SetBFrame(m_isBFrame);
- pPacket->SetTimestampOffset(m_timestampOffset);
- return pPacket;
- }
- void MP4RtpHint::Read(MP4File* pFile)
- {
- // call base class Read for required properties
- MP4Container::Read(pFile);
- u_int16_t numPackets =
- ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[0])->GetValue();
- for (u_int16_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++) {
- MP4RtpPacket* pPacket = new MP4RtpPacket(this);
- m_rtpPackets.Add(pPacket);
- pPacket->Read(pFile);
- }
- VERBOSE_READ_HINT(pFile->GetVerbosity(),
- printf("ReadHint:n"); Dump(stdout, 10, false););
- }
- void MP4RtpHint::Write(MP4File* pFile)
- {
- u_int64_t hintStartPos = pFile->GetPosition();
- MP4Container::Write(pFile);
- u_int64_t packetStartPos = pFile->GetPosition();
- u_int32_t i;
- // first write out packet (and data) entries
- for (i = 0; i < m_rtpPackets.Size(); i++) {
- m_rtpPackets[i]->Write(pFile);
- }
- // now let packets write their extra data into the hint sample
- for (i = 0; i < m_rtpPackets.Size(); i++) {
- m_rtpPackets[i]->WriteEmbeddedData(pFile, hintStartPos);
- }
- u_int64_t endPos = pFile->GetPosition();
- pFile->SetPosition(packetStartPos);
- // finally rewrite the packet and data entries
- // which now contain the correct offsets for the embedded data
- for (i = 0; i < m_rtpPackets.Size(); i++) {
- m_rtpPackets[i]->Write(pFile);
- }
- pFile->SetPosition(endPos);
- VERBOSE_WRITE_HINT(pFile->GetVerbosity(),
- printf("WriteRtpHint:n"); Dump(stdout, 14, false));
- }
- void MP4RtpHint::Dump(FILE* pFile, u_int8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits)
- {
- MP4Container::Dump(pFile, indent, dumpImplicits);
- for (u_int32_t i = 0; i < m_rtpPackets.Size(); i++) {
- Indent(pFile, indent);
- fprintf(pFile, "RtpPacket: %un", i);
- m_rtpPackets[i]->Dump(pFile, indent + 1, dumpImplicits);
- }
- }
- MP4RtpPacket::MP4RtpPacket(MP4RtpHint* pHint)
- {
- m_pHint = pHint;
- AddProperty( /* 0 */
- new MP4Integer32Property("relativeXmitTime"));
- AddProperty( /* 1 */
- new MP4BitfieldProperty("reserved1", 2));
- AddProperty( /* 2 */
- new MP4BitfieldProperty("Pbit", 1));
- AddProperty( /* 3 */
- new MP4BitfieldProperty("Xbit", 1));
- AddProperty( /* 4 */
- new MP4BitfieldProperty("reserved2", 4));
- AddProperty( /* 5 */
- new MP4BitfieldProperty("Mbit", 1));
- AddProperty( /* 6 */
- new MP4BitfieldProperty("payloadType", 7));
- AddProperty( /* 7 */
- new MP4Integer16Property("sequenceNumber"));
- AddProperty( /* 8 */
- new MP4BitfieldProperty("reserved3", 13));
- AddProperty( /* 9 */
- new MP4BitfieldProperty("extraFlag", 1));
- AddProperty( /* 10 */
- new MP4BitfieldProperty("bFrameFlag", 1));
- AddProperty( /* 11 */
- new MP4BitfieldProperty("repeatFlag", 1));
- AddProperty( /* 12 */
- new MP4Integer16Property("entryCount"));
- }
- MP4RtpPacket::~MP4RtpPacket()
- {
- for (u_int32_t i = 0; i < m_rtpData.Size(); i++) {
- delete m_rtpData[i];
- }
- }
- void MP4RtpPacket::AddExtraProperties()
- {
- AddProperty( /* 13 */
- new MP4Integer32Property("extraInformationLength"));
- // This is a bit of a hack, since the tlv entries are really defined
- // as atoms but there is only one type defined now, rtpo, and getting
- // our atom code hooked up here would be a major pain with little gain
- AddProperty( /* 14 */
- new MP4Integer32Property("tlvLength"));
- AddProperty( /* 15 */
- new MP4StringProperty("tlvType"));
- AddProperty( /* 16 */
- new MP4Integer32Property("timestampOffset"));
- ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[13])->SetValue(16);
- ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[14])->SetValue(12);
- ((MP4StringProperty*)m_pProperties[15])->SetFixedLength(4);
- ((MP4StringProperty*)m_pProperties[15])->SetValue("rtpo");
- }
- void MP4RtpPacket::Read(MP4File* pFile)
- {
- // call base class Read for required properties
- MP4Container::Read(pFile);
- // read extra info if present
- // we only support the rtpo field!
- if (((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[9])->GetValue() == 1) {
- ReadExtra(pFile);
- }
- u_int16_t numDataEntries =
- ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[12])->GetValue();
- // read data entries
- for (u_int16_t i = 0; i < numDataEntries; i++) {
- u_int8_t dataType;
- pFile->PeekBytes(&dataType, 1);
- MP4RtpData* pData;
- switch (dataType) {
- case 0:
- pData = new MP4RtpNullData(this);
- break;
- case 1:
- pData = new MP4RtpImmediateData(this);
- break;
- case 2:
- pData = new MP4RtpSampleData(this);
- break;
- case 3:
- pData = new MP4RtpSampleDescriptionData(this);
- break;
- default:
- throw new MP4Error("unknown packet data entry type",
- "MP4ReadHint");
- }
- m_rtpData.Add(pData);
- // read data entry's properties
- pData->Read(pFile);
- }
- }
- void MP4RtpPacket::ReadExtra(MP4File* pFile)
- {
- AddExtraProperties();
- int32_t extraLength = (int32_t)pFile->ReadUInt32();
- if (extraLength < 4) {
- throw new MP4Error("bad packet extra info length",
- "MP4RtpPacket::ReadExtra");
- }
- extraLength -= 4;
- while (extraLength > 0) {
- u_int32_t entryLength = pFile->ReadUInt32();
- u_int32_t entryTag = pFile->ReadUInt32();
- if (entryLength < 8) {
- throw new MP4Error("bad packet extra info entry length",
- "MP4RtpPacket::ReadExtra");
- }
- if (entryTag == STRTOINT32("rtpo") && entryLength == 12) {
- // read the rtp timestamp offset
- m_pProperties[16]->Read(pFile);
- } else {
- // ignore it, LATER carry it along
- pFile->SetPosition(pFile->GetPosition() + entryLength - 8);
- }
- extraLength -= entryLength;
- }
- if (extraLength < 0) {
- throw new MP4Error("invalid packet extra info length",
- "MP4RtpPacket::ReadExtra");
- }
- }
- void MP4RtpPacket::Set(u_int8_t payloadNumber,
- u_int32_t packetId, bool setMbit)
- {
- ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[5])->SetValue(setMbit);
- ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[6])->SetValue(payloadNumber);
- ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[7])->SetValue(packetId);
- }
- int32_t MP4RtpPacket::GetTransmitOffset()
- {
- return ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[0])->GetValue();
- }
- void MP4RtpPacket::SetTransmitOffset(int32_t transmitOffset)
- {
- ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(transmitOffset);
- }
- bool MP4RtpPacket::GetPBit()
- {
- return ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue();
- }
- bool MP4RtpPacket::GetXBit()
- {
- return ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[3])->GetValue();
- }
- bool MP4RtpPacket::GetMBit()
- {
- return ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[5])->GetValue();
- }
- u_int8_t MP4RtpPacket::GetPayload()
- {
- return ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[6])->GetValue();
- }
- u_int16_t MP4RtpPacket::GetSequenceNumber()
- {
- return ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[7])->GetValue();
- }
- bool MP4RtpPacket::IsBFrame()
- {
- return ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[10])->GetValue();
- }
- void MP4RtpPacket::SetBFrame(bool isBFrame)
- {
- ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[10])->SetValue(isBFrame);
- }
- void MP4RtpPacket::SetTimestampOffset(u_int32_t timestampOffset)
- {
- if (timestampOffset == 0) {
- return;
- }
- ASSERT(((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[9])->GetValue() == 0);
- // set X bit
- ((MP4BitfieldProperty*)m_pProperties[9])->SetValue(1);
- AddExtraProperties();
- ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[16])->SetValue(timestampOffset);
- }
- void MP4RtpPacket::AddData(MP4RtpData* pData)
- {
- m_rtpData.Add(pData);
- // increment entry count property
- ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[12])->IncrementValue();
- }
- u_int32_t MP4RtpPacket::GetDataSize()
- {
- u_int32_t totalDataSize = 0;
- for (u_int32_t i = 0; i < m_rtpData.Size(); i++) {
- totalDataSize += m_rtpData[i]->GetDataSize();
- }
- return totalDataSize;
- }
- void MP4RtpPacket::GetData(u_int8_t* pDest)
- {
- for (u_int32_t i = 0; i < m_rtpData.Size(); i++) {
- m_rtpData[i]->GetData(pDest);
- pDest += m_rtpData[i]->GetDataSize();
- }
- }
- void MP4RtpPacket::Write(MP4File* pFile)
- {
- MP4Container::Write(pFile);
- for (u_int32_t i = 0; i < m_rtpData.Size(); i++) {
- m_rtpData[i]->Write(pFile);
- }
- }
- void MP4RtpPacket::WriteEmbeddedData(MP4File* pFile, u_int64_t startPos)
- {
- for (u_int32_t i = 0; i < m_rtpData.Size(); i++) {
- m_rtpData[i]->WriteEmbeddedData(pFile, startPos);
- }
- }
- void MP4RtpPacket::Dump(FILE* pFile, u_int8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits)
- {
- MP4Container::Dump(pFile, indent, dumpImplicits);
- for (u_int32_t i = 0; i < m_rtpData.Size(); i++) {
- Indent(pFile, indent);
- fprintf(pFile, "RtpData: %un", i);
- m_rtpData[i]->Dump(pFile, indent + 1, dumpImplicits);
- }
- }
- MP4RtpData::MP4RtpData(MP4RtpPacket* pPacket)
- {
- m_pPacket = pPacket;
- AddProperty( /* 0 */
- new MP4Integer8Property("type"));
- }
- MP4Track* MP4RtpData::FindTrackFromRefIndex(u_int8_t refIndex)
- {
- MP4Track* pTrack;
- if (refIndex == (u_int8_t)-1) {
- // ourselves
- pTrack = GetPacket()->GetHint()->GetTrack();
- } else if (refIndex == 0) {
- // our reference track
- pTrack = GetPacket()->GetHint()->GetTrack()->GetRefTrack();
- } else {
- // some other track
- MP4RtpHintTrack* pHintTrack =
- GetPacket()->GetHint()->GetTrack();
- MP4Atom* pTrakAtom = pHintTrack->GetTrakAtom();
- ASSERT(pTrakAtom);
- MP4Integer32Property* pTrackIdProperty = NULL;
- pTrakAtom->FindProperty(
- "trak.tref.hint.entries",
- (MP4Property**)&pTrackIdProperty);
- ASSERT(pTrackIdProperty);
- u_int32_t refTrackId =
- pTrackIdProperty->GetValue(refIndex - 1);
- pTrack = pHintTrack->GetFile()->GetTrack(refTrackId);
- }
- return pTrack;
- }
- MP4RtpNullData::MP4RtpNullData(MP4RtpPacket* pPacket)
- : MP4RtpData(pPacket)
- {
- ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(0);
- AddProperty( /* 1 */
- new MP4BytesProperty("pad", 15));
- ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[1])->SetFixedSize(15);
- }
- MP4RtpImmediateData::MP4RtpImmediateData(MP4RtpPacket* pPacket)
- : MP4RtpData(pPacket)
- {
- ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(1);
- AddProperty( /* 1 */
- new MP4Integer8Property("count"));
- AddProperty( /* 2 */
- new MP4BytesProperty("data", 14));
- ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[2])->SetFixedSize(14);
- }
- void MP4RtpImmediateData::Set(const u_int8_t* pBytes, u_int8_t numBytes)
- {
- ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(numBytes);
- ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(pBytes, numBytes);
- }
- u_int16_t MP4RtpImmediateData::GetDataSize()
- {
- return ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
- }
- void MP4RtpImmediateData::GetData(u_int8_t* pDest)
- {
- u_int8_t* pValue;
- u_int32_t valueSize;
- ((MP4BytesProperty*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue(&pValue, &valueSize);
- memcpy(pDest, pValue, GetDataSize());
- MP4Free(pValue);
- }
- MP4RtpSampleData::MP4RtpSampleData(MP4RtpPacket* pPacket)
- : MP4RtpData(pPacket)
- {
- ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(2);
- AddProperty( /* 1 */
- new MP4Integer8Property("trackRefIndex"));
- AddProperty( /* 2 */
- new MP4Integer16Property("length"));
- AddProperty( /* 3 */
- new MP4Integer32Property("sampleNumber"));
- AddProperty( /* 4 */
- new MP4Integer32Property("sampleOffset"));
- AddProperty( /* 5 */
- new MP4Integer16Property("bytesPerBlock"));
- AddProperty( /* 6 */
- new MP4Integer16Property("samplesPerBlock"));
- ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[5])->SetValue(1);
- ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[6])->SetValue(1);
- m_pRefData = NULL;
- m_pRefTrack = NULL;
- m_refSampleId = MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID;
- m_refSampleOffset = 0;
- }
- void MP4RtpSampleData::SetEmbeddedImmediate(MP4SampleId sampleId,
- u_int8_t* pData, u_int16_t dataLength)
- {
- ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue((u_int8_t)-1);
- ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(dataLength);
- ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(sampleId);
- ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[4])->SetValue(0);
- m_pRefData = pData;
- }
- void MP4RtpSampleData::SetReferenceSample(
- MP4SampleId refSampleId, u_int32_t refSampleOffset,
- u_int16_t sampleLength)
- {
- ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue(0);
- ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(sampleLength);
- ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(refSampleId);
- ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[4])->SetValue(refSampleOffset);
- }
- void MP4RtpSampleData::SetEmbeddedSample(
- MP4SampleId sampleId, MP4Track* pRefTrack,
- MP4SampleId refSampleId, u_int32_t refSampleOffset,
- u_int16_t sampleLength)
- {
- ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[1])->SetValue((u_int8_t)-1);
- ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(sampleLength);
- ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(sampleId);
- ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[4])->SetValue(0);
- m_pRefTrack = pRefTrack;
- m_refSampleId = refSampleId;
- m_refSampleOffset = refSampleOffset;
- }
- u_int16_t MP4RtpSampleData::GetDataSize()
- {
- return ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue();
- }
- void MP4RtpSampleData::GetData(u_int8_t* pDest)
- {
- u_int8_t trackRefIndex =
- ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
- MP4Track* pSampleTrack =
- FindTrackFromRefIndex(trackRefIndex);
- pSampleTrack->ReadSampleFragment(
- ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[3])->GetValue(), // sampleId
- ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[4])->GetValue(), // sampleOffset
- ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue(), // sampleLength
- pDest);
- }
- void MP4RtpSampleData::WriteEmbeddedData(MP4File* pFile, u_int64_t startPos)
- {
- // if not using embedded data, nothing to do
- if (((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue() != (u_int8_t)-1) {
- return;
- }
- // figure out the offset within this hint sample for this embedded data
- u_int64_t offset = pFile->GetPosition() - startPos;
- ASSERT(offset <= 0xFFFFFFFF);
- ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[4])->SetValue((u_int32_t)offset);
- u_int16_t length = ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue();
- if (m_pRefData) {
- pFile->WriteBytes(m_pRefData, length);
- return;
- }
- if (m_refSampleId != MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID) {
- u_int8_t* pSample = NULL;
- u_int32_t sampleSize = 0;
- ASSERT(m_pRefTrack);
- m_pRefTrack->ReadSample(m_refSampleId, &pSample, &sampleSize);
- ASSERT(m_refSampleOffset + length <= sampleSize);
- pFile->WriteBytes(&pSample[m_refSampleOffset], length);
- MP4Free(pSample);
- return;
- }
- }
- MP4RtpSampleDescriptionData::MP4RtpSampleDescriptionData(MP4RtpPacket* pPacket)
- : MP4RtpData(pPacket)
- {
- ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[0])->SetValue(3);
- AddProperty( /* 1 */
- new MP4Integer8Property("trackRefIndex"));
- AddProperty( /* 2 */
- new MP4Integer16Property("length"));
- AddProperty( /* 3 */
- new MP4Integer32Property("sampleDescriptionIndex"));
- AddProperty( /* 4 */
- new MP4Integer32Property("sampleDescriptionOffset"));
- AddProperty( /* 5 */
- new MP4Integer32Property("reserved"));
- }
- void MP4RtpSampleDescriptionData::Set(u_int32_t sampleDescrIndex,
- u_int32_t offset, u_int16_t length)
- {
- ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->SetValue(length);
- ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[3])->SetValue(sampleDescrIndex);
- ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[4])->SetValue(offset);
- }
- u_int16_t MP4RtpSampleDescriptionData::GetDataSize()
- {
- return ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue();
- }
- void MP4RtpSampleDescriptionData::GetData(u_int8_t* pDest)
- {
- // we start with the index into our track references
- u_int8_t trackRefIndex =
- ((MP4Integer8Property*)m_pProperties[1])->GetValue();
- // from which we can find the track structure
- MP4Track* pSampleTrack =
- FindTrackFromRefIndex(trackRefIndex);
- // next find the desired atom in the track's sample description table
- u_int32_t sampleDescrIndex =
- ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[3])->GetValue();
- MP4Atom* pTrakAtom =
- pSampleTrack->GetTrakAtom();
- char sdName[64];
- sprintf(sdName, "trak.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.*[%u]", sampleDescrIndex);
- MP4Atom* pSdAtom =
- pTrakAtom->FindAtom(sdName);
- // bad reference
- if (pSdAtom == NULL) {
- throw new MP4Error("invalid sample description index",
- "MP4RtpSampleDescriptionData::GetData");
- }
- // check validity of the upcoming copy
- u_int16_t length =
- ((MP4Integer16Property*)m_pProperties[2])->GetValue();
- u_int32_t offset =
- ((MP4Integer32Property*)m_pProperties[4])->GetValue();
- if (offset + length > pSdAtom->GetSize()) {
- throw new MP4Error("offset and/or length are too large",
- "MP4RtpSampleDescriptionData::GetData");
- }
- // now we use the raw file to get the desired bytes
- MP4File* pFile = GetPacket()->GetHint()->GetTrack()->GetFile();
- u_int64_t orgPos = pFile->GetPosition();
- // It's not entirely clear from the spec whether the offset is from
- // the start of the sample descirption atom, or the start of the atom's
- // data. I believe it is the former, but the commented out code will
- // realize the latter interpretation if I turn out to be wrong.
- u_int64_t dataPos = pSdAtom->GetStart();
- //u_int64_t dataPos = pSdAtom->GetEnd() - pSdAtom->GetSize();
- pFile->SetPosition(dataPos + offset);
- pFile->ReadBytes(pDest, length);
- pFile->SetPosition(orgPos);
- }