资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
- * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
- * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2001. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Dave Mackie
- */
- #ifndef __MP4_ATOM_INCLUDED__
- #define __MP4_ATOM_INCLUDED__
- class MP4Atom;
- MP4ARRAY_DECL(MP4Atom, MP4Atom*);
- #define Required true
- #define Optional false
- #define OnlyOne true
- #define Many false
- #define Counted true
- /* helper class */
- class MP4AtomInfo {
- public:
- MP4AtomInfo() {
- m_name = NULL;
- }
- MP4AtomInfo(const char* name, bool mandatory, bool onlyOne);
- const char* m_name;
- bool m_mandatory;
- bool m_onlyOne;
- u_int32_t m_count;
- };
- MP4ARRAY_DECL(MP4AtomInfo, MP4AtomInfo*);
- class MP4Atom {
- public:
- MP4Atom(const char* type = NULL);
- virtual ~MP4Atom();
- static MP4Atom* ReadAtom(MP4File* pFile, MP4Atom* pParentAtom);
- static MP4Atom* CreateAtom(const char* type);
- static bool IsReasonableType(const char* type);
- MP4File* GetFile() {
- return m_pFile;
- };
- void SetFile(MP4File* pFile) {
- m_pFile = pFile;
- };
- u_int64_t GetStart() {
- return m_start;
- };
- void SetStart(u_int64_t pos) {
- m_start = pos;
- };
- u_int64_t GetEnd() {
- return m_end;
- };
- void SetEnd(u_int64_t pos) {
- m_end = pos;
- };
- u_int64_t GetSize() {
- return m_size;
- }
- void SetSize(u_int64_t size) {
- m_size = size;
- }
- const char* GetType() {
- return m_type;
- };
- void SetType(const char* type) {
- if (type) {
- ASSERT(strlen(type) == 4);
- memcpy(m_type, type, 4);
- m_type[4] = ' ';
- } else {
- memset(m_type, 0, 5);
- }
- }
- void GetExtendedType(u_int8_t* pExtendedType) {
- memcpy(pExtendedType, m_extendedType, sizeof(m_extendedType));
- };
- void SetExtendedType(u_int8_t* pExtendedType) {
- memcpy(m_extendedType, pExtendedType, sizeof(m_extendedType));
- };
- bool IsUnknownType() {
- return m_unknownType;
- }
- void SetUnknownType(bool unknownType = true) {
- m_unknownType = unknownType;
- }
- bool IsRootAtom() {
- return m_type[0] == ' ';
- }
- MP4Atom* GetParentAtom() {
- return m_pParentAtom;
- }
- void SetParentAtom(MP4Atom* pParentAtom) {
- m_pParentAtom = pParentAtom;
- }
- void AddChildAtom(MP4Atom* pChildAtom) {
- pChildAtom->SetFile(m_pFile);
- pChildAtom->SetParentAtom(this);
- m_pChildAtoms.Add(pChildAtom);
- }
- void InsertChildAtom(MP4Atom* pChildAtom, u_int32_t index) {
- pChildAtom->SetFile(m_pFile);
- pChildAtom->SetParentAtom(this);
- m_pChildAtoms.Insert(pChildAtom, index);
- }
- void DeleteChildAtom(MP4Atom* pChildAtom) {
- for (MP4ArrayIndex i = 0; i < m_pChildAtoms.Size(); i++) {
- if (m_pChildAtoms[i] == pChildAtom) {
- m_pChildAtoms.Delete(i);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- u_int32_t GetNumberOfChildAtoms() {
- return m_pChildAtoms.Size();
- }
- MP4Atom* GetChildAtom(u_int32_t index) {
- return m_pChildAtoms[index];
- }
- MP4Property* GetProperty(u_int32_t index) {
- return m_pProperties[index];
- }
- MP4Atom* FindAtom(const char* name);
- MP4Atom* FindChildAtom(const char* name);
- bool FindProperty(const char* name,
- MP4Property** ppProperty, u_int32_t* pIndex = NULL);
- u_int32_t GetFlags();
- void SetFlags(u_int32_t flags);
- u_int8_t GetDepth();
- void Skip();
- virtual void Generate();
- virtual void Read();
- virtual void BeginWrite(bool use64 = false);
- virtual void Write();
- virtual void FinishWrite(bool use64 = false);
- virtual void Dump(FILE* pFile, u_int8_t indent, bool dumpImplicits);
- protected:
- void AddProperty(MP4Property* pProperty);
- void AddVersionAndFlags();
- void AddReserved(char* name, u_int32_t size);
- void ExpectChildAtom(const char* name,
- bool mandatory, bool onlyOne = true);
- MP4AtomInfo* FindAtomInfo(const char* name);
- bool IsMe(const char* name);
- bool FindContainedProperty(const char* name,
- MP4Property** ppProperty, u_int32_t* pIndex);
- void ReadProperties(
- u_int32_t startIndex = 0, u_int32_t count = 0xFFFFFFFF);
- void ReadChildAtoms();
- void WriteProperties(
- u_int32_t startIndex = 0, u_int32_t count = 0xFFFFFFFF);
- void WriteChildAtoms();
- u_int8_t GetVersion();
- void SetVersion(u_int8_t version);
- /* debugging aid */
- u_int32_t GetVerbosity();
- protected:
- MP4File* m_pFile;
- u_int64_t m_start;
- u_int64_t m_end;
- u_int64_t m_size;
- char m_type[5];
- bool m_unknownType;
- u_int8_t m_extendedType[16];
- MP4Atom* m_pParentAtom;
- u_int8_t m_depth;
- MP4PropertyArray m_pProperties;
- MP4AtomInfoArray m_pChildAtomInfos;
- MP4AtomArray m_pChildAtoms;
- };
- inline u_int32_t ATOMID(const char* type) {
- return STRTOINT32(type);
- }
- #endif /* __MP4_ATOM_INCLUDED__ */