资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
- * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
- * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2000, 2001. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Bill May
- */
- /*
- * sdp_util.c
- *
- * Utility routines for sdp decode/encode.
- *
- * October, 2000
- * Bill May (
- * Cisco Systems, Inc.
- */
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include "sdp.h"
- #include "sdp_decode_private.h"
- #define FREE_CHECK(a,b) if (a->b != NULL) { free(a->b); a->b = NULL;}
- /*
- * sdp_add_format_to_list()
- * Adds a format to a media_desc_t format list. Note: will only add unique
- * values.
- *
- * Inputs:
- * **list - ptr to ptr to list to store in (usually &<media_desc_t>->fmt)
- * *val - value to save.
- * Outputs:
- * pointer to added value. This could be a new one, or one previously
- * added
- */
- format_list_t *sdp_add_format_to_list (media_desc_t *mptr, char *val)
- {
- format_list_t *new, *p;
- new = malloc(sizeof(format_list_t));
- if (new == NULL) {
- return (NULL);
- }
- new->next = NULL;
- new->fmt = strdup(val);
- new->rtpmap = NULL;
- new->fmt_param = NULL;
- new->media = mptr;
- if (new->fmt == NULL) {
- free(new);
- return (NULL);
- }
- if (mptr->fmt == NULL) {
- mptr->fmt = new;
- } else {
- p = mptr->fmt;
- if (strcmp(p->fmt, new->fmt) == 0) {
- free(new);
- return (p);
- }
- while (p->next != NULL) {
- p = p->next;
- if (strcmp(p->fmt, new->fmt) == 0) {
- free(new);
- return (p);
- }
- }
- p->next = new;
- }
- return (new);
- }
- static void free_rtpmap_desc (rtpmap_desc_t *rtpptr)
- {
- FREE_CHECK(rtpptr, encode_name);
- free(rtpptr);
- }
- void sdp_free_format_list (format_list_t **fptr)
- {
- format_list_t *p;
- while (*fptr != NULL) {
- p = *fptr;
- *fptr = p->next;
- p->next = NULL;
- if (p->rtpmap != NULL) {
- free_rtpmap_desc(p->rtpmap);
- p->rtpmap = NULL;
- }
- FREE_CHECK(p, fmt_param);
- FREE_CHECK(p, fmt);
- free(p);
- }
- }
- /*
- * sdp_add_string_to_list()
- * Adds string to string_list_t list. Duplicates string.
- * Inputs:
- * list - pointer to pointer of list head
- * val - value to add
- * Outputs:
- * TRUE - succeeded, FALSE - failed due to no memory
- */
- int sdp_add_string_to_list (string_list_t **list, char *val)
- {
- string_list_t *new, *p;
- new = malloc(sizeof(string_list_t));
- if (new == NULL) {
- return (FALSE);
- }
- new->next = NULL;
- new->string_val = strdup(val);
- if (new->string_val == NULL) {
- free(new);
- return (FALSE);
- }
- if (*list == NULL) {
- *list = new;
- } else {
- p = *list;
- while (p->next != NULL) p = p->next;
- p->next = new;
- }
- return (TRUE);
- }
- void sdp_free_string_list (string_list_t **list)
- {
- string_list_t *p;
- while (*list != NULL) {
- p = *list;
- *list = p->next;
- FREE_CHECK(p, string_val);
- free(p);
- }
- }
- /*
- * sdp_time_offset_to_str()
- * Converts a time offset in seconds to dhms format. (ie: 3600 -> 1h)
- * Inputs:
- * val - value in seconds to convert
- * buff - buffer to store into
- * buflen - length of buffer
- */
- void sdp_time_offset_to_str (uint32_t val, char *buff, uint32_t buflen)
- {
- uint32_t div;
- div = val % SEC_PER_DAY;
- if (div == 0) {
- div = val / SEC_PER_DAY;
- snprintf(buff, buflen, "%dd", div);
- return;
- }
- div = val % SEC_PER_HOUR;
- if (div == 0) {
- div = val / SEC_PER_HOUR;
- snprintf(buff, buflen, "%dh", div);
- return;
- }
- div = val % SEC_PER_MINUTE;
- if (div == 0) {
- div = val / SEC_PER_MINUTE;
- snprintf(buff, buflen, "%dm", div);
- return;
- }
- snprintf(buff, buflen, "%d", val);
- }
- /*
- * sdp_find_format_in_line()
- * Looks for a format value in the list specified. Must be an exact match.
- * Inputs:
- * head - pointer to head of format list
- * lptr - pointer to string to compare with. Must have a space or