资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
- * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- * rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is MPEG4IP.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Cisco Systems Inc.
- * Portions created by Cisco Systems Inc. are
- * Copyright (C) Cisco Systems Inc. 2000, 2001. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Bill May
- */
- /*
- * sdp_dump.c
- *
- * dump SDP structure to stdout
- *
- * October, 2000
- * Bill May (
- * Cisco Systems, Inc.
- */
- #include "sdp.h"
- #include <time.h>
- #include "sdp_decode_private.h"
- static void time_repeat_dump (time_repeat_desc_t *trptr)
- {
- int morethan1;
- char buffer[80], *start;
- int cnt;
- uint32_t ix;
- morethan1 = trptr != NULL && trptr->next != NULL;
- cnt = 0;
- while (trptr != NULL) {
- if (morethan1) {
- printf("Repeat %d:n", cnt + 1);
- start = "t";
- } else {
- start = "";
- }
- cnt++;
- sdp_time_offset_to_str(trptr->repeat_interval, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- printf("%sRepeat Interval: %sn", start, buffer);
- sdp_time_offset_to_str(trptr->active_duration, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- printf("%sDuration of session: %sn", start, buffer);
- printf("%sOffsets: ", start);
- for (ix = 0; ix < trptr->offset_cnt; ix++) {
- sdp_time_offset_to_str(trptr->offsets[ix], buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- printf("%s ", buffer);
- if ((ix % 8) == 0) {
- printf("n%s", start);
- }
- }
- trptr = trptr->next;
- }
- }
- static void time_dump (session_time_desc_t *tptr) {
- while (tptr != NULL) {
- if (tptr->end_time == 0 &&
- tptr->start_time == 0) {
- printf("Start/End time is 0n");
- } else {
- if (tptr->start_time != 0) {
- printf("Start Time: %s", ctime(&tptr->start_time));
- } else {
- printf("Start Time is 0n");
- }
- if (tptr->end_time != 0) {
- printf("End Time: %s", ctime(&tptr->end_time));
- } else {
- printf("End Time is 0n");
- }
- }
- time_repeat_dump(tptr->repeat);
- tptr = tptr->next;
- }
- }
- static void time_adj_dump (time_adj_desc_t *taptr)
- {
- while (taptr != NULL) {
- printf("Adjustment of %d on %s", taptr->offset, ctime(&taptr->adj_time));
- taptr = taptr->next;
- }
- }
- static void unparsed_dump (string_list_t *uptr,
- char *start)
- {
- printf("%sUnparsed lines:n", start);
- while (uptr != NULL) {
- printf("t%s%sn", start, uptr->string_val);
- uptr = uptr->next;
- }
- }
- static void bandwidth_dump (bandwidth_t *bptr, char *start)
- {
- while (bptr != NULL) {
- printf("%s Bandwidth: %ld ", start, bptr->bandwidth);
- if (bptr->modifier == BANDWIDTH_MODIFIER_USER) {
- printf("(%s)", bptr->user_band);
- } else {
- printf("(%s)",
- bptr->modifier == BANDWIDTH_MODIFIER_AS ? "AS type" : "CT type");
- }
- printf("n");
- bptr = bptr->next;
- }
- }
- static void category_dump (category_list_t *cptr)
- {
- int ix = 0;
- if (cptr == NULL)
- return;
- printf("Category: ");
- while (cptr != NULL) {
- printf("%lld ", cptr->category);
- ix++;
- if (ix >= 8) {
- printf("n");
- ix = 0;
- }
- cptr = cptr->next;
- }
- if (ix != 0) printf("n");
- }
- static void key_dump (key_desc_t *sptr)
- {
- switch (sptr->key_type) {
- printf("Key: promptn");
- break;
- printf("Key: clear : %sn", sptr->key);
- break;
- case KEY_TYPE_BASE64:
- printf("Key: base64n");
- break;
- case KEY_TYPE_URI:
- printf("Key: uri : %s", sptr->key);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- static void range_dump (range_desc_t *rptr, const char *start)
- {
- char buffer[80];
- if (rptr->have_range == FALSE) return;
- printf("%sRange is ", start);
- if (rptr->range_is_npt) {
- printf("npt - start %g, end ", rptr->range_start);
- if (rptr->range_end_infinite) {
- printf("infiniten");
- } else {
- printf("%gn", rptr->range_end);
- }
- } else {
- printf("smtpe - start ");
- sdp_smpte_to_str(rptr->range_start, rptr->range_smpte_fps, buffer);
- printf("%s, end ", buffer);
- if (rptr->range_end_infinite) {
- printf("infiniten");
- } else {
- sdp_smpte_to_str(rptr->range_end, rptr->range_smpte_fps, buffer);
- printf("%sn", buffer);
- }
- }
- }
- static void media_dump (media_desc_t *mptr)
- {
- format_list_t *fptr;
- int ix;
- printf("tMedia type: %sn", mptr->media);
- printf("tMedia proto: %sn", mptr->proto);
- if (mptr->media_desc)
- printf("tMedia description: %sn", mptr->media_desc);
- if (mptr->media_connect.used) {
- printf("tMedia Address: %s", mptr->media_connect.conn_addr);
- if (strcasecmp(mptr->media_connect.conn_type, "IP4") != 0) {
- printf("(address type %s)", mptr->media_connect.conn_type);
- }
- if (mptr->media_connect.num_addr > 0) {
- printf("(%u addresses)", mptr->media_connect.num_addr);
- }
- printf("ntMedia TTL: %un", mptr->media_connect.ttl);
- }
- printf("tMedia port number: %d", mptr->port);
- if (mptr->num_ports > 1) {
- printf("/%d", mptr->num_ports);
- }
- printf("n");
- bandwidth_dump(mptr->media_bandwidth, "ntMedia");
- if (mptr->recvonly) {
- printf("tReceive Only Setn");
- }
- if (mptr->sendrecv) {
- printf("tSend/Receive Setn");
- }
- if (mptr->sendonly) {
- printf("tSend Only Setn");
- }
- if (mptr->ptime_present) {
- printf("tPacket Time: %dn", mptr->ptime);
- }
- if (mptr->quality_present) {
- printf("tQuality: %dn", mptr->quality);
- }
- if (mptr->framerate_present) {
- printf("tFramerate: %fn", mptr->framerate);
- }
- if (mptr->control_string) {
- printf("tControl: %sn", mptr->control_string);
- }
- range_dump(&mptr->media_range, "t");
- printf("tMedia formats: ");
- fptr = mptr->fmt;
- ix = 0;
- while (fptr != NULL) {
- if (ix >= 6) {
- printf("ntt");
- ix = 0;
- }
- printf("%s", fptr->fmt);
- if (fptr->rtpmap != NULL) {
- printf("(%s %u", fptr->rtpmap->encode_name, fptr->rtpmap->clock_rate);
- if (fptr->rtpmap->encode_param != 0){
- printf(" %u", fptr->rtpmap->encode_param);
- }
- printf(")");
- ix += 2;
- }
- if (fptr->fmt_param != NULL) {
- printf("(%s)", fptr->fmt_param);
- ix += 4;
- }
- printf(" ");
- ix++;
- fptr = fptr->next;
- }
- printf("n");
- unparsed_dump(mptr->unparsed_a_lines, "t");
- }
- void session_dump_one (session_desc_t *sptr)
- {
- int ix;
- media_desc_t *media;
- string_list_t *strptr;
- printf("Session name: %sn", sptr->session_name);
- if (sptr->session_desc != NULL) {
- printf("Description: %sn", sptr->session_desc);
- }
- if (sptr->uri != NULL) {
- printf("URI: %sn", sptr->uri);
- }
- if (sptr->orig_username) {
- printf("Origin username: %sn", sptr->orig_username);
- }
- printf("Session id: %lldnSession version: %lldn",
- sptr->session_id,
- sptr->session_version);
- if (sptr->create_addr)
- printf("Session created by: %s", sptr->create_addr);
- if (sptr->create_addr_type &&
- strcasecmp(sptr->create_addr_type, "IP4") != 0) {
- printf("address type %s", sptr->create_addr_type);
- }
- printf("n");
- if (sptr->conf_type != CONFERENCE_TYPE_NONE) {
- printf("Conference type: %sn",
- sptr->conf_type < CONFERENCE_TYPE_OTHER ?
- type_values[sptr->conf_type - 1] : sptr->conf_type_user);
- }
- if (sptr->keywds) printf("Keywords: %sn", sptr->keywds);
- if (sptr->tool) printf("Tool: %sn", sptr->tool);
- category_dump(sptr->category_list);
- strptr = sptr->admin_email;
- while (strptr != NULL) {
- printf("Admin email: %sn", strptr->string_val);
- strptr = strptr->next;
- }
- strptr = sptr->admin_phone;
- while (strptr != NULL) {
- printf("Admin phone: %sn", strptr->string_val);
- strptr = strptr->next;
- }
- key_dump(&sptr->key);
- time_dump(sptr->time_desc);
- time_adj_dump(sptr->time_adj_desc);
- if (sptr->session_connect.used) {
- printf("Session Address: %s", sptr->session_connect.conn_addr);
- if (strcasecmp(sptr->session_connect.conn_type, "IP4") != 0) {
- printf("(address type %s)", sptr->session_connect.conn_type);
- }
- if (sptr->session_connect.num_addr > 0) {
- printf("(%u addresses)", sptr->session_connect.num_addr);
- }
- printf("ntSession TTL: %un", sptr->session_connect.ttl);
- }
- range_dump(&sptr->session_range, "");
- bandwidth_dump(sptr->session_bandwidth, "Session");
- if (sptr->control_string) {
- printf("Control: %sn", sptr->control_string);
- }
- unparsed_dump(sptr->unparsed_a_lines, "");
- ix = 0;
- media = sptr->media;
- while (media != NULL) {
- printf("Media description %d:n", ix + 1);
- media_dump(media);
- media = media->next;
- ix++;
- }
- if (ix == 0) {
- printf("No media descriptions for sessionn");
- }
- }
- void session_dump_list (session_desc_t *sptr)
- {
- while (sptr != NULL) {
- session_dump_one(sptr);
- printf("n");
- sptr = sptr->next;
- if (sptr) {
- printf("------------------------------------------------------n");
- }
- }
- }