- package Hiisi;
- import javax.microedition.lcdui.Alert;
- import javax.microedition.lcdui.AlertType;
- import javax.microedition.lcdui.Command;
- import javax.microedition.lcdui.CommandListener;
- import javax.microedition.lcdui.Display;
- import javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable;
- import javax.microedition.lcdui.Form;
- import javax.microedition.lcdui.List;
- public class MainForm extends Form implements CommandListener{
- // main menues
- private Command[] command = new Command[6];
- // constructor
- MainForm() {
- super(HiisiMIDlet.hiisiMIDlet.proxyName);
- command[0] = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);
- command[1] = new Command("Restart", Command.SCREEN, 2);
- command[2] = new Command("View Log", Command.SCREEN, 3);
- command[3] = new Command("Setting", Command.SCREEN, 4);
- command[4] = new Command("About", Command.SCREEN, 5);
- command[5] = new Command("Exit", Command.SCREEN, 6);
- addCommand(command[0]);
- addCommand(command[1]);
- addCommand(command[2]);
- addCommand(command[3]);
- addCommand(command[4]);
- addCommand(command[5]);
- setCommandListener(this);
- // Application starts with mode selection.
- makeModeSelectionGUI();
- }
- // message on main
- synchronized void log(String msg) {
- deleteAll();
- append(msg+"n");
- }
- // error message on main
- synchronized void log(Throwable e) {
- log(e.getMessage());
- }
- // mode selection (bluetooth mode or W-CDMA / GSM mode)
- // starts server
- // sets SettingForm#gatewayMode
- // bluetooth mode: calls BluetoothConnection#startDeviceInquiry()
- private void makeModeSelectionGUI() {
- final List modes = new List("Select a mode", List.IMPLICIT);
- if(HiisiMIDlet.settingForm.getDefaultUrl() != null) {
- modes.append("Bluetooth Mode [default]", null);
- modes.append("Bluetooth Mode [other]", null);
- } else {
- modes.append("Bluetooth Mode", null);
- }
- modes.append("W-CDMA / GSM Mode", null);
- modes.setCommandListener(
- new CommandListener() {
- public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) {
- Display.getDisplay(HiisiMIDlet.hiisiMIDlet).setCurrent(HiisiMIDlet.mainForm);
- if(modes.getString(modes.getSelectedIndex()).equals("Bluetooth Mode [default]")) {
- HiisiMIDlet.settingForm.setGatewayMode(HiisiMIDlet.settingForm.BLUETOOTH_MODE);
- log("Hiisi Proxy " + HiisiMIDlet.settingForm.getGatewayModeString() + " is idling...");
- HiisiMIDlet.bluetoothConnection.setUrl(HiisiMIDlet.settingForm.getDefaultUrl());
- }
- if(modes.getString(modes.getSelectedIndex()).equals("Bluetooth Mode [other]")
- || modes.getString(modes.getSelectedIndex()).equals("Bluetooth Mode")) {
- HiisiMIDlet.settingForm.setGatewayMode(HiisiMIDlet.settingForm.BLUETOOTH_MODE);
- log("Hiisi Proxy " + HiisiMIDlet.settingForm.getGatewayModeString() + " is idling...");
- HiisiMIDlet.bluetoothConnection.startDeviceInquiry();
- }
- if(modes.getString(modes.getSelectedIndex()).equals("W-CDMA / GSM Mode")) {
- HiisiMIDlet.settingForm.setGatewayMode(HiisiMIDlet.settingForm.WAP_MODE);
- log("Hiisi Proxy " + HiisiMIDlet.settingForm.getGatewayModeString() + " is idling...");
- }
- }
- }
- );
- Display.getDisplay(HiisiMIDlet.hiisiMIDlet).setCurrent(modes);
- HiisiMIDlet.gateway.start();
- }
- // about MIDlet
- private void makeAboutAlert() {
- Alert about = new Alert("About " + HiisiMIDlet.hiisiMIDlet.proxyName,
- HiisiMIDlet.hiisiMIDlet.proxyName + " (" + HiisiMIDlet.hiisiMIDlet.version +"), Created 2007 by Hiisi (, Visit for details.", null, AlertType.INFO);
- about.setTimeout(Alert.FOREVER);
- Display.getDisplay(HiisiMIDlet.hiisiMIDlet).setCurrent(about);
- }
- // actions of main menus
- public void commandAction(Command c,Displayable d) {
- // exits MIDlet
- if(c == command[0]) {
- HiisiMIDlet.gateway.exitGateway();
- HiisiMIDlet.hiisiMIDlet.exitApp();
- }
- // restarts server
- if(c == command[1]) {
- HiisiMIDlet.gateway.running = false;
- HiisiMIDlet.gateway.exitGateway();
- log("Restarting...");
- try {
- Thread.sleep(1 * 1000);
- } catch(InterruptedException e) {
- }
- HiisiMIDlet.gateway = new Gateway();
- HiisiMIDlet.gateway.running = true;
- HiisiMIDlet.gateway.start();
- }
- // displays HTTP log
- if(c == command[2]) {
- HiisiMIDlet.logForm.totalLog(HiisiMIDlet.logForm.getSentByte(), HiisiMIDlet.logForm.getRecvdByte());
- Display.getDisplay(HiisiMIDlet.hiisiMIDlet).setCurrent(HiisiMIDlet.logForm);
- }
- // settings
- if(c == command[3]) {
- HiisiMIDlet.settingForm.uncheckCheckConnection();
- Display.getDisplay(HiisiMIDlet.hiisiMIDlet).setCurrent(HiisiMIDlet.settingForm);
- }
- // about MIDlet
- if(c == command[4]) {
- makeAboutAlert();
- }
- // exits MIDlet
- if(c == command[5]) {
- HiisiMIDlet.gateway.exitGateway();
- HiisiMIDlet.hiisiMIDlet.exitApp();
- }
- }
- }