资源名称:CreatBMP.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
- // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation
- // All rights reserved.
- //
- // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
- // Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
- // electronic documentation provided with the library.
- // See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- // Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CSTRINGT.H - Framework-independent, templateable string class
- #ifndef __CSTRINGT_H__
- #define __CSTRINGT_H__
- #pragma once
- #pragma warning (push)
- #pragma warning(disable : 4668) // is not defined as a preprocessor macro, replacing with '0' for '#if/#elif
- #pragma warning(disable : 4820) // padding added after member
- #pragma warning(disable : 4127) // conditional expression constant
- #pragma warning(disable:4786) // avoid 255-character limit warnings
- #ifdef _MANAGED
- #include <vcclr.h> // For PtrToStringChars
- #endif
- #include <atlsimpstr.h>
- #include <stddef.h>
- #ifndef _INC_NEW
- #include <new.h>
- #endif
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <wchar.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #ifndef _ATL_MIN_CRT
- #include <mbstring.h>
- #endif
- #define CSTRING_EXPLICIT explicit
- #else
- #endif
- #include <atlconv.h>
- #include <atlmem.h>
- struct tagVARIANT;
- typedef tagVARIANT VARIANT;
- #ifndef _AFX
- #define _AFX_FUNCNAME(_Name) _Name
- #endif
- #pragma push_macro("new")
- #undef new
- #if defined(_AFX)
- #pragma push_macro("FormatMessage")
- #undef FormatMessage
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Naming conventions:
- // The term "length" can be confusing when dealing with ANSI, Unicode, and
- // MBCS character sets, so this file will use the following naming
- // conventions to differentiate between the different meanings of
- // "length":
- //
- // 'Byte Length' - Length of a buffer in bytes, regardless of character
- // size
- // 'Char Length' - Number of distinct characters in string. For wide-
- // character strings, this is equivalent to half the 'Byte Length'.
- // For ANSI strings, this is equivalent to the 'Byte Length'. For MBCS
- // strings, 'Char Length' counts a lead-byte/trail-byte combination
- // as one character.
- // 'Length' - When neither of the above terms is used, 'Length' refers to
- // length in XCHARs, which is equal to 'Byte Length'/sizeof(XCHAR).
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- namespace ATL
- {
- // This struct have the same memory layout as CString and is used to enable
- // const statically initialized CString without making a copy on the heap
- template <class StringType,int t_nChars> struct CConstFixedStringT
- {
- CStringData m_data;
- typename StringType::XCHAR m_achData[t_nChars];
- };
- #define IMPLEMENT_CONST_STRING_PTR(StringType, value, name) const CConstFixedStringT<StringType, sizeof(value)/sizeof(StringType::XCHAR)> _init##name ={ {NULL, sizeof(value)/sizeof(StringType::XCHAR)-1, sizeof(value)/sizeof(StringType::XCHAR)-1, -1}, value }; const StringType::XCHAR* const _value##name = _init##name.m_achData; extern const StringType* const name = CONST_STRING_PTR(StringType, name);
- #define DECLARE_CONST_STRING_PTR(StringType, name) extern const StringType* const name;
- #define CONST_STRING_PTR(StringType, name) reinterpret_cast<const StringType* const>(&_value##name)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // inline helpers
- inline int _wcstombsz(__out_ecount(count) char* mbstr, __in_z const wchar_t* wcstr, __in ULONG count) throw()
- {
- // count is number of bytes
- if (count == 0 && mbstr != NULL)
- return 0;
- int result = ::WideCharToMultiByte(_AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, wcstr, -1,
- mbstr, count, NULL, NULL);
- ATLASSERT(mbstr == NULL || result <= (int)count);
- return result;
- }
- inline int _mbstowcsz(__out_ecount_z(count) wchar_t* wcstr, __in_z const char* mbstr, __in ULONG count)
- {
- // count is number of wchar_t's
- if (count == 0 && wcstr != NULL)
- return 0;
- int result = ::MultiByteToWideChar(_AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, mbstr, -1,
- wcstr, count);
- ATLENSURE(wcstr == NULL || result <= (int)count);
- if ((result > 0) && (wcstr != NULL))
- {
- wcstr[result-1] = 0;
- }
- return result;
- }
- #if !defined(_UNICODE) || defined(_CSTRING_ALWAYS_THUNK)
- // Win9x doesn't support Unicode versions of these useful string functions.
- // If the app was built without _UNICODE defined, we thunk at runtime to
- // either the real Unicode implementation (on NT), or a conversion helper
- // (on Win9x).
- #pragma warning( push )
- #pragma warning( disable : 4793 )
- inline void _AtlInstallStringThunk(void** ppThunk, void* pfnWin9x, void* pfnNT) throw()
- {
- #pragma warning (push)
- #pragma warning (disable : 4640) // construction of local static object is not thread-safe
- static bool s_bWin9x = (::GetVersion()&0x80000000) != 0;
- #pragma warning (pop)
- void* pfn;
- if (s_bWin9x)
- pfn = pfnWin9x;
- else
- {
- pfn = pfnWin9x;
- (void)pfnNT;
- #else
- pfn = pfnNT;
- #endif
- }
- InterlockedExchangePointer(ppThunk, pfn);
- }
- #pragma warning( pop )
- struct _AtlStringThunks
- {
- ATLLSTRCMPIW pfnlstrcmpiW;
- };
- extern _AtlStringThunks _strthunks;
- inline DWORD WINAPI GetEnvironmentVariableWFake(__in_z LPCWSTR pszName,
- __out_ecount_part_opt(nSize, return) LPWSTR pszBuffer, __in DWORD nSize)
- {
- ULONG nSizeA;
- ULONG nSizeW;
- CTempBuffer<char> pszBufferA;
- CW2A pszNameA(pszName);
- nSizeA = ::GetEnvironmentVariableA(pszNameA, NULL, 0);
- if( nSizeA == 0 || nSizeA==ULONG_MAX)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- pszBufferA.Allocate(nSizeA + 1);
- if( 0 == ::GetEnvironmentVariableA(pszNameA, pszBufferA, nSizeA))
- {
- return 0;
- }
- nSizeW = ::MultiByteToWideChar(_AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pszBufferA, -1, NULL, 0);
- if( nSize == 0 )
- {
- return nSizeW;
- }
- if( nSize >= nSizeW )
- {
- nSizeW = ::MultiByteToWideChar(_AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pszBufferA, -1, pszBuffer, nSizeW );
- }
- return nSizeW;
- }
- inline DWORD WINAPI GetEnvironmentVariableWThunk(__in_z LPCWSTR pszName,
- __out_ecount_part_opt(nSize, return) LPWSTR pszBuffer, __in DWORD nSize)
- {
- _AtlInstallStringThunk(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&_strthunks.pfnGetEnvironmentVariableW),
- GetEnvironmentVariableWFake, ::GetEnvironmentVariableW);
- return _strthunks.pfnGetEnvironmentVariableW(pszName, pszBuffer, nSize);
- }
- inline int WINAPI CompareStringWFake(__in LCID lcid, __in DWORD dwFlags,
- __in_ecount(nLength1) LPCWSTR pszString1, __in int nLength1, __in_ecount(nLength2) LPCWSTR pszString2, __in int nLength2)
- {
- LPCSTR pszAString1 = NULL;
- if(pszString1 != NULL)
- {
- pszAString1 = W2A_EX(pszString1,_ATL_SAFE_ALLOCA_DEF_THRESHOLD);
- if(pszAString1 == NULL)
- }
- LPCSTR pszAString2 = NULL;
- if(pszString2 != NULL)
- {
- pszAString2 = W2A_EX(pszString2,_ATL_SAFE_ALLOCA_DEF_THRESHOLD);
- if(pszAString2 == NULL)
- }
- return ::CompareStringA(lcid, dwFlags, pszAString1, nLength1, pszAString2, nLength2);
- }
- inline int WINAPI CompareStringWThunk(__in LCID lcid, __in DWORD dwFlags,
- __in_ecount(nLength1) LPCWSTR pszString1, __in int nLength1, __in_ecount(nLength2) LPCWSTR pszString2, __in int nLength2)
- {
- _AtlInstallStringThunk(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&_strthunks.pfnCompareStringW), CompareStringWFake, ::CompareStringW);
- return _strthunks.pfnCompareStringW(lcid, dwFlags, pszString1, nLength1, pszString2, nLength2);
- }
- inline BOOL WINAPI GetStringTypeExWFake(__in LCID lcid, __in DWORD dwInfoType, __in_ecount(nLength) LPCWSTR pszSrc,
- __in int nLength, __out LPWORD pwCharType)
- {
- int nLengthA;
- CTempBuffer<char> pszA;
- nLengthA = ::WideCharToMultiByte(_AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pszSrc, nLength, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
- pszA.Allocate(nLengthA);
- ::WideCharToMultiByte(_AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pszSrc, nLength, pszA, nLengthA, NULL, NULL);
- if (nLength == -1)
- nLengthA = -1;
- return ::GetStringTypeExA(lcid, dwInfoType, pszA, nLengthA, pwCharType);
- }
- inline BOOL WINAPI GetStringTypeExWThunk(__in LCID lcid, __in DWORD dwInfoType, __in_ecount(nLength) LPCWSTR pszSrc,
- __in int nLength, __out LPWORD pwCharType)
- {
- _AtlInstallStringThunk(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&_strthunks.pfnGetStringTypeExW), GetStringTypeExWFake, ::GetStringTypeExW);
- return _strthunks.pfnGetStringTypeExW(lcid, dwInfoType, pszSrc, nLength, pwCharType);
- }
- inline int WINAPI lstrcmpiWFake(__in_z LPCWSTR psz1, __in_z LPCWSTR psz2)
- {
- return ::lstrcmpiA(W2A_EX_DEF(psz1), W2A_EX_DEF(psz2));
- }
- inline int WINAPI lstrcmpiWThunk(__in_z LPCWSTR psz1, __in_z LPCWSTR psz2)
- {
- _AtlInstallStringThunk(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&_strthunks.pfnlstrcmpiW), lstrcmpiWFake, ::lstrcmpiW);
- return _strthunks.pfnlstrcmpiW(psz1, psz2);
- }
- inline LPWSTR WINAPI CharLowerWFake(__inout_z LPWSTR psz)
- {
- LPSTR pszA;
- pszA = W2A_EX_DEF(psz);
- ::CharLowerA(pszA);
- Checked::wcscpy_s(psz, wcslen(psz) + 1, A2W_EX_DEF(pszA));
- return psz;
- }
- inline LPWSTR WINAPI CharLowerWThunk(__inout LPWSTR psz)
- {
- _AtlInstallStringThunk(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&_strthunks.pfnCharLowerW), CharLowerWFake, ::CharLowerW);
- return _strthunks.pfnCharLowerW(psz);
- }
- inline LPWSTR WINAPI CharUpperWFake(__inout_z LPWSTR psz)
- {
- LPSTR pszA;
- pszA = W2A_EX_DEF(psz);
- ::CharUpperA(pszA);
- Checked::wcscpy_s(psz, wcslen(psz) + 1, A2W_EX_DEF(pszA));
- return psz;
- }
- inline LPWSTR WINAPI CharUpperWThunk(__inout LPWSTR psz)
- {
- _AtlInstallStringThunk(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&_strthunks.pfnCharUpperW), CharUpperWFake, ::CharUpperW);
- return _strthunks.pfnCharUpperW(psz);
- }
- __declspec(selectany) _AtlStringThunks _strthunks =
- {
- CompareStringWThunk,
- GetStringTypeExWThunk,
- lstrcmpiWThunk,
- CharLowerWThunk,
- CharUpperWThunk,
- GetEnvironmentVariableWThunk
- };
- #endif // !_UNICODE
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- #ifndef _ATL_MIN_CRT
- template< typename _CharType = char >
- class ChTraitsCRT :
- public ChTraitsBase< _CharType >
- {
- public:
- static char* __cdecl CharNext( __in_z const char* p ) throw()
- {
- return reinterpret_cast< char* >( _mbsinc( reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( p ) ) );
- }
- static int __cdecl IsDigit( __in char ch ) throw()
- {
- return _ismbcdigit( ch );
- }
- static int __cdecl IsSpace( __in char ch ) throw()
- {
- return _ismbcspace( ch );
- }
- static int __cdecl StringCompare( __in_z LPCSTR pszA, __in_z LPCSTR pszB ) throw()
- {
- return _mbscmp( reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pszA ), reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pszB ) );
- }
- static int __cdecl StringCompareIgnore( __in_z LPCSTR pszA, __in_z LPCSTR pszB ) throw()
- {
- return _mbsicmp( reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pszA ), reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pszB ) );
- }
- static int __cdecl StringCollate( __in_z LPCSTR pszA, __in_z LPCSTR pszB ) throw()
- {
- return _mbscoll( reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pszA ), reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pszB ) );
- }
- static int __cdecl StringCollateIgnore( __in_z LPCSTR pszA, __in_z LPCSTR pszB ) throw()
- {
- return _mbsicoll( reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pszA ), reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pszB ) );
- }
- static LPCSTR __cdecl StringFindString( __in_z LPCSTR pszBlock, __in_z LPCSTR pszMatch ) throw()
- {
- return reinterpret_cast< LPCSTR >( _mbsstr( reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pszBlock ),
- reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pszMatch ) ) );
- }
- static LPSTR __cdecl StringFindString( __in_z LPSTR pszBlock, __in_z LPCSTR pszMatch ) throw()
- {
- return( const_cast< LPSTR >( StringFindString( const_cast< LPCSTR >( pszBlock ), pszMatch ) ) );
- }
- static LPCSTR __cdecl StringFindChar( __in_z LPCSTR pszBlock, __in char chMatch ) throw()
- {
- return reinterpret_cast< LPCSTR >( _mbschr( reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pszBlock ), (unsigned char)chMatch ) );
- }
- static LPCSTR __cdecl StringFindCharRev( __in_z LPCSTR psz, __in char ch ) throw()
- {
- return reinterpret_cast< LPCSTR >( _mbsrchr( reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( psz ), (unsigned char)ch ) );
- }
- static LPCSTR __cdecl StringScanSet( __in_z LPCSTR pszBlock, __in_z LPCSTR pszMatch ) throw()
- {
- return reinterpret_cast< LPCSTR >( _mbspbrk( reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pszBlock ),
- reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pszMatch ) ) );
- }
- static int __cdecl StringSpanIncluding( __in_z LPCSTR pszBlock, __in_z LPCSTR pszSet ) throw()
- {
- return (int)_mbsspn( reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pszBlock ), reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pszSet ) );
- }
- static int __cdecl StringSpanExcluding( __in_z LPCSTR pszBlock, __in_z LPCSTR pszSet ) throw()
- {
- return (int)_mbscspn( reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pszBlock ), reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pszSet ) );
- }
- _ATL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE("You must pass an output size to ChTraitsCRT::StringUppercase")
- static LPSTR __cdecl StringUppercase( __inout LPSTR psz ) throw()
- {
- #pragma warning (push)
- #pragma warning(disable : 4996)
- return reinterpret_cast< LPSTR >( _mbsupr( reinterpret_cast< unsigned char* >( psz ) ) );
- #pragma warning (pop)
- }
- _ATL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE("You must pass an output size to ChTraitsCRT::StringLowercase")
- static LPSTR __cdecl StringLowercase( __inout LPSTR psz ) throw()
- {
- #pragma warning (push)
- #pragma warning(disable : 4996)
- return reinterpret_cast< LPSTR >( _mbslwr( reinterpret_cast< unsigned char* >( psz ) ) );
- #pragma warning (pop)
- }
- static LPSTR __cdecl StringUppercase( __inout_ecount(size) LPSTR psz, __in size_t size ) throw()
- {
- Checked::mbsupr_s(reinterpret_cast< unsigned char* >( psz ), size);
- return psz;
- }
- static LPSTR __cdecl StringLowercase( __inout_ecount(size) LPSTR psz, __in size_t size ) throw()
- {
- Checked::mbslwr_s( reinterpret_cast< unsigned char* >( psz ), size );
- return psz;
- }
- static LPSTR __cdecl StringReverse( __inout LPSTR psz ) throw()
- {
- return reinterpret_cast< LPSTR >( _mbsrev( reinterpret_cast< unsigned char* >( psz ) ) );
- }
- static int __cdecl GetFormattedLength( __in __format_string LPCSTR pszFormat, va_list args ) throw()
- {
- return _vscprintf( pszFormat, args );
- }
- _ATL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE("You must pass an output size to ChTraitsCRT::Format")
- static int __cdecl Format( __out LPSTR pszBuffer, __in __format_string LPCSTR pszFormat, va_list args ) throw()
- {
- #pragma warning (push)
- #pragma warning(disable : 4996)
- return vsprintf( pszBuffer, pszFormat, args );
- #pragma warning (pop)
- }
- static int __cdecl Format
- ( __out_ecount_part(nlength, return) LPSTR pszBuffer, __in size_t nlength, __in __format_string LPCSTR pszFormat, va_list args ) throw()
- {
- return vsprintf_s( pszBuffer, nlength, pszFormat, args );
- }
- static int __cdecl GetBaseTypeLength( __in_z LPCSTR pszSrc ) throw()
- {
- // Returns required buffer length in XCHARs
- return int( strlen( pszSrc ) );
- }
- static int __cdecl GetBaseTypeLength( __in_ecount(nLength) LPCSTR pszSrc, int nLength ) throw()
- {
- (void)pszSrc;
- // Returns required buffer length in XCHARs
- return nLength;
- }
- static int __cdecl GetBaseTypeLength( __in_z LPCWSTR pszSource ) throw()
- {
- // Returns required buffer length in XCHARs
- return ::WideCharToMultiByte( _AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pszSource, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL )-1;
- }
- static int __cdecl GetBaseTypeLength( __in_ecount(nLength) LPCWSTR pszSource, int nLength ) throw()
- {
- // Returns required buffer length in XCHARs
- return ::WideCharToMultiByte( _AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pszSource, nLength, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
- }
- static void __cdecl ConvertToBaseType( __out_ecount(nDestLength) LPSTR pszDest, __in int nDestLength,
- __in_z LPCSTR pszSrc, int nSrcLength = -1 ) throw()
- {
- if (nSrcLength == -1) { nSrcLength=1 + GetBaseTypeLength(pszSrc); }
- // nLen is in XCHARs
- Checked::memcpy_s( pszDest, nDestLength*sizeof( char ),
- pszSrc, nSrcLength*sizeof( char ) );
- }
- static void __cdecl ConvertToBaseType( __out_ecount(nDestLength) LPSTR pszDest, __in int nDestLength,
- __in_z LPCWSTR pszSrc, __in int nSrcLength = -1) throw()
- {
- // nLen is in XCHARs
- ::WideCharToMultiByte( _AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pszSrc, nSrcLength, pszDest, nDestLength, NULL, NULL );
- }
- _ATL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE("You must pass an output size to ChTraitsCRT::ConvertToOem")
- static void ConvertToOem(__inout _CharType* pstrString) throw()
- {
- BOOL fSuccess=::CharToOemA(pstrString, pstrString);
- // old version can't report error
- ATLASSERT(fSuccess);
- }
- _ATL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE("You must pass an output size to ChTraitsCRT::ConvertToAnsi")
- static void ConvertToAnsi(__inout _CharType* pstrString) throw()
- {
- BOOL fSuccess=::OemToCharA(pstrString, pstrString);
- // old version can't report error
- ATLASSERT(fSuccess);
- }
- static void ConvertToOem(__inout_ecount(size) _CharType* pstrString, __in size_t size)
- {
- if(size>UINT_MAX)
- {
- // API only allows DWORD size
- }
- DWORD dwSize=static_cast<DWORD>(size);
- BOOL fSuccess=::CharToOemBuffA(pstrString, pstrString, dwSize);
- if(!fSuccess)
- {
- AtlThrowLastWin32();
- }
- }
- static void ConvertToAnsi(__inout_ecount(size) _CharType* pstrString, __in size_t size)
- {
- if(size>UINT_MAX)
- {
- // API only allows DWORD size
- }
- DWORD dwSize=static_cast<DWORD>(size);
- BOOL fSuccess=::OemToCharBuffA(pstrString, pstrString, dwSize);
- if(!fSuccess)
- {
- AtlThrowLastWin32();
- }
- }
- static void __cdecl FloodCharacters( __in char ch, __in int nLength, __out_ecount_full(nLength) char* pch ) throw()
- {
- // nLength is in XCHARs
- memset( pch, ch, nLength );
- }
- static BSTR __cdecl AllocSysString( __in_ecount(nDataLength) const char* pchData, int nDataLength ) throw()
- {
- int nLen = ::MultiByteToWideChar( _AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pchData, nDataLength,
- BSTR bstr = ::SysAllocStringLen( NULL, nLen );
- if( bstr != NULL )
- {
- ::MultiByteToWideChar( _AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pchData, nDataLength,
- bstr, nLen );
- }
- return bstr;
- }
- static BOOL __cdecl ReAllocSysString( __in_ecount(nDataLength) const char* pchData, __out BSTR* pbstr, __in int nDataLength ) throw()
- {
- int nLen = ::MultiByteToWideChar( _AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pchData, nDataLength, NULL, NULL );
- BOOL bSuccess = ::SysReAllocStringLen( pbstr, NULL, nLen );
- if( bSuccess )
- {
- ::MultiByteToWideChar( _AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pchData, nDataLength, *pbstr, nLen );
- }
- return bSuccess;
- }
- static DWORD __cdecl _AFX_FUNCNAME(FormatMessage)( __in DWORD dwFlags, LPCVOID pSource,
- __in DWORD dwMessageID, __in DWORD dwLanguageID, __out_ecount(nSize) LPSTR pszBuffer,
- DWORD nSize, va_list* pArguments ) throw()
- {
- return ::FormatMessageA( dwFlags, pSource, dwMessageID, dwLanguageID,
- pszBuffer, nSize, pArguments );
- }
- #if defined(_AFX)
- static DWORD __cdecl FormatMessage( __in DWORD dwFlags, LPCVOID pSource,
- __in DWORD dwMessageID, __in DWORD dwLanguageID, __out_ecount(nSize) LPSTR pszBuffer,
- DWORD nSize, va_list* pArguments ) throw()
- {
- return _AFX_FUNCNAME(FormatMessage)(dwFlags, pSource, dwMessageID, dwLanguageID, pszBuffer, nSize, pArguments);
- }
- #endif
- static int __cdecl SafeStringLen( __in_z_opt LPCSTR psz ) throw()
- {
- // returns length in bytes
- return (psz != NULL) ? int( strlen( psz ) ) : 0;
- }
- static int __cdecl SafeStringLen( __in_z_opt LPCWSTR psz ) throw()
- {
- // returns length in wchar_ts
- return (psz != NULL) ? int( wcslen( psz ) ) : 0;
- }
- static int __cdecl GetCharLen( __in_z const wchar_t* pch ) throw()
- {
- (void)pch;
- // returns char length
- return 1;
- }
- static int __cdecl GetCharLen( __in_z const char* pch ) throw()
- {
- // returns char length
- return int( _mbclen( reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pch ) ) );
- }
- static DWORD __cdecl GetEnvironmentVariable( __in_z LPCSTR pszVar,
- __out_ecount_opt(dwSize) LPSTR pszBuffer, __in DWORD dwSize ) throw()
- {
- return ::GetEnvironmentVariableA( pszVar, pszBuffer, dwSize );
- }
- };
- // specialization for wchar_t
- template<>
- class ChTraitsCRT< wchar_t > :
- public ChTraitsBase< wchar_t >
- {
- #if defined(_UNICODE) && !defined(_CSTRING_ALWAYS_THUNK)
- static DWORD __cdecl _GetEnvironmentVariableW( __in_z LPCWSTR pszName, __out_ecount_part_opt(nSize, return) LPWSTR pszBuffer, __in DWORD nSize ) throw()
- {
- return ::GetEnvironmentVariableW( pszName, pszBuffer, nSize );
- }
- #else // !_UNICODE
- static DWORD WINAPI _GetEnvironmentVariableW( __in_z LPCWSTR pszName,
- __out_ecount_part_opt(nSize,return) LPWSTR pszBuffer, __in DWORD nSize ) throw()
- {
- return _strthunks.pfnGetEnvironmentVariableW( pszName, pszBuffer, nSize );
- }
- #endif // !_UNICODE
- public:
- static LPWSTR __cdecl CharNext( __in_z LPCWSTR psz ) throw()
- {
- return const_cast< LPWSTR >( psz+1 );
- }
- static int __cdecl IsDigit( __in wchar_t ch ) throw()
- {
- return iswdigit( static_cast<unsigned short>(ch) );
- }
- static int __cdecl IsSpace( __in wchar_t ch ) throw()
- {
- return iswspace( static_cast<unsigned short>(ch) );
- }
- static int __cdecl StringCompare( __in_z LPCWSTR pszA, __in_z LPCWSTR pszB ) throw()
- {
- return wcscmp( pszA, pszB );
- }
- static int __cdecl StringCompareIgnore( __in_z LPCWSTR pszA, __in_z LPCWSTR pszB ) throw()
- {
- return _wcsicmp( pszA, pszB );
- }
- static int __cdecl StringCollate( __in_z LPCWSTR pszA, __in_z LPCWSTR pszB ) throw()
- {
- return wcscoll( pszA, pszB );
- }
- static int __cdecl StringCollateIgnore( __in_z LPCWSTR pszA, __in_z LPCWSTR pszB ) throw()
- {
- return _wcsicoll( pszA, pszB );
- }
- static LPCWSTR __cdecl StringFindString( __in_z LPCWSTR pszBlock, __in_z LPCWSTR pszMatch ) throw()
- {
- return wcsstr( pszBlock, pszMatch );
- }
- static LPWSTR __cdecl StringFindString( __in_z LPWSTR pszBlock, __in_z LPCWSTR pszMatch ) throw()
- {
- return( const_cast< LPWSTR >( StringFindString( const_cast< LPCWSTR >( pszBlock ), pszMatch ) ) );
- }
- static LPCWSTR __cdecl StringFindChar( __in_z LPCWSTR pszBlock, __in wchar_t chMatch ) throw()
- {
- return wcschr( pszBlock, chMatch );
- }
- static LPCWSTR __cdecl StringFindCharRev( __in_z LPCWSTR psz, __in wchar_t ch ) throw()
- {
- return wcsrchr( psz, ch );
- }
- static LPCWSTR __cdecl StringScanSet( __in_z LPCWSTR pszBlock, __in_z LPCWSTR pszMatch ) throw()
- {
- return wcspbrk( pszBlock, pszMatch );
- }
- static int __cdecl StringSpanIncluding( __in_z LPCWSTR pszBlock, __in_z LPCWSTR pszSet ) throw()
- {
- return (int)wcsspn( pszBlock, pszSet );
- }
- static int __cdecl StringSpanExcluding( __in_z LPCWSTR pszBlock, __in_z LPCWSTR pszSet ) throw()
- {
- return (int)wcscspn( pszBlock, pszSet );
- }
- _ATL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE("You must pass an output size to ChTraitsCRT::StringUppercase")
- static LPWSTR __cdecl StringUppercase( __inout LPWSTR psz ) throw()
- {
- #pragma warning (push)
- #pragma warning(disable : 4996)
- return _wcsupr( psz );
- #pragma warning (pop)
- }
- _ATL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE("You must pass an output size to ChTraitsCRT::StringLowercase")
- static LPWSTR __cdecl StringLowercase( __inout LPWSTR psz ) throw()
- {
- #pragma warning (push)
- #pragma warning(disable : 4996)
- return _wcslwr( psz );
- #pragma warning (pop)
- }
- static LPWSTR __cdecl StringUppercase( __inout_ecount(size) LPWSTR psz, __in size_t size ) throw()
- {
- errno_t err = _wcsupr_s( psz, size );
- return (err == 0) ? psz : NULL;
- #else
- size;
- return _wcsupr( psz );
- #endif
- }
- static LPWSTR __cdecl StringLowercase( __inout_ecount(size) LPWSTR psz, __in size_t size ) throw()
- {
- errno_t err = _wcslwr_s( psz, size );
- return (err == 0) ? psz : NULL;
- #else
- size;
- return _wcslwr( psz );
- #endif
- }
- static LPWSTR __cdecl StringReverse( __inout LPWSTR psz ) throw()
- {
- return _wcsrev( psz );
- }
- static int __cdecl GetFormattedLength( __in __format_string LPCWSTR pszFormat, va_list args) throw()
- {
- return _vscwprintf( pszFormat, args );
- }
- _ATL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE("You must pass an output size to ChTraitsCRT::Format")
- static int __cdecl Format( __out LPWSTR pszBuffer, __in __format_string LPCWSTR pszFormat, va_list args) throw()
- {
- #pragma warning (push)
- #pragma warning(disable : 4996)
- return vswprintf( pszBuffer, pszFormat, args );
- #pragma warning (pop)
- }
- static int __cdecl Format
- ( __out_ecount(nLength) LPWSTR pszBuffer, __in size_t nLength, __in __format_string LPCWSTR pszFormat, va_list args) throw()
- {
- return vswprintf_s( pszBuffer, nLength, pszFormat, args );
- }
- static int __cdecl GetBaseTypeLength( __in_z LPCSTR pszSrc ) throw()
- {
- // Returns required buffer size in wchar_ts
- return ::MultiByteToWideChar( _AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pszSrc, -1, NULL, 0 )-1;
- }
- static int __cdecl GetBaseTypeLength( __in_ecount(nLength) LPCSTR pszSrc, __in int nLength ) throw()
- {
- // Returns required buffer size in wchar_ts
- return ::MultiByteToWideChar( _AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pszSrc, nLength, NULL, 0 );
- }
- static int __cdecl GetBaseTypeLength( __in_z LPCWSTR pszSrc ) throw()
- {
- // Returns required buffer size in wchar_ts
- return (int)wcslen( pszSrc );
- }
- static int __cdecl GetBaseTypeLength( __in_ecount(nLength) LPCWSTR pszSrc, __in int nLength ) throw()
- {
- (void)pszSrc;
- // Returns required buffer size in wchar_ts
- return nLength;
- }
- static void __cdecl ConvertToBaseType( __out_ecount(nDestLength) LPWSTR pszDest, __in int nDestLength,
- __in_z LPCSTR pszSrc, __in int nSrcLength = -1) throw()
- {
- // nLen is in wchar_ts
- ::MultiByteToWideChar( _AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pszSrc, nSrcLength, pszDest, nDestLength );
- }
- static void __cdecl ConvertToBaseType( __out_ecount(nDestLength) LPWSTR pszDest, __in int nDestLength,
- __in_z LPCWSTR pszSrc, int nSrcLength = -1 ) throw()
- {
- if (nSrcLength == -1) { nSrcLength=1 + GetBaseTypeLength(pszSrc); }
- // nLen is in wchar_ts
- Checked::wmemcpy_s(pszDest, nDestLength, pszSrc, nSrcLength);
- }
- static void __cdecl FloodCharacters( __in wchar_t ch, __in int nLength, __out_ecount_full(nLength) LPWSTR psz ) throw()
- {
- // nLength is in XCHARs
- for( int i = 0; i < nLength; i++ )
- {
- psz[i] = ch;
- }
- }
- static BSTR __cdecl AllocSysString( __in_ecount(nDataLength) const wchar_t* pchData, __in int nDataLength ) throw()
- {
- return ::SysAllocStringLen( pchData, nDataLength );
- }
- static BOOL __cdecl ReAllocSysString( __in_ecount(nDataLength) const wchar_t* pchData, __inout BSTR* pbstr, __in int nDataLength ) throw()
- {
- return ::SysReAllocStringLen( pbstr, pchData, nDataLength );
- }
- static int __cdecl SafeStringLen( __in_z_opt LPCSTR psz ) throw()
- {
- // returns length in bytes
- return (psz != NULL) ? (int)strlen( psz ) : 0;
- }
- static int __cdecl SafeStringLen( __in_opt LPCWSTR psz ) throw()
- {
- // returns length in wchar_ts
- return (psz != NULL) ? (int)wcslen( psz ) : 0;
- }
- static int __cdecl GetCharLen( __in_z const wchar_t* pch ) throw()
- {
- (void)pch;
- // returns char length
- return 1;
- }
- static int __cdecl GetCharLen( __in_z const char* pch ) throw()
- {
- // returns char length
- return (int)( _mbclen( reinterpret_cast< const unsigned char* >( pch ) ) );
- }
- static DWORD __cdecl GetEnvironmentVariable( __in_z LPCWSTR pszVar, __out_ecount_opt(dwSize) LPWSTR pszBuffer, __in DWORD dwSize ) throw()
- {
- return _GetEnvironmentVariableW( pszVar, pszBuffer, dwSize );
- }
- static void __cdecl ConvertToOem( __reserved LPWSTR /*psz*/ )
- {
- ATLENSURE(FALSE); // Unsupported Feature
- }
- static void __cdecl ConvertToAnsi( __reserved LPWSTR /*psz*/ )
- {
- ATLENSURE(FALSE); // Unsupported Feature
- }
- static void __cdecl ConvertToOem( __reserved LPWSTR /*psz*/, size_t )
- {
- ATLENSURE(FALSE); // Unsupported Feature
- }
- static void __cdecl ConvertToAnsi( __reserved LPWSTR /*psz*/, size_t )
- {
- ATLENSURE(FALSE); // Unsupported Feature
- }
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- public:
- static DWORD __cdecl _AFX_FUNCNAME(FormatMessage)( __in DWORD dwFlags, LPCVOID pSource,
- __in DWORD dwMessageID, __in DWORD dwLanguageID, __out_ecount(nSize) LPWSTR pszBuffer,
- __in DWORD nSize, va_list* pArguments ) throw()
- {
- return ::FormatMessageW( dwFlags, pSource, dwMessageID, dwLanguageID,
- pszBuffer, nSize, pArguments );
- }
- #if defined(_AFX)
- static DWORD __cdecl FormatMessage( __in DWORD dwFlags, LPCVOID pSource,
- __in DWORD dwMessageID, __in DWORD dwLanguageID, __out_ecount(nSize) LPWSTR pszBuffer,
- __in DWORD nSize, va_list* pArguments ) throw()
- {
- return _AFX_FUNCNAME(FormatMessage)(dwFlags, pSource, dwMessageID, dwLanguageID, pszBuffer, nSize, pArguments);
- }
- #endif
- #else
- static DWORD __cdecl _AFX_FUNCNAME(FormatMessage)( DWORD /*dwFlags*/, LPCVOID /*pSource*/,
- DWORD /*dwMessageID*/, DWORD /*dwLanguageID*/, __reserved LPWSTR /*pszBuffer*/,
- DWORD /*nSize*/, va_list* /*pArguments*/ )
- {
- ATLENSURE(FALSE); // Unsupported Feature
- return 0;
- }
- #if defined(_AFX)
- static DWORD __cdecl FormatMessage( DWORD dwFlags, LPCVOID pSource,
- DWORD dwMessageID, DWORD dwLanguageID, __reserved LPWSTR pszBuffer,
- DWORD nSize, va_list* pArguments )
- {
- return _AFX_FUNCNAME(FormatMessage)(dwFlags, pSource, dwMessageID, dwLanguageID, pszBuffer, nSize, pArguments);
- }
- #endif
- #endif
- };
- #endif // _ATL_MIN_CRT
- } // namespace ATL
- #ifndef _ATL_MIN_CRT
- // Forward declare
- template< typename _CharType = char, class StringIterator = ATL::ChTraitsCRT< _CharType > >
- class StrTraitMFC_DLL;
- #endif // _ATL_MIN_CRT
- namespace ATL
- {
- namespace _CSTRING_IMPL_
- {
- template <typename _CharType, class StringTraits>
- struct _MFCDLLTraitsCheck
- {
- const static bool c_bIsMFCDLLTraits = false;
- };
- #ifndef _ATL_MIN_CRT
- template<typename _CharType>
- struct _MFCDLLTraitsCheck<_CharType, StrTraitMFC_DLL<_CharType, ATL::ChTraitsCRT< _CharType > > >
- {
- const static bool c_bIsMFCDLLTraits = true;
- };
- #endif // _ATL_MIN_CRT
- }
- // The CStringT class has a few varargs member functions that will cause 4793
- // warnings if compiled /clr. Because of the way template classes are parsed,
- // we need to disable the warning for the entire class.
- //#pragma warning( push )
- //#pragma warning( disable : 4793 )
- template< typename BaseType, class StringTraits >
- class CStringT :
- public CSimpleStringT< BaseType, _CSTRING_IMPL_::_MFCDLLTraitsCheck<BaseType, StringTraits>::c_bIsMFCDLLTraits >
- {
- public:
- typedef CSimpleStringT< BaseType, _CSTRING_IMPL_::_MFCDLLTraitsCheck<BaseType, StringTraits>::c_bIsMFCDLLTraits > CThisSimpleString;
- typedef StringTraits StrTraits;
- typedef typename CThisSimpleString::XCHAR XCHAR;
- typedef typename CThisSimpleString::PXSTR PXSTR;
- typedef typename CThisSimpleString::PCXSTR PCXSTR;
- typedef typename CThisSimpleString::YCHAR YCHAR;
- typedef typename CThisSimpleString::PYSTR PYSTR;
- typedef typename CThisSimpleString::PCYSTR PCYSTR;
- public:
- CStringT() throw() :
- CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager() )
- {
- }
- explicit CStringT( IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr ) throw() :
- CThisSimpleString( pStringMgr )
- {
- }
- CStringT( const VARIANT& varSrc );
- CStringT( const VARIANT& varSrc, IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr );
- static void __cdecl Construct( CStringT* pString )
- {
- new( pString ) CStringT;
- }
- // Copy constructor
- CStringT( const CStringT& strSrc ) :
- CThisSimpleString( strSrc )
- {
- }
- // Construct from CSimpleStringT
- operator CSimpleStringT<BaseType, !_CSTRING_IMPL_::_MFCDLLTraitsCheck<BaseType, StringTraits>::c_bIsMFCDLLTraits >&()
- {
- return *(CSimpleStringT<BaseType, !_CSTRING_IMPL_::_MFCDLLTraitsCheck<BaseType, StringTraits>::c_bIsMFCDLLTraits >*)this;
- }
- template <bool bMFCDLL>
- CStringT( __in const CSimpleStringT<BaseType, bMFCDLL>& strSrc ) :
- CThisSimpleString( strSrc )
- {
- }
- CStringT( __in const XCHAR* pszSrc ) :
- CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager() )
- {
- if( !CheckImplicitLoad( pszSrc ) )
- {
- // nDestLength is in XCHARs
- *this = pszSrc;
- }
- }
- CStringT( __in_z LPCSTR pszSrc, __in IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr ) :
- CThisSimpleString( pStringMgr )
- {
- if( !CheckImplicitLoad( pszSrc ) )
- {
- // nDestLength is in XCHARs
- *this = pszSrc;
- }
- }
- CSTRING_EXPLICIT CStringT( __in const YCHAR* pszSrc ) :
- CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager() )
- {
- if( !CheckImplicitLoad( pszSrc ) )
- {
- *this = pszSrc;
- }
- }
- CStringT( __in_z LPCWSTR pszSrc, __in IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr ) :
- CThisSimpleString( pStringMgr )
- {
- if( !CheckImplicitLoad( pszSrc ) )
- {
- *this = pszSrc;
- }
- }
- // This template will compile only for
- // class SystemString == System::String
- #if defined(__cplusplus_cli)
- template <class SystemString>
- CStringT( SystemString^ pString ) :
- CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager() )
- {
- cli::pin_ptr<const System::Char> pChar = PtrToStringChars( pString );
- const wchar_t *psz = pChar;
- *this = psz;
- }
- #elif defined(_MANAGED)
- template<class SystemString>
- CStringT( SystemString __gc* pString ) :
- CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager() )
- {
- const wchar_t __pin* psz = PtrToStringChars( pString );
- *this = psz;
- }
- #endif
- CSTRING_EXPLICIT CStringT( const unsigned char* pszSrc ) :
- CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager() )
- {
- *this = reinterpret_cast< const char* >( pszSrc );
- }
- //ctors to prevent from oldSyntax template ctor (above) hijack certain types.
- //MFC dll instantiate all CStringT methods inside the dll and declares dllimport for
- //all methods in user build (see afxstr.h), so need to include the methods in MFC dll builds.
- #if defined(_AFXDLL) && defined(_MFC_DLL_BLD) || !defined(__cplusplus_cli) && defined(_MANAGED)
- /*CSTRING_EXPLICIT*/ CStringT( __in_z char* pszSrc ) :
- CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager() )
- {
- const char *psz = reinterpret_cast< const char* >( pszSrc );
- if (!CheckImplicitLoad( psz ))
- {
- *this = psz;
- }
- }
- CSTRING_EXPLICIT CStringT( __in unsigned char* pszSrc ) :
- CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager() )
- {
- const char *psz = reinterpret_cast< const char* >( pszSrc );
- if (!CheckImplicitLoad( psz ))
- {
- *this = psz;
- }
- }
- CSTRING_EXPLICIT CStringT( __in_z wchar_t* pszSrc ) :
- CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager() )
- {
- const wchar_t *psz = reinterpret_cast< const wchar_t* >( pszSrc );
- if (!CheckImplicitLoad( psz ))
- {
- *this = psz;
- }
- }
- #endif
- CStringT( __in const unsigned char* pszSrc, __in IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr ) :
- CThisSimpleString( pStringMgr )
- {
- *this = reinterpret_cast< const char* >( pszSrc );
- }
- CSTRING_EXPLICIT CStringT( __in char ch, __in int nLength = 1 ) :
- CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager() )
- {
- ATLASSERT( nLength >= 0 );
- if( nLength > 0 )
- {
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nLength );
- StringTraits::FloodCharacters( XCHAR( ch ), nLength, pszBuffer );
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nLength );
- }
- }
- CSTRING_EXPLICIT CStringT( __in wchar_t ch, __in int nLength = 1 ) :
- CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager() )
- {
- ATLASSERT( nLength >= 0 );
- if( nLength > 0 )
- {
- //Convert ch to the BaseType
- wchar_t pszCh[2] = { ch , 0 };
- int nBaseTypeCharLen = 1;
- if(ch != L' ')
- {
- nBaseTypeCharLen = StringTraits::GetBaseTypeLength(pszCh);
- }
- CTempBuffer<XCHAR,10> buffBaseTypeChar;
- buffBaseTypeChar.Allocate(nBaseTypeCharLen+1);
- StringTraits::ConvertToBaseType( buffBaseTypeChar, nBaseTypeCharLen+1, pszCh, 1 );
- //Allocate enough characters in String and flood (replicate) with the (converted character)*nLength
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nLength*nBaseTypeCharLen );
- if (nBaseTypeCharLen == 1)
- { //Optimization for a common case - wide char translates to 1 ansi/wide char.
- StringTraits::FloodCharacters( buffBaseTypeChar[0], nLength, pszBuffer );
- } else
- {
- XCHAR* p=pszBuffer;
- for (int i=0 ; i < nLength ;++i)
- {
- for (int j=0 ; j < nBaseTypeCharLen ;++j)
- {
- *p=buffBaseTypeChar[j];
- ++p;
- }
- }
- }
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nLength*nBaseTypeCharLen );
- }
- }
- CStringT( __in_ecount(nLength) const XCHAR* pch, __in int nLength ) :
- CThisSimpleString( pch, nLength, StringTraits::GetDefaultManager() )
- {
- }
- CStringT( __in_ecount(nLength) const XCHAR* pch, __in int nLength, __in IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr ) :
- CThisSimpleString( pch, nLength, pStringMgr )
- {
- }
- CStringT( __in_ecount(nLength) const YCHAR* pch, __in int nLength ) :
- CThisSimpleString( StringTraits::GetDefaultManager() )
- {
- ATLASSERT( nLength >= 0 );
- if( nLength > 0 )
- {
- ATLASSERT( AtlIsValidAddress( pch, nLength*sizeof( YCHAR ), FALSE ) );
- if(pch == NULL)
- int nDestLength = StringTraits::GetBaseTypeLength( pch, nLength );
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nDestLength );
- StringTraits::ConvertToBaseType( pszBuffer, nDestLength, pch, nLength );
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nDestLength );
- }
- }
- CStringT( __in_ecount(nLength) const YCHAR* pch, __in int nLength, __in IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr ) :
- CThisSimpleString( pStringMgr )
- {
- ATLASSERT( nLength >= 0 );
- if( nLength > 0 )
- {
- ATLASSERT( AtlIsValidAddress( pch, nLength*sizeof( YCHAR ), FALSE ) );
- if(pch == NULL)
- int nDestLength = StringTraits::GetBaseTypeLength( pch, nLength );
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nDestLength );
- StringTraits::ConvertToBaseType( pszBuffer, nDestLength, pch, nLength );
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nDestLength );
- }
- }
- // Destructor
- ~CStringT() throw()
- {
- }
- // Assignment operators
- CStringT& operator=( __in const CStringT& strSrc )
- {
- CThisSimpleString::operator=( strSrc );
- return( *this );
- }
- template <bool bMFCDLL>
- CStringT& operator=( __in const CSimpleStringT<BaseType, bMFCDLL>& strSrc )
- {
- CThisSimpleString::operator=( strSrc );
- return( *this );
- }
- CStringT& operator=( __in PCXSTR pszSrc )
- {
- CThisSimpleString::operator=( pszSrc );
- return( *this );
- }
- CStringT& operator=( __in PCYSTR pszSrc )
- {
- // nDestLength is in XCHARs
- int nDestLength = (pszSrc != NULL) ? StringTraits::GetBaseTypeLength( pszSrc ) : 0;
- if( nDestLength > 0 )
- {
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nDestLength );
- StringTraits::ConvertToBaseType( pszBuffer, nDestLength, pszSrc);
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nDestLength );
- }
- else
- {
- Empty();
- }
- return( *this );
- }
- CStringT& operator=( __in const unsigned char* pszSrc )
- {
- return( operator=( reinterpret_cast< const char* >( pszSrc ) ) );
- }
- CStringT& operator=( __in char ch )
- {
- char ach[2] = { ch, 0 };
- return( operator=( ach ) );
- }
- CStringT& operator=( __in wchar_t ch )
- {
- wchar_t ach[2] = { ch, 0 };
- return( operator=( ach ) );
- }
- CStringT& operator=( __in const VARIANT& var );
- CStringT& operator+=( __in const CThisSimpleString& str )
- {
- CThisSimpleString::operator+=( str );
- return( *this );
- }
- template <bool bMFCDLL>
- CStringT& operator+=( __in const CSimpleStringT<BaseType, bMFCDLL>& str )
- {
- CThisSimpleString::operator+=( str );
- return( *this );
- }
- CStringT& operator+=( __in PCXSTR pszSrc )
- {
- CThisSimpleString::operator+=( pszSrc );
- return( *this );
- }
- template< int t_nSize >
- CStringT& operator+=( __in const CStaticString< XCHAR, t_nSize >& strSrc )
- {
- CThisSimpleString::operator+=( strSrc );
- return( *this );
- }
- CStringT& operator+=( __in PCYSTR pszSrc )
- {
- CStringT str( pszSrc, GetManager() );
- return( operator+=( str ) );
- }
- CStringT& operator+=( __in char ch )
- {
- CThisSimpleString::operator+=( ch );
- return( *this );
- }
- CStringT& operator+=( __in unsigned char ch )
- {
- CThisSimpleString::operator+=( ch );
- return( *this );
- }
- CStringT& operator+=( __in wchar_t ch )
- {
- CThisSimpleString::operator+=( ch );
- return( *this );
- }
- CStringT& operator+=( __in const VARIANT& var );
- // Override from base class
- IAtlStringMgr* GetManager() const throw()
- {
- IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr = CThisSimpleString::GetManager();
- if(pStringMgr) { return pStringMgr; }
- pStringMgr = StringTraits::GetDefaultManager();
- return pStringMgr->Clone();
- }
- // Comparison
- int Compare( __in PCXSTR psz ) const
- {
- ATLENSURE( AtlIsValidString( psz ) );
- return( StringTraits::StringCompare( GetString(), psz ) );
- }
- int CompareNoCase( __in PCXSTR psz ) const throw()
- {
- ATLASSERT( AtlIsValidString( psz ) );
- return( StringTraits::StringCompareIgnore( GetString(), psz ) );
- }
- int Collate( __in PCXSTR psz ) const throw()
- {
- ATLASSERT( AtlIsValidString( psz ) );
- return( StringTraits::StringCollate( GetString(), psz ) );
- }
- int CollateNoCase( __in PCXSTR psz ) const throw()
- {
- ATLASSERT( AtlIsValidString( psz ) );
- return( StringTraits::StringCollateIgnore( GetString(), psz ) );
- }
- // Advanced manipulation
- // Delete 'nCount' characters, starting at index 'iIndex'
- int Delete( __in int iIndex, __in int nCount = 1 )
- {
- if( iIndex < 0 )
- iIndex = 0;
- if( nCount < 0 )
- nCount = 0;
- int nLength = GetLength();
- if( (::ATL::AtlAddThrow(nCount, iIndex)) > nLength )
- {
- nCount = nLength-iIndex;
- }
- if( nCount > 0 )
- {
- int nNewLength = nLength-nCount;
- int nXCHARsToCopy = nLength-(iIndex+nCount)+1;
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer();
- Checked::memmove_s( pszBuffer+iIndex, nXCHARsToCopy*sizeof( XCHAR ),
- pszBuffer+iIndex+nCount, nXCHARsToCopy*sizeof( XCHAR ) );
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nNewLength );
- }
- return( GetLength() );
- }
- // Insert character 'ch' before index 'iIndex'
- int Insert( __in int iIndex, __in XCHAR ch )
- {
- if( iIndex < 0 )
- iIndex = 0;
- if( iIndex > GetLength() )
- {
- iIndex = GetLength();
- }
- int nNewLength = GetLength()+1;
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nNewLength );
- // move existing bytes down
- Checked::memmove_s( pszBuffer+iIndex+1, (nNewLength-iIndex)*sizeof( XCHAR ),
- pszBuffer+iIndex, (nNewLength-iIndex)*sizeof( XCHAR ) );
- pszBuffer[iIndex] = ch;
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nNewLength );
- return( nNewLength );
- }
- // Insert string 'psz' before index 'iIndex'
- int Insert( __in int iIndex, __in PCXSTR psz )
- {
- if( iIndex < 0 )
- iIndex = 0;
- if( iIndex > GetLength() )
- {
- iIndex = GetLength();
- }
- // nInsertLength and nNewLength are in XCHARs
- int nInsertLength = StringTraits::SafeStringLen( psz );
- int nNewLength = GetLength();
- if( nInsertLength > 0 )
- {
- nNewLength += nInsertLength;
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nNewLength );
- // move existing bytes down
- Checked::memmove_s( pszBuffer+iIndex+nInsertLength, (nNewLength-iIndex-nInsertLength+1)*sizeof( XCHAR ),
- pszBuffer+iIndex, (nNewLength-iIndex-nInsertLength+1)*sizeof( XCHAR ) );
- Checked::memcpy_s( pszBuffer+iIndex, nInsertLength*sizeof( XCHAR ),
- psz, nInsertLength*sizeof( XCHAR ) );
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nNewLength );
- }
- return( nNewLength );
- }
- // Replace all occurrences of character 'chOld' with character 'chNew'
- int Replace( __in XCHAR chOld, __in XCHAR chNew )
- {
- int nCount = 0;
- // short-circuit the nop case
- if( chOld != chNew )
- {
- // otherwise modify each character that matches in the string
- bool bCopied = false;
- PXSTR pszBuffer = const_cast< PXSTR >( GetString() ); // We don't actually write to pszBuffer until we've called GetBuffer().
- int nLength = GetLength();
- int iChar = 0;
- while( iChar < nLength )
- {
- // replace instances of the specified character only
- if( pszBuffer[iChar] == chOld )
- {
- if( !bCopied )
- {
- bCopied = true;
- pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nLength );
- }
- pszBuffer[iChar] = chNew;
- nCount++;
- }
- iChar = int( StringTraits::CharNext( pszBuffer+iChar )-pszBuffer );
- }
- if( bCopied )
- {
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nLength );
- }
- }
- return( nCount );
- }
- // Replace all occurrences of string 'pszOld' with string 'pszNew'
- int Replace( __in PCXSTR pszOld, __in PCXSTR pszNew )
- {
- // can't have empty or NULL lpszOld
- // nSourceLen is in XCHARs
- int nSourceLen = StringTraits::SafeStringLen( pszOld );
- if( nSourceLen == 0 )
- return( 0 );
- // nReplacementLen is in XCHARs
- int nReplacementLen = StringTraits::SafeStringLen( pszNew );
- // loop once to figure out the size of the result string
- int nCount = 0;
- {
- PCXSTR pszStart = GetString();
- PCXSTR pszEnd = pszStart+GetLength();
- while( pszStart < pszEnd )
- {
- PCXSTR pszTarget;
- while( (pszTarget = StringTraits::StringFindString( pszStart, pszOld ) ) != NULL)
- {
- nCount++;
- pszStart = pszTarget+nSourceLen;
- }
- pszStart += StringTraits::SafeStringLen( pszStart )+1;
- }
- }
- // if any changes were made, make them
- if( nCount > 0 )
- {
- // if the buffer is too small, just
- // allocate a new buffer (slow but sure)
- int nOldLength = GetLength();
- int nNewLength = nOldLength+(nReplacementLen-nSourceLen)*nCount;
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( __max( nNewLength, nOldLength ) );
- PXSTR pszStart = pszBuffer;
- PXSTR pszEnd = pszStart+nOldLength;
- // loop again to actually do the work
- while( pszStart < pszEnd )
- {
- PXSTR pszTarget;
- while( (pszTarget = StringTraits::StringFindString( pszStart, pszOld ) ) != NULL )
- {
- int nBalance = nOldLength-int(pszTarget-pszBuffer+nSourceLen);
- Checked::memmove_s( pszTarget+nReplacementLen, nBalance*sizeof( XCHAR ),
- pszTarget+nSourceLen, nBalance*sizeof( XCHAR ) );
- Checked::memcpy_s( pszTarget, nReplacementLen*sizeof( XCHAR ),
- pszNew, nReplacementLen*sizeof( XCHAR ) );
- pszStart = pszTarget+nReplacementLen;
- pszTarget[nReplacementLen+nBalance] = 0;
- nOldLength += (nReplacementLen-nSourceLen);
- }
- pszStart += StringTraits::SafeStringLen( pszStart )+1;
- }
- ATLASSERT( pszBuffer[nNewLength] == 0 );
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nNewLength );
- }
- return( nCount );
- }
- // Remove all occurrences of character 'chRemove'
- int Remove( __in XCHAR chRemove )
- {
- int nLength = GetLength();
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nLength );
- PXSTR pszSource = pszBuffer;
- PXSTR pszDest = pszBuffer;
- PXSTR pszEnd = pszBuffer+nLength;
- while( pszSource < pszEnd )
- {
- PXSTR pszNewSource = StringTraits::CharNext( pszSource );
- if( *pszSource != chRemove )
- {
- // Copy the source to the destination. Remember to copy all bytes of an MBCS character
- // Copy the source to the destination. Remember to copy all bytes of an MBCS character
- size_t NewSourceGap = (pszNewSource-pszSource);
- PXSTR pszNewDest = pszDest + NewSourceGap;
- size_t i = 0;
- for (i = 0; pszDest != pszNewDest && i < NewSourceGap; i++)
- {
- *pszDest = *pszSource;
- pszSource++;
- pszDest++;
- }
- }
- pszSource = pszNewSource;
- }
- *pszDest = 0;
- int nCount = int( pszSource-pszDest );
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nLength-nCount );
- return( nCount );
- }
- CStringT Tokenize( __in PCXSTR pszTokens, __inout int& iStart ) const
- {
- ATLASSERT( iStart >= 0 );
- if(iStart < 0)
- if( (pszTokens == NULL) || (*pszTokens == (XCHAR)0) )
- {
- if (iStart < GetLength())
- {
- return( CStringT( GetString()+iStart, GetManager() ) );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- PCXSTR pszPlace = GetString()+iStart;
- PCXSTR pszEnd = GetString()+GetLength();
- if( pszPlace < pszEnd )
- {
- int nIncluding = StringTraits::StringSpanIncluding( pszPlace,
- pszTokens );
- if( (pszPlace+nIncluding) < pszEnd )
- {
- pszPlace += nIncluding;
- int nExcluding = StringTraits::StringSpanExcluding( pszPlace, pszTokens );
- int iFrom = iStart+nIncluding;
- int nUntil = nExcluding;
- iStart = iFrom+nUntil+1;
- return( Mid( iFrom, nUntil ) );
- }
- }
- }
- // return empty string, done tokenizing
- iStart = -1;
- return( CStringT( GetManager() ) );
- }
- // find routines
- // Find the first occurrence of character 'ch', starting at index 'iStart'
- int Find( __in XCHAR ch, __in int iStart = 0 ) const throw()
- {
- // iStart is in XCHARs
- ATLASSERT( iStart >= 0 );
- // nLength is in XCHARs
- int nLength = GetLength();
- if( iStart < 0 || iStart >= nLength)
- {
- return( -1 );
- }
- // find first single character
- PCXSTR psz = StringTraits::StringFindChar( GetString()+iStart, ch );
- // return -1 if not found and index otherwise
- return( (psz == NULL) ? -1 : int( psz-GetString() ) );
- }
- // look for a specific sub-string
- // Find the first occurrence of string 'pszSub', starting at index 'iStart'
- int Find( __in PCXSTR pszSub, __in int iStart = 0 ) const throw()
- {
- // iStart is in XCHARs
- ATLASSERT( iStart >= 0 );
- ATLASSERT( AtlIsValidString( pszSub ) );
- if(pszSub == NULL)
- {
- return( -1 );
- }
- // nLength is in XCHARs
- int nLength = GetLength();
- if( iStart < 0 || iStart > nLength )
- {
- return( -1 );
- }
- // find first matching substring
- PCXSTR psz = StringTraits::StringFindString( GetString()+iStart, pszSub );
- // return -1 for not found, distance from beginning otherwise
- return( (psz == NULL) ? -1 : int( psz-GetString() ) );
- }
- // Find the first occurrence of any of the characters in string 'pszCharSet'
- int FindOneOf( __in PCXSTR pszCharSet ) const throw()
- {
- ATLASSERT( AtlIsValidString( pszCharSet ) );
- PCXSTR psz = StringTraits::StringScanSet( GetString(), pszCharSet );
- return( (psz == NULL) ? -1 : int( psz-GetString() ) );
- }
- // Find the last occurrence of character 'ch'
- int ReverseFind( __in XCHAR ch ) const throw()
- {
- // find last single character
- PCXSTR psz = StringTraits::StringFindCharRev( GetString(), ch );
- // return -1 if not found, distance from beginning otherwise
- return( (psz == NULL) ? -1 : int( psz-GetString() ) );
- }
- // manipulation
- // Convert the string to uppercase
- CStringT& MakeUpper()
- {
- int nLength = GetLength();
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nLength );
- StringTraits::StringUppercase( pszBuffer, nLength+1 );
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nLength );
- return( *this );
- }
- // Convert the string to lowercase
- CStringT& MakeLower()
- {
- int nLength = GetLength();
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nLength );
- StringTraits::StringLowercase( pszBuffer, nLength+1 );
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nLength );
- return( *this );
- }
- // Reverse the string
- CStringT& MakeReverse()
- {
- int nLength = GetLength();
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nLength );
- StringTraits::StringReverse( pszBuffer );
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nLength );
- return( *this );
- }
- // trimming
- // Remove all trailing whitespace
- CStringT& TrimRight()
- {
- // find beginning of trailing spaces by starting
- // at beginning (DBCS aware)
- PCXSTR psz = GetString();
- PCXSTR pszLast = NULL;
- while( *psz != 0 )
- {
- if( StringTraits::IsSpace( *psz ) )
- {
- if( pszLast == NULL )
- pszLast = psz;
- }
- else
- {
- pszLast = NULL;
- }
- psz = StringTraits::CharNext( psz );
- }
- if( pszLast != NULL )
- {
- // truncate at trailing space start
- int iLast = int( pszLast-GetString() );
- Truncate( iLast );
- }
- return( *this );
- }
- // Remove all leading whitespace
- CStringT& TrimLeft()
- {
- // find first non-space character
- PCXSTR psz = GetString();
- while( StringTraits::IsSpace( *psz ) )
- {
- psz = StringTraits::CharNext( psz );
- }
- if( psz != GetString() )
- {
- // fix up data and length
- int iFirst = int( psz-GetString() );
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( GetLength() );
- psz = pszBuffer+iFirst;
- int nDataLength = GetLength()-iFirst;
- Checked::memmove_s( pszBuffer, (nDataLength+1)*sizeof( XCHAR ),
- psz, (nDataLength+1)*sizeof( XCHAR ) );
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nDataLength );
- }
- return( *this );
- }
- // Remove all leading and trailing whitespace
- CStringT& Trim()
- {
- return( TrimRight().TrimLeft() );
- }
- // Remove all leading and trailing occurrences of character 'chTarget'
- CStringT& Trim( __in XCHAR chTarget )
- {
- return( TrimRight( chTarget ).TrimLeft( chTarget ) );
- }
- // Remove all leading and trailing occurrences of any of the characters in the string 'pszTargets'
- CStringT& Trim( __in PCXSTR pszTargets )
- {
- return( TrimRight( pszTargets ).TrimLeft( pszTargets ) );
- }
- // trimming anything (either side)
- // Remove all trailing occurrences of character 'chTarget'
- CStringT& TrimRight( __in XCHAR chTarget )
- {
- // find beginning of trailing matches
- // by starting at beginning (DBCS aware)
- PCXSTR psz = GetString();
- PCXSTR pszLast = NULL;
- while( *psz != 0 )
- {
- if( *psz == chTarget )
- {
- if( pszLast == NULL )
- {
- pszLast = psz;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pszLast = NULL;
- }
- psz = StringTraits::CharNext( psz );
- }
- if( pszLast != NULL )
- {
- // truncate at left-most matching character
- int iLast = int( pszLast-GetString() );
- Truncate( iLast );
- }
- return( *this );
- }
- // Remove all trailing occurrences of any of the characters in string 'pszTargets'
- CStringT& TrimRight( __in PCXSTR pszTargets )
- {
- // if we're not trimming anything, we're not doing any work
- if( (pszTargets == NULL) || (*pszTargets == 0) )
- {
- return( *this );
- }
- // find beginning of trailing matches
- // by starting at beginning (DBCS aware)
- PCXSTR psz = GetString();
- PCXSTR pszLast = NULL;
- while( *psz != 0 )
- {
- if( StringTraits::StringFindChar( pszTargets, *psz ) != NULL )
- {
- if( pszLast == NULL )
- {
- pszLast = psz;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pszLast = NULL;
- }
- psz = StringTraits::CharNext( psz );
- }
- if( pszLast != NULL )
- {
- // truncate at left-most matching character
- int iLast = int( pszLast-GetString() );
- Truncate( iLast );
- }
- return( *this );
- }
- // Remove all leading occurrences of character 'chTarget'
- CStringT& TrimLeft( __in XCHAR chTarget )
- {
- // find first non-matching character
- PCXSTR psz = GetString();
- while( chTarget == *psz )
- {
- psz = StringTraits::CharNext( psz );
- }
- if( psz != GetString() )
- {
- // fix up data and length
- int iFirst = int( psz-GetString() );
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( GetLength() );
- psz = pszBuffer+iFirst;
- int nDataLength = GetLength()-iFirst;
- Checked::memmove_s( pszBuffer, (nDataLength+1)*sizeof( XCHAR ),
- psz, (nDataLength+1)*sizeof( XCHAR ) );
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nDataLength );
- }
- return( *this );
- }
- // Remove all leading occurrences of any of the characters in string 'pszTargets'
- CStringT& TrimLeft( __in PCXSTR pszTargets )
- {
- // if we're not trimming anything, we're not doing any work
- if( (pszTargets == NULL) || (*pszTargets == 0) )
- {
- return( *this );
- }
- PCXSTR psz = GetString();
- while( (*psz != 0) && (StringTraits::StringFindChar( pszTargets, *psz ) != NULL) )
- {
- psz = StringTraits::CharNext( psz );
- }
- if( psz != GetString() )
- {
- // fix up data and length
- int iFirst = int( psz-GetString() );
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( GetLength() );
- psz = pszBuffer+iFirst;
- int nDataLength = GetLength()-iFirst;
- Checked::memmove_s( pszBuffer, (nDataLength+1)*sizeof( XCHAR ),
- psz, (nDataLength+1)*sizeof( XCHAR ) );
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nDataLength );
- }
- return( *this );
- }
- // Convert the string to the OEM character set
- void AnsiToOem()
- {
- int nLength = GetLength();
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nLength );
- StringTraits::ConvertToOem( pszBuffer, nLength+1 );
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nLength );
- }
- // Convert the string to the ANSI character set
- void OemToAnsi()
- {
- int nLength = GetLength();
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nLength );
- StringTraits::ConvertToAnsi( pszBuffer, nLength+1 );
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nLength );
- }
- // Very simple sub-string extraction
- // Return the substring starting at index 'iFirst'
- CStringT Mid( __in int iFirst ) const
- {
- return( Mid( iFirst, GetLength()-iFirst ) );
- }
- // Return the substring starting at index 'iFirst', with length 'nCount'
- CStringT Mid( __in int iFirst, __in int nCount ) const
- {
- // nCount is in XCHARs
- // out-of-bounds requests return sensible things
- if (iFirst < 0)
- iFirst = 0;
- if (nCount < 0)
- nCount = 0;
- if( (::ATL::AtlAddThrow(iFirst,nCount)) > GetLength() )
- {
- nCount = GetLength()-iFirst;
- }
- if( iFirst > GetLength() )
- {
- nCount = 0;
- }
- ATLASSERT( (nCount == 0) || ((iFirst+nCount) <= GetLength()) );
- // optimize case of returning entire string
- if( (iFirst == 0) && ((iFirst+nCount) == GetLength()) )
- {
- return( *this );
- }
- return( CStringT( GetString()+iFirst, nCount, GetManager() ) );
- }
- // Return the substring consisting of the rightmost 'nCount' characters
- CStringT Right( __in int nCount ) const
- {
- // nCount is in XCHARs
- if (nCount < 0)
- nCount = 0;
- int nLength = GetLength();
- if( nCount >= nLength )
- {
- return( *this );
- }
- return( CStringT( GetString()+nLength-nCount, nCount, GetManager() ) );
- }
- // Return the substring consisting of the leftmost 'nCount' characters
- CStringT Left( __in int nCount ) const
- {
- // nCount is in XCHARs
- if (nCount < 0)
- nCount = 0;
- int nLength = GetLength();
- if( nCount >= nLength )
- {
- return( *this );
- }
- return( CStringT( GetString(), nCount, GetManager() ) );
- }
- // Return the substring consisting of the leftmost characters in the set 'pszCharSet'
- CStringT SpanIncluding( __in PCXSTR pszCharSet ) const
- {
- ATLASSERT( AtlIsValidString( pszCharSet ) );
- if(pszCharSet == NULL)
- return( Left( StringTraits::StringSpanIncluding( GetString(), pszCharSet ) ) );
- }
- // Return the substring consisting of the leftmost characters not in the set 'pszCharSet'
- CStringT SpanExcluding( __in PCXSTR pszCharSet ) const
- {
- ATLASSERT( AtlIsValidString( pszCharSet ) );
- if(pszCharSet == NULL)
- return( Left( StringTraits::StringSpanExcluding( GetString(), pszCharSet ) ) );
- }
- // Format data using format string 'pszFormat'
- void __cdecl Format( __in __format_string PCXSTR pszFormat, ... );
- // Format data using format string loaded from resource 'nFormatID'
- void __cdecl Format( __format_string UINT nFormatID, ... );
- // Append formatted data using format string loaded from resource 'nFormatID'
- void __cdecl AppendFormat( __in UINT nFormatID, ... );
- // Append formatted data using format string 'pszFormat'
- void __cdecl AppendFormat( __in __format_string PCXSTR pszFormat, ... );
- void AppendFormatV( __in __format_string PCXSTR pszFormat, va_list args )
- {
- ATLASSERT( AtlIsValidString( pszFormat ) );
- int nCurrentLength = GetLength();
- int nAppendLength = StringTraits::GetFormattedLength( pszFormat, args );
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nCurrentLength+nAppendLength );
- StringTraits::Format( pszBuffer+nCurrentLength,
- nAppendLength+1, pszFormat, args );
- #else
- StringTraits::Format( pszBuffer+nCurrentLength, pszFormat, args );
- #endif
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nCurrentLength+nAppendLength );
- }
- void FormatV( __in __format_string PCXSTR pszFormat, va_list args )
- {
- ATLASSERT( AtlIsValidString( pszFormat ) );
- if(pszFormat == NULL)
- int nLength = StringTraits::GetFormattedLength( pszFormat, args );
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nLength );
- StringTraits::Format( pszBuffer, nLength+1, pszFormat, args );
- #else
- StringTraits::Format( pszBuffer, pszFormat, args );
- #endif
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nLength );
- }
- // Format a message using format string 'pszFormat'
- void __cdecl _AFX_FUNCNAME(FormatMessage)( __in __format_string PCXSTR pszFormat, ... );
- // Format a message using format string loaded from resource 'nFormatID'
- void __cdecl _AFX_FUNCNAME(FormatMessage)( __in UINT nFormatID, ... );
- #if defined(_AFX)
- void __cdecl FormatMessage( __in __format_string PCXSTR pszFormat, ... );
- void __cdecl FormatMessage( __in UINT nFormatID, ... );
- #endif
- // Format a message using format string 'pszFormat' and va_list
- void FormatMessageV( __in __format_string PCXSTR pszFormat, va_list* pArgList )
- {
- // format message into temporary buffer pszTemp
- CHeapPtr< XCHAR, CLocalAllocator > pszTemp;
- DWORD dwResult = StringTraits::_AFX_FUNCNAME(FormatMessage)( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING|
- FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, pszFormat, 0, 0, reinterpret_cast< PXSTR >( &pszTemp ),
- 0, pArgList );
- if( dwResult == 0 )
- {
- ThrowMemoryException();
- }
- *this = pszTemp;
- }
- // OLE BSTR support
- // Allocate a BSTR containing a copy of the string
- BSTR AllocSysString() const
- {
- BSTR bstrResult = StringTraits::AllocSysString( GetString(), GetLength() );
- #pragma warning(push)
- #pragma warning(disable:4068)
- #pragma prefast(push)
- #pragma prefast(disable:325, "We are deliberately checking if this has already been allocated")
- if( bstrResult == NULL )
- {
- ThrowMemoryException();
- }
- #pragma prefast(pop)
- #pragma warning(pop)
- return( bstrResult );
- }
- BSTR SetSysString( __out BSTR* pbstr ) const
- {
- ATLASSERT( AtlIsValidAddress( pbstr, sizeof( BSTR ) ) );
- if( !StringTraits::ReAllocSysString( GetString(), pbstr,
- GetLength() ) )
- {
- ThrowMemoryException();
- }
- #pragma warning(push)
- #pragma warning(disable:4068)
- #pragma prefast(push)
- #pragma prefast(disable:325, "We are deliberately checking if this has already been allocated")
- ATLASSERT( *pbstr != NULL );
- #pragma prefast(pop)
- #pragma warning(pop)
- return( *pbstr );
- }
- // Set the string to the value of environment variable 'pszVar'
- __checkReturn BOOL GetEnvironmentVariable( __in PCXSTR pszVar )
- {
- ULONG nLength = StringTraits::GetEnvironmentVariable( pszVar, NULL, 0 );
- BOOL bRetVal = FALSE;
- if( nLength == 0 )
- {
- Empty();
- }
- else
- {
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nLength );
- StringTraits::GetEnvironmentVariable( pszVar, pszBuffer, nLength );
- ReleaseBuffer();
- bRetVal = TRUE;
- }
- return( bRetVal );
- }
- // Load the string from resource 'nID'
- __checkReturn BOOL LoadString( __in UINT nID )
- {
- HINSTANCE hInst = StringTraits::FindStringResourceInstance( nID );
- if( hInst == NULL )
- {
- return( FALSE );
- }
- return( LoadString( hInst, nID ) );
- }
- // Load the string from resource 'nID' in module 'hInstance'
- __checkReturn BOOL LoadString( __in HINSTANCE hInstance, __in UINT nID )
- {
- const ATLSTRINGRESOURCEIMAGE* pImage = AtlGetStringResourceImage( hInstance, nID );
- if( pImage == NULL )
- {
- return( FALSE );
- }
- int nLength = StringTraits::GetBaseTypeLength( pImage->achString, pImage->nLength );
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nLength );
- StringTraits::ConvertToBaseType( pszBuffer, nLength, pImage->achString, pImage->nLength );
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nLength );
- return( TRUE );
- }
- // Load the string from resource 'nID' in module 'hInstance', using language 'wLanguageID'
- __checkReturn BOOL LoadString( __in HINSTANCE hInstance, __in UINT nID, __in WORD wLanguageID )
- {
- const ATLSTRINGRESOURCEIMAGE* pImage = AtlGetStringResourceImage( hInstance, nID, wLanguageID );
- if( pImage == NULL )
- {
- return( FALSE );
- }
- int nLength = StringTraits::GetBaseTypeLength( pImage->achString, pImage->nLength );
- PXSTR pszBuffer = GetBuffer( nLength );
- StringTraits::ConvertToBaseType( pszBuffer, nLength, pImage->achString, pImage->nLength );
- ReleaseBufferSetLength( nLength );
- return( TRUE );
- }
- friend CStringT operator+( __in const CStringT& str1, __in const CStringT& str2 )
- {
- CStringT strResult( str1.GetManager() );
- Concatenate( strResult, str1, str1.GetLength(), str2, str2.GetLength() );
- return( strResult );
- }
- friend CStringT operator+( __in const CStringT& str1, __in PCXSTR psz2 )
- {
- CStringT strResult( str1.GetManager() );
- Concatenate( strResult, str1, str1.GetLength(), psz2, StringLength( psz2 ) );
- return( strResult );
- }
- friend CStringT operator+( __in PCXSTR psz1, __in const CStringT& str2 )
- {
- CStringT strResult( str2.GetManager() );
- Concatenate( strResult, psz1, StringLength( psz1 ), str2, str2.GetLength() );
- return( strResult );
- }
- friend CStringT operator+( __in const CStringT& str1, __in wchar_t ch2 )
- {
- CStringT strResult( str1.GetManager() );
- XCHAR chTemp = XCHAR( ch2 );
- Concatenate( strResult, str1, str1.GetLength(), &chTemp, 1 );
- return( strResult );
- }
- friend CStringT operator+( __in const CStringT& str1, __in char ch2 )
- {
- CStringT strResult( str1.GetManager() );
- XCHAR chTemp = XCHAR( ch2 );
- Concatenate( strResult, str1, str1.GetLength(), &chTemp, 1 );
- return( strResult );
- }
- friend CStringT operator+( __in wchar_t ch1, __in const CStringT& str2 )
- {
- CStringT strResult( str2.GetManager() );
- XCHAR chTemp = XCHAR( ch1 );
- Concatenate( strResult, &chTemp, 1, str2, str2.GetLength() );
- return( strResult );
- }
- friend CStringT operator+( __in char ch1, __in const CStringT& str2 )
- {
- CStringT strResult( str2.GetManager() );
- XCHAR chTemp = XCHAR( ch1 );
- Concatenate( strResult, &chTemp, 1, str2, str2.GetLength() );
- return( strResult );
- }
- friend bool operator==( __in const CStringT& str1, __in const CStringT& str2 ) throw()
- {
- return( str1.Compare( str2 ) == 0 );
- }
- friend bool operator==(
- __in const CStringT& str1, __in PCXSTR psz2 ) throw()
- {
- return( str1.Compare( psz2 ) == 0 );
- }
- friend bool operator==(
- __in PCXSTR psz1, __in const CStringT& str2 ) throw()
- {
- return( str2.Compare( psz1 ) == 0 );
- }
- friend bool operator==(
- __in const CStringT& str1, __in PCYSTR psz2 ) throw( ... )
- {
- CStringT str2( psz2, str1.GetManager() );
- return( str1 == str2 );
- }
- friend bool operator==(
- __in PCYSTR psz1, __in const CStringT& str2 ) throw( ... )
- {
- CStringT str1( psz1, str2.GetManager() );
- return( str1 == str2 );
- }
- friend bool operator!=(
- __in const CStringT& str1, __in const CStringT& str2 ) throw()
- {
- return( str1.Compare( str2 ) != 0 );
- }
- friend bool operator!=(
- __in const CStringT& str1, __in PCXSTR psz2 ) throw()
- {
- return( str1.Compare( psz2 ) != 0 );
- }
- friend bool operator!=(
- __in PCXSTR psz1, __in const CStringT& str2 ) throw()
- {
- return( str2.Compare( psz1 ) != 0 );
- }
- friend bool operator!=(
- __in const CStringT& str1, __in PCYSTR psz2 ) throw( ... )
- {
- CStringT str2( psz2, str1.GetManager() );
- return( str1 != str2 );
- }
- friend bool operator!=(
- __in PCYSTR psz1, __in const CStringT& str2 ) throw( ... )
- {
- CStringT str1( psz1, str2.GetManager() );
- return( str1 != str2 );
- }
- friend bool operator<( __in const CStringT& str1, __in const CStringT& str2 ) throw()
- {
- return( str1.Compare( str2 ) < 0 );
- }
- friend bool operator<( __in const CStringT& str1, __in PCXSTR psz2 ) throw()
- {
- return( str1.Compare( psz2 ) < 0 );
- }
- friend bool operator<( __in PCXSTR psz1, __in const CStringT& str2 ) throw()
- {
- return( str2.Compare( psz1 ) > 0 );
- }
- friend bool operator>( __in const CStringT& str1, __in const CStringT& str2 ) throw()
- {
- return( str1.Compare( str2 ) > 0 );
- }
- friend bool operator>( __in const CStringT& str1, __in PCXSTR psz2 ) throw()
- {
- return( str1.Compare( psz2 ) > 0 );
- }
- friend bool operator>( __in PCXSTR psz1, __in const CStringT& str2 ) throw()
- {
- return( str2.Compare( psz1 ) < 0 );
- }
- friend bool operator<=( __in const CStringT& str1, __in const CStringT& str2 ) throw()
- {
- return( str1.Compare( str2 ) <= 0 );
- }
- friend bool operator<=( __in const CStringT& str1, __in PCXSTR psz2 ) throw()
- {
- return( str1.Compare( psz2 ) <= 0 );
- }
- friend bool operator<=( __in PCXSTR psz1, __in const CStringT& str2 ) throw()
- {
- return( str2.Compare( psz1 ) >= 0 );
- }
- friend bool operator>=( __in const CStringT& str1, __in const CStringT& str2 ) throw()
- {
- return( str1.Compare( str2 ) >= 0 );
- }
- friend bool operator>=( __in const CStringT& str1, __in PCXSTR psz2 ) throw()
- {
- return( str1.Compare( psz2 ) >= 0 );
- }
- friend bool operator>=( __in PCXSTR psz1, __in const CStringT& str2 ) throw()
- {
- return( str2.Compare( psz1 ) <= 0 );
- }
- friend bool operator==( __in XCHAR ch1, __in const CStringT& str2 ) throw()
- {
- return( (str2.GetLength() == 1) && (str2[0] == ch1) );
- }
- friend bool operator==( __in const CStringT& str1, __in XCHAR ch2 ) throw()
- {
- return( (str1.GetLength() == 1) && (str1[0] == ch2) );
- }
- friend bool operator!=( __in XCHAR ch1, __in const CStringT& str2 ) throw()
- {
- return( (str2.GetLength() != 1) || (str2[0] != ch1) );
- }
- friend bool operator!=( __in const CStringT& str1, __in XCHAR ch2 ) throw()
- {
- return( (str1.GetLength() != 1) || (str1[0] != ch2) );
- }
- private:
- bool CheckImplicitLoad( __in_opt const void* pv )
- {
- bool bRet = false;
- if( (pv != NULL) && IS_INTRESOURCE( pv ) )
- {
- UINT nID = LOWORD( reinterpret_cast< DWORD_PTR >( pv ) );
- if( !LoadString( nID ) )
- {
- ATLTRACE( atlTraceString, 2, _T( "Warning: implicit LoadString(%u) failedn" ), nID );
- }
- bRet = true;
- }
- return( bRet );
- }
- };
- #define _CSTRING_BUFFER_SIZE(_CStringObj) ((_CStringObj).GetAllocLength() + 1)
- #endif
- #pragma warning(push)
- #pragma warning(disable : 4793)
- // Format data using format string 'pszFormat'
- template< typename BaseType, class StringTraits >
- inline void __cdecl CStringT<BaseType, StringTraits>::Format( __in __format_string PCXSTR pszFormat, ... )
- {
- ATLASSERT( AtlIsValidString( pszFormat ) );
- va_list argList;
- va_start( argList, pszFormat );
- FormatV( pszFormat, argList );
- va_end( argList );
- }
- // Format data using format string loaded from resource 'nFormatID'
- template< typename BaseType, class StringTraits >
- inline void __cdecl CStringT<BaseType, StringTraits>::Format( __format_string UINT nFormatID, ... )
- {
- CStringT strFormat( GetManager() );
- ATLVERIFY( strFormat.LoadString( nFormatID ) );
- va_list argList;
- va_start( argList, nFormatID );
- FormatV( strFormat, argList );
- va_end( argList );
- }
- // Append formatted data using format string loaded from resource 'nFormatID'
- template< typename BaseType, class StringTraits >
- inline void __cdecl CStringT<BaseType, StringTraits>::AppendFormat( __in UINT nFormatID, ... )
- {
- va_list argList;
- va_start( argList, nFormatID );
- CStringT strFormat( GetManager() );
- ATLVERIFY( strFormat.LoadString( nFormatID ) );
- AppendFormatV( strFormat, argList );
- va_end( argList );
- }
- // Append formatted data using format string 'pszFormat'
- template< typename BaseType, class StringTraits >
- inline void __cdecl CStringT<BaseType, StringTraits>::AppendFormat( __in __format_string PCXSTR pszFormat, ... )
- {
- ATLASSERT( AtlIsValidString( pszFormat ) );
- va_list argList;
- va_start( argList, pszFormat );
- AppendFormatV( pszFormat, argList );
- va_end( argList );
- }
- // Format a message using format string 'pszFormat'
- template< typename BaseType, class StringTraits >
- inline void __cdecl CStringT<BaseType, StringTraits>::_AFX_FUNCNAME(FormatMessage)( __in __format_string PCXSTR pszFormat, ... )
- {
- if(pszFormat == NULL)
- va_list argList;
- va_start( argList, pszFormat );
- FormatMessageV( pszFormat, &argList );
- va_end( argList );
- }
- #if defined(_AFX)
- template< typename BaseType, class StringTraits >
- inline void __cdecl CStringT<BaseType, StringTraits>::FormatMessage( __in __format_string PCXSTR pszFormat, ... )
- {
- if(pszFormat == NULL)
- va_list argList;
- va_start( argList, pszFormat );
- FormatMessageV( pszFormat, &argList );
- va_end( argList );
- }
- #endif
- // Format a message using format string loaded from resource 'nFormatID'
- template< typename BaseType, class StringTraits >
- inline void __cdecl CStringT<BaseType, StringTraits>::_AFX_FUNCNAME(FormatMessage)( __in UINT nFormatID, ... )
- {
- // get format string from string table
- CStringT strFormat( GetManager() );
- ATLVERIFY( strFormat.LoadString( nFormatID ) );
- if(strFormat.GetLength() == 0)
- va_list argList;
- va_start( argList, nFormatID );
- FormatMessageV( strFormat, &argList );
- va_end( argList );
- }
- #if defined(_AFX)
- template< typename BaseType, class StringTraits >
- inline void __cdecl CStringT<BaseType, StringTraits>::FormatMessage( __in UINT nFormatID, ... )
- {
- // get format string from string table
- CStringT strFormat( GetManager() );
- ATLVERIFY( strFormat.LoadString( nFormatID ) );
- if(strFormat.GetLength() == 0)
- va_list argList;
- va_start( argList, nFormatID );
- FormatMessageV( strFormat, &argList );
- va_end( argList );
- }
- #endif
- #pragma warning( pop )
- class IFixedStringLog
- {
- public:
- virtual void OnAllocateSpill( int nActualChars, int nFixedChars, const CStringData* pData ) throw() = 0;
- virtual void OnReallocateSpill( int nActualChars, int nFixedChars, const CStringData* pData ) throw() = 0;
- };
- class CFixedStringMgr :
- public IAtlStringMgr
- {
- public:
- CFixedStringMgr( __in CStringData* pData, __in int nChars, __in_opt IAtlStringMgr* pMgr = NULL ) throw() :
- m_pData( pData ),
- m_pMgr( pMgr )
- {
- m_pData->nRefs = -1;
- m_pData->nDataLength = 0;
- m_pData->nAllocLength = nChars;
- m_pData->pStringMgr = this;
- *static_cast< wchar_t* >( m_pData->data() ) = 0;
- }
- virtual ~CFixedStringMgr() throw()
- {
- }
- // IAtlStringMgr
- public:
- virtual CStringData* Allocate( __in int nChars, __in int nCharSize ) throw()
- {
- ATLASSUME( m_pData->nRefs == -1 );
- ATLASSUME( m_pData->nDataLength == 0 );
- if( nChars > m_pData->nAllocLength )
- {
- if( s_pLog != NULL )
- {
- s_pLog->OnAllocateSpill( nChars, m_pData->nAllocLength, m_pData );
- }
- CStringData* pData = m_pMgr->Allocate( nChars, nCharSize );
- if( pData != NULL )
- {
- pData->pStringMgr = this;
- pData->nRefs = -1; // Locked
- }
- return pData;
- }
- m_pData->nRefs = -1; // Locked
- m_pData->nDataLength = 0;
- m_pData->pStringMgr = this;
- return m_pData;
- }
- virtual void Free( __inout CStringData* pData ) throw()
- {
- ATLASSERT( pData->nRefs <= 0 );
- if( pData != m_pData )
- {
- // Must have been allocated from the backup manager
- pData->pStringMgr = m_pMgr;
- m_pMgr->Free( pData );
- }
- // Always make sure the fixed buffer is ready to be used as the nil string.
- m_pData->nRefs = -1;
- m_pData->nDataLength = 0;
- *static_cast< wchar_t* >( m_pData->data() ) = 0;
- }
- virtual CStringData* Reallocate( __inout CStringData* pData, __in int nChars, __in int nCharSize ) throw()
- {
- CStringData* pNewData;
- ATLASSERT( pData->nRefs < 0 );
- if( pData != m_pData )
- {
- pData->pStringMgr = m_pMgr;
- pNewData = m_pMgr->Reallocate( pData, nChars, nCharSize );
- if( pNewData == NULL )
- {
- pData->pStringMgr = this;
- }
- else
- {
- pNewData->pStringMgr = this;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if( nChars > pData->nAllocLength )
- {
- if( s_pLog != NULL )
- {
- s_pLog->OnReallocateSpill( nChars, pData->nAllocLength, pData );
- }
- pNewData = m_pMgr->Allocate( nChars, nCharSize );
- if( pNewData == NULL )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- // Copy the string data
- Checked::memcpy_s( pNewData->data(), nChars*nCharSize,
- pData->data(), (pData->nAllocLength+1)*nCharSize );
- pNewData->nRefs = pData->nRefs; // Locked
- pNewData->pStringMgr = this;
- pNewData->nDataLength = pData->nDataLength;
- }
- else
- {
- // Don't do anything if the buffer is already big enough.
- pNewData = pData;
- }
- }
- return pNewData;
- }
- virtual CStringData* GetNilString() throw()
- {
- ATLASSUME( m_pData->nRefs == -1 );
- ATLASSUME( m_pData->nDataLength == 0 );
- return m_pData;
- }
- virtual IAtlStringMgr* Clone() throw()
- {
- return m_pMgr;
- }
- public:
- static IFixedStringLog* s_pLog;
- IAtlStringMgr* GetBackupManager() const throw()
- {
- return m_pMgr;
- }
- protected:
- IAtlStringMgr* m_pMgr;
- CStringData* m_pData;
- };
- __declspec( selectany ) IFixedStringLog* CFixedStringMgr::s_pLog = NULL;
- #pragma warning( push )
- #pragma warning( disable: 4355 ) // 'this' used in base member initializer list
- template< class StringType, int t_nChars >
- class CFixedStringT :
- private CFixedStringMgr, // This class must be first, since it needs to be initialized before StringType
- public StringType
- {
- public:
- CFixedStringT() throw() :
- CFixedStringMgr( &m_data, t_nChars, StrTraits::GetDefaultManager() ),
- StringType( static_cast< IAtlStringMgr* >( this ) )
- {
- }
- explicit CFixedStringT( __in IAtlStringMgr* pStringMgr ) throw() :
- CFixedStringMgr( &m_data, t_nChars, pStringMgr ),
- StringType( static_cast< IAtlStringMgr* >( this ) )
- {
- }
- CFixedStringT( __in const CFixedStringT< StringType, t_nChars >& str ) :
- CFixedStringMgr( &m_data, t_nChars, StrTraits::GetDefaultManager() ),
- StringType( str.GetString(), str.GetLength(), static_cast< CFixedStringMgr* >( this ) )
- {
- }
- CFixedStringT( __in const StringType& str ) :
- CFixedStringMgr( &m_data, t_nChars, StrTraits::GetDefaultManager() ),
- StringType( str.GetString(), str.GetLength(), static_cast< CFixedStringMgr* >( this ) )
- {
- }
- CFixedStringT( __in const typename StringType::XCHAR* psz ) :
- CFixedStringMgr( &m_data, t_nChars, StrTraits::GetDefaultManager() ),
- StringType( psz, static_cast< CFixedStringMgr* >( this ) )
- {
- }
- CFixedStringT( __in_ecount(nLength) const typename StringType::XCHAR* psz, __in int nLength ) :
- CFixedStringMgr( &m_data, t_nChars, StrTraits::GetDefaultManager() ),
- StringType( psz, nLength, static_cast< CFixedStringMgr* >( this ) )
- {
- }
- explicit CFixedStringT( __in const typename StringType::YCHAR* psz ) :
- CFixedStringMgr( &m_data, t_nChars, StrTraits::GetDefaultManager() ),
- StringType( psz, static_cast< CFixedStringMgr* >( this ) )
- {
- }
- explicit CFixedStringT( __in const unsigned char* psz ) :
- CFixedStringMgr( &m_data, t_nChars, StrTraits::GetDefaultManager() ),
- StringType( psz, static_cast< CFixedStringMgr* >( this ) )
- {
- }
- ~CFixedStringT() throw()
- {
- Empty();
- }
- CFixedStringT< StringType, t_nChars >& operator=( __in const CFixedStringT< StringType, t_nChars >& str )
- {
- StringType::operator=( str );
- return *this;
- }
- CFixedStringT< StringType, t_nChars >& operator=( __in_z const char* psz )
- {
- StringType::operator=( psz );
- return *this;
- }
- CFixedStringT< StringType, t_nChars >& operator=( __in_z const wchar_t* psz )
- {
- StringType::operator=( psz );
- return *this;
- }
- CFixedStringT< StringType, t_nChars >& operator=( __in_z const unsigned char* psz )
- {
- StringType::operator=( psz );
- return *this;
- }
- CFixedStringT< StringType, t_nChars >& operator=( __in const StringType& str )
- {
- StringType::operator=( str );
- return *this;
- }
- // Implementation
- protected:
- CStringData m_data;
- typename StringType::XCHAR m_achData[t_nChars+1];
- };
- #pragma warning( pop )
- class CFixedStringLog :
- public IFixedStringLog
- {
- public:
- CFixedStringLog() throw()
- {
- CFixedStringMgr::s_pLog = this;
- }
- virtual ~CFixedStringLog() throw()
- {
- CFixedStringMgr::s_pLog = NULL;
- }
- public:
- void OnAllocateSpill( __in int nActualChars, __in int nFixedChars, __in const CStringData* pData ) throw()
- {
- (void)nActualChars;
- (void)nFixedChars;
- (void)pData;
- ATLTRACE( atlTraceString, 0, _T( "CFixedStringMgr::Allocate() spilling to heap. %d chars (fixed size = %d chars)n" ), nActualChars, nFixedChars );
- }
- void OnReallocateSpill( __in int nActualChars, __in int nFixedChars, __in const CStringData* pData ) throw()
- {
- (void)nActualChars;
- (void)nFixedChars;
- (void)pData;
- ATLTRACE( atlTraceString, 0, _T( "CFixedStringMgr::Reallocate() spilling to heap. %d chars (fixed size = %d chars)n" ), nActualChars, nFixedChars );
- }
- };
- template< typename T >
- class CStringElementTraits
- {
- public:
- typedef typename T::PCXSTR INARGTYPE;
- typedef T& OUTARGTYPE;
- static void __cdecl CopyElements( __out_ecount_full(nElements) T* pDest, const __in_ecount(nElements) T* pSrc, __in size_t nElements )
- {
- for( size_t iElement = 0; iElement < nElements; iElement++ )
- {
- pDest[iElement] = pSrc[iElement];
- }
- }
- static void __cdecl RelocateElements( __out_ecount_full(nElements) T* pDest, __in_ecount(nElements) T* pSrc, __in size_t nElements )
- {
- Checked::memmove_s( pDest, nElements*sizeof( T ), pSrc, nElements*sizeof( T ) );
- }
- static ULONG __cdecl Hash( __in INARGTYPE str )
- {
- ATLENSURE( str != NULL );
- ULONG nHash = 0;
- const T::XCHAR* pch = str;
- while( *pch != 0 )
- {
- nHash = (nHash<<5)+nHash+(*pch);
- pch++;
- }
- return( nHash );
- }
- static bool __cdecl CompareElements( __in INARGTYPE str1, __in INARGTYPE str2 )
- {
- return( T::StrTraits::StringCompare( str1, str2 ) == 0 );
- }
- static int __cdecl CompareElementsOrdered( __in INARGTYPE str1, __in INARGTYPE str2 )
- {
- return( T::StrTraits::StringCompare( str1, str2 ) );
- }
- };
- #pragma pop_macro("new")
- #if defined(_AFX)
- #pragma pop_macro("FormatMessage")
- #endif
- }; // namespace ATL
- #ifdef __ATLCOMCLI_H__
- #include <cstringt.inl>
- #endif // __ATLCOMCLI_H__
- #pragma warning (pop)
- #endif
- #endif // __CSTRINGT_H__ (whole file)