资源名称:CreatBMP.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // This is a part of the Active Template Library.
- // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation
- // All rights reserved.
- //
- // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
- // Active Template Library Reference and related
- // electronic documentation provided with the library.
- // See these sources for detailed information regarding the
- // Active Template Library product.
- #ifndef __ATLSTR_H__
- #define __ATLSTR_H__
- #pragma once
- #ifndef __cplusplus
- #error ATL requires C++ compilation (use a .cpp suffix)
- #endif
- #include <atlbase.h>
- #include <winnls.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <cstringt.h>
- #pragma pack(push,_ATL_PACKING)
- namespace ATL
- {
- class CAtlStringMgr :
- public IAtlStringMgr
- {
- public:
- CAtlStringMgr( __in_opt IAtlMemMgr* pMemMgr = NULL ) throw() :
- m_pMemMgr( pMemMgr )
- {
- m_nil.SetManager( this );
- }
- virtual ~CAtlStringMgr() throw()
- {
- }
- void SetMemoryManager( __reserved IAtlMemMgr* pMemMgr ) throw()
- {
- ATLASSUME( m_pMemMgr == NULL );
- m_pMemMgr = pMemMgr;
- }
- // IAtlStringMgr
- public:
- virtual __bcount_opt(sizeof(CStringData) + nChars*nCharSize) CStringData* Allocate( __in int nChars, __in int nCharSize ) throw()
- {
- size_t nTotalSize;
- CStringData* pData;
- size_t nDataBytes;
- nChars = AtlAlignUp( nChars + 1, 8 ); // Prevent excessive reallocation. The heap will usually round up anyway.
- if( FAILED(::ATL::AtlMultiply(&nDataBytes, static_cast<size_t>(nChars), static_cast<size_t>(nCharSize))) ||
- FAILED(::ATL::AtlAdd(&nTotalSize, static_cast<size_t>(sizeof( CStringData )), nDataBytes)))
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- pData = static_cast< CStringData* >( m_pMemMgr->Allocate( nTotalSize ) );
- if( pData == NULL )
- {
- return( NULL );
- }
- pData->pStringMgr = this;
- pData->nRefs = 1;
- pData->nAllocLength = nChars - 1;
- pData->nDataLength = 0;
- return( pData );
- }
- virtual void Free( __inout CStringData* pData ) throw()
- {
- ATLASSERT( pData->pStringMgr == this );
- m_pMemMgr->Free( pData );
- }
- virtual __bcount_opt(sizeof(CStringData) + nChars*nCharSize) CStringData* Reallocate( __inout CStringData* pData, __in int nChars, __in int nCharSize ) throw()
- {
- CStringData* pNewData;
- ULONG nTotalSize;
- ULONG nDataBytes;
- ATLASSERT( pData->pStringMgr == this );
- nChars = AtlAlignUp( nChars+1, 8 ); // Prevent excessive reallocation. The heap will usually round up anyway.
- if( FAILED(::ATL::AtlMultiply(&nDataBytes, static_cast<ULONG>(nChars), static_cast<ULONG>(nCharSize))) ||
- FAILED(::ATL::AtlAdd(&nTotalSize, static_cast<ULONG>(sizeof( CStringData )), nDataBytes)))
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- pNewData = static_cast< CStringData* >( m_pMemMgr->Reallocate( pData, nTotalSize ) );
- if( pNewData == NULL )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- pNewData->nAllocLength = nChars - 1;
- return pNewData;
- }
- virtual CStringData* GetNilString() throw()
- {
- m_nil.AddRef();
- return &m_nil;
- }
- virtual IAtlStringMgr* Clone() throw()
- {
- return this;
- }
- protected:
- IAtlMemMgr* m_pMemMgr;
- CNilStringData m_nil;
- };
- extern CAtlStringMgr g_strmgr;
- template <class ChTraits>
- inline typename ChTraits::PCXSTR strstrT(typename ChTraits::PCXSTR pStr,typename ChTraits::PCXSTR pCharSet);
- template< typename _CharType = char >
- class ChTraitsOS :
- public ChTraitsBase< _CharType >
- {
- public:
- static int tclen(__in_z LPCSTR p) throw()
- {
- LPCSTR pnext = CharNext(p);
- return ((pnext-p)>1) ? 2 : 1;
- }
- static LPCSTR strchr(__in_z LPCSTR p, __in char ch) throw()
- {
- return AtlstrchrT(p,ch);
- }
- static LPCSTR strchr_db(__in_z LPCSTR p, __in char ch1, __in char ch2) throw()
- {
- while (*p != 0)
- {
- if (*p == ch1 && *(p+1) == ch2)
- {
- return p;
- }
- p = CharNext(p);
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- static LPCSTR strrchr(__in_z LPCSTR p, __in char ch) throw()
- {
- const _CharType* pch = NULL;
- while (*p != 0)
- {
- if (*p == ch)
- {
- pch = p;
- }
- p = CharNext(p);
- }
- //for strrchr(buff,' ')
- if (*p == ch)
- {
- pch = p;
- }
- return const_cast< _CharType* >( pch );
- }
- static _CharType* _strrev(__inout _CharType* psz) throw()
- {
- // Optimize NULL, zero-length, and single-char case.
- if ((psz == NULL) || (psz[0] == ' ') || (psz[1] == ' '))
- return psz;
- _CharType* p = psz;
- // first go through and reverse the bytes in MBCS chars
- while (*p != _T(' '))
- {
- if (IsDBCSLeadByte(*p++))
- {
- if (*p)
- {
- _CharType c = *p;
- *p=*(p-1);
- *(p-1)=c;
- p++;
- } else
- {
- // second byte is EOS
- //There is nothing really satisfying to do here. We have a string
- //that ends in leadbyte,' '. Reversing this would lead to the leadbyte
- //becoming falsely attached to the character before it:
- //(XL0 -> LX0, X has suddenly become a trailbyte)
- //So what we choose to do is assert and purge the dud byte from within the
- //string.
- ATLASSERT(FALSE && _T("Bad MBCS string passed into __strev"));
- // String has at least moved once already, so this is safe
- ATLASSERT(p>psz);
- // move back one to point at the dud leadbyte
- --p;
- // now truncate the string one byte earlier
- *p=' ';
- }
- }
- } //end while
- _CharType* q = psz;
- --p;
- while (q < p)
- {
- _CharType t = *q;
- *q = *p;
- *p = t;
- q++;
- p--;
- }
- return psz;
- }
- static LPCSTR strstr(__in_z LPCSTR pStr, __in_z LPCSTR pCharSet) throw()
- {
- return strstrT< ChTraitsOS<XCHAR> >(pStr,pCharSet);
- }
- static int strspn(__in const _CharType* pStr, __in const _CharType* pCharSet) throw()
- {
- int nRet = 0;
- _CharType* p = const_cast<_CharType*>(pStr);
- while (*p != 0)
- {
- _CharType* pNext = CharNext(p);
- if(pNext > p + 1)
- {
- if(strchr_db(pCharSet, *p, *(p+1)) == NULL)
- break;
- nRet += 2;
- }
- else
- {
- if(strchr(pCharSet, *p) == NULL)
- break;
- nRet++;
- }
- p = pNext;
- }
- return nRet;
- }
- static int strcspn(__in const _CharType* pStr, __in const _CharType* pCharSet) throw()
- {
- int nRet = 0;
- _CharType* p = const_cast<_CharType*>(pStr);
- while (*p != 0)
- {
- _CharType* pNext = CharNext(p);
- if(pNext > p + 1)
- {
- if(strchr_db(pCharSet, *p, *(p+1)) != NULL)
- break;
- nRet += 2;
- }
- else
- {
- if(strchr(pCharSet, *p) != NULL)
- break;
- nRet++;
- }
- p = pNext;
- }
- return nRet;
- }
- static LPCSTR strpbrk(__in_z LPCSTR p, __in_z LPCSTR lpszCharSet) throw()
- {
- int nRet=0;
- nRet=strcspn(p,lpszCharSet);
- if (p[nRet]){
- p+=nRet;
- return p;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- static _CharType* CharNext(__in const _CharType* p) throw()
- {
- return AtlCharNext(p);
- }
- static int IsDigit(__in _CharType ch) throw()
- {
- WORD type;
- GetStringTypeExA(GetThreadLocale(), CT_CTYPE1, &ch, 1, &type);
- return (type & C1_DIGIT) == C1_DIGIT;
- }
- static int IsSpace(__in _CharType ch) throw()
- {
- WORD type;
- GetStringTypeExA(GetThreadLocale(), CT_CTYPE1, &ch, 1, &type);
- return (type & C1_SPACE) == C1_SPACE;
- }
- static int StringCompare(__in const _CharType* pstrOne,
- __in const _CharType* pstrOther) throw()
- {
- return lstrcmpA((LPCSTR) pstrOne, (LPCSTR) pstrOther);
- }
- static int StringCompareIgnore(__in const _CharType* pstrOne,
- __in const _CharType* pstrOther) throw()
- {
- return lstrcmpiA((LPCSTR) pstrOne, (LPCSTR) pstrOther);
- }
- static int StringCollate(__in const _CharType* pstrOne,
- __in const _CharType* pstrOther) throw()
- {
- int nRet = CompareStringA(GetThreadLocale(), 0, (LPCSTR)pstrOne, -1,
- (LPCSTR)pstrOther, -1);
- ATLASSERT(nRet != 0);
- return nRet-2; // Convert to strcmp convention. This really is documented.
- }
- static int StringCollateIgnore(__in const _CharType* pstrOne,
- __in const _CharType* pstrOther) throw()
- {
- int nRet = CompareStringA(GetThreadLocale(), NORM_IGNORECASE, (LPCSTR)pstrOne, -1,
- (LPCSTR)pstrOther, -1);
- ATLASSERT(nRet != 0);
- return nRet-2; // Convert to strcmp convention. This really is documented.
- }
- static LPCSTR StringFindString(__in_z LPCSTR pstrBlock,
- __in_z LPCSTR pstrMatch) throw()
- {
- return strstr(pstrBlock, pstrMatch);
- }
- static LPSTR StringFindString(__in_z LPSTR pszBlock, __in_z LPCSTR pszMatch) throw()
- {
- return( const_cast< LPSTR >( StringFindString( const_cast< LPCSTR >( pszBlock ), pszMatch ) ) );
- }
- static LPCSTR StringFindChar(__in_z LPCSTR pszBlock,
- __in char chMatch) throw()
- {
- return strchr(pszBlock, chMatch);
- }
- static LPCSTR StringFindCharRev(__in_z LPCSTR psz, __in char ch) throw()
- {
- return strrchr(psz, ch);
- }
- static LPCSTR StringScanSet(__in_z LPCSTR pszBlock,
- __in_z LPCSTR pszMatch) throw()
- {
- return strpbrk(pszBlock, pszMatch);
- }
- static int StringSpanIncluding(__in const _CharType* pstrBlock,
- __in const _CharType* pstrSet) throw()
- {
- return strspn(pstrBlock, pstrSet);
- }
- static int StringSpanExcluding(__in const _CharType* pstrBlock,
- __in const _CharType* pstrSet) throw()
- {
- return strcspn(pstrBlock, pstrSet);
- }
- _ATL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE("ChTraitsOS::StringUppercase must be passed a buffer size")
- static _CharType* StringUppercase(__inout _CharType* psz) throw()
- {
- return CharUpperA( psz );
- }
- _ATL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE("ChTraitsOS::StringLowercase must be passed a buffer size")
- static _CharType* StringLowercase(__inout _CharType* psz) throw()
- {
- return CharLowerA( psz );
- }
- static _CharType* StringUppercase(__inout_ecount(size) _CharType* psz, __in size_t size) throw()
- {
- if(size>UINT_MAX)
- {
- // API only allows DWORD size
- }
- DWORD dwSize=static_cast<DWORD>(size);
- CharUpperBuffA( psz, dwSize );
- return psz;
- }
- static _CharType* StringLowercase(__inout_ecount(size) _CharType* psz, size_t size) throw()
- {
- if(size>UINT_MAX)
- {
- // API only allows DWORD size
- }
- DWORD dwSize=static_cast<DWORD>(size);
- CharLowerBuffA( psz, dwSize );
- return psz;
- }
- static _CharType* StringReverse(__inout _CharType* psz) throw()
- {
- return _strrev( psz );
- }
- static int GetFormattedLength(__in __format_string const _CharType* pszFormat, va_list args)
- {
- _CharType szBuffer[1028];
- int nLength = 0;
- SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS);
- #pragma warning(push)
- #pragma warning(disable:4996)
- // wvsprintf always truncates the output to 1024 character plus the ' '.
- // Note that we are using wvsprintf only in the MIN_CRT case; wvsprintf is
- // an insecure function and should be avoided. Here the use of wvsprintf
- // is safe and the only way to get a string formatted without using the CRT.
- nLength = wvsprintfA(szBuffer, pszFormat, args);
- #pragma warning(pop)
- ATLASSERT(nLength >= 0);
- ATLASSERT(nLength <= 1024);
- return nLength;
- }
- _ATL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE("CSimpleStringT::Format must be passed a buffer size")
- static int Format(__out _CharType* pszBuffer, __in __format_string const _CharType* pszFormat,
- va_list args) throw()
- {
- #pragma warning(push)
- #pragma warning(disable:4996)
- return wvsprintfA(pszBuffer, pszFormat, args);
- #pragma warning(pop)
- }
- static int Format(__out_ecount_part(nlength, return) _CharType* pszBuffer, __in size_t nlength, __in __format_string const _CharType* pszFormat, va_list args )
- {
- _CharType buffSafe[1030]; //wvsprintf output is max 1024.
- int nCharsWritten = 0;
- SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS);
- #pragma warning(push)
- #pragma warning(disable:4996)
- // wvsprintf always truncates the output to 1024 character plus the ' '.
- // Note that we are using wvsprintf only in the MIN_CRT case; wvsprintf is
- // an insecure function and should be avoided. Here the use of wvsprintf
- // is safe and the only way to get a string formatted without using the CRT.
- nCharsWritten = wvsprintfA(buffSafe, pszFormat, args);
- #pragma warning(pop)
- ATLENSURE(nCharsWritten <= 1024);
- //nlength should have room for nCharsWritten + NULL
- ATLENSURE_THROW((size_t)nCharsWritten < nlength ,E_INVALIDARG);
- Checked::strcpy_s(pszBuffer,nlength,buffSafe);
- return nCharsWritten;
- }
- static int GetBaseTypeLength(__in_z const char* pszSrc) throw()
- {
- // Returns required buffer length in XCHARs
- return lstrlenA(pszSrc);
- }
- static int GetBaseTypeLength(__in_z const char* pszSrc, __in int nLength) throw()
- {
- (void)pszSrc;
- // Returns required buffer length in XCHARs
- return nLength;
- }
- static int GetBaseTypeLength(__in_z const wchar_t* pszSrc) throw()
- {
- // Returns required buffer length in XCHARs
- return ::WideCharToMultiByte(_AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pszSrc, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)-1;
- }
- static int GetBaseTypeLength(__in_ecount(nLength) const wchar_t* pszSrc, __in int nLength) throw()
- {
- // Returns required buffer length in XCHARs
- return ::WideCharToMultiByte(_AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pszSrc, nLength, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
- }
- static void ConvertToBaseType(__out_ecount(nDestLength) _CharType* pszDest, __in int nDestLength,
- __in_ecount(nSrcLength) const char* pszSrc, __in int nSrcLength = -1) throw()
- {
- if (nSrcLength == -1) { nSrcLength=1 + GetBaseTypeLength(pszSrc); }
- // nLen is in chars
- Checked::memcpy_s(pszDest, nDestLength*sizeof(_CharType),
- pszSrc, nSrcLength*sizeof(_CharType));
- }
- static void ConvertToBaseType(__out_ecount(nDestLength) _CharType* pszDest, __in int nDestLength,
- __in_ecount(nSrcLength) const wchar_t* pszSrc, __in int nSrcLength = -1) throw()
- {
- // nLen is in XCHARs
- ::WideCharToMultiByte(_AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pszSrc, nSrcLength, pszDest, nDestLength, NULL, NULL);
- }
- _ATL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE("ChTraitsOS::ConvertToOem must be passed a buffer size")
- static void ConvertToOem(__inout _CharType* pstrString) throw()
- {
- BOOL fSuccess=::CharToOemA(pstrString, pstrString);
- // old version can't report error
- ATLASSERT(fSuccess);
- }
- _ATL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE("ChTraitsOS::ConvertToAnsi must be passed a buffer size")
- static void ConvertToAnsi(__inout _CharType* pstrString) throw()
- {
- BOOL fSuccess=::OemToCharA(pstrString, pstrString);
- // old version can't report error
- ATLASSERT(fSuccess);
- }
- static void ConvertToOem(__out_ecount(size) _CharType* pstrString, __in size_t size)
- {
- if(size>UINT_MAX)
- {
- // API only allows DWORD size
- }
- DWORD dwSize=static_cast<DWORD>(size);
- BOOL fSuccess=::CharToOemBuffA(pstrString, pstrString, dwSize);
- if(!fSuccess)
- {
- AtlThrowLastWin32();
- }
- }
- static void ConvertToAnsi(__out_ecount(size) _CharType* pstrString, __in size_t size)
- {
- if(size>UINT_MAX)
- {
- // API only allows DWORD size
- }
- DWORD dwSize=static_cast<DWORD>(size);
- BOOL fSuccess=::OemToCharBuffA(pstrString, pstrString, dwSize);
- if(!fSuccess)
- {
- AtlThrowLastWin32();
- }
- }
- static void FloodCharacters(__in _CharType ch, __in int nLength, __out_bcount_full(nLength) _CharType* pstr) throw()
- {
- // nLength is in XCHARs
- memset(pstr, ch, nLength);
- }
- static BSTR AllocSysString(__in_ecount(nDataLength) const _CharType* pchData, __in int nDataLength) throw()
- {
- int nLen = MultiByteToWideChar(_AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pchData, nDataLength,
- BSTR bstr = ::SysAllocStringLen(NULL, nLen);
- if (bstr != NULL)
- {
- MultiByteToWideChar(_AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pchData, nDataLength,
- bstr, nLen);
- }
- return bstr;
- }
- static BOOL ReAllocSysString(__in_bcount(nDataLength) const _CharType* pchData, __inout BSTR* pbstr,
- __in int nDataLength) throw()
- {
- int nLen = MultiByteToWideChar(_AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pchData,
- nDataLength, NULL, NULL);
- BOOL bSuccess =::SysReAllocStringLen(pbstr, NULL, nLen);
- if (bSuccess)
- {
- MultiByteToWideChar(_AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pchData, nDataLength,
- *pbstr, nLen);
- }
- return bSuccess;
- }
- static DWORD FormatMessage(__in DWORD dwFlags, __in LPCVOID lpSource,
- __in DWORD dwMessageID, __in DWORD dwLanguageID, __out_ecount(nSize) char* pstrBuffer,
- __in DWORD nSize, va_list* pArguments) throw()
- {
- return ::FormatMessageA(dwFlags, lpSource, dwMessageID, dwLanguageID,
- pstrBuffer, nSize, pArguments);
- }
- static int SafeStringLen(__in_opt const char* psz) throw()
- {
- // returns length in bytes
- return (psz != NULL) ? lstrlenA(psz) : 0;
- }
- static int SafeStringLen(__in_opt const wchar_t* psz) throw()
- {
- // returns length in wchar_ts
- return (psz != NULL) ? lstrlenW(psz) : 0;
- }
- static int GetCharLen(const wchar_t*) throw()
- {
- // returns char length
- return 1;
- }
- static int GetCharLen(__in_z const char* psz) throw()
- {
- const char* p = ::CharNextA(psz);
- return (p - psz);
- }
- static DWORD GetEnvironmentVariable(__in const _CharType* pstrVar,
- __out_ecount_opt(dwSize) _CharType* pstrBuffer, __in DWORD dwSize) throw()
- {
- return ::GetEnvironmentVariableA(pstrVar, pstrBuffer, dwSize);
- }
- };
- // specialization for wchar_t
- template<>
- class ChTraitsOS< wchar_t > :
- public ChTraitsBase< wchar_t >
- {
- protected:
- #if defined(_UNICODE) && !defined(_CSTRING_ALWAYS_THUNK)
- static int CompareStringW(__in LCID lcid, __in DWORD dwFlags,
- __in_ecount(nLength1) LPCWSTR pszString1, __in int nLength1, __in_ecount(nLength2) LPCWSTR pszString2, __in int nLength2)
- {
- return ::CompareStringW(lcid, dwFlags, pszString1, nLength1,
- pszString2, nLength2);
- }
- static BOOL GetStringTypeExW(__in LCID lcid, __in DWORD dwInfoType, __in_ecount(nLength) LPCWSTR pszSrc,
- __in int nLength, __out LPWORD pwCharType)
- {
- return ::GetStringTypeExW(lcid, dwInfoType, pszSrc, nLength, pwCharType);
- }
- static int lstrcmpiW(__in_z LPCWSTR psz1, __in_z LPCWSTR psz2)
- {
- return ::lstrcmpiW(psz1, psz2);
- }
- static LPWSTR CharLowerW(__inout LPWSTR psz)
- {
- return ::CharLowerW(psz);
- }
- static LPWSTR CharUpperW(__inout LPWSTR psz)
- {
- return ::CharUpperW(psz);
- }
- static DWORD _GetEnvironmentVariableW(__in_z LPCWSTR pszName, __out_ecount_opt(nSize) LPWSTR pszBuffer, __in DWORD nSize)
- {
- return ::GetEnvironmentVariableW(pszName, pszBuffer, nSize);
- }
- #else // !_UNICODE
- static int WINAPI CompareStringW(__in LCID lcid, __in DWORD dwFlags,
- __in_ecount(nLength1) LPCWSTR pszString1, __in int nLength1, __in_ecount(nLength2) LPCWSTR pszString2, __in int nLength2)
- {
- return _strthunks.pfnCompareStringW(lcid, dwFlags, pszString1, nLength1, pszString2, nLength2);
- }
- static BOOL WINAPI GetStringTypeExW(__in LCID lcid, __in DWORD dwInfoType, __in_ecount(nLength) LPCWSTR pszSrc,
- __in int nLength, __out LPWORD pwCharType)
- {
- return _strthunks.pfnGetStringTypeExW(lcid, dwInfoType, pszSrc, nLength, pwCharType);
- }
- static int WINAPI lstrcmpiW(__in_z LPCWSTR psz1, __in_z LPCWSTR psz2)
- {
- return _strthunks.pfnlstrcmpiW(psz1, psz2);
- }
- static LPWSTR WINAPI CharLowerW(__inout LPWSTR psz)
- {
- ATLASSERT(HIWORD(psz) != 0); // No single chars
- return _strthunks.pfnCharLowerW(psz);
- }
- static LPWSTR WINAPI CharUpperW(__inout LPWSTR psz)
- {
- ATLASSERT(HIWORD(psz) != 0); // No single chars
- return _strthunks.pfnCharUpperW(psz);
- }
- static DWORD _GetEnvironmentVariableW(__in_z LPCWSTR pszName, __out_ecount_opt(nSize) LPWSTR pszBuffer, DWORD nSize)
- {
- return _strthunks.pfnGetEnvironmentVariableW(pszName, pszBuffer, nSize);
- }
- #endif // !_UNICODE
- public:
- static int tclen(const wchar_t*) throw()
- {
- return 1;
- }
- static LPCWSTR strchr(__in_z LPCWSTR p, __in wchar_t ch) throw()
- {
- return AtlstrchrT(p,ch);
- }
- static LPCWSTR strrchr(__in_z LPCWSTR p, __in wchar_t ch) throw()
- {
- const wchar_t* pch = p+lstrlenW(p);
- while ((pch != p) && (*pch != ch))
- {
- pch--;
- }
- if (*pch == ch)
- {
- return pch;
- }
- else
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- static wchar_t* _strrev(__inout_z wchar_t* psz) throw()
- {
- // Optimize NULL, zero-length, and single-char case.
- if ((psz == NULL) || (psz[0] == L' ') || (psz[1] == L' '))
- return psz;
- wchar_t* p = psz+(lstrlenW( psz )-1);
- wchar_t* q = psz;
- while(q < p)
- {
- wchar_t t = *q;
- *q = *p;
- *p = t;
- q++;
- p--;
- }
- return psz;
- }
- static LPCWSTR strstr(__in_z LPCWSTR pStr, __in_z LPCWSTR pCharSet) throw()
- {
- return strstrT< ChTraitsOS<XCHAR> >(pStr,pCharSet);
- }
- static int strspn(__in_z const wchar_t* psz, __in_z const wchar_t* pszCharSet) throw()
- {
- int nRet = 0;
- const wchar_t* p = psz;
- while (*p != 0)
- {
- if(strchr(pszCharSet, *p) == NULL)
- break;
- nRet++;
- p++;
- }
- return nRet;
- }
- static int strcspn(__in_z const wchar_t* psz, __in_z const wchar_t* pszCharSet) throw()
- {
- int nRet = 0;
- const wchar_t* p = psz;
- while (*p != 0)
- {
- if(strchr(pszCharSet, *p) != NULL)
- break;
- nRet++;
- p++;
- }
- return nRet;
- }
- static LPCWSTR strpbrk(__in_z LPCWSTR psz, __in_z LPCWSTR pszCharSet) throw()
- {
- const wchar_t* p = psz;
- while (*p != 0)
- {
- if (strchr(pszCharSet, *p) != NULL)
- return p;
- p++;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- static wchar_t* CharNext(__in_z const wchar_t* p) throw()
- {
- return AtlCharNext(p);
- }
- static int IsDigit(__in wchar_t ch) throw()
- {
- WORD type;
- GetStringTypeExW(0, CT_CTYPE1, &ch, 1, &type);
- return (type & C1_DIGIT) == C1_DIGIT;
- }
- static int IsSpace(__in wchar_t ch) throw()
- {
- WORD type;
- GetStringTypeExW(0, CT_CTYPE1, &ch, 1, &type);
- return (type & C1_SPACE) == C1_SPACE;
- }
- static int StringCompare(__in_z const wchar_t* pstrOne,
- __in_z const wchar_t* pstrOther) throw()
- {
- return wcscmp(pstrOne, pstrOther);
- }
- static int StringCompareIgnore(__in_z const wchar_t* pstrOne,
- __in_z const wchar_t* pstrOther) throw()
- {
- return lstrcmpiW(pstrOne, pstrOther);
- }
- static int StringCollate(__in_z const wchar_t* pstrOne,
- __in_z const wchar_t* pstrOther) throw()
- {
- int nRet;
- nRet = CompareStringW(GetThreadLocale(), 0, pstrOne, UINT_MAX/sizeof(wchar_t), pstrOther, UINT_MAX/sizeof(wchar_t));
- ATLASSERT(nRet != 0);
- return nRet-2; // Convert to strcmp convention. This really is documented.
- }
- static int StringCollateIgnore(__in_z const wchar_t* pstrOne,
- __in_z const wchar_t* pstrOther) throw()
- {
- int nRet = CompareStringW(GetThreadLocale(), NORM_IGNORECASE, pstrOne, UINT_MAX/sizeof(wchar_t), pstrOther, UINT_MAX/sizeof(wchar_t));
- ATLASSERT(nRet != 0);
- return nRet-2; // Convert to strcmp convention. This really is documented.
- }
- static LPCWSTR StringFindString(__in_z LPCWSTR pstrBlock,
- __in_z LPCWSTR pstrMatch) throw()
- {
- return strstr(pstrBlock, pstrMatch);
- }
- static LPWSTR StringFindString( __in_z LPWSTR pszBlock, __in_z LPCWSTR pszMatch ) throw()
- {
- return( const_cast< LPWSTR >( StringFindString( const_cast< LPCWSTR >( pszBlock ), pszMatch ) ) );
- }
- static LPCWSTR StringFindChar(__in_z LPCWSTR pstrBlock,
- __in wchar_t pstrMatch) throw()
- {
- return strchr(pstrBlock, pstrMatch);
- }
- static LPCWSTR StringFindCharRev(__in_z LPCWSTR pstr, __in wchar_t ch) throw()
- {
- return strrchr(pstr, ch);
- }
- static LPCWSTR StringScanSet(__in_z LPCWSTR pszBlock,
- __in_z LPCWSTR pszMatch) throw()
- {
- return strpbrk(pszBlock, pszMatch);
- }
- static int StringSpanIncluding(__in_z const wchar_t* pszBlock,
- __in_z const wchar_t* pszSet) throw()
- {
- return strspn(pszBlock, pszSet);
- }
- static int StringSpanExcluding(__in_z const wchar_t* pszBlock,
- __in_z const wchar_t* pszSet) throw()
- {
- return strcspn(pszBlock, pszSet);
- }
- _ATL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE("ChTraitsOS::StringUppercase must be passed a buffer size")
- static wchar_t* StringUppercase(__inout wchar_t* psz) throw()
- {
- CharUpperW(psz);
- return psz;
- }
- _ATL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE("ChTraitsOS::StringUppercase must be passed a buffer size")
- static wchar_t* StringLowercase(__inout wchar_t* psz) throw()
- {
- CharLowerW(psz);
- return psz;
- }
- static wchar_t* StringUppercase(__inout_ecount(size) wchar_t* psz, __in size_t size) throw()
- {
- if(size>(UINT_MAX/sizeof(wchar_t)))
- {
- // API only allows DWORD size
- }
- DWORD dwSize=static_cast<DWORD>(size);
- CharUpperBuffW(psz, dwSize);
- return psz;
- }
- static wchar_t* StringLowercase(__inout_ecount(size) wchar_t* psz, __in size_t size) throw()
- {
- if(size>(UINT_MAX/sizeof(wchar_t)))
- {
- // API only allows DWORD size
- }
- DWORD dwSize=static_cast<DWORD>(size);
- CharLowerBuffW(psz, dwSize);
- return psz;
- }
- static wchar_t* StringReverse(__inout_z wchar_t* psz) throw()
- {
- return _strrev(psz);
- }
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- static int GetFormattedLength(__in __format_string const wchar_t* pszFormat, va_list args)
- {
- wchar_t szBuffer[1028];
- int nLength = 0;
- SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS);
- #pragma warning(push)
- #pragma warning(disable:4996)
- // wvsprintf always truncates the output to 1024 character plus the ' '.
- // Note that we are using wvsprintf only in the MIN_CRT case; wvsprintf is
- // an insecure function and should be avoided. Here the use of wvsprintf
- // is safe and the only way to get a string formatted without using the CRT.
- nLength = wvsprintfW(szBuffer, pszFormat, args);
- #pragma warning(pop)
- ATLASSERT(nLength >= 0);
- ATLASSERT(nLength <= 1024);
- return nLength;
- }
- _ATL_INSECURE_DEPRECATE("ChTraitsOS::Format must be passed a buffer size")
- static int Format(__out wchar_t* pszBuffer, __in __format_string const wchar_t* pszFormat,
- va_list args) throw()
- {
- #pragma warning(push)
- #pragma warning(disable:4996)
- return wvsprintfW(pszBuffer, pszFormat, args);
- #pragma warning(pop)
- }
- static int Format(__out_ecount(nLength) wchar_t* pszBuffer, __in size_t nLength, __in __format_string const wchar_t* pszFormat, va_list args )
- {
- wchar_t buffSafe[1028];
- int nCharsWritten = 0;
- SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS);
- #pragma warning(push)
- #pragma warning(disable:4996)
- // wvsprintf always truncates the output to 1024 character plus the ' '.
- // Note that we are using wvsprintf only in the MIN_CRT case; wvsprintf is
- // an insecure function and should be avoided. Here the use of wvsprintf
- // is safe and the only way to get a string formatted without using the CRT.
- nCharsWritten = wvsprintfW(buffSafe, pszFormat, args);
- #pragma warning(pop)
- ATLENSURE(nCharsWritten <= 1024);
- //nlength should have room for nCharsWritten + NULL
- ATLENSURE_THROW((size_t)nCharsWritten < nLength ,E_INVALIDARG);
- ATLENSURE_THROW(wcslen(buffSafe) < nLength ,E_INVALIDARG);
- #pragma warning(push)
- #pragma warning(disable:6386)
- /* prefast noise 497597 */
- Checked::wcscpy_s(pszBuffer,nLength,buffSafe);
- #pragma warning(pop)
- return nCharsWritten;
- }
- #endif
- static int GetBaseTypeLength(__in_z const char* pszSrc) throw()
- {
- // Returns required buffer size in wchar_ts
- return ::MultiByteToWideChar(_AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pszSrc, -1, NULL, 0)-1;
- }
- static int GetBaseTypeLength(__in_ecount(nLength) const char* pszSrc, __in int nLength) throw()
- {
- // Returns required buffer size in wchar_ts
- return ::MultiByteToWideChar(_AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pszSrc, nLength, NULL, 0);
- }
- static int GetBaseTypeLength(__in_z const wchar_t* pszSrc) throw()
- {
- // Returns required buffer size in wchar_ts
- return lstrlenW(pszSrc);
- }
- static int GetBaseTypeLength(__in_ecount(nLength) const wchar_t* pszSrc, __in int nLength) throw()
- {
- (void)pszSrc;
- // Returns required buffer size in wchar_ts
- return nLength;
- }
- static void ConvertToBaseType(__out_ecount(nDestLength) wchar_t* pszDest, int nDestLength,
- __in_ecount(nSrcLength) const char* pszSrc, __in int nSrcLength = -1) throw()
- {
- // nLen is in wchar_ts
- ::MultiByteToWideChar(_AtlGetConversionACP(), 0, pszSrc, nSrcLength, pszDest, nDestLength);
- }
- static void ConvertToBaseType(__out_ecount(nDestLength) wchar_t* pszDest, __in int nDestLength,
- __in_ecount(nSrcLength) const wchar_t* pszSrc, int nSrcLength = -1) throw()
- {
- if (nSrcLength == -1) { nSrcLength=1 + GetBaseTypeLength(pszSrc); }
- // nLen is in wchar_ts
- Checked::wmemcpy_s(pszDest, nDestLength, pszSrc, nSrcLength);
- }
- // this conversion on Unicode strings makes no sense
- /*
- static void ConvertToOem(wchar_t*)
- {
- }
- */
- // this conversion on Unicode strings makes no sense
- /*
- static void ConvertToAnsi(wchar_t*)
- {
- }
- */
- static void FloodCharacters(__in wchar_t ch, __in int nLength, __out_ecount_full(nLength) wchar_t* pstr) throw()
- {
- // nLength is in XCHARs
- for (int i = 0; i < nLength; i++)
- pstr[i] = ch;
- }
- static BSTR AllocSysString(__in_ecount(nDataLength) const wchar_t* pchData, __in int nDataLength) throw()
- {
- BSTR bstr = ::SysAllocStringLen(pchData, nDataLength);
- return bstr;
- }
- static BOOL ReAllocSysString(__in_ecount(nDataLength) const wchar_t* pchData, __inout BSTR* pbstr,
- __in int nDataLength) throw()
- {
- return ::SysReAllocStringLen(pbstr, pchData, nDataLength);
- }
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- static DWORD FormatMessage(__in DWORD dwFlags, __in LPCVOID lpSource,
- __in DWORD dwMessageID, __in DWORD dwLanguageID, __out_ecount(nSize) wchar_t* pstrBuffer,
- __in DWORD nSize, va_list* pArguments) throw()
- {
- return ::FormatMessageW(dwFlags, lpSource, dwMessageID, dwLanguageID,
- pstrBuffer, nSize, pArguments);
- }
- #endif
- static int SafeStringLen(__in_opt const char* psz) throw()
- {
- // returns length in bytes
- return (psz != NULL) ? lstrlenA(psz) : 0;
- }
- static int SafeStringLen(__in_opt const wchar_t* psz) throw()
- {
- // returns length in wchar_ts
- return (psz != NULL) ? lstrlenW(psz) : 0;
- }
- static int GetCharLen(const wchar_t*) throw()
- {
- // returns char length
- return 1;
- }
- static int GetCharLen(__in_z const char* psz) throw()
- {
- LPCSTR p = ::CharNextA( psz );
- return int( p-psz );
- }
- static DWORD GetEnvironmentVariable(__in_z const wchar_t* pstrVar,
- __out_ecount_opt(dwSize) wchar_t* pstrBuffer, __in DWORD dwSize) throw()
- {
- return ::GetEnvironmentVariableW(pstrVar, pstrBuffer, dwSize);
- }
- };
- template <class ChTraits>
- inline typename ChTraits::PCXSTR strstrT(__in typename ChTraits::PCXSTR pStr,__in typename ChTraits::PCXSTR pCharSet)
- {
- size_t nCharSetLen = ChTraits::GetBaseTypeLength(pCharSet);
- if (nCharSetLen == 0)
- return pStr;
- //lstrlenA returns length in bytes, not chars.
- size_t nStrLen = ChTraits::GetBaseTypeLength(pStr);
- ChTraits::PCXSTR pStrEnd=pStr + nStrLen;
- const ChTraits::XCHAR* pMatch;
- const ChTraits::XCHAR* pStart = pStr;
- while ((pMatch = ChTraits::strchr(pStart, *pCharSet)) != NULL)
- {
- size_t nCharsLeftInStr=pStrEnd - pMatch;
- if (nCharsLeftInStr < nCharSetLen)
- {
- break;
- }
- if (memcmp(pMatch, pCharSet, nCharSetLen*sizeof(ChTraits::XCHAR)) == 0)
- {
- return pMatch;
- }
- pStart = ChTraits::CharNext(pMatch);
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- template< typename _BaseType = char, class StringIterator = ChTraitsOS< _BaseType > >
- class StrTraitATL : public StringIterator
- {
- public:
- static HINSTANCE FindStringResourceInstance(__in UINT nID) throw()
- {
- return( AtlFindStringResourceInstance( nID ) );
- }
- static IAtlStringMgr* GetDefaultManager() throw()
- {
- return( &g_strmgr );
- }
- };
- #if !defined(_ATL_CSTRING_NO_CRT) && defined(_ATL_MIN_CRT)
- #endif
- typedef CStringT< wchar_t, StrTraitATL< wchar_t, ChTraitsCRT< wchar_t > > > CAtlStringW;
- typedef CStringT< char, StrTraitATL< char, ChTraitsCRT< char > > > CAtlStringA;
- typedef CStringT< TCHAR, StrTraitATL< TCHAR, ChTraitsCRT< TCHAR > > > CAtlString;
- #else // _ATL_CSTRING_NO_CRT
- typedef CStringT< wchar_t, StrTraitATL< wchar_t > > CAtlStringW;
- typedef CStringT< char, StrTraitATL< char > > CAtlStringA;
- typedef CStringT< TCHAR, StrTraitATL< TCHAR > > CAtlString;
- #endif // _ATL_CSTRING_NO_CRT
- #ifndef _AFX
- typedef CAtlStringW CStringW;
- typedef CAtlStringA CStringA;
- typedef CAtlString CString;
- #endif
- template< typename T >
- class CElementTraits;
- template<>
- class CElementTraits< ATL::CAtlStringA > :
- public CStringElementTraits< ATL::CAtlStringA >
- {
- };
- template<>
- class CElementTraits< ATL::CAtlStringW > :
- public CStringElementTraits< ATL::CAtlStringW >
- {
- };
- }; //namespace ATL
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #endif // __ATLSTR_H__
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////