资源名称:cku197.tar.Z [点击查看]
- #!/usr/local/bin/kermit
- ; UNIX: Change previous line to contain full pathname of C-Kermit 7.0 binary.
- ;
- ; Exercises Kermit's programming constructs.
- ; Converted to block-structured format, March 1996.
- ; Updated to C-Kermit 7.0, April 1999.
- ;
- echo If you don't see the message "Proceeding..."
- echo on the next line, C-Kermit was not configured for script programming.
- check if
- echo Proceeding...
- echo
- switch v(program) {
- :C-Kermit,
- if ( < v(version) 70000 ) stop 1 Version 7.0 or later required...
- echo C-Kermit Programming-Constructs Test
- break
- :default
- stop 1 Sorry - this demo only works with C-Kermit 7.0 or later.
- }
- echo
- echo Defining macros:
- ;
- echo { SPELLNUM}
- define SPELLNUM {
- local %x &a[]
- dcl &a[9] = one two three four five six seven eight nine
- .&a[0] = zero
- if ( not def %1 ) end 1
- .%1 ::= %1
- if ( < %1 0 ) {
- .%x = { minus}
- .%1 ::= 0-%1
- }
- if ( > %1 9 ) end 1 { Sorry, too hard}
- echo %x &a[%1]
- }
- COMMENT - CALC macro. "Pocket calculator". No arguments.
- ;
- echo { CALC}
- define CALC {
- echo Press Return to exit ; Say how to exit.
- while 1 { ; Loop until they want to exit
- ask %1 { expression: } ; Ask for an expression
- if ( not def %1 ) break
- echo flpad(feval(%1),10) ; Evaluate and print answer
- }
- echo Back to... ; All done
- }
- local total %s %x
- echo Type numbers (one per line) or press Return to quit...
- assign total 0 ; Initialize the sum
- while true { ; Loop till done
- askq %s ; Wait for a number
- if ( not def %s ) break ; Return quits loop
- .%x ::= %s
- if ( not def %x ) { echo "%s" invalid - try again, continue }
- increment total %x ; Add it to the sum
- if fail { echo Can't add "%s", continue }
- xecho flpad(%s,10)flpad(m(total),10) ; Print number and subtotal
- }
- echo Totalflpad(m(total),15,.)
- }
- COMMENT - SMALLEST macro, recursive. Arguments:
- ; 1 = a number or expression
- ; 2 = a number or expression
- ; 3 = a number or expression
- ; Prints the smallest of the three.
- ;
- echo { SMALLEST}
- def SMALLEST {
- local %a %i &a[]
- dcl &a[3]
- if ( != v(argc) 4 ) end 1 { Sorry - three numbers required.}
- for %i 1 3 1 {
- .&a[%i] ::= &_[%i]
- if not numeric &a[%i] end 1 { Bad number or expression }
- }
- if ( < &a[1] &a[2] ) { ; Compare first two arguments
- echo &a[1] is less than &a[2] ; The first one is smaller
- if ( < &a[1] &a[3] ) { ; Compare it with the third
- echo &a[1] is less than &a[3] ; The first one is smaller
- .%a := &a[1] ; Copy it to %a
- } else { ; The third is smaller
- echo &a[1] is not less than &a[3]
- .%a := &a[3] ; Copy it to %a
- }
- } else { ; Otherwise
- echo &a[1] is not less than &a[2] ; The second is smaller
- if ( < &a[2] &a[3] ) { ; Compare it with the third
- echo &a[2] is less than &a[3] ; The second is smaller
- .%a := &a[2] ; Copy it to %a
- } else { ; The third is smaller
- echo &a[2] is not less than &a[3]
- .%a := &a[3] ; Copy it to %a
- }
- }
- echo So the smallest is %a. ; Announce the winner
- }
- ec Spelling some numbers...
- for %i -5 9 1 { spellnum %i }
- echo Calculator demo...
- calc
- echo Adding machine demo - Enter an empty line to quit...
- addingmachine
- COMMENT - SUM macro, recursive. Argument:
- ; 1 = limit of sum, a positive number.
- ; Returns sum of 1 through the number.
- ;
- echo { SUM}
- def SUM {
- if not def %1 return ; Make sure there is an argument
- if not numeric %1 return ; Make sure argument is numeric
- if not > %1 0 return ; Make sure argument is positive
- if = %1 1 return 1 ; If argument is 1, the sum is 1
- else return feval(%1+fexecute(sum,feval(%1-1)))
- }
- COMMENT - ADDEMUP macro, for calling SUM.
- ;
- echo { ADDEMUP}
- def ADDEMUP {
- local total
- assign total fexec(sum,%1)
- if def total echo SUM(%1) = m(total)
- else echo SUM doesn't work for %1
- }
- addemup 1
- addemup 2
- addemup 3
- addemup 4
- addemup 5
- addemup 10
- addemup 20
- while true {
- ask %x { Type 3 numbers separated by spaces or an empty line to quit: }
- if not def %x break
- smallest %x
- }
- echo You should see:
- echo { 0 1 2 3 4}
- def %a 0
- while < %a 5 { xecho { %a}, incr %a }
- echo
- echo You should see:
- echo { 0:0 0:1 0:2 1:0 1:1 1:2 2:0 2:1 2:2}
- def %a 0
- while ( < %a 3 ) {
- def %b 0
- while ( < %b 3 ) {
- xecho { %a:%b}
- incr %b
- }
- incr %a
- }
- echo
- echo You should see:
- echo { 1:1 1:2 1:3 2:1 2:2 2:3 3:1 3:2 3:3}
- def %a 1
- while ( < %a 4 ) {
- for %i 1 3 1 { xecho { %a:%i} }
- inc %a
- }
- echo
- echo You should see:
- echo { 1:1 1:2 1:3 2:1 2:2 2:3 3:1 3:2 3:3}
- for %i 1 3 1 {
- .%a = 1
- while < %a 4 {
- xecho { %i:%a}
- incr %a
- }
- }
- echo
- echo You should see:
- echo { 1:1 1:2 1:3 2:2 2:3 3:3}
- for %i 1 3 1 {
- for %j %i 3 1 {
- xecho { %i:%j}
- }
- }
- echo
- echo You should see:
- echo { 1:1 1:3 3:1 3:3}
- for %i 1 4 1 {
- if = %i 2 continue
- else if = %i 4 break
- asg %j 0
- while < %j 4 {
- incr %j
- if = %j 2 continue
- else if = %j 4 break
- xecho { %i:%j}
- }
- }
- echo
- echo END from inside nested FOR loops
- echo You should see:
- echo { 1:1 1:2 1:3 2:1 2:2 2:3 3:1}
- define xx {
- for %i 1 3 1 {
- for %j 1 3 1 {
- xecho { %i:%j}
- if = %i 3 if = %j 1 end
- }
- }
- }
- do xx
- echo
- echo RETURN from inside nested FOR loops
- echo You should see "IT WORKS":
- define xx {
- local %i %j
- for %i 1 3 1 {
- for %j 1 3 1 {
- if = %i 3 if = %j 1 return IT %1
- }
- }
- }
- echo "fexec(xx WORKS)"
- echo END message from inside IF
- echo You should see "IT WORKS"
- def xx if = 1 1 { end 0 "IT %1"}
- xx WORKS
- echo Grouping of words in IF EQUAL
- echo You should see "IT WORKS":
- def %a one two three
- if equal {%a} {one two three} echo "IT WORKS"
- else echo It doesn't work, foo.
- ec
- echo Use of expressions and braces in FOR-loop variables
- echo You should see "1 2 3":
- def %a 2
- for %i 1 { 1 + %a } 1 { xecho {%i } }
- echo
- echo A macro that echoes its arguments
- def XX {
- local %i
- for %i 1 { v(argc) - 1 } 1 {
- echo %i. "&_[%i]"
- }
- }
- while true {
- ask %a {Type some words (or just carriage return to quit): }
- if not def %a break
- xx %a
- }
- echo
- if not eq {v(connection)} {remote} forward arrays
- ec MINPUT test...
- ec Please type one of the following (without the number):
- ec { 1. ab cd}
- ec { 2. abcd}
- ec { 3. xyz}
- ec You have 10 seconds...
- minput 10 {ab cd} abcd xyz
- if success { echo, echo You typed Number v(minput).}
- else { echo, echo You did not type any of them within the time limit.}
- echo
- echo ARRAY TEST I (SLOW)...
- ; Note that there are much better ways to do this.
- ; Here we're just testing subscript evaluation, looping, etc.
- ;
- declare &a[26]
- local %i %j %t ; Local variables
- assign %i 1
- asg &a[%i] zebra
- incr %i
- asg &a[%i] x-ray
- incr %i 1
- asg &a[%i] baker
- incr %i 3-2
- asg &a[%i] able
- decr %i -1
- asg &a[%i] charlie
- asg &a[%i+1] easy
- asg &a[%i+2] george
- asg &a[%i+3] dog
- asg %n %i+2+8/4
- asg &a[%n] fox
- echo Sorting ...
- for %i 1 (%n)-1 1 { ; Outer loop: i from 1 to n-1
- for %j %i %n 1 { ; Inner loop: j from i to n
- if lgt &a[%i] &a[%j] { ; Compare array elements
- asg %t &a[%i] ; If out of order,
- asg &a[%i] &a[%j] ; exchange them
- asg &a[%j] %t
- }
- }
- }
- echo You should see feval(%n) words in alphabetical order:
- for %i 1 %n 1 { echo { %i. &a[%i]} } ; All sorted - print them
- echo
- echo ARRAY TEST II (FAST)...
- ;
- ; Same thing again the easy (and fast) way...
- ;
- declare &a[] = alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota
- echo Sorting ...
- sort a
- echo You should see fdimension(&a) words in alphabetical order:
- show array a
- echo
- exit 0 End of v(cmdfile)