资源名称:cku197.tar.Z [点击查看]
- #!/usr/local/bin/kermit +
- #
- # i k s d p y -- IKSD display
- #
- # Active display of IKSD database.
- # Main screen lists all sessions, with option to switch to
- # a per-session detail screen.
- #
- # Illustrates:
- # . File record i/o
- # . WAIT FILE and v(kbchar)
- # . Arithmetic
- # . Hexadecimal decoding
- # . Single-keystroke program control
- # . Compact substring notation
- # . Rudimentary screen formatting
- #
- # Requires: C-Kermit 7.0 Beta.11 or later.
- #
- # Last update: Tue Dec 7 19:19:03 1999
- # Documentation: iksdb.txt
- #
- # Author: F. da Cruz, Columbia University, November 1999.
- local %c %n %p block dbfile rate dir user info
- ; Configuration (change as needed)...
- .rate = 4 ; Screen refresh rate (sec)
- if def %1 .dbfile := %1 ; Database file
- if not def dbfile {
- if eq "v(platform)" "32-bit_Windows" {
- if not equal "$(winbootdir)" "" .dbfile := $(winbootdir)/iksd.db
- else if not equal "$(windir)" "" .dbfile := $(windir)/iksd.db
- else if not equal "$(SystemRoot)" "" .dbfile := $(SystemRoot)/iksd.db
- else .dbfile = c:/iksd.db
- } else {
- .dbfile = /var/log/iksd.db
- }
- }
- ; Operating variables and settings...
- set case off ; Case matters not
- set quiet on ; No noisy messages
- set sleep cancel on ; Allow interrupt WAIT from keyboard
- ; Macros
- define SHOWHELP { ; Main help screen
- cls
- echo {IKSD Display...}
- echo
- echo {Press:}
- echo { The Space Bar to switch between summary and detail screens.}
- echo { A digit to view a particular session, 0 through 9, or:}
- echo { X to enter a session number with two or more digits.}
- echo { M to return to the Main screen.}
- echo { N to see the Next session (cycle through sessions).}
- echo { H to see this Help message.}
- echo { Q to Quit.}
- set ask-timer 0
- echo
- getc %9 {Press any key to continue: }
- set ask-timer m(rate)
- }
- define SHOWRECORD { ; Interpret a record
- .pid := fltrim(s(block[17:16]),0)
- .flags := fhex2n(s(block[1:4]))
- if ( (m(flags)&1) ) { .%v = (IN_USE) } else { .%v = (FREE) }
- if ( (m(flags)&2) ) { .%v := %v(REAL_USER) }
- if ( (m(flags)&4) ) { .%v := %v(LOGGED_IN) }
- cls ; Clear screen and print detail
- echo [m(dbfile)] Session %1: v(time)...
- echo
- echo { Flags: s(block[1:4]) %v}
- echo { AuthT: s(block[5:4])}
- echo { AuthM: s(block[9:4])}
- echo { State: s(block[13:4])}
- echo { Lhost: fhex2ip(s(block[41:8]))} ; 32+8+1
- echo { Rhost: fhex2ip(s(block[57:8]))} ; 48+8+1
- echo { PID: m(pid) (fhex2n(m(pid)))}
- echo { Start: s(block[66:17])}
- echo { Last: s(block[84:17])}
- echo { User: s(block[1025:fhex2n(s(block[101:4]))])}
- echo { Dir: s(block[2049:fhex2n(s(block[105:4]))])}
- echo { Info: s(block[3073:fhex2n(s(block[109:4]))])}
- echo
- }
- define SHOWDETAIL { ; Show details for a session
- local %k %v %x
- if not def %1 return
- if ( < fcode({%1}) 32 ) return
- if eq {%1} { } .%1 = 0
- if eq {%1} {N} .%1 = 0
- .%x = %1
- while true { ; Loop in detail screen
- if def %x switch %x { ; What did they type?
- :[0-9] ; A digit
- .%1 := %x
- break ; So that's the session number.
- :H, showhelp, ; An 'H' so show help text.
- if not num %1 return
- break
- :Q, echo Q, exit 0 ; 'Q' for quit.
- :N, .%n ::= (fsize(m(dbfile))/4096) ; Check for new records
- .%1 ::= fmod(%1+1,%n) ; Go to next session
- break
- :X, xecho 13 ; Long session number
- screen cleol ; Clear this line
- set ask-timer 0
- ask %1 { Enter session number: } ; Prompt and wait for text
- set ask-timer m(rate) ; up to CR with no timeout.
- if not def %1 .%1 = 0 ; If CR only, use 0.
- if not numeric %1 { ; Check for n-ness.
- echo Number required
- return
- }
- break
- :M, return ; Return to main screen.
- :default
- echo Not a choice: "%1"
- pause 1
- return
- }
- if ( > %1 (%n-1) || < %1 0 ) { echo Out of range, pause 1, return }
- .%k ::= %1*4096 ; Seek position for desired record
- fclose %c ; Close/Open to force data refresh
- fopen /read /binary %c m(dbfile)
- if fail end 1 CLOSE OPEN FAILURE
- fseek %c %k ; Seek to record
- if fail end 1 Seek failed.
- .%p := f_pos(%c)
- fread /size:4096 %c block ; Read it
- if fail end 1 Read failed.
- if ( ! = f_pos(%c) %p+4096 ) exit 1 FATAL - Database corrupt
- showrecord %1 ; Show it
- xecho {[0-9] (session digit), H[elp], or Q[uit]: }
- wait 60 file modification m(dbfile)
- if success continue
- undef %x
- if ( def v(kbchar) ) { .%x := v(kbchar) } else { getc %x }
- if not def %x continue
- if eq { } {%x} .%x = M
- }
- }
- ; Main display...
- undef %c ; Database not yet open
- set ask-timer m(rate) ; Refresh rate control
- while true { ; Main loop
- cls
- if ( not def %c ) { ; If database not open
- if exist m(dbfile) { ; If it exists
- fopen /read /binary %c m(dbfile) ; Open it
- if fail {
- echo m(dbfile) - Open failed: f_errmsg()
- sleep m(rate)
- continue
- }
- } else { ; It doesn't exist
- echo [m(dbfile)] - Does not exist: v(time)...
- sleep m(rate)
- continue
- }
- }
- echo [m(dbfile)] v(time)... ; Top line - filename & time
- echo
- echo { Flgs Host........... Start... Last.... (PID)(user)(dir)(what)}
- .%n = 0
- frewind %c ; Rewind database
- if fail { undef %c, continue } ; On failure go gack and reopen it
- while ( ! f_eof(%c) ) { ; Loop to read each record
- fread /size:4096 %c block
- if fail break
- if ( != fmod(f_pos(%c),4096) 0 ) exit 1 FATAL - Database corrupt
- incr %p 4096
- .user := ftrim(s(block[1025:1024]))
- .dir := ftrim(s(block[2049:1024]))
- .info := ftrim(s(block[3073:1024]))
- .%a := flpad(%n,2). s(block[1:4]) -
- frpad(fhex2ip(s(block[57:8])),15)s(block[74:9])s(block[92:9]) -
- (fhex2n(s(block[17:16])))(m(user))(m(dir))(m(info))
- echo fleft(%a,v(cols))
- incr %n
- }
- echo
- xecho {[0-9] (session digit), H[elp], or Q[uit]: }
- wait 60 file modification m(dbfile)
- if success continue
- undef %x
- if ( def v(kbchar) ) { .%x := v(kbchar) } else { getc %x }
- if ( defined %x ) showdetail {%x}
- if ( == %n 1 ) { fclose %c, undef %c } ; Force refresh if only one
- }