- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Name:compress.c
- //Purpose: Run length algorithm and Jpeg decoding
- //Author: phoenix, CS, TshingHua, Beijing, P.R.C.
- //Email: or
- //Date:April 3, 1998
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "jpeg.h"
- //header file
- //function declaration
- //int PASCAL WinMain (HANDLE, HANDLE, LPSTR, int);
- hPalette=NULL;
- hBitmap=NULL;
- hImgData=NULL;
- ImgWidth=0 ;
- ImgHeight=0;
- And[0]=0;
- And[1]=1;
- And[2]=3;
- And[3]=7;
- And[4]=0xf;
- And[5]=0x1f;
- And[6]=0x3f;
- And[7]=0x7f;
- And[8]=0xff;
- interval=0;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int JPEG::showpic(HDC hDC)
- {
- HDC hMemDC;
- if (hBitmap)
- {
- hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
- if (hPalette)
- {
- SelectPalette (hDC, hPalette, FALSE);
- SelectPalette (hMemDC, hPalette, FALSE);
- RealizePalette (hDC);
- }
- SelectObject(hMemDC, hBitmap);
- BitBlt(hDC, 0, 0, ImgWidth,ImgHeight, hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- DeleteDC(hMemDC);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- case WM_DESTROY: //注意释放内存和位图,调色板句柄
- if(hBitmap!=NULL)
- DeleteObject(hBitmap);
- if(hPalette!=NULL)
- DeleteObject(hPalette);
- if(hImgData!=NULL){
- GlobalUnlock(hImgData);
- GlobalFree(hImgData);
- }
- PostQuitMessage (0);
- return 0;
- case WM_COMMAND:
- switch (wParam){
- //注意重新分配内存和调色板,位图句柄时,先释放原来的
- if(hBitmap!=NULL){
- DeleteObject(hBitmap);
- hBitmap=NULL;
- }
- if(hPalette!=NULL){
- DeleteObject(hPalette);
- hPalette=NULL;
- }
- if(hImgData!=NULL){
- GlobalUnlock(hImgData);
- GlobalFree(hImgData);
- hImgData=NULL;
- }
- if(LoadPcxFile(hWnd,"c:\test.pcx")) //成功,则重画窗口
- InvalidateRect(hWnd,NULL,TRUE);
- break;
- case IDM_JPEG:
- //注意重新分配内存和调色板,位图句柄时,先释放原来的
- if(hBitmap!=NULL){
- DeleteObject(hBitmap);
- hBitmap=NULL;
- }
- if(hPalette!=NULL){
- DeleteObject(hPalette);
- hPalette=NULL;
- }
- if(hImgData!=NULL){
- GlobalUnlock(hImgData);
- GlobalFree(hImgData);
- hImgData=NULL;
- }
- if(LoadJpegFile(hWnd,"c:\test.jpg")) //成功,则重画窗口
- InvalidateRect(hWnd,NULL,TRUE);
- break;
- case IDM_EXIT:
- SendMessage(hWnd,WM_DESTROY,0,0L);
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- return DefWindowProc (hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
- }
- */
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL JPEG::LoadPcxFile (HWND hWnd,char *PcxFileName)
- {
- //pcx header
- typedef struct{
- char manufacturer;
- char version;
- char encoding;
- char bits_per_pixel;
- WORD xmin,ymin;
- WORD xmax,ymax;
- WORD hres;
- WORD vres;
- char palette[48];
- char reserved;
- char colour_planes;
- WORD bytes_per_line;
- WORD palette_type;
- char filler[58];
- FILE *PCXfp;
- PCXHEAD header;
- HPALETTE hPrevPalette;
- HDC hDc;
- HLOCAL hPal;
- DWORD ImgSize;
- DWORD BufSize;
- DWORD i;
- LONG x,y;
- int PcxTag;
- unsigned char LineBuffer[6400];
- LPSTR lpPtr;
- if((PCXfp=fopen(PcxFileName,"rb"))==NULL){
- MessageBox(hWnd,"File c:\test.pcx not found!","Error Message",MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
- return FALSE;
- }
- fread((char*)&header,1,sizeof(PCXHEAD),PCXfp);
- if(header.manufacturer!=0x0a){
- MessageBox(hWnd,"Not a valid Pcx file!","Error Message",MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
- fclose(PCXfp);
- return FALSE;
- }
- fseek(PCXfp,-769L,SEEK_END);
- PcxTag=fgetc(PCXfp)&0xff;
- if(PcxTag!=12){
- MessageBox(hWnd,"Not a 256 colors Pcx file!","Error Message",MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
- fclose(PCXfp);
- return FALSE;
- }
- //create new bitmapfileheader and bitmapinfoheader
- memset((char *)&bf,0,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
- memset((char *)&bi,0,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- bi.biSize=sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- bi.biWidth=header.xmax-header.xmin+1;
- bi.biHeight=header.ymax-header.ymin+1;
- bi.biPlanes=1;
- bi.biBitCount=8;
- bi.biCompression=BI_RGB;
- ImgWidth=bi.biWidth;
- ImgHeight=bi.biHeight;
- NumColors=256;
- LineBytes=(DWORD)WIDTHBYTES(bi.biWidth*bi.biBitCount);
- ImgSize=(DWORD)LineBytes*bi.biHeight;
- bf.bfType=0x4d42;
- bf.bfSize=sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)+NumColors*sizeof(RGBQUAD)+ImgSize;
- bf.bfOffBits=(DWORD)(NumColors*sizeof(RGBQUAD)+sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- if((hImgData=GlobalAlloc(GHND,(DWORD)(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)+
- NumColors*sizeof(RGBQUAD)+ImgSize)))==NULL)
- {
- MessageBox(hWnd,"Error alloc memory!","ErrorMessage",MB_OK|
- fclose(PCXfp);
- return FALSE;
- }
- lpImgData=(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)GlobalLock(hImgData);
- memcpy(lpImgData,(char *)&bi,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- lpPtr=(char *)lpImgData+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- hPal=LocalAlloc(LHND,sizeof(LOGPALETTE) + NumColors* sizeof(PALETTEENTRY));
- pPal =(LOGPALETTE *)LocalLock(hPal);
- pPal->palNumEntries =256;
- pPal->palVersion = 0x300;
- for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
- pPal->palPalEntry[i].peRed=(BYTE)fgetc(PCXfp);
- pPal->palPalEntry[i].peGreen=(BYTE)fgetc(PCXfp);
- pPal->palPalEntry[i].peBlue=(BYTE)fgetc(PCXfp);
- pPal->palPalEntry[i].peFlags=(BYTE)0;
- *(lpPtr++)=(unsigned char)pPal->palPalEntry[i].peBlue;
- *(lpPtr++)=(unsigned char)pPal->palPalEntry[i].peGreen;
- *(lpPtr++)=(unsigned char)pPal->palPalEntry[i].peRed;
- *(lpPtr++)=0;
- }
- hPalette=CreatePalette(pPal);
- LocalUnlock(hPal);
- LocalFree(hPal);
- hDc=GetDC(hWnd);
- if(hPalette){
- hPrevPalette=SelectPalette(hDc,hPalette,FALSE);
- RealizePalette(hDc);
- }
- PcxBytesPerLine=(unsigned int)header.bytes_per_line;
- fseek(PCXfp,(LONG)sizeof(PCXHEAD),SEEK_SET);
- BufSize=bf.bfSize-sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER);
- for(y=0;y<bi.biHeight;y++){
- lpPtr=(char *)lpImgData+BufSize-LineBytes-y*LineBytes;
- ReadPcxLine(LineBuffer,PCXfp);
- for(x=0;x<bi.biWidth;x++)
- *(lpPtr++)=LineBuffer[x];
- }
- hBitmap=CreateDIBitmap(hDc, (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lpImgData, (LONG)CBM_INIT,
- (LPSTR)lpImgData+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) +NumColors*sizeof(RGBQUAD),
- if(hPalette && hPrevPalette){
- SelectPalette(hDc,hPrevPalette,FALSE);
- RealizePalette(hDc);
- }
- /*
- HFILE hfbmp;
- hfbmp=_lcreat("c:\pcx2bmp.bmp",0);
- _lwrite(hfbmp,(LPSTR)&bf,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
- _lwrite(hfbmp,(LPSTR)lpImgData,BufSize);
- _lclose(hfbmp);
- */
- fclose(PCXfp);
- ReleaseDC(hWnd,hDc);
- GlobalUnlock(hImgData);
- return TRUE;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void JPEG::ReadPcxLine(unsigned char *p,FILE *fp) //decode one line of pcx file
- {
- unsigned int n=0,i;
- char c;
- memset(p,0,PcxBytesPerLine);
- do{
- //get a key byte
- c=fgetc(fp)&0xff;
- //if it's a run of BytePerLine field
- if((c&0xc0)==0xc0){
- //mask off the high bits
- i=c&0x3f;
- //get the run byte
- c=fgetc(fp);
- //run the byte
- while(i--) p[n++]=c;
- }
- else p[n++]=c;
- }while (n<PcxBytesPerLine);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL JPEG::LoadJpegFile (HWND hWnd,char *JpegFileName)
- {
- HFILE hfjpg;
- HDC hDc;
- DWORD ImgSize;
- DWORD BufSize,JpegBufSize;
- HGLOBAL hJpegBuf;
- int funcret;
- if((hfjpg=_lopen(JpegFileName,OF_READ))==HFILE_ERROR){
- showerror(FUNC_FILE_ERROR);
- return FALSE;
- }
- //get jpg file length
- JpegBufSize=_llseek(hfjpg,0L,SEEK_END);
- //rewind to the beginning of the file
- _llseek(hfjpg,0L,SEEK_SET);
- if((hJpegBuf=GlobalAlloc(GHND,JpegBufSize))==NULL){
- _lclose(hfjpg);
- showerror(FUNC_MEMORY_ERROR);
- return FALSE;
- }
- lpJpegBuf=(unsigned char *)GlobalLock(hJpegBuf);
- _hread(hfjpg,(unsigned char *)lpJpegBuf,JpegBufSize);
- _lclose(hfjpg);
- InitTable();
- if((funcret=InitTag())!=FUNC_OK){
- GlobalUnlock(hJpegBuf);
- GlobalFree(hJpegBuf);
- showerror(funcret);
- return FALSE;
- }
- //create new bitmapfileheader and bitmapinfoheader
- memset((char *)&bf,0,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
- memset((char *)&bi,0,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- bi.biSize=(DWORD)sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- bi.biWidth=(LONG)(ImgWidth);
- bi.biHeight=(LONG)(ImgHeight);
- bi.biPlanes=1;
- bi.biBitCount=24;
- bi.biClrUsed=0;
- bi.biClrImportant=0;
- bi.biCompression=BI_RGB;
- NumColors=0;
- LineBytes=(DWORD)WIDTHBYTES(bi.biWidth*bi.biBitCount);
- ImgSize=(DWORD)LineBytes*bi.biHeight;
- bf.bfType=0x4d42;
- bf.bfSize=sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)+NumColors*sizeof(RGBQUAD)+ImgSize;
- bf.bfOffBits=(DWORD)(NumColors*sizeof(RGBQUAD)+sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- BufSize=bf.bfSize-sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER);
- if((hImgData=GlobalAlloc(GHND,BufSize))==NULL){
- GlobalUnlock(hJpegBuf);
- GlobalFree(hJpegBuf);
- showerror(FUNC_MEMORY_ERROR);
- return FALSE;
- }
- lpImgData=(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)GlobalLock(hImgData);
- memcpy(lpImgData,(char *)&bi,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- lpPtr=(char *)lpImgData+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- if((SampRate_Y_H==0)||(SampRate_Y_V==0)){
- GlobalUnlock(hJpegBuf);
- GlobalFree(hJpegBuf);
- GlobalUnlock(hImgData);
- GlobalFree(hImgData);
- hImgData=NULL;
- showerror(FUNC_FORMAT_ERROR);
- return FALSE ;
- }
- funcret=Decode();
- if(funcret==FUNC_OK){
- hDc=GetDC(hWnd);
- hBitmap=CreateDIBitmap(hDc, (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lpImgData, (LONG)CBM_INIT,
- (LPSTR)lpImgData+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) +NumColors*sizeof(RGBQUAD),
- /* 保存JPG图片为BMP文件
- HFILE hfbmp;
- hfbmp=_lcreat("c:\jpeg2bmp.bmp",0);
- _lwrite(hfbmp,(LPSTR)&bf,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
- _lwrite(hfbmp,(LPSTR)lpImgData,BufSize);
- _lclose(hfbmp);
- */
- ReleaseDC(hWnd,hDc);
- GlobalUnlock(hJpegBuf);
- GlobalFree(hJpegBuf);
- GlobalUnlock(hImgData);
- return TRUE;
- }
- else{
- GlobalUnlock(hJpegBuf);
- GlobalFree(hJpegBuf);
- GlobalUnlock(hImgData);
- GlobalFree(hImgData);
- hImgData=NULL;
- showerror(funcret);
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL JPEG::LoadJpegFile (HDC hDc,char *JpegFileName)
- {
- HFILE hfjpg;
- DWORD ImgSize;
- DWORD BufSize,JpegBufSize;
- HGLOBAL hJpegBuf;
- int funcret;
- if((hfjpg=_lopen(JpegFileName,OF_READ))==HFILE_ERROR){
- //showerror(FUNC_FILE_ERROR);
- return FALSE;
- }
- //get jpg file length
- JpegBufSize=_llseek(hfjpg,0L,SEEK_END);
- //rewind to the beginning of the file
- _llseek(hfjpg,0L,SEEK_SET);
- if((hJpegBuf=GlobalAlloc(GHND,JpegBufSize))==NULL){
- _lclose(hfjpg);
- showerror(FUNC_MEMORY_ERROR);
- return FALSE;
- }
- lpJpegBuf=(unsigned char *)GlobalLock(hJpegBuf);
- _hread(hfjpg,(unsigned char *)lpJpegBuf,JpegBufSize);
- _lclose(hfjpg);
- InitTable();
- if((funcret=InitTag())!=FUNC_OK){
- GlobalUnlock(hJpegBuf);
- GlobalFree(hJpegBuf);
- showerror(funcret);
- return FALSE;
- }
- //create new bitmapfileheader and bitmapinfoheader
- memset((char *)&bf,0,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
- memset((char *)&bi,0,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- bi.biSize=(DWORD)sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- bi.biWidth=(LONG)(ImgWidth);
- bi.biHeight=(LONG)(ImgHeight);
- bi.biPlanes=1;
- bi.biBitCount=24;
- bi.biClrUsed=0;
- bi.biClrImportant=0;
- bi.biCompression=BI_RGB;
- NumColors=0;
- LineBytes=(DWORD)WIDTHBYTES(bi.biWidth*bi.biBitCount);
- ImgSize=(DWORD)LineBytes*bi.biHeight;
- bf.bfType=0x4d42;
- bf.bfSize=sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)+NumColors*sizeof(RGBQUAD)+ImgSize;
- bf.bfOffBits=(DWORD)(NumColors*sizeof(RGBQUAD)+sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- BufSize=bf.bfSize-sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER);
- if((hImgData=GlobalAlloc(GHND,BufSize))==NULL){
- GlobalUnlock(hJpegBuf);
- GlobalFree(hJpegBuf);
- showerror(FUNC_MEMORY_ERROR);
- return FALSE;
- }
- lpImgData=(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)GlobalLock(hImgData);
- memcpy(lpImgData,(char *)&bi,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- lpPtr=(char *)lpImgData+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
- if((SampRate_Y_H==0)||(SampRate_Y_V==0)){
- GlobalUnlock(hJpegBuf);
- GlobalFree(hJpegBuf);
- GlobalUnlock(hImgData);
- GlobalFree(hImgData);
- hImgData=NULL;
- showerror(FUNC_FORMAT_ERROR);
- return FALSE ;
- }
- funcret=Decode();
- if(funcret==FUNC_OK){
- hBitmap=CreateDIBitmap(hDc, (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)lpImgData, (LONG)CBM_INIT,
- (LPSTR)lpImgData+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) +NumColors*sizeof(RGBQUAD),
- /*保存JPG图片为BMP文件
- HFILE hfbmp;
- hfbmp=_lcreat("c:\jpeg2bmp.bmp",0);
- _lwrite(hfbmp,(LPSTR)&bf,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
- _lwrite(hfbmp,(LPSTR)lpImgData,BufSize);
- _lclose(hfbmp);
- */
- GlobalUnlock(hJpegBuf);
- GlobalFree(hJpegBuf);
- GlobalUnlock(hImgData);
- return TRUE;
- }
- else{
- GlobalUnlock(hJpegBuf);
- GlobalFree(hJpegBuf);
- GlobalUnlock(hImgData);
- GlobalFree(hImgData);
- hImgData=NULL;
- showerror(funcret);
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void JPEG::showerror(int funcret)
- {
- switch(funcret){
- MessageBox(NULL,"内存分配错误!","ErrorMessage",MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
- break;
- MessageBox(NULL,"文件未找到!","ErrorMessage",MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
- break;
- MessageBox(NULL,"文件格式错误!","Error Message",MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
- break;
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int JPEG::InitTag()
- {
- BOOL finish=FALSE;
- BYTE id;
- short llength;
- short i,j,k;
- short huftab1,huftab2;
- short huftabindex;
- BYTE hf_table_index;
- BYTE qt_table_index;
- BYTE comnum;
- unsigned char *lptemp;
- short ccount;
- lp=lpJpegBuf+2;
- while (!finish){
- id=*(lp+1);
- lp+=2;
- switch (id){
- case M_APP0:
- llength=MAKEWORD(*(lp+1),*lp);
- lp+=llength;
- break;
- case M_DQT:
- llength=MAKEWORD(*(lp+1),*lp);
- qt_table_index=(*(lp+2))&0x0f;
- lptemp=lp+3;
- if(llength<80){
- for(i=0;i<64;i++)
- qt_table[qt_table_index][i]=(short)*(lptemp++);
- }
- else{
- for(i=0;i<64;i++)
- qt_table[qt_table_index][i]=(short)*(lptemp++);
- qt_table_index=(*(lptemp++))&0x0f;
- for(i=0;i<64;i++)
- qt_table[qt_table_index][i]=(short)*(lptemp++);
- }
- lp+=llength;
- break;
- case M_SOF0:
- llength=MAKEWORD(*(lp+1),*lp);
- ImgHeight=MAKEWORD(*(lp+4),*(lp+3));
- ImgWidth=MAKEWORD(*(lp+6),*(lp+5));
- comp_num=*(lp+7);
- if((comp_num!=1)&&(comp_num!=3))
- if(comp_num==3){
- comp_index[0]=*(lp+8);
- SampRate_Y_H=(*(lp+9))>>4;
- SampRate_Y_V=(*(lp+9))&0x0f;
- YQtTable=(short *)qt_table[*(lp+10)];
- comp_index[1]=*(lp+11);
- SampRate_U_H=(*(lp+12))>>4;
- SampRate_U_V=(*(lp+12))&0x0f;
- UQtTable=(short *)qt_table[*(lp+13)];
- comp_index[2]=*(lp+14);
- SampRate_V_H=(*(lp+15))>>4;
- SampRate_V_V=(*(lp+15))&0x0f;
- VQtTable=(short *)qt_table[*(lp+16)];
- }
- else{
- comp_index[0]=*(lp+8);
- SampRate_Y_H=(*(lp+9))>>4;
- SampRate_Y_V=(*(lp+9))&0x0f;
- YQtTable=(short *)qt_table[*(lp+10)];
- comp_index[1]=*(lp+8);
- SampRate_U_H=1;
- SampRate_U_V=1;
- UQtTable=(short *)qt_table[*(lp+10)];
- comp_index[2]=*(lp+8);
- SampRate_V_H=1;
- SampRate_V_V=1;
- VQtTable=(short *)qt_table[*(lp+10)];
- }
- lp+=llength;
- break;
- case M_DHT:
- llength=MAKEWORD(*(lp+1),*lp);
- if (llength<0xd0){
- huftab1=(short)(*(lp+2))>>4; //huftab1=0,1
- huftab2=(short)(*(lp+2))&0x0f; //huftab2=0,1
- huftabindex=huftab1*2+huftab2;
- lptemp=lp+3;
- for (i=0; i<16; i++)
- code_len_table[huftabindex][i]=(short)(*(lptemp++));
- j=0;
- for (i=0; i<16; i++)
- if(code_len_table[huftabindex][i]!=0){
- k=0;
- while(k<code_len_table[huftabindex][i]){
- code_value_table[huftabindex][k+j]=(short)(*(lptemp++));
- k++;
- }
- j+=k;
- }
- i=0;
- while (code_len_table[huftabindex][i]==0)
- i++;
- for (j=0;j<i;j++){
- huf_min_value[huftabindex][j]=0;
- huf_max_value[huftabindex][j]=0;
- }
- huf_min_value[huftabindex][i]=0;
- huf_max_value[huftabindex][i]=code_len_table[huftabindex][i]-1;
- for (j=i+1;j<16;j++){
- huf_min_value[huftabindex][j]=(huf_max_value[huftabindex][j-1]+1)<<1;
- huf_max_value[huftabindex][j]=huf_min_value[huftabindex][j]+code_len_table[huftabindex][j]-1;
- }
- code_pos_table[huftabindex][0]=0;
- for (j=1;j<16;j++)
- code_pos_table[huftabindex][j]=code_len_table[huftabindex][j-1]+code_pos_table[huftabindex][j-1];
- lp+=llength;
- } //if
- else{
- hf_table_index=*(lp+2);
- lp+=2;
- while (hf_table_index!=0xff){
- huftab1=(short)hf_table_index>>4; //huftab1=0,1
- huftab2=(short)hf_table_index&0x0f; //huftab2=0,1
- huftabindex=huftab1*2+huftab2;
- lptemp=lp+1;
- ccount=0;
- for (i=0; i<16; i++){
- code_len_table[huftabindex][i]=(short)(*(lptemp++));
- ccount+=code_len_table[huftabindex][i];
- }
- ccount+=17;
- j=0;
- for (i=0; i<16; i++)
- if(code_len_table[huftabindex][i]!=0){
- k=0;
- while(k<code_len_table[huftabindex][i])
- {
- code_value_table[huftabindex][k+j]=(short)(*(lptemp++));
- k++;
- }
- j+=k;
- }
- i=0;
- while (code_len_table[huftabindex][i]==0)
- i++;
- for (j=0;j<i;j++){
- huf_min_value[huftabindex][j]=0;
- huf_max_value[huftabindex][j]=0;
- }
- huf_min_value[huftabindex][i]=0;
- huf_max_value[huftabindex][i]=code_len_table[huftabindex][i]-1;
- for (j=i+1;j<16;j++){
- huf_min_value[huftabindex][j]=(huf_max_value[huftabindex][j-1]+1)<<1;
- huf_max_value[huftabindex][j]=huf_min_value[huftabindex][j]+code_len_table[huftabindex][j]-1;
- }
- code_pos_table[huftabindex][0]=0;
- for (j=1;j<16;j++)
- code_pos_table[huftabindex][j]=code_len_table[huftabindex][j-1]+code_pos_table[huftabindex][j-1];
- lp+=ccount;
- hf_table_index=*lp;
- } //while
- } //else
- break;
- case M_DRI:
- llength=MAKEWORD(*(lp+1),*lp);
- restart=MAKEWORD(*(lp+3),*(lp+2));
- lp+=llength;
- break;
- case M_SOS:
- llength=MAKEWORD(*(lp+1),*lp);
- comnum=*(lp+2);
- if(comnum!=comp_num)
- lptemp=lp+3;
- for (i=0;i<comp_num;i++){
- if(*lptemp==comp_index[0]){
- YDcIndex=(*(lptemp+1))>>4; //Y
- YAcIndex=((*(lptemp+1))&0x0f)+2;
- }
- else{
- UVDcIndex=(*(lptemp+1))>>4; //U,V
- UVAcIndex=((*(lptemp+1))&0x0f)+2;
- }
- lptemp+=2;
- }
- lp+=llength;
- finish=TRUE;
- break;
- case M_EOI:
- break;
- default:
- if ((id&0xf0)!=0xd0){
- llength=MAKEWORD(*(lp+1),*lp);
- lp+=llength;
- }
- else lp+=2;
- break;
- } //switch
- } //while
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void JPEG::InitTable()
- {
- short i,j;
- sizei=sizej=0;
- ImgWidth=ImgHeight=0;
- rrun=vvalue=0;
- BitPos=0;
- CurByte=0;
- IntervalFlag=FALSE;
- restart=0;
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)
- for(j=0;j<64;j++)
- qt_table[i][j]=0;
- comp_num=0;
- HufTabIndex=0;
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)
- comp_index[i]=0;
- for(i=0;i<4;i++)
- for(j=0;j<16;j++){
- code_len_table[i][j]=0;
- code_pos_table[i][j]=0;
- huf_max_value[i][j]=0;
- huf_min_value[i][j]=0;
- }
- for(i=0;i<4;i++)
- for(j=0;j<256;j++)
- code_value_table[i][j]=0;
- for(i=0;i<10*64;i++){
- MCUBuffer[i]=0;
- QtZzMCUBuffer[i]=0;
- }
- for(i=0;i<64;i++){
- Y[i]=0;
- U[i]=0;
- V[i]=0;
- BlockBuffer[i]=0;
- }
- ycoef=ucoef=vcoef=0;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int JPEG::Decode()
- {
- int funcret;
- Y_in_MCU=SampRate_Y_H*SampRate_Y_V;
- U_in_MCU=SampRate_U_H*SampRate_U_V;
- V_in_MCU=SampRate_V_H*SampRate_V_V;
- H_YtoU=SampRate_Y_H/SampRate_U_H;
- V_YtoU=SampRate_Y_V/SampRate_U_V;
- H_YtoV=SampRate_Y_H/SampRate_V_H;
- V_YtoV=SampRate_Y_V/SampRate_V_V;
- Initialize_Fast_IDCT();
- while((funcret=DecodeMCUBlock())==FUNC_OK){
- interval++;
- if((restart)&&(interval % restart==0))
- IntervalFlag=TRUE;
- else
- IntervalFlag=FALSE;
- IQtIZzMCUComponent(0);
- IQtIZzMCUComponent(1);
- IQtIZzMCUComponent(2);
- GetYUV(0);
- GetYUV(1);
- GetYUV(2);
- StoreBuffer();
- sizej+=SampRate_Y_H*8;
- if(sizej>=ImgWidth){
- sizej=0;
- sizei+=SampRate_Y_V*8;
- }
- if ((sizej==0)&&(sizei>=ImgHeight))
- break;
- }
- return funcret;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void JPEG::GetYUV(short flag)
- {
- short H,VV;
- short i,j,k,h;
- int *buf;
- int *pQtZzMCU;
- switch(flag){
- case 0:
- H=SampRate_Y_H;
- VV=SampRate_Y_V;
- buf=Y;
- pQtZzMCU=QtZzMCUBuffer;
- break;
- case 1:
- H=SampRate_U_H;
- VV=SampRate_U_V;
- buf=U;
- pQtZzMCU=QtZzMCUBuffer+Y_in_MCU*64;
- break;
- case 2:
- H=SampRate_V_H;
- VV=SampRate_V_V;
- buf=V;
- pQtZzMCU=QtZzMCUBuffer+(Y_in_MCU+U_in_MCU)*64;
- break;
- }
- for (i=0;i<VV;i++)
- for(j=0;j<H;j++)
- for(k=0;k<8;k++)
- for(h=0;h<8;h++)
- buf[(i*8+k)*SampRate_Y_H*8+j*8+h]=*pQtZzMCU++;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void JPEG::StoreBuffer()
- {
- short i,j;
- unsigned char *lpbmp;
- unsigned char R,G,B;
- int y,u,v,rr,gg,bb;
- for(i=0;i<SampRate_Y_V*8;i++){
- if((sizei+i)<ImgHeight){
- lpbmp=((unsigned char *)lpPtr+(DWORD)(ImgHeight-sizei-i-1)*LineBytes+sizej*3);
- for(j=0;j<SampRate_Y_H*8;j++){
- if((sizej+j)<ImgWidth){
- y=Y[i*8*SampRate_Y_H+j];
- u=U[(i/V_YtoU)*8*SampRate_Y_H+j/H_YtoU];
- v=V[(i/V_YtoV)*8*SampRate_Y_H+j/H_YtoV];
- rr=((y<<8)+18*u+367*v)>>8;
- gg=((y<<8)-159*u-220*v)>>8;
- bb=((y<<8)+411*u-29*v)>>8;
- R=(unsigned char)rr;
- G=(unsigned char)gg;
- B=(unsigned char)bb;
- if (rr&0xffffff00) if (rr>255) R=255; else if (rr<0) R=0;
- if (gg&0xffffff00) if (gg>255) G=255; else if (gg<0) G=0;
- if (bb&0xffffff00) if (bb>255) B=255; else if (bb<0) B=0;
- *lpbmp++=B;
- *lpbmp++=G;
- *lpbmp++=R;
- }
- else break;
- }
- }
- else break;
- }
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int JPEG::DecodeMCUBlock()
- {
- short *lpMCUBuffer;
- short i,j;
- int funcret;
- if (IntervalFlag){
- lp+=2;
- ycoef=ucoef=vcoef=0;
- BitPos=0;
- CurByte=0;
- }
- switch(comp_num){
- case 3:
- lpMCUBuffer=MCUBuffer;
- for (i=0;i<SampRate_Y_H*SampRate_Y_V;i++) //Y
- {
- funcret=HufBlock(YDcIndex,YAcIndex);
- if (funcret!=FUNC_OK)
- return funcret;
- BlockBuffer[0]=BlockBuffer[0]+ycoef;
- ycoef=BlockBuffer[0];
- for (j=0;j<64;j++)
- *lpMCUBuffer++=BlockBuffer[j];
- }
- for (i=0;i<SampRate_U_H*SampRate_U_V;i++) //U
- {
- funcret=HufBlock(UVDcIndex,UVAcIndex);
- if (funcret!=FUNC_OK)
- return funcret;
- BlockBuffer[0]=BlockBuffer[0]+ucoef;
- ucoef=BlockBuffer[0];
- for (j=0;j<64;j++)
- *lpMCUBuffer++=BlockBuffer[j];
- }
- for (i=0;i<SampRate_V_H*SampRate_V_V;i++) //V
- {
- funcret=HufBlock(UVDcIndex,UVAcIndex);
- if (funcret!=FUNC_OK)
- return funcret;
- BlockBuffer[0]=BlockBuffer[0]+vcoef;
- vcoef=BlockBuffer[0];
- for (j=0;j<64;j++)
- *lpMCUBuffer++=BlockBuffer[j];
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- lpMCUBuffer=MCUBuffer;
- funcret=HufBlock(YDcIndex,YAcIndex);
- if (funcret!=FUNC_OK)
- return funcret;
- BlockBuffer[0]=BlockBuffer[0]+ycoef;
- ycoef=BlockBuffer[0];
- for (j=0;j<64;j++)
- *lpMCUBuffer++=BlockBuffer[j];
- for (i=0;i<128;i++)
- *lpMCUBuffer++=0;
- break;
- default:
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int JPEG::HufBlock(BYTE dchufindex,BYTE achufindex)
- {
- short count=0;
- short i;
- int funcret;
- //dc
- HufTabIndex=dchufindex;
- funcret=DecodeElement();
- if(funcret!=FUNC_OK)
- return funcret;
- BlockBuffer[count++]=vvalue;
- //ac
- HufTabIndex=achufindex;
- while (count<64){
- funcret=DecodeElement();
- if(funcret!=FUNC_OK)
- return funcret;
- if ((rrun==0)&&(vvalue==0)){
- for (i=count;i<64;i++)
- BlockBuffer[i]=0;
- count=64;
- }
- else{
- for (i=0;i<rrun;i++)
- BlockBuffer[count++]=0;
- BlockBuffer[count++]=vvalue;
- }
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int JPEG::DecodeElement()
- {
- int thiscode,tempcode;
- unsigned short temp,valueex;
- short codelen;
- BYTE hufexbyte,runsize,tempsize,sign;
- BYTE newbyte,lastbyte;
- if(BitPos>=1){
- BitPos--;
- thiscode=(BYTE)CurByte>>BitPos;
- CurByte=CurByte&And[BitPos];
- }
- else{
- lastbyte=ReadByte();
- BitPos--;
- newbyte=CurByte&And[BitPos];
- thiscode=lastbyte>>7;
- CurByte=newbyte;
- }
- codelen=1;
- while ((thiscode<huf_min_value[HufTabIndex][codelen-1])||
- (code_len_table[HufTabIndex][codelen-1]==0)||
- (thiscode>huf_max_value[HufTabIndex][codelen-1]))
- {
- if(BitPos>=1){
- BitPos--;
- tempcode=(BYTE)CurByte>>BitPos;
- CurByte=CurByte&And[BitPos];
- }
- else{
- lastbyte=ReadByte();
- BitPos--;
- newbyte=CurByte&And[BitPos];
- tempcode=(BYTE)lastbyte>>7;
- CurByte=newbyte;
- }
- thiscode=(thiscode<<1)+tempcode;
- codelen++;
- if(codelen>16)
- } //while
- temp=thiscode-huf_min_value[HufTabIndex][codelen-1]+code_pos_table[HufTabIndex][codelen-1];
- hufexbyte=(BYTE)code_value_table[HufTabIndex][temp];
- rrun=(short)(hufexbyte>>4);
- runsize=hufexbyte&0x0f;
- if(runsize==0){
- vvalue=0;
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- tempsize=runsize;
- if(BitPos>=runsize){
- BitPos-=runsize;
- valueex=(BYTE)CurByte>>BitPos;
- CurByte=CurByte&And[BitPos];
- }
- else{
- valueex=CurByte;
- tempsize-=BitPos;
- while(tempsize>8){
- lastbyte=ReadByte();
- valueex=(valueex<<8)+(BYTE)lastbyte;
- tempsize-=8;
- } //while
- lastbyte=ReadByte();
- BitPos-=tempsize;
- valueex=(valueex<<tempsize)+(lastbyte>>BitPos);
- CurByte=lastbyte&And[BitPos];
- } //else
- sign=valueex>>(runsize-1);
- if(sign)
- vvalue=valueex;
- else{
- valueex=valueex^0xffff;
- temp=0xffff<<runsize;
- vvalue=-(short)(valueex^temp);
- }
- return FUNC_OK;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void JPEG::IQtIZzMCUComponent(short flag)
- {
- short H,VV;
- short i,j;
- int *pQtZzMCUBuffer;
- short *pMCUBuffer;
- switch(flag){
- case 0:
- H=SampRate_Y_H;
- VV=SampRate_Y_V;
- pMCUBuffer=MCUBuffer;
- pQtZzMCUBuffer=QtZzMCUBuffer;
- break;
- case 1:
- H=SampRate_U_H;
- VV=SampRate_U_V;
- pMCUBuffer=MCUBuffer+Y_in_MCU*64;
- pQtZzMCUBuffer=QtZzMCUBuffer+Y_in_MCU*64;
- break;
- case 2:
- H=SampRate_V_H;
- VV=SampRate_V_V;
- pMCUBuffer=MCUBuffer+(Y_in_MCU+U_in_MCU)*64;
- pQtZzMCUBuffer=QtZzMCUBuffer+(Y_in_MCU+U_in_MCU)*64;
- break;
- }
- for(i=0;i<VV;i++)
- for (j=0;j<H;j++)
- IQtIZzBlock(pMCUBuffer+(i*H+j)*64,pQtZzMCUBuffer+(i*H+j)*64,flag);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void JPEG::IQtIZzBlock(short *s ,int * d,short flag)
- {
- short i,j;
- short tag;
- short *pQt;
- int buffer2[8][8];
- int *buffer1;
- short offset;
- switch(flag){
- case 0:
- pQt=YQtTable;
- offset=128;
- break;
- case 1:
- pQt=UQtTable;
- offset=0;
- break;
- case 2:
- pQt=VQtTable;
- offset=0;
- break;
- }
- for(i=0;i<8;i++)
- for(j=0;j<8;j++){
- tag=Zig_Zag[i][j];
- buffer2[i][j]=(int)s[tag]*(int)pQt[tag];
- }
- buffer1=(int *)buffer2;
- Fast_IDCT(buffer1);
- for(i=0;i<8;i++)
- for(j=0;j<8;j++)
- d[i*8+j]=buffer2[i][j]+offset;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void JPEG::Fast_IDCT(int * block)
- {
- short i;
- for (i=0; i<8; i++)
- idctrow(block+8*i);
- for (i=0; i<8; i++)
- idctcol(block+i);
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BYTE JPEG::ReadByte()
- {
- BYTE i;
- i=*(lp++);
- if(i==0xff)
- lp++;
- BitPos=8;
- CurByte=i;
- return i;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void JPEG::Initialize_Fast_IDCT()
- {
- short i;
- iclp = iclip+512;
- for (i= -512; i<512; i++)
- iclp[i] = (i<-256) ? -256 : ((i>255) ? 255 : i);
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void JPEG::idctrow(int * blk)
- {
- int x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8;
- //intcut
- if (!((x1 = blk[4]<<11) | (x2 = blk[6]) | (x3 = blk[2]) |
- (x4 = blk[1]) | (x5 = blk[7]) | (x6 = blk[5]) | (x7 = blk[3])))
- {
- blk[0]=blk[1]=blk[2]=blk[3]=blk[4]=blk[5]=blk[6]=blk[7]=blk[0]<<3;
- return;
- }
- x0 = (blk[0]<<11) + 128; // for proper rounding in the fourth stage
- //first stage
- x8 = W7*(x4+x5);
- x4 = x8 + (W1-W7)*x4;
- x5 = x8 - (W1+W7)*x5;
- x8 = W3*(x6+x7);
- x6 = x8 - (W3-W5)*x6;
- x7 = x8 - (W3+W5)*x7;
- //second stage
- x8 = x0 + x1;
- x0 -= x1;
- x1 = W6*(x3+x2);
- x2 = x1 - (W2+W6)*x2;
- x3 = x1 + (W2-W6)*x3;
- x1 = x4 + x6;
- x4 -= x6;
- x6 = x5 + x7;
- x5 -= x7;
- //third stage
- x7 = x8 + x3;
- x8 -= x3;
- x3 = x0 + x2;
- x0 -= x2;
- x2 = (181*(x4+x5)+128)>>8;
- x4 = (181*(x4-x5)+128)>>8;
- //fourth stage
- blk[0] = (x7+x1)>>8;
- blk[1] = (x3+x2)>>8;
- blk[2] = (x0+x4)>>8;
- blk[3] = (x8+x6)>>8;
- blk[4] = (x8-x6)>>8;
- blk[5] = (x0-x4)>>8;
- blk[6] = (x3-x2)>>8;
- blk[7] = (x7-x1)>>8;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void JPEG::idctcol(int * blk)
- {
- int x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8;
- //intcut
- if (!((x1 = (blk[8*4]<<8)) | (x2 = blk[8*6]) | (x3 = blk[8*2]) |
- (x4 = blk[8*1]) | (x5 = blk[8*7]) | (x6 = blk[8*5]) | (x7 = blk[8*3])))
- {
- blk[8*0]=blk[8*1]=blk[8*2]=blk[8*3]=blk[8*4]=blk[8*5]
- =blk[8*6]=blk[8*7]=iclp[(blk[8*0]+32)>>6];
- return;
- }
- x0 = (blk[8*0]<<8) + 8192;
- //first stage
- x8 = W7*(x4+x5) + 4;
- x4 = (x8+(W1-W7)*x4)>>3;
- x5 = (x8-(W1+W7)*x5)>>3;
- x8 = W3*(x6+x7) + 4;
- x6 = (x8-(W3-W5)*x6)>>3;
- x7 = (x8-(W3+W5)*x7)>>3;
- //second stage
- x8 = x0 + x1;
- x0 -= x1;
- x1 = W6*(x3+x2) + 4;
- x2 = (x1-(W2+W6)*x2)>>3;
- x3 = (x1+(W2-W6)*x3)>>3;
- x1 = x4 + x6;
- x4 -= x6;
- x6 = x5 + x7;
- x5 -= x7;
- //third stage
- x7 = x8 + x3;
- x8 -= x3;
- x3 = x0 + x2;
- x0 -= x2;
- x2 = (181*(x4+x5)+128)>>8;
- x4 = (181*(x4-x5)+128)>>8;
- //fourth stage
- blk[8*0] = iclp[(x7+x1)>>14];
- blk[8*1] = iclp[(x3+x2)>>14];
- blk[8*2] = iclp[(x0+x4)>>14];
- blk[8*3] = iclp[(x8+x6)>>14];
- blk[8*4] = iclp[(x8-x6)>>14];
- blk[8*5] = iclp[(x0-x4)>>14];
- blk[8*6] = iclp[(x3-x2)>>14];
- blk[8*7] = iclp[(x7-x1)>>14];
- }