资源名称:cku197.tar.Z [点击查看]
- CKAAAA.TXT 1 Jan 2000
- Communications software for UNIX, (Open)VMS, Stratus VOS, AOS/VS, QNX,
- Plan 9, OS-9, Apollo Aegis, and the Commodore Amiga.
- Copyright (C) 1985, 2000,
- Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
- All rights reserved. See the C-Kermit COPYING.TXT file or the
- copyright text in the ckcmai.c module for disclaimer and permissions.
- C-Kermit is documented in the book "Using C-Kermit", Second Edition, by
- Frank da Cruz and Christine M. Gianone, Digital Press, ISBN 1-55558-164-1.
- Available at book and computer stores, or order from Columbia University
- by calling +1 212 854-3703 (MasterCard and Visa accepted), or by calling
- Digital Press / Butterworth-Heinemann at one of the numbers below
- (MasterCard, Visa, and American Express accepted). PLEASE PURCHASE THE
- DOCUMENTATION: it shows you step-by-step how to use C-Kermit with lots of
- examples and illustrations, it will answer most of your questions, and
- sales help to fund the Kermit development and support effort. Digital
- Press phone numbers:
- +1 800 366-2665 (Newton, Massachusetts office for USA & Canada)
- +44 1865 314627 (Oxford, England distribution centre for UK & Europe)
- +61 03 9245 7111 (Melbourne, Vic, office for Australia & NZ)
- +65 356-1968 (Singapore office for Asia)
- +27 (31) 2683111 (Durban office for South Africa)
- The second editon of Using C-Kermit corresponds to version 6.0. The changes
- since 6.0 are documented in the file ckermit2.txt, which supplements the
- second edition of the manual until the third edition is published.
- A German edition is available from Verlag Heinz Heise in Hannover, Germany,
- Tel. +49 (05 11) 53 52-0, Fax. +49 (05 11) 53 52-1 29.
- After C-Kermit 6.1 Beta.05, the names of all the text files were changed
- to have a filetype of ".txt" to allow them to be handled properly by
- Windows-based applications, Web browsers, etc:
- ckermit2.upd => ckermit2.txt
- ckaaaa.hlp => ckaaaa.txt
- ckc195.upd => ckc195.txt
- ckuins.doc => ckuins.txt
- ckvins.doc => ckvins.txt
- ckermit.bwr => ckcbwr.txt
- ckuker.bwr => ckubwr.txt
- ckvker.bwr => ckvbwr.txt
- ckcplm.doc => ckcplm.txt
- ckccfg.doc => ckccfg.txt
- If you have a Web browser, go to:
- And take it from there. Otherwise...
- The definitive FTP source for Kermit software is
- Kermit software obtained from other FTP sites is not necessarily complete
- or up to date, and may have been modified. (Note: C-Kermit is now available
- from the Kermit Project on CDROM.)
- C-Kermit for UNIX computers that have a C compiler and 'make' program:
- Directory kermit/archives, binary mode, file cku196.tar.Z or cku196.tar.gz
- This is a compressed tar archive of UNIX C-Kermit source code, makefile, and
- other files. Transfer in binary mode, uncompress (or gunzip), untar (tar
- xvf cku196.tar), and then give the appropriate "make" command to build for
- your UNIX system; read the comments in the makefile and ckuins.txt for
- further info.
- C-Kermit for VMS:
- If you have VMS UNZIP, get the file kermit/archives/ in binary
- mode, unzip, and build with CKVKER.COM. Otherwise get the file
- kermit/f/ckvaaa.hlp in text mode, read it, take it from there.
- Others: In the kermit/f or kermit/test directories under the appropriate
- prefixes, explained below.
- Installation procedures depend on the system. Please read the CK?INS.TXT,
- if any, file for your system (?=U for UNIX, V for VMS, etc). Please note
- the naming and placement for the initialization files:
- The standard initialization file. Please leave it as is unless you
- know what you are doing and (if you are changing it or replacing it
- for others to use) you are prepared to support it. Rename this file
- to .kermrc in UNIX, OS-9, BeBox, or Plan 9. In Stratus VOS, rename
- it ckermit.ini (lowercase). On multiuser systems, it goes either in the
- (or EACH) user's home (login) directory, or else in a common shared
- place if C-Kermit has been configured to look in that place (see
- ckccfg.txt for details).
- A *sample* customization file. On multiuser OS's, a copy of this file
- goes in each user's home directory, and then each user edits it to suit
- her needs and preferences; e.g. by defining macros for their common
- connections.
- Dialing directory files can be system-wide, per-group, or per-user, or
- any combination. For example, there can be a corporate wide directory
- shared by all users, a supplemental directory for each division or
- department, and a personal directory for each user. Simply be sure the
- dialing directory files are identified a SET DIAL DIRECTORY command in
- the user's (or the system-wide) C-Kermit initialization file, or in the
- environment variable (logical name, symbol) K_DIAL_DIRECTORY. (The
- standard initialization file looks by default in the user's home or login
- directory.) When installing C-Kermit on multiuser platforms from which
- users will dial out, you can also set environment variables for area
- code, country code, and the various dialing prefixes as described on page
- 478 of "Using C-Kermit" (second edition), so users don't have to worry
- about defining these items themselves. Network directories and service
- directories can also be set up in a similar manner.
- In UNIX, the general C-Kermit man page (or one of the versions tailored
- for a specific platform, like HP-UX or Solaris) should be installed in
- the appropriate place. In VMS, the VMS help topic (CKVKER.HLP) should
- be installed as described in CKVINS.TXT. Plain-text documentation such
- as CKERMIT2.TXT should be put in whatever place people are accustomed
- to looking.
- C-Kermit is a family of Kermit programs for many different computer systems.
- The program shares a common set of system-independent file transfer protocol
- modules, written in the C language. System-dependent operations are collected
- into system-specific modules for each system.
- C-Kermit file names all start with the letters "CK", followed by a single
- letter indicating the subgroup. When referring to these files in the UNIX,
- AOS/VS, or VOS environments, use lowercase letters, rather than the uppercase
- letters shown here. Subgroups:
- A: General descriptive material and documentation
- B: BOO file encoders and decoders (obsolete)
- C: All systems with C compilers
- D: Data General AOS/VS
- E: Reserved for "ckermit" files, like CKERMIT.INI, CKERMIT2.TXT
- F: (reserved)
- G: (reserved)
- H: (reserved)
- I: Commodore Amiga (Intuition)
- J: (unused)
- K: (unused)
- L: Stratus VOS
- M: Macintosh with Mac OS
- N: Microsoft Windows NT
- O: OS/2 and/or Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT
- P: Bell Labs Plan 9
- Q: (reserved)
- R: DEC PDP-11 with RSTS/E (reserved)
- S: Atari ST GEMDOS (last supported in version 5A(189))
- T: DEC PDP-11 with RT-11 (reserved)
- U: UNIX or environments with UNIX-like C libraries
- V: VMS and OpenVMS
- W: Wart (Lex-like preprocessor, used with all systems)
- X: Build lists (most recent build for each platform), e.g. ckx196.txt.
- Y: (reserved)
- Z: (reserved)
- 0-3: (reserved)
- 4: IBM AS/400
- 5-8: (reserved)
- 9: Microware OS-9
- Examples (use lowercase on UNIX, VOS, or AOS/VS):
- CKAAAA.TXT - This file
- CKVAAA.TXT - Read-me file for the VMS version
- CKUFIO.C - File i/o for UNIX
- CKSTIO.C - Communications i/o for the Atari ST
- MAKEFILE - Makefile for building UNIX C-Kermit
- CKOKER.MAK - Makefile for building OS/2 C-Kermit
- IMPORTANT FILES (use lowercase names on UNIX, VOS, or AOS/VS):
- CKAAAA.TXT - This file (overview of the C-Kermit files).
- For system-specific distributions, this will normally
- be replaced by a system-specific READ.ME file.
- CKERMIT2.TXT - Updates: Supplement to "Using C-Kermit", 2nd Ed.
- CKCBWR.TXT - "Beware file" (limitations, known bugs, hints), general.
- CKERMIT.INI - Standard initialization file (rename to .kermrc in UNIX, OS-9)
- CKERMOD.INI - Sample customization file (rename to .mykermrc in UNIX, OS-9)
- CKERMIT.KDD - Sample dialing directory file (rename to .kdd in UNIX, OS-9)
- CKERMIT.KND - Sample dialing directory file (rename to .knd in UNIX, OS-9)
- CKERMIT.KSD - Sample services directory file (rename to .ksd in UNIX, OS-9)
- CKEDEMO.KSC - Demonstration macros from "Using C-Kermit"
- CKEVT.KSC - Ditto
- UNIX-specific files (use lowercase names on UNIX, VOS, or AOS/VS):
- CKUINS.TXT - UNIX-specific installation instructions.
- CKUBWR.TXT - UNIX-specific beware file.
- CKUKER.NR - "man page" for UNIX.
- CKURZSZ.INI - Macros for external protocols.
- VMS-specific files:
- CKVINS.TXT - VMS-specific installation instructions.
- CKVBWR.TXT - VMS-specific beware file
- CKVKER.HLP - VMS C-Kermit HELP topic
- DG AOS/VS-specific files:
- CKDINS.TXT - Data General AOS/VS C-Kermit installation instructions
- CKDBWR.TXT - AOS/VS "beware" file
- CKD*.CLI - Procedures for building AOS/VS C-Kermit
- The following files are of interest mainly to programmers and historians:
- CKCKER.ANN - Release announcements.
- CKCCFG.TXT - Configuration information (feature selection), general.
- CKCPLM.TXT - Program logic manual (for programmers).
- CKC196.TXT - Program update history for edit 195-196 (big)
- CKC190.TXT - Program update history for edits 189-190 (big).
- CKC188.TXT - Program update history, edits 179-188 (big).
- CKC178.TXT - Program edit history, 5A edits through 178 (very big).
- CKCV4F.TXT - Program edit history, version 4F.
- CKCV4E.TXT - Program edit history, version 4E.
- If you have FTP access to (also known as
-,,, you can
- also retrieve various C-Kermit binaries from the directory kermit/bin/ck*.*.
- Test versions would be in kermit/test/bin/ck*.*. Be sure to transfer these
- files in binary mode. The READ.ME file in that directory explains what's what.
- The source files for the UNIX version (all UNIX versions) are available in
- kermit/archives/ckuNNN.tar.Z, approximately 1MB in size. Transfer this file
- in binary mode. This is a compressed tar archive. There is also a gzip'd
- version, cku196.tar.gz. To get the binary tar archive:
- mkdir kermit (at shell prompt, make a Kermit directory)
- cd kermit (make it your current directory)
- ftp (make an ftp connection)
- user: anonymous (log in as user "anonymous", lower case!)
- password: (use your email id as a password)
- cd kermit/archives (go to the archives directory)
- type binary (specify binary file transfer)
- get cku196.tar.Z (get the tar archive) (or get cku192.tar.gz)
- bye (disconnect and exit from ftp)
- uncompress cku196.tar.Z (at the shell prompt, uncompress the archive)
- tar xvf cku196.tar (extract the files from the tar archive)
- make xxx (build C-Kermit for your system)
- (where "xxx" is the makefile entry appropriate for your system.)
- All C-Kermit source and other text files are also kept separately in the
- kermit/f directory. The files necessary to build a particular implementation
- of C-Kermit are listed in the appropriate makefile or equivalent:
- UNIX: makefile (or rename ckuker.mak to makefile)
- 2.11 BSD: ckubs2.mak (rename to makefile), ckustr.sed
- Plan 9: (rename to mkfile)
- Macintosh: ckmker.mak (rename to kermit.make, use MPW C 3.2)
- VMS: CKVKER.COM (DCL) (and optionally also CKVKER.MMS)
- or CKVOLD.COM (for VMS 4.x)
- Amiga: CKIKER.MAK (Aztec C) or CKISAS.MAK (SAS C)
- Stratus VOS: CKLMAK.CM
- Minimal source files for building selected versions (these patterns get all
- the files you need, and in some cases maybe a few extra):
- UNIX: ck[cuw]*.[cwh] (including QNX, Plan 9, and BeBox)
- VMS: ck[cuwv]*.[cwh]
- Mac: ck[cuwm]*.[cwhr]
- AOS/VS: ck[cuwd]*.[cwh]
- VOS: ck[cwhl]*.[cwh]
- Amiga: ck[cuwi]*.[cwh]
- Atari: ck[cuws]*.[cwh]
- OS-9: ck[cuw9]*.[cwha]
- For a detailed, specific source file list for this C-Kermit release, see the
- file CKCxxx.TXT, where xxx is the current C-Kermit edit number, such as 196.
- Finally, here is a more detailed description of the C-Kermit file naming
- conventions. A C-Kermit filename has the form:
- CK<system><what>.<type>
- where:
- <system> is described earlier in this file;
- <type> is the file type (use lowercase on UNIX, VOS, or AOS/VS):
- C: C language source
- H: Header file for C language source
- W: Wart preprocessor source, converted by Wart (or Lex) to a C program
- R: Macintosh resource file (8-bit text)
- A: Assembler source
- TXT: Plain text.
- NR: Nroff/Troff text formatter source for UNIX "man page"
- MSS: Scribe text formatter source
- PS: Typeset material to be printed on a PostScript printer
- HLP: A VMS Help topic
- INI: Initialization file
- KSC: A Kermit Script to be executed by the TAKE command
- KDD: A Kermit Dialing Directory
- KND: A Kermit Network Directory
- KSD: A Kermit Services Directory
- MAK: A Makefile or other build procedure (often needs renaming)
- COM: (VMS only) a DCL command procedure
- CLI: (AOS/VS only) a command procedure
- CMD: (OS/2 only) a Rexx command procedure
- BOO: "boo"-encoded executable program, decode with CKBUNB program.
- HEX: "hex"-encoded executable program, decode with CKVDEH program (VMS only).
- HQX: BinHex'd Macintosh Kermit program, decode with BinHex version 4.0.
- UUE: A uuencoded binary file, decode with uudecode or (DG only) CKDECO.
- DEF: An OS/2 linker definitions file.
- SED: A UNIX sed (editor) script.
- STR: A file of character strings extracted from C-Kermit (BSD 2.1x).
- <what> is mnemonic (up to 3 characters) for what's in the file:
- NOTE: After C-Kermit 6.0, text filetypes such as .DOC and .HLP were changed
- to .TXT to avoid confusion in Windows-based Web browsers, which would
- otherwise mistake them for Microsoft Word or Windows Help documents.
- AAA: A "read-me" file, like this one
- INS: Installation instructions or procedures
- BWR: "Beware" file -- things to watch out for, hints and tips
- KER: General C-Kermit definitions, information, documentation
- nnn: Digits: C-Kermit edit number (e.g. cku196.tar.gz)
- CMD: Command parsing
- CON: CONNECT command
- CNS: CONNECT command (UNIX only - version that uses select(), not fork())
- DEB: Debug/Transaction Log formats, Typedefs
- DIA: Modem/Dialer control
- FIO: System-depdendent File I/O
- FNS: Protocol support functions
- FN2: More protocol support functions (and FN3, ...)
- LIB: Common library routines module
- MAI: Main program
- NET: Network i/o module
- PRO: Protocol
- SCR: SCRIPT command
- TEL: Telnet protocol module
- TIO: System-dependent communications i/o & control and interrupt handing
- SIG: Signal handling module
- USR: Interactive/script user interface
- US2: More user interface (mainly help text)
- US3: Still more user interface (and USR4, USR5, USR6, USR7)
- USX: Common user interface functions
- USY: Command-line parsing
- XLA: Character set translation module
- UNI: Unicode support
- PTY: Pseudoterminal support
- MDB: Malloc-debugging module (not included in real builds)
- STR: Strings module (only for 2.xBSD)
- (End of CKAAAA.TXT)