- minicom Japanese
- Japanese EUC and Shift JIS are supported. To display Japanese
- invoke with -8 option or set LANG to a string beginning with 'ja'
- (ex. ja_JP.ujis).
- With this, Minicom let 8bit characters passed through as is and
- avoid inserting excess control codes between 8bit characters.
- (Minicom inserts locate/attribute control codes at each
- characters even if locate/attribute is not changed. This
- destroys the continuity of multibyte characters.)
- No recognition nor conversion of character code are supported.
- Korean and Chinese characters may be displayed.
- ISO-2022-JP (JIS coding) is not supported.
- Set LANG variable to ja_JP.ujis or ja_JP.sjis and Japanese
- messages will be displayed.
- Translation: Tomohiro KUBOTA <kubota@debian.or.jp>
- --------
- minicom $BF|K8lBP1~HG(B
- $BF|K8l(B EUC $B$H(B Shift-JIS $B$NI=<($,2DG=$G$9!#F|K8l$rI=<($9$k$K$O!"(B
- -8 $B%*%W%7%g%s$r$D$1$F5/F0$9$k$+!"4D6-JQ?t(B LANG $B$K(B ja $B$G;O$^$k(B
- $BJ8;zNs(B ($BNc(B: ja_JP.ujis) $B$r;XDj$7$F$/$@$5$$!#(B
- $B$3$l$O!"(B8 $B%S%C%H$r$=$N$^$^DL$7!":G>e0L%S%C%H$,N)$C$?%P%$%H$H(B
- $B<!$N%P%$%H$N4V$K$OM>J,$J@)8f%3!<%I$rF~$l$J$$$h$&$K$7$F$$$k$@$1$G$9!#(B
- ($B%G%U%)%k%H$G$O!"$?$s$K:8$+$i1&$KJ8;z$rI=<($9$k$H$-$G$b!"(B
- $BC`0l!"I=<(0LCV7hDj$dI=<(B0@-7hDj$N$?$a$N@)8f%3!<%I$r=PNO(B
- $B$9$k$h$&$K$J$C$F$$$^$9(B)$B!#J8;z%3!<%I$NG'<1$dJQ49$O9T$$$^$;$s!#(B
- $B$b$7$+$7$?$i!"4Z9q8l$dCf9q8l$NI=<($K$bBP1~$G$-$k$+$b$7$l$^$;$s!#(B
- ISO-2022-JP (JIS $B%3!<%I(B) $B$NI=<($O$G$-$^$;$s!#(B
- $BF|K8l(B EUC $B$H(B Shift-JIS $B$N(B catalog $B%U%!%$%k$,$"$j$^$9!#(B
- LANG $B$r(B ja_JP.ujis $B$^$?$O(B ja_JP.sjis $B$K$9$k$H!"F|K8l$G(B
- $B%a%C%;!<%8$,I=<($5$l$k$h$&$K$J$j$^$9!#(B
- $BK]Lu(B: $B5WJ]EDCR9-(B Tomohiro KUBOTA <kubota@debian.or.jp>