- ; waplugin.nsi
- ;
- ; This script will generate an installer that installs a Winamp plug-in.
- ; It also puts a license page on, for shits and giggles.
- ;
- ; This installer will automatically alert the user that installation was
- ; successful, and ask them whether or not they would like to make the
- ; plug-in the default and run Winamp.
- ;
- ; The name of the installer
- Name "PeerCast Plug-in v0.1214"
- ; The file to write
- OutFile "peercast-winamp.exe"
- ; License page
- ; LicenseText "This installer will install the Nullsoft Tiny Visualization 2000 Plug-in for Winamp. Please read the license below."
- ; use the default makensis license :)
- ; LicenseData license.txt
- ; The default installation directory
- InstallDir $PROGRAMFILESWinamp
- ; detect winamp path from uninstall string if available
- InstallDirRegKey HKLM
- "SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallWinamp"
- "UninstallString"
- ; The text to prompt the user to enter a directory
- DirText "Please select your Winamp path below (you will be able to proceed when Winamp is detected):"
- ;DirShow hide
- ; automatically close the installer when done.
- AutoCloseWindow true
- ; hide the "show details" box
- ShowInstDetails nevershow
- Function .onVerifyInstDir
- IfFileExists $INSTDIRWinamp.exe Good
- Abort
- Good:
- FunctionEnd
- Function KillPeercast
- FindWindow $0 PeerCast
- IsWindow $0 Kill Skip
- Kill:
- MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL "PeerCast is already running, press OK to close it and continue installing." IDCANCEL Die
- SendMessage $0 16 0 0
- Sleep 3000
- Goto Skip
- Die:
- Abort
- Skip:
- FunctionEnd
- Function KillWinamp
- FindWindow $0 "Winamp v1.x"
- IsWindow $0 Kill Skip
- Kill:
- MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL "Winamp is already running, press OK to close it and continue installing." IDCANCEL Die
- SendMessage $0 16 0 0
- Sleep 3000
- Goto Skip
- Die:
- Abort
- Skip:
- FunctionEnd
- Function GetWinampInstPath
- Push $0
- Push $1
- Push $2
- ReadRegStr $0 HKLM
- "SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallWinamp"
- "UninstallString"
- StrCmp $0 "" fin
- StrCpy $1 $0 1 0 ; get firstchar
- StrCmp $1 '"' "" getparent
- ; if first char is ", let's remove "'s first.
- StrCpy $0 $0 "" 1
- StrCpy $1 0
- rqloop:
- StrCpy $2 $0 1 $1
- StrCmp $2 '"' rqdone
- StrCmp $2 "" rqdone
- IntOp $1 $1 + 1
- Goto rqloop
- rqdone:
- StrCpy $0 $0 $1
- getparent:
- ; the uninstall string goes to an EXE, let's get the directory.
- StrCpy $1 -1
- gploop:
- StrCpy $2 $0 1 $1
- StrCmp $2 "" gpexit
- StrCmp $2 "" gpexit
- IntOp $1 $1 - 1
- Goto gploop
- gpexit:
- StrCpy $0 $0 $1
- StrCmp $0 "" fin
- IfFileExists $0winamp.exe fin
- StrCpy $0 ""
- fin:
- Pop $2
- Pop $1
- Exch $0
- FunctionEnd
- Function MakeSureIGotWinamp
- Call GetWinampInstPath
- Pop $0
- StrCmp $0 "" getwinamp
- Return
- getwinamp:
- StrCpy $1 $TEMPporearre1.dll
- StrCpy $2 "$TEMPWinamp Installer.exe"
- File /oname=$1 nsisdl.dll
- Push http://download.nullsoft.com/winamp/client/winamp281_lite.exe
- Push $2
- CallInstDLL $1 download
- Delete $1
- StrCmp $0 success success
- SetDetailsView show
- DetailPrint "download failed: $0"
- Abort
- success:
- ExecWait '"$2" /S'
- Delete $2
- Call GetWinampInstPath
- Pop $0
- StrCmp $0 "" skip
- StrCpy $INSTDIR $0
- skip:
- FunctionEnd
- ; The stuff to install
- Section "ThisNameIsIgnoredSoWhyBother?"
- call killWinamp
- call killPeercast
- StrCpy $1 $INSTDIRPlugins
- SetOutPath $1
- ; File to extract
- File "gen_peercast.dll"
- StrCpy $1 $INSTDIRPluginspeercasthtml
- SetOutPath $1en
- File "......htmlen*.*"
- SetOutPath $1enimages
- File "......htmlenimages*.*"
- SetOutPath $1de
- File "......htmlde*.*"
- SetOutPath $1deimages
- File "......htmldeimages*.*"
- SetOutPath $1ja
- File "......htmlja*.*"
- SetOutPath $1jaimages
- File "......htmljaimages*.*"
- SetOutPath $1fr
- File "......htmlfr*.*"
- SetOutPath $1frimages
- File "......htmlfrimages*.*"
- StrCpy $1 $INSTDIRPlugins
- ; prompt user, and if they select no, skip the following 3 instructions.
- "The plug-in was installed. Would you like to run Winamp now?"
- IDNO NoWinamp
- ;WriteINIStr "$INSTDIRWinamp.ini" "Winamp" "visplugin_name" "vis_nsfs.dll"
- ;WriteINIStr "$INSTDIRWinamp.ini" "Winamp" "visplugin_num" "0"
- Exec '"$INSTDIRWinamp.exe"'
- NoWinamp:
- WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "peercast" "" "URL:PeerCast Protocol"
- WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "peercast" "URL Protocol" ""
- ;WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "peercastDefault Icon" "" "$1gen_peercast.dll"
- WriteRegStr HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT "peercastshellopencommand" "" 'rundll32 "$1gen_peercast.dll",callURL %1'
- SectionEnd
- ; eof