资源名称:work.rar [点击查看]
- function [zipped, info] = huffencode(vector)
- % 输入和输出都是 uint8 格式
- % info 返回解码需要的结构信息
- % info.pad 是添加的比特数
- % info.huffcodes 是 Huffman 码字
- % info.rows 是原始图像行数
- % info.cols 是原始图像列数
- % info.length 是原始图像数据长度
- % info.maxcodelen 是最大码长
- if ~isa(vector, 'uint8')
- error('input argument must be a uint8 vector');
- end
- [m, n] = size(vector);
- vector = vector(:)';
- f = frequency(vector); %计算各符号出现的概率
- symbols = find(f~=0);
- f = f(symbols);
- [f, sortindex] = sort(f); %将符号按照出现的概率大小排列
- symbols = symbols(sortindex);
- len = length(symbols);
- symbols_index = num2cell(1:len);
- codeword_tmp = cell(len, 1);
- % 生成 Huffman 树,得到码字编码表
- while length(f)>1
- index1 = symbols_index{1};
- index2 = symbols_index{2};
- codeword_tmp(index1) = addnode(codeword_tmp(index1), uint8(0));
- codeword_tmp(index2) = addnode(codeword_tmp(index2), uint8(1));
- f = [sum(f(1:2)),f(3:end)];
- symbols_index = [{[index1, index2]},symbols_index(3:end)];
- [f, sortindex] = sort(f);
- symbols_index = symbols_index(sortindex);
- end
- codeword = cell(256, 1);
- codeword(symbols) = codeword_tmp;
- len = 0;
- for index = 1:length(vector) %得到整个图像所有比特数
- len = len + length(codeword{double(vector(index))+1});
- end
- string = repmat(uint8(0), 1, len);
- pointer = 1;
- for index = 1:length(vector) %对输入图像进行编码
- code = codeword{double(vector(index))+1};
- len = length(code);
- string(pointer + (0:len-1))=code;
- pointer = pointer + len;
- end
- len = length(string);
- pad = 8-mod(len, 8);
- if pad > 0
- string = [string uint8(zeros(1, pad))];
- end
- codeword = codeword(symbols);
- codelen = zeros(size(codeword));
- weights = 2.^(0:23);
- maxcodelen = 0;
- for index = 1:length(codeword)
- len = length(codeword{index});
- if len > maxcodelen;
- maxcodelen = len;
- end
- if len > 0
- code = sum(weights(codeword{index} == 1));
- code = bitset(code, len + 1);
- codeword{index} = code;
- codelen(index) = len;
- end
- end
- codeword = [codeword{:}];
- %计算压缩的向量
- cols = length(string)/8;
- string = reshape(string, 8, cols);
- weights = 2.^(0: 7);
- zipped = uint8(weights * double(string));
- %码表存储到一个希疏矩阵
- huffcodes = sparse(1, 1);
- for index = 1:nnz(codeword) % length(codeword) %numel(codeword)
- huffcodes(codeword(index), 1) = symbols(index);
- end
- %填写解码时所需的结构信息
- info.pad = pad;
- info.huffcodes = huffcodes;
- info.ratio = cols./length(vector);
- info.length = length(vector);
- info.maxcodelen = maxcodelen;
- info.rows = m;
- info.cols = n;
- %函数addnode添加节点
- function codeword_new = addnode(codeword_old, item)
- codeword_new = cell(size(codeword_old));
- for index = 1:length(codeword_old)
- codeword_new{index} = [item codeword_old{index}];
- end
- %函数frequency计算各符号出现的概率
- function f = frequency(vector)
- if ~isa(vector, 'uint8')
- error('input argument must be a uint8 vector');
- end
- f = repmat(0, 1, 256);
- len = length(vector);
- for index = 0:255
- f(index+1) = sum(vector == uint8(index));
- end
- f = f./len; %归一化