- //////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // protoinfo.h文件
- /*
- 定义协议格式
- 定义协议中使用的宏
- */
- #ifndef __PROTOINFO_H__
- #define __PROTOINFO_H__
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- // 宏定义
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // 协议格式
- #define ETHERTYPE_IP 0x0800
- #define ETHERTYPE_ARP 0x0806
- typedef struct _ETHeader // 14 bytes
- {
- UCHAR dhost[6]; // 目的MAC地址destination mac address
- UCHAR shost[6]; // 源MAC地址source mac address
- } ETHeader, *PETHeader;
- #define ARPHRD_ETHER 1
- // ARP协议opcodes
- #define ARPOP_REQUEST 1 // ARP 请求
- #define ARPOP_REPLY 2 // ARP 响应
- typedef struct _ARPHeader // 28字节的ARP头
- {
- USHORT hrd; // 硬件地址空间,以太网中为ARPHRD_ETHER
- USHORT eth_type; // 以太网类型,ETHERTYPE_IP ??
- UCHAR maclen; // MAC地址的长度,为6
- UCHAR iplen; // IP地址的长度,为4
- USHORT opcode; // 操作代码,ARPOP_REQUEST为请求,ARPOP_REPLY为响应
- UCHAR smac[6]; // 源MAC地址
- UCHAR saddr[4]; // 源IP地址
- UCHAR dmac[6]; // 目的MAC地址
- UCHAR daddr[4]; // 目的IP地址
- } ARPHeader, *PARPHeader;
- //Protocol
- #define PROTO_ICMP 1
- #define PROTO_IGMP 2
- #define PROTO_TCP 6
- #define PROTO_UDP 17
- typedef struct _IPHeader // 20
- {
- UCHAR iphVerLen; // 版本号和头长度(各占4位)
- UCHAR ipTOS; // 服务类型
- USHORT ipLength; // 封包总长度,即整个IP报的长度
- USHORT ipID; // 封包标识,惟一标识发送的每一个数据报
- USHORT ipFlags; // 标志
- UCHAR ipTTL; // 生存时间,就是TTL
- UCHAR ipProtocol; // 协议,可能是TCP、UDP、ICMP等
- USHORT ipChecksum; // 校验和
- ULONG ipSource; // 源IP地址
- ULONG ipDestination; // 目标IP地址
- } IPHeader, *PIPHeader;
- // define the tcp flags....
- #define TCP_FIN 0x01
- #define TCP_SYN 0x02
- #define TCP_RST 0x04
- #define TCP_PSH 0x08
- #define TCP_ACK 0x10
- #define TCP_URG 0x20
- #define TCP_ACE 0x40
- #define TCP_CWR 0x80
- typedef struct _TCPHeader //20 bytes
- {
- USHORT sourcePort; // 16位源端口号
- USHORT destinationPort; // 16位目的端口号
- ULONG sequenceNumber; // 32位序列号
- ULONG acknowledgeNumber; // 32位确认号
- UCHAR dataoffset; // 高4位表示数据偏移
- UCHAR flags; // 6位标志位
- //FIN - 0x01
- //SYN - 0x02
- //RST - 0x04
- //PUSH- 0x08
- //ACK- 0x10
- //URG- 0x20
- //ACE- 0x40
- //CWR- 0x80
- USHORT windows; // 16位窗口大小
- USHORT checksum; // 16位校验和
- USHORT urgentPointer; // 16位紧急数据偏移量
- } TCPHeader, *PTCPHeader;
- typedef struct _UDPHeader
- {
- USHORT sourcePort; // 源端口号
- USHORT destinationPort;// 目的端口号
- USHORT len; // 封包长度
- USHORT checksum; // 校验和
- } UDPHeader, *PUDPHeader;
- typedef struct _ICMPHeader
- {
- UCHAR type;
- UCHAR code;
- USHORT checksum;
- USHORT id;
- USHORT sequence;
- ULONG timestamp;
- } ICMPHeader, *PICMPHeader;
- #endif // __PROTOINFO_H__
- /*
- #define ETHER_LENGTH 14
- #define IP_LENGTH 20
- #define TCP_LENGTH 20
- #define UDP_LENGTH 8
- #define ICMP_LENGTH 8
- #define ARP_LENGTH 28
- #define PSEUDO_LENGTH 12
- #define DATA_LENGTH 32
- typedef struct ether_hdr // 14 bytes
- {
- u_char dhost[6]; //destination mac address
- u_char shost[6]; //source mac address
- u_short type; //IP ,ARP , RARP Next Layer Protocol IP:0800 ARP:0806
- // 4 byte ip address
- typedef struct ip_addr
- {
- u_char byte1;
- u_char byte2;
- u_char byte3;
- u_char byte4;
- typedef struct arp_hdr //28 bytes ARP_LENGTH
- {
- u_short hrd; //hardware address space=0x0001
- u_short eth_type; //Ethernet type ....=0x0800
- u_char maclen; //Length of mac address=6
- u_char iplen; //Length of ip addres=4
- u_short opcode; //Request =1 Reply=2 (highbyte)
- u_char smac[6]; //source mac address
- ip_addr saddr; //Source ip address
- u_char dmac[6]; //Destination mac address
- ip_addr daddr; //Destination ip address
- typedef struct ip_hdr
- {
- unsigned char ip_verlen; // 4-bit IPv4 version
- // 4-bit header length (in 32-bit words)
- unsigned char ip_tos; // IP type of service
- unsigned short ip_totallength; // Total length
- unsigned short ip_id; // Unique identifier
- unsigned short ip_offset; // Fragment offset field
- unsigned char ip_ttl; // Time to live
- unsigned char ip_protocol; // Protocol(TCP,UDP etc)
- unsigned short ip_checksum; // IP checksum
- unsigned int ip_srcaddr; // Source address
- unsigned int ip_destaddr; // Source address
- typedef struct tcp_hdr //20 bytes
- {
- u_short sport; //Source port
- u_short dport; //Destination port
- u_long seqno; //Sequence no
- u_long ackno; //Ack no
- u_char offset; //Higher level 4 bit indicates data offset
- u_char flag; //Message flag
- //FIN - 0x01
- //SYN - 0x02
- //RST - 0x04
- //PUSH- 0x08
- //ACK- 0x10
- //URG- 0x20
- //ACE- 0x40
- //CWR- 0x80
- u_short win;
- u_short checksum;
- u_short uptr;
- //For checksum calculation purpose
- struct pseudo_hdr //12 bytes
- {
- unsigned int saddr; // Source address
- unsigned int daddr; // Destination address
- u_char zero;
- u_char proto; // Protocol
- u_short tcp_len;
- tcp_hdr tcp;
- };
- typedef struct icmp_hdr
- {
- unsigned char icmp_type;
- unsigned char icmp_code;
- unsigned short icmp_checksum;
- unsigned short icmp_id;
- unsigned short icmp_sequence;
- unsigned long icmp_timestamp;
- */