资源名称:oa.rar [点击查看]
- /*
- Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
- All Rights Reserved.
- Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
- modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
- */
- dojo.provide("dojo.widget.FisheyeList");
- dojo.require("dojo.widget.*");
- dojo.require("dojo.widget.HtmlWidget");
- dojo.require("");
- dojo.require("dojo.html.selection");
- dojo.require("dojo.html.util");
- dojo.require("dojo.event.*");
- dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.FisheyeList", dojo.widget.HtmlWidget, function () {
- this.pos = {x:-1, y:-1};
- this.EDGE = {CENTER:0, LEFT:1, RIGHT:2, TOP:3, BOTTOM:4};
- this.timerScale = 1;
- }, {templateString:"<div class="dojoHtmlFisheyeListBar"></div>", templateCssString:".dojoHtmlFisheyeListItemLabel {ntfont-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;ntbackground-color: #eee;ntborder: 2px solid #666;ntpadding: 2px;nttext-align: center;ntposition: absolute;ntdisplay: none;n}nn.dojoHtmlFisheyeListItemLabel.selected {ntdisplay: block;n}nn.dojoHtmlFisheyeListItemImage {ntborder: 0px;ntposition: absolute;n}nn.dojoHtmlFisheyeListItem {ntposition: absolute;ntz-index: 2;n}nn.dojoHtmlFisheyeListBar {ntposition: relative;n}n", templateCssPath:dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", "templates/FisheyeList.css"), isContainer:true, snarfChildDomOutput:true, itemWidth:40, itemHeight:40, itemMaxWidth:150, itemMaxHeight:150, orientation:"horizontal", conservativeTrigger:false, effectUnits:2, itemPadding:10, attachEdge:"center", labelEdge:"bottom", enableCrappySvgSupport:false, fillInTemplate:function () {
- dojo.html.disableSelection(this.domNode);
- this.isHorizontal = (this.orientation == "horizontal");
- this.selectedNode = -1;
- this.isOver = false;
- this.hitX1 = -1;
- this.hitY1 = -1;
- this.hitX2 = -1;
- this.hitY2 = -1;
- this.anchorEdge = this._toEdge(this.attachEdge, this.EDGE.CENTER);
- this.labelEdge = this._toEdge(this.labelEdge, this.EDGE.TOP);
- if (this.isHorizontal && (this.anchorEdge == this.EDGE.LEFT)) {
- this.anchorEdge = this.EDGE.CENTER;
- }
- if (this.isHorizontal && (this.anchorEdge == this.EDGE.RIGHT)) {
- this.anchorEdge = this.EDGE.CENTER;
- }
- if (!this.isHorizontal && (this.anchorEdge == this.EDGE.TOP)) {
- this.anchorEdge = this.EDGE.CENTER;
- }
- if (!this.isHorizontal && (this.anchorEdge == this.EDGE.BOTTOM)) {
- this.anchorEdge = this.EDGE.CENTER;
- }
- if (this.labelEdge == this.EDGE.CENTER) {
- this.labelEdge = this.EDGE.TOP;
- }
- if (this.isHorizontal && (this.labelEdge == this.EDGE.LEFT)) {
- this.labelEdge = this.EDGE.TOP;
- }
- if (this.isHorizontal && (this.labelEdge == this.EDGE.RIGHT)) {
- this.labelEdge = this.EDGE.TOP;
- }
- if (!this.isHorizontal && (this.labelEdge == this.EDGE.TOP)) {
- this.labelEdge = this.EDGE.LEFT;
- }
- if (!this.isHorizontal && (this.labelEdge == this.EDGE.BOTTOM)) {
- this.labelEdge = this.EDGE.LEFT;
- }
- this.proximityLeft = this.itemWidth * (this.effectUnits - 0.5);
- this.proximityRight = this.itemWidth * (this.effectUnits - 0.5);
- this.proximityTop = this.itemHeight * (this.effectUnits - 0.5);
- this.proximityBottom = this.itemHeight * (this.effectUnits - 0.5);
- if (this.anchorEdge == this.EDGE.LEFT) {
- this.proximityLeft = 0;
- }
- if (this.anchorEdge == this.EDGE.RIGHT) {
- this.proximityRight = 0;
- }
- if (this.anchorEdge == this.EDGE.TOP) {
- this.proximityTop = 0;
- }
- if (this.anchorEdge == this.EDGE.BOTTOM) {
- this.proximityBottom = 0;
- }
- if (this.anchorEdge == this.EDGE.CENTER) {
- this.proximityLeft /= 2;
- this.proximityRight /= 2;
- this.proximityTop /= 2;
- this.proximityBottom /= 2;
- }
- }, postCreate:function () {
- this._initializePositioning();
- if (!this.conservativeTrigger) {
- dojo.event.connect(document.documentElement, "onmousemove", this, "_onMouseMove");
- }
- dojo.event.connect(document.documentElement, "onmouseout", this, "_onBodyOut");
- dojo.event.connect(this, "addChild", this, "_initializePositioning");
- }, _initializePositioning:function () {
- this.itemCount = this.children.length;
- this.barWidth = (this.isHorizontal ? this.itemCount : 1) * this.itemWidth;
- this.barHeight = (this.isHorizontal ? 1 : this.itemCount) * this.itemHeight;
- this.totalWidth = this.proximityLeft + this.proximityRight + this.barWidth;
- this.totalHeight = this.proximityTop + this.proximityBottom + this.barHeight;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
- this.children[i].posX = this.itemWidth * (this.isHorizontal ? i : 0);
- this.children[i].posY = this.itemHeight * (this.isHorizontal ? 0 : i);
- this.children[i].cenX = this.children[i].posX + (this.itemWidth / 2);
- this.children[i].cenY = this.children[i].posY + (this.itemHeight / 2);
- var isz = this.isHorizontal ? this.itemWidth : this.itemHeight;
- var r = this.effectUnits * isz;
- var c = this.isHorizontal ? this.children[i].cenX : this.children[i].cenY;
- var lhs = this.isHorizontal ? this.proximityLeft : this.proximityTop;
- var rhs = this.isHorizontal ? this.proximityRight : this.proximityBottom;
- var siz = this.isHorizontal ? this.barWidth : this.barHeight;
- var range_lhs = r;
- var range_rhs = r;
- if (range_lhs > c + lhs) {
- range_lhs = c + lhs;
- }
- if (range_rhs > (siz - c + rhs)) {
- range_rhs = siz - c + rhs;
- }
- this.children[i].effectRangeLeft = range_lhs / isz;
- this.children[i].effectRangeRght = range_rhs / isz;
- }
- = this.barWidth + "px";
- = this.barHeight + "px";
- for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
- var itm = this.children[i];
- var elm = itm.domNode;
- = itm.posX + "px";
- = itm.posY + "px";
- = this.itemWidth + "px";
- = this.itemHeight + "px";
- if (itm.svgNode) {
- = "absolute";
- = this.itemPadding + "%";
- = this.itemPadding + "%";
- = (100 - 2 * this.itemPadding) + "%";
- = (100 - 2 * this.itemPadding) + "%";
- = 1;
- itm.svgNode.setSize(this.itemWidth, this.itemHeight);
- } else {
- = this.itemPadding + "%";
- = this.itemPadding + "%";
- = (100 - 2 * this.itemPadding) + "%";
- = (100 - 2 * this.itemPadding) + "%";
- }
- }
- this._calcHitGrid();
- }, _onBodyOut:function (e) {
- if (dojo.html.overElement(dojo.body(), e)) {
- return;
- }
- this._setDormant(e);
- }, _setDormant:function (e) {
- if (!this.isOver) {
- return;
- }
- this.isOver = false;
- if (this.conservativeTrigger) {
- dojo.event.disconnect(document.documentElement, "onmousemove", this, "_onMouseMove");
- }
- this._onGridMouseMove(-1, -1);
- }, _setActive:function (e) {
- if (this.isOver) {
- return;
- }
- this.isOver = true;
- if (this.conservativeTrigger) {
- dojo.event.connect(document.documentElement, "onmousemove", this, "_onMouseMove");
- this.timerScale = 0;
- this._onMouseMove(e);
- this._expandSlowly();
- }
- }, _onMouseMove:function (e) {
- if ((e.pageX >= this.hitX1) && (e.pageX <= this.hitX2) && (e.pageY >= this.hitY1) && (e.pageY <= this.hitY2)) {
- if (!this.isOver) {
- this._setActive(e);
- }
- this._onGridMouseMove(e.pageX - this.hitX1, e.pageY - this.hitY1);
- } else {
- if (this.isOver) {
- this._setDormant(e);
- }
- }
- }, onResized:function () {
- this._calcHitGrid();
- }, _onGridMouseMove:function (x, y) {
- this.pos = {x:x, y:y};
- this._paint();
- }, _paint:function () {
- var x = this.pos.x;
- var y = this.pos.y;
- if (this.itemCount <= 0) {
- return;
- }
- var pos = this.isHorizontal ? x : y;
- var prx = this.isHorizontal ? this.proximityLeft : this.proximityTop;
- var siz = this.isHorizontal ? this.itemWidth : this.itemHeight;
- var sim = this.isHorizontal ? (1 - this.timerScale) * this.itemWidth + this.timerScale * this.itemMaxWidth : (1 - this.timerScale) * this.itemHeight + this.timerScale * this.itemMaxHeight;
- var cen = ((pos - prx) / siz) - 0.5;
- var max_off_cen = (sim / siz) - 0.5;
- if (max_off_cen > this.effectUnits) {
- max_off_cen = this.effectUnits;
- }
- var off_weight = 0;
- if (this.anchorEdge == this.EDGE.BOTTOM) {
- var cen2 = (y - this.proximityTop) / this.itemHeight;
- off_weight = (cen2 > 0.5) ? 1 : y / (this.proximityTop + (this.itemHeight / 2));
- }
- if (this.anchorEdge == this.EDGE.TOP) {
- var cen2 = (y - this.proximityTop) / this.itemHeight;
- off_weight = (cen2 < 0.5) ? 1 : (this.totalHeight - y) / (this.proximityBottom + (this.itemHeight / 2));
- }
- if (this.anchorEdge == this.EDGE.RIGHT) {
- var cen2 = (x - this.proximityLeft) / this.itemWidth;
- off_weight = (cen2 > 0.5) ? 1 : x / (this.proximityLeft + (this.itemWidth / 2));
- }
- if (this.anchorEdge == this.EDGE.LEFT) {
- var cen2 = (x - this.proximityLeft) / this.itemWidth;
- off_weight = (cen2 < 0.5) ? 1 : (this.totalWidth - x) / (this.proximityRight + (this.itemWidth / 2));
- }
- if (this.anchorEdge == this.EDGE.CENTER) {
- if (this.isHorizontal) {
- off_weight = y / (this.totalHeight);
- } else {
- off_weight = x / (this.totalWidth);
- }
- if (off_weight > 0.5) {
- off_weight = 1 - off_weight;
- }
- off_weight *= 2;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.itemCount; i++) {
- var weight = this._weighAt(cen, i);
- if (weight < 0) {
- weight = 0;
- }
- this._setItemSize(i, weight * off_weight);
- }
- var main_p = Math.round(cen);
- var offset = 0;
- if (cen < 0) {
- main_p = 0;
- } else {
- if (cen > this.itemCount - 1) {
- main_p = this.itemCount - 1;
- } else {
- offset = (cen - main_p) * ((this.isHorizontal ? this.itemWidth : this.itemHeight) - this.children[main_p].sizeMain);
- }
- }
- this._positionElementsFrom(main_p, offset);
- }, _weighAt:function (cen, i) {
- var dist = Math.abs(cen - i);
- var limit = ((cen - i) > 0) ? this.children[i].effectRangeRght : this.children[i].effectRangeLeft;
- return (dist > limit) ? 0 : (1 - dist / limit);
- }, _setItemSize:function (p, scale) {
- scale *= this.timerScale;
- var w = Math.round(this.itemWidth + ((this.itemMaxWidth - this.itemWidth) * scale));
- var h = Math.round(this.itemHeight + ((this.itemMaxHeight - this.itemHeight) * scale));
- if (this.isHorizontal) {
- this.children[p].sizeW = w;
- this.children[p].sizeH = h;
- this.children[p].sizeMain = w;
- this.children[p].sizeOff = h;
- var y = 0;
- if (this.anchorEdge == this.EDGE.TOP) {
- y = (this.children[p].cenY - (this.itemHeight / 2));
- } else {
- if (this.anchorEdge == this.EDGE.BOTTOM) {
- y = (this.children[p].cenY - (h - (this.itemHeight / 2)));
- } else {
- y = (this.children[p].cenY - (h / 2));
- }
- }
- this.children[p].usualX = Math.round(this.children[p].cenX - (w / 2));
- this.children[p] = y + "px";
- this.children[p] = this.children[p].usualX + "px";
- } else {
- this.children[p].sizeW = w;
- this.children[p].sizeH = h;
- this.children[p].sizeOff = w;
- this.children[p].sizeMain = h;
- var x = 0;
- if (this.anchorEdge == this.EDGE.LEFT) {
- x = this.children[p].cenX - (this.itemWidth / 2);
- } else {
- if (this.anchorEdge == this.EDGE.RIGHT) {
- x = this.children[p].cenX - (w - (this.itemWidth / 2));
- } else {
- x = this.children[p].cenX - (w / 2);
- }
- }
- this.children[p] = x + "px";
- this.children[p].usualY = Math.round(this.children[p].cenY - (h / 2));
- this.children[p] = this.children[p].usualY + "px";
- }
- this.children[p] = w + "px";
- this.children[p] = h + "px";
- if (this.children[p].svgNode) {
- this.children[p].svgNode.setSize(w, h);
- }
- }, _positionElementsFrom:function (p, offset) {
- var pos = 0;
- if (this.isHorizontal) {
- pos = Math.round(this.children[p].usualX + offset);
- this.children[p] = pos + "px";
- } else {
- pos = Math.round(this.children[p].usualY + offset);
- this.children[p] = pos + "px";
- }
- this._positionLabel(this.children[p]);
- var bpos = pos;
- for (var i = p - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- bpos -= this.children[i].sizeMain;
- if (this.isHorizontal) {
- this.children[i] = bpos + "px";
- } else {
- this.children[i] = bpos + "px";
- }
- this._positionLabel(this.children[i]);
- }
- var apos = pos;
- for (var i = p + 1; i < this.itemCount; i++) {
- apos += this.children[i - 1].sizeMain;
- if (this.isHorizontal) {
- this.children[i] = apos + "px";
- } else {
- this.children[i] = apos + "px";
- }
- this._positionLabel(this.children[i]);
- }
- }, _positionLabel:function (itm) {
- var x = 0;
- var y = 0;
- var mb = dojo.html.getMarginBox(itm.lblNode);
- if (this.labelEdge == this.EDGE.TOP) {
- x = Math.round((itm.sizeW / 2) - (mb.width / 2));
- y = -mb.height;
- }
- if (this.labelEdge == this.EDGE.BOTTOM) {
- x = Math.round((itm.sizeW / 2) - (mb.width / 2));
- y = itm.sizeH;
- }
- if (this.labelEdge == this.EDGE.LEFT) {
- x = -mb.width;
- y = Math.round((itm.sizeH / 2) - (mb.height / 2));
- }
- if (this.labelEdge == this.EDGE.RIGHT) {
- x = itm.sizeW;
- y = Math.round((itm.sizeH / 2) - (mb.height / 2));
- }
- = x + "px";
- = y + "px";
- }, _calcHitGrid:function () {
- var pos = dojo.html.getAbsolutePosition(this.domNode, true);
- this.hitX1 = pos.x - this.proximityLeft;
- this.hitY1 = pos.y - this.proximityTop;
- this.hitX2 = this.hitX1 + this.totalWidth;
- this.hitY2 = this.hitY1 + this.totalHeight;
- }, _toEdge:function (inp, def) {
- return this.EDGE[inp.toUpperCase()] || def;
- }, _expandSlowly:function () {
- if (!this.isOver) {
- return;
- }
- this.timerScale += 0.2;
- this._paint();
- if (this.timerScale < 1) {
- dojo.lang.setTimeout(this, "_expandSlowly", 10);
- }
- }, destroy:function () {
- dojo.event.disconnect(document.documentElement, "onmouseout", this, "_onBodyOut");
- dojo.event.disconnect(document.documentElement, "onmousemove", this, "_onMouseMove");
- }});
- dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.FisheyeListItem", dojo.widget.HtmlWidget, {iconSrc:"", svgSrc:"", caption:"", id:"", _blankImgPath:dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", "templates/images/blank.gif"), templateString:"<div class="dojoHtmlFisheyeListItem">" + " <img class="dojoHtmlFisheyeListItemImage" dojoAttachPoint="imgNode" dojoAttachEvent="onMouseOver;onMouseOut;onClick">" + " <div class="dojoHtmlFisheyeListItemLabel" dojoAttachPoint="lblNode"></div>" + "</div>", fillInTemplate:function () {
- if (this.svgSrc != "") {
- this.svgNode = this._createSvgNode(this.svgSrc);
- this.domNode.appendChild(this.svgNode);
- = "none";
- } else {
- if ((this.iconSrc.toLowerCase().substring(this.iconSrc.length - 4) == ".png") && ( && (!dojo.render.html.ie70)) {
- if (dojo.dom.hasParent(this.imgNode) && != "") {
- var parent = this.imgNode.parentNode;
- parent.setAttribute("id",;
- }
- = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + this.iconSrc + "', sizingMethod='scale')";
- this.imgNode.src = this._blankImgPath.toString();
- } else {
- if (dojo.dom.hasParent(this.imgNode) && != "") {
- var parent = this.imgNode.parentNode;
- parent.setAttribute("id",;
- }
- this.imgNode.src = this.iconSrc;
- }
- }
- if (this.lblNode) {
- this.lblNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.caption));
- }
- dojo.html.disableSelection(this.domNode);
- }, _createSvgNode:function (src) {
- var elm = document.createElement("embed");
- elm.src = src;
- elm.type = "image/svg+xml";
- = "1px";
- = "1px";
- elm.loaded = 0;
- elm.setSizeOnLoad = false;
- elm.onload = function () {
- this.svgRoot = this.getSVGDocument().rootElement;
- this.svgDoc = this.getSVGDocument().documentElement;
- this.zeroWidth = this.svgRoot.width.baseVal.value;
- this.zeroHeight = this.svgRoot.height.baseVal.value;
- this.loaded = true;
- if (this.setSizeOnLoad) {
- this.setSize(this.setWidth, this.setHeight);
- }
- };
- elm.setSize = function (w, h) {
- if (!this.loaded) {
- this.setWidth = w;
- this.setHeight = h;
- this.setSizeOnLoad = true;
- return;
- }
- = w + "px";
- = h + "px";
- this.svgRoot.width.baseVal.value = w;
- this.svgRoot.height.baseVal.value = h;
- var scale_x = w / this.zeroWidth;
- var scale_y = h / this.zeroHeight;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.svgDoc.childNodes.length; i++) {
- if (this.svgDoc.childNodes[i].setAttribute) {
- this.svgDoc.childNodes[i].setAttribute("transform", "scale(" + scale_x + "," + scale_y + ")");
- }
- }
- };
- return elm;
- }, onMouseOver:function (e) {
- if (!this.parent.isOver) {
- this.parent._setActive(e);
- }
- if (this.caption != "") {
- dojo.html.addClass(this.lblNode, "selected");
- this.parent._positionLabel(this);
- }
- }, onMouseOut:function (e) {
- dojo.html.removeClass(this.lblNode, "selected");
- }, onClick:function (e) {
- }});