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资源名称:NANDflash.rar [点击查看]
- <soma original.input.version="0.001">
- <!--
- =====================================================================
- Copyright (c) 2001 by Denali Software, Inc. All rights reserved
- =====================================================================
- This file contains proprietary information of Denali Software, Inc.
- SOMA(tm) is Denali Software's proprietary language for defining
- memory models.
- Subject to your agreement with the restrictions set forth below,
- Denali Software, Inc., grants you a non-exclusive license to use
- the SOMA language in the following manner :
- You may:
- * Use SOMA language to create memory models.
- * Distribute memory models created using the SOMA language to
- others provided that this notice is not removed from the file.
- You may not:
- * Create software programs or tools that use the SOMA language
- as either input or output where the software programs are
- intended for distribution to others.
- * Change the SOMA language in any manner.
- By using the SOMA specification files, you are consenting to be
- bound by and are becoming party to this agreement. If you do not
- agree to all of the terms of this agreement, you may not use the
- SOMA specification files.
- If you have any questions regarding this agreement, or if you
- would like to inquire about obtaining additional or different rights
- in the SOMA specification files and SOMA language, please contact
- Denali Software.
- Written on 29 May 2001
- MemMaker version: 2.900 $DENALI: /home/denali/denali/solaris/2900
- ************************************************************************
- Manufacturer : SAMSUNG
- Memory Class : FLASH
- Part Name : k9f4008w0a
- Revision : Tue May 29 20:05:31 2001
- Description : 512K x 8 Bit NAND Flash Memory
- Datasheet URL : http://samsungelectronics.com/semiconductors/Flash/NAND/4M_bit/K9F4008W0A/k9f4008w0a.pdf
- Datasheet Info : 9.15.1999
- Author Name : Denali Software, ist
- Author Comment : Warning! The time to Ready depends on the value of the
- pull-up resistor tied to R/Bbar pin.
- ************************************************************************-->
- <part ccontent="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" />
- </soma>