- /*
- * Copyright 2003 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
- * granted through contract.
- *
- */
- /* "@(#) DDK 07-02-03 (ddk-b12)" */
* Linker-command file for the application
* This file governs the linking process. The minimum of information
* it needs to contain is:
* 1) the list of libraries used by the application; they will be
* searched for in directories specified in the "build options->
* linker->library search path" field of the project
* 2) inclusion of the configuration file automatically generated
* by the configuration database that handles BIOS objects
* In addition, it may define symbols used by the application
* (typical for XDAIS algorithms, an ALG algorithm provided by
* vendor VEN has its function table named as ALG_VEN_IALG,
* but the application may always refer to it as ALG_IALG,
* if there is an assignment _ALG_IALG = _ALG_VEN_IALG in this file.
* Binding to a specific implementation of an algorithm then occurs
* in the linker-command file. Therefore, if another version of
* algorithm ALG is supplied by vendor VEN2, it only takes to change
* the assignment in this file to _ALG_IALG = _ALG_VEN2_IALG
* and relink the object files without having to recompile the application.
* Finally, it may employ some space optimization techniques, such as
* moving all initialization code to external memory or even overlaying
* initialization code with data.
/* include config-generated link command file */
-l pip_audiocfg.cmd
/* include libraries for the IOM driver and PIO adapter */
-l dsk5510_dma_aic23.l55
-l c5510_dma_mcbsp.l55
-l pio.l55