- /*
- * Copyright 2003 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
- * granted through contract.
- *
- */
- /* "@(#) DDK 07-02-03 (ddk-b12)" */
- /*
- * ======== async_mmc.c ========
- *
- * MMC Driver Async Test for the MMC on a C5509 DSP EVM.
- * The test is to transfer data from DSP memory to the MMC card
- * (MMC write) or from the MMC card to DSP memory (MMC read)
- * Data values placed in the memory are based on channel number, such as
- * 0x00010001 transfered for channel one, 0x00050005 for channel 5.
- *
- * User defines the following parameters:
- *
- * -- CHANNUM: Number of channels to be opened
- * -- MMCREQNUM: Number of IOPs for each channel
- * -- TRANSFERCOUNT: # of words to be transfered
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <std.h>
- #include <log.h>
- #include <sys.h>
- #include <tsk.h>
- #include <gio.h>
- #include <iom.h>
- #include <async.h>
- #include <csl_mmc.h>
- #include <c5509_mmc.h>
- /* Test Configuration Parameters */
- #define CHANNUM 4 /* Maximum number of channels */
- /* A task is spawned for each channel */
- #define MMCREQNUM 4 /* Depth of each request queue */
- /* Constraint: MMCREQNUM must always be even */
- /* interrupt mask definitions */
- #define C5509_MMC_IER0_MASK_DEFAULT 1
- #define C5509_MMC_IER1_MASK_DEFAULT 1
- extern LOG_Obj trace;
- /* Reserve space for channels */
- static C5509_MMC_ChanObj chans[CHANNUM];
- /* Globals */
- C5509_MMC_DevObj C5509_MMC_devObj;
- /* Bind Parameters */
- C5509_MMC_DevParams C5509_MMC_devParams = {
- /* devParams */
- C5509_MMC_VERSION_1, /* Version number */
- 0, /* Enable/disable DMA for data read/write */
- 0, /* dat3EdgeDetection -- DUMMY */
- 0, /* Determines if MMC goes IDLE during IDLE instr */
- 0, /* enableClkPin -- DUMMY */
- 2, /* CPU CLK to MMC function clk divide down */
- 3, /* MMC function clk to memory clk divide down */
- 0, /*
- * No. memory clks to wait before response timeout
- * Zero indicates no timeout.
- */
- 0, /*
- * No. memory clks to wait before data timeout
- * Zero indicates no timeout.
- */
- 512, /* Length of DATA block to be read in BYTEs*/
- /* drvrParams */
- 2, /* RCA - set by the application */
- CHANNUM, /* maximum number of channels required */
- 0, /* DMA channel number used for READ operations */
- 0, /* DMA channel number used for WRITE operations */
- NULL, /* Buffer for DMA read */
- NULL, /* Buffer for DMA write */
- chans, /* Array of (noChan number of) Channel Objs */
- };
- /* User defined constants */
- #define SLEEPTIME 10
- typedef struct CallbackObj {
- Int chanNum; /* trace the channel number */
- Int reqNum; /* index for trace submitted request */
- Int cmd; /* IOM_READ/IOM_WRITE */
- MdUns value; /* value to write to memory, then read it back */
- Bool packetFree; /* if the packet is free to use */
- } CallbackObj;
- static Void chanCallback(Ptr arg, Int status, Ptr reqp, Uns size);
- static Void chanTsk(Arg chanNum);
- static Void setMem(Int count, MdUns *memAddr, MdUns value);
- static Bool verifyData(Int chanNum, Ptr reqp, MdUns value);
- static GIO_Handle gio[CHANNUM];
- /* Declare here so that the stack space is conserved */
- static MdUns globalSectorBuffers[CHANNUM][MMCREQNUM][C5509_MMC_SECLEN];
- /*
- * ======== main ========
- */
- Void main()
- {
- TSK_Attrs tskAttrs[CHANNUM];
- GIO_Attrs gioAttrs[CHANNUM];
- Int i;
- for (i = 0; i < CHANNUM; i++) {
- /* GIO_Attrs init */
- gioAttrs[i].nPackets = MMCREQNUM;
- gioAttrs[i].timeout = SYS_FOREVER;
- }
- /* create IOM objs */
- for (i = 0; i < CHANNUM; i++) {
- gio[i] = ASYNC_create("/udevMmc0", IOM_INOUT, NULL, NULL, &gioAttrs[i]);
- if (gio[i] == NULL) {
- LOG_printf (&trace, "ERROR: GIO_create NULL!");
- }
- }
- /* create tasks */
- for (i = 0; i < CHANNUM; i++) {
- tskAttrs[i] = TSK_ATTRS;
- if (TSK_create ((Fxn)chanTsk, &tskAttrs[i], (Arg)i) == NULL) {
- LOG_printf (&trace, "ERROR: TSK_create NULL!");
- }
- }
- LOG_printf (&trace, "Exitting main");
- /* fall into DSP/BIOS idle loop */
- return;
- }
- /*
- * ======== chanCallback ========
- * Handle callback
- */
- static Void chanCallback(Ptr arg, Int status, Ptr reqp, Uns size)
- {
- CallbackObj *pCallback = (CallbackObj *)arg;
- MEDIA_RdWrObj *req = (MEDIA_RdWrObj *)reqp;
- Int chanNum = pCallback->chanNum;
- /*
- * if this callback is for ASYNC_read, then check
- * if read value = written value
- */
- if (pCallback->cmd == IOM_READ) {
- if (verifyData(chanNum, req, pCallback->value)) {
- LOG_printf (&trace, "[%d] verifyData OK!", chanNum);
- }
- else {
- LOG_printf (&trace, "[%d] ERROR: verifyData Failed!", chanNum);
- }
- }
- pCallback->packetFree = TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * ======== chanTsk ========
- */
- static Void chanTsk(Arg channelNumber)
- {
- Uns size;
- Int status;
- MEDIA_RdWrObj *curReq;
- GIO_AppCallback gioCallback[MMCREQNUM];
- CallbackObj callback[MMCREQNUM];
- MdUns value;
- Int submitReqIndex;
- Int j;
- Int chanNum;
- Int yieldCount;
- chanNum = ArgToInt(channelNumber);
- value = (MdUns)(chanNum | 0xAA00);
- /* First set write req, then set read request */
- /* A paired write and read operate on the same sectorNumber */
- for (j = 0; j < MMCREQNUM; j = j + 2) {
- /* MMC write : DSP->MMC Card */
- req[j].buf = globalSectorBuffers[chanNum][j];
- req[j].address = chanNum * 100 + j;
- req[j].subAddress = 0;
- req[j].length = C5509_MMC_SECLEN;
- callback[j].cmd = IOM_WRITE;
- /* MMC read : MMC Card->DSP */
- req[j + 1].buf = globalSectorBuffers[chanNum][j + 1];
- req[j + 1].address = chanNum * 100 + j;
- req[j + 1].subAddress = 0;
- req[j + 1].length = C5509_MMC_SECLEN;
- callback[j + 1].cmd = IOM_READ;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < MMCREQNUM; j++) {
- callback[j].chanNum = chanNum;
- callback[j].reqNum = j;
- callback[j].value = value;
- callback[j].packetFree = TRUE;
- gioCallback[j].fxn = (GIO_TappCallback)chanCallback;
- gioCallback[j].arg = (Ptr)(&callback[j]);
- }
- submitReqIndex = 0;
- for (;;) {
- yieldCount = 0;
- LOG_printf (&trace, "[%d] IsPacketFreeAt [%d]",
- chanNum, submitReqIndex);
- while (!callback[submitReqIndex].packetFree) {
- yieldCount++;
- TSK_sleep (SLEEPTIME);
- }
- LOG_printf (&trace, "[%d] Slept [%d] times", chanNum, yieldCount);
- callback[submitReqIndex].packetFree = FALSE;
- curReq = (MEDIA_RdWrObj *)(&req[submitReqIndex]);
- if (callback[submitReqIndex].cmd == IOM_WRITE) {
- /*
- * set dsp memory value as chanNum chanNum ...
- * (for example: 0x0001 0x0001 ... for Chan1)
- */
- setMem(TRANSFERCOUNT, curReq->buf, value);
- /* MMC write: DSP->MMC. Write the value to MMC card */
- size = sizeof (*curReq);
- status = ASYNC_write(gio[chanNum], curReq, &size,
- &gioCallback[submitReqIndex]);
- if (status < 0) {
- LOG_printf (&trace, "[%d] ERROR: ASYNC_write status [%d]",
- chanNum, status);
- }
- } else { /* IOM_READ */
- /* first set dsp mem value to default 0xDEAD */
- setMem(TRANSFERCOUNT, curReq->buf, 0xDEAD);
- /* MMC read: MMC->DSP. Readback MMC card contents to DSP memory */
- size = sizeof (*curReq);
- status = ASYNC_read(gio[chanNum], curReq, &size,
- &gioCallback[submitReqIndex]);
- if (status < 0) {
- LOG_printf (&trace, "[%d] ERROR: ASYNC_read status [%d]",
- chanNum, status);
- }
- }
- submitReqIndex++;
- if (submitReqIndex == MMCREQNUM) {
- submitReqIndex = 0;
- }
- TSK_yield (); /* Yield control to another task */
- }
- }
- /*
- * ======== setMem ========
- * Set memory value
- */
- static Void setMem(Int count, MdUns *memAddr, MdUns value)
- {
- MdUns *tempMem = (MdUns *)memAddr;
- Int i;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- *tempMem = value;
- tempMem++;
- }
- }
- /*
- * ======== verifyData ========
- * Verify read back data
- */
- static Bool verifyData(Int chanNum, Ptr reqp, MdUns value)
- {
- MEDIA_RdWrObj *req;
- MdUns *addr;
- Int i;
- req = (MEDIA_RdWrObj *)reqp;
- if (req != NULL) {
- addr = (MdUns *)req->buf;
- for (i = 0; i < req->length; i++) {
- if (*addr != value) {
- LOG_printf (&trace, "[%d] ERROR: in verifyData at addr [0x%x]",
- chanNum, addr);
- return FALSE;
- }
- addr++;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }