- /*
- * Copyright 2003 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
- * granted through contract.
- *
- */
- /* "@(#) DDK 07-02-03 (ddk-b12)" */
- /*
- * ======== uarttest_params.c ========
- * UART driver params settings
- */
- #include <std.h>
- #include <uartmd.h>
- /*
- * Device params setting for the C5402 DSK hardware UART driver
- * The following tag needs to be -D defined in the linker build options
- */
- #if defined(_UARTHW_DSK5402_)
- #include <uarthw_dsk5402.h>
- /* This structure holds the parameters for the 16550 UART device on the
- * DSK5402 board.
- */
- UARTHW_DSK5402_Params uartParams = {
- UARTHW_DSK5402_FLOW_NONE, /* flowControl */
- UARTHW_DSK5402_DISABLE_PARITY, /* parity */
- UARTHW_DSK5402_WORD8, /* wordSize */
- UARTHW_DSK5402_STOP1, /* stopBits */
- UARTHW_DSK5402_BAUD_115200, /* baud */
- UARTHW_DSK5402_INTR_MASK_DEFAULT /* interrupt mask */
- };
- /* This structure must be specified in the device driver's device params
- * pointer in the DSP/BIOS Configuration Tool.
- */
- UARTMD_DevParams uartDevParams = {
- UARTMD_VERSION_1, /* driver version number */
- FALSE, /* packedChars */
- &uartParams /* uartHwParams */
- };
- /*
- * Device params setting for the C5402 DSK software UART driver
- * The following tag needs to be -D defined in the linker build options
- */
- #elif defined(_UARTHW_DSK5402_MCBSP_)
- #define CHIP_5402 1
- #include <uarthw_mcbsp.h>
- #include <csl.h>
- #include <csl_mcbsp.h>
- #include <csl_dma.h>
- /* This structure holds the McBSP parameters and is referenced by the
- * device parameters structure.
- */
- UARTHW_MCBSP_Params uartMcbspParams = {
- MCBSP_PORT1, /* mcbspId */
- DMA_CHA4, /* dmaRxId */
- DMA_CHA5, /* dmaTxId */
- 100000000, /* mcbspClkIn */
- 115200, /* baud */
- UARTHW_MCBSP_INTR_MASK_DEFAULT, /* interrupt mask */
- };
- /* This structure must be specified in the device driver's device params
- * pointer in the DSP/BIOS Configuration Tool.
- */
- UARTMD_DevParams uartDevParams = {
- UARTMD_VERSION_1, /* driver version number */
- FALSE, /* packedChars */
- &uartMcbspParams /* uartHwParams */
- };
- /*
- * ======== dsk5402_mcbsp_port_enable ========
- *
- * This function is called from GBL_init to setup MCBSP1
- * for the for the UART daughter board
- */
- Void dsk5402_mcbsp_port_enable()
- {
- unsigned port;
- extern volatile ioport unsigned int port04;
- port = port04;
- port04 = port | 0x13; /* enable McBSP1 for Daughter board */
- }
- /*
- * Device params setting for the C5509 EVM software UART driver
- * The following tag needs to be -D defined in the linker build options
- */
- #elif defined(_UARTHW_EVM5509_MCBSP_)
- #define CHIP_5509 1
- #include <uarthw_mcbsp.h>
- #include <csl.h>
- #include <csl_mcbsp.h>
- #include <csl_dma.h>
- /* This structure holds the McBSP parameters and is referenced by the
- * device parameters structure.
- */
- UARTHW_MCBSP_Params uartMcbspParams = {
- MCBSP_PORT2, /* mcbspId */
- DMA_CHA4, /* dmaRxId */
- DMA_CHA5, /* dmaTxId */
- 120000000, /* mcbspClkIn */
- 115200, /* baud */
- {
- {
- },
- {
- }
- }
- };
- /* This structure must be specified in the device driver's device params
- * pointer in the DSP/BIOS Configuration Tool.
- */
- UARTMD_DevParams uartDevParams = {
- UARTMD_VERSION_1, /* driver version number */
- FALSE, /* packedChars */
- &uartMcbspParams /* uartHwParams */
- };
- /*
- * Device params setting for the C5510 DSK software UART driver
- * The following tag needs to be -D defined in the linker build options
- */
- #elif defined(_UARTHW_DSK5510_MCBSP_)
- #define CHIP_5510 1
- #include <uarthw_mcbsp.h>
- #include <csl.h>
- #include <csl_mcbsp.h>
- #include <csl_dma.h>
- /* This structure holds the McBSP parameters and is referenced by the
- * device parameters structure.
- */
- UARTHW_MCBSP_Params uartMcbspParams = {
- MCBSP_PORT0, /* mcbspId */
- DMA_CHA4, /* dmaRxId */
- DMA_CHA5, /* dmaTxId */
- 200000000, /* mcbspClkIn */
- 115200, /* baud */
- {
- {
- },
- {
- }
- }
- };
- /* This structure must be specified in the device driver's device params
- * pointer in the DSP/BIOS Configuration Tool.
- */
- UARTMD_DevParams uartDevParams = {
- UARTMD_VERSION_1, /* driver version number */
- NULL, /* packedChars - Not used on C6000 */
- &uartMcbspParams /* uartHwParams */
- };
- /*
- * Device params setting for the C6711 DSK software UART driver
- * The following tag needs to be -D defined in the linker build options
- */
- #elif defined(_UARTHW_DSK6711_MCBSP_)
- #define CHIP_6711 1
- #include <uarthw_mcbsp.h>
- #include <csl.h>
- #include <csl_mcbsp.h>
- #include <csl_dma.h>
- /* This structure holds the McBSP parameters and is referenced by the
- * device parameters structure.
- */
- UARTHW_MCBSP_Params uartMcbspParams = {
- MCBSP_PORT1, /* mcbspId */
- NULL, /* dmaRxId - Not used on C6000 */
- NULL, /* dmaTxId - Not used on C6000 */
- 75000000, /* mcbspClkIn */
- 115200, /* baud */
- };
- /* This structure must be specified in the device driver's device params
- * pointer in the DSP/BIOS Configuration Tool.
- */
- UARTMD_DevParams uartDevParams = {
- UARTMD_VERSION_1, /* driver version number */
- FALSE, /* packedChars */
- &uartMcbspParams /* uartHwParams */
- };
- /*
- * Device params setting for the C6416 TEB software UART driver
- * The following tag needs to be -D defined in the linker build options
- */
- #elif defined(_UARTHW_TEB6416_MCBSP_)
- #define CHIP_6416 1
- #include <uarthw_mcbsp.h>
- #include <csl.h>
- #include <csl_mcbsp.h>
- #include <csl_dma.h>
- /* This structure holds the McBSP parameters and is referenced by the
- * device parameters structure.
- */
- UARTHW_MCBSP_Params uartMcbspParams = {
- MCBSP_PORT2, /* mcbspId */
- NULL, /* dmaRxId - Not used on C6000 */
- NULL, /* dmaTxId - Not used on C6000 */
- 125000000, /* mcbspClkIn */
- 115200, /* baud */
- };
- /* This structure must be specified in the device driver's device params
- * pointer in the DSP/BIOS Configuration Tool.
- */
- UARTMD_DevParams uartDevParams = {
- UARTMD_VERSION_1, /* driver version number */
- FALSE, /* packedChars */
- &uartMcbspParams /* uartHwParams */
- };
- #elif defined(_UARTHW_EVMDM642_)
- #include <uarthw_evmdm642.h>
- /* This structure holds the EVMDM642 parameters and is referenced by the
- * device parameters structure.
- */
- static UARTHW_EVMDM642_Params uartParams = {
- };
- /* This structure must be specified in the device driver's device params
- * pointer in the DSP/BIOS Configuration Tool.
- */
- UARTMD_DevParams uartDevParams = {
- UARTMD_VERSION_1, /* driver version number */
- FALSE, /* packedChars */
- &uartParams /* uartHwParams */
- };
- #endif