- /*
- * Copyright 2003 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
- * granted through contract.
- *
- */
- /* "@(#) DDK 07-02-03 (ddk-b12)" */
- /*
- * ======== aic23.c ========
- *
- * AIC23 codec driver implementation specific to the
- * Spectrum Digital DM642 EVM board.
- */
- #include <std.h>
- #include <csl.h>
- #include <csl_i2c.h>
- #include <aic23.h>
- #include <evmdm642_edma_aic23.h>
- extern I2C_Handle EVMDM642_I2C_hI2C;
- static void aic23Rset(Uint16 regnum, Uint16 regval);
- static AIC23_Params codecstate = AIC23_DEFAULTPARAMS_EVMDM642;
- static I2C_Config aic23XmtCfg = {
- 0x0000007f, /* I2COAR - Not used if master */
- 0x00000000, /* I2CIER - Disable interrupts, use polling */
- 0x0000002b, /* I2CCLKL - Low period for 100KHz operation ,formally 1b*/
- 0x0000002b, /* I2CCLKH - High period for 100KHz operation */
- 0x00000002, /* I2CCNT - Data words per transmission */
- 0x0000001a, /* I2CSAR - Slave address */
- 0x00004ea0, /* I2CMDR - Mode */
- 0x00000019 /* I2CPSC - Prescale 300MHz to 12MHz */
- };
- /*
- * ======== AIC23_setParams ========
- *
- * This function takes a pointer to the object of type AIC23_Params,
- * and writes all 11 control words found in it to the codec. Prior
- * to that it initializes the codec if this is the first time the
- * function is ever called. Return TRUE for successful completion,
- * FALSE if errors.
- */
- Int AIC23_setParams(AIC23_Params *paramsp)
- {
- Int i;
- AIC23_Params *params = paramsp;
- /* set to AIC23_DEFAULTPARAMS_EVMDM642 if NULL */
- if (params == NULL) {
- params = &codecstate;
- }
- /* Reset the AIC23 */
- aic23Rset(AIC23_RESET, 0);
- /* Assign each register */
- for (i = 0; i < AIC23_NUMREGS; i++) {
- aic23Rset(i, params->regs[i]);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * ======== aic23Rset ========
- * Set codec register regnum to value regval. The 16-bit word is composed
- * of register address in the upper 7 bits and the 9-bit register value
- * stored in the parameters structure.
- */
- static Void aic23Rset(Uint16 regnum, Uint16 regval)
- {
- Uint16 data;
- I2C_Config prevI2CCfg;
- /* Mask off lower 9 bits */
- regval &= 0x1ff;
- /* Set transmit data */
- data = (regnum << 9) | regval;
- /* Wait until bus is free */
- while (I2C_bb(EVMDM642_I2C_hI2C));
- /* Save old settings */
- I2C_getConfig(EVMDM642_I2C_hI2C, &prevI2CCfg);
- /* Restore settings for AIC23 */
- I2C_config(EVMDM642_I2C_hI2C, &aic23XmtCfg);
- /* Submit the MSB for transmit */
- I2C_writeByte(EVMDM642_I2C_hI2C, (data >> 8) & 0xff);
- /* Generate start condition, starts transmission */
- I2C_start(EVMDM642_I2C_hI2C);
- /* Wait until MSB transmit is done */
- while(!I2C_xrdy(EVMDM642_I2C_hI2C));
- /* Submit the LSB for transmit */
- I2C_writeByte(EVMDM642_I2C_hI2C, data & 0xff);
- /* Generate stop condition */
- I2C_sendStop(EVMDM642_I2C_hI2C);
- /* Wait until bus is free */
- while (I2C_bb(EVMDM642_I2C_hI2C));
- /* Save register value if regnum is in range */
- if (regnum < AIC23_NUMREGS)
- codecstate.regs[regnum] = regval;
- /* Short delay for AIC23 to accept command */
- EVMDM642_waitusec(20);
- /* Reconfigure I2C with old settings */
- I2C_config(EVMDM642_I2C_hI2C, &prevI2CCfg);
- }