- /*
- * Copyright 2003 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
- * granted through contract.
- *
- */
- /* "@(#) DDK 07-02-03 (ddk-b12)" */
- /********************************************************************************/
- /* _saa7105.h file */
- /********************************************************************************/
- #ifndef __SAA7105_H
- #define __SAA7105_H
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #include <saa7105.h>
- #define _SAA7105_IICADDR (0x88>>1)
- extern SAA7105_Cursor _SAA7105_cursorData;
- typedef struct _SAA7105_Regs
- {
- Uint8 status;
- Uint8 nullArray1[0x15];
- /* Common DAC Adjust (0x16) */
- Uns dacAdjust : 4;
- Uns unusedDACAdjust : 4;
- /* Red DAC Adjust (0x17) */
- Uns redDACAdjust : 5;
- Uns unusedRDACAdjust : 3;
- /* Green DAC Adjust (0x18) */
- Uns greenDACAdjust : 5;
- Uns unusedGDACAdjust : 3;
- /* Blue DAC Adjust (0x19) */
- Uns blueDACAdjust : 5;
- Uns unusedBDACAdjust : 3;
- /* MSM Threshold (0x1A) */
- Uint8 thrldMSM;
- /* Monitor sense mode (0x1B)*/
- Uns blueComp : 1;
- Uns greenComp : 1;
- Uns redComp : 1;
- Uns reg1BUnused : 2;
- Uns outputEnableMSM : 1;
- Uns autoEnableMSM : 1;
- Uns enableMSM : 1;
- /* Chip identification (0x1C) */
- Uint8 chipID;
- /* Null Array (0x1D) - (0x25) */
- Uint8 nullArray2[9];
- /* Wide screen signal (0x26) - (0x27)*/
- Uint8 wideScreenLSBits;
- Uns wideScreenMSBits : 6;
- Uns wideScreenunused : 1;
- Uns wideScreenEnable : 1;
- /* Burst start (0x28) */
- Uns burstStart : 6;
- Uns burstUnused : 2;
- /* Burst start (0x29) */
- Uns burstEnd : 6;
- Uns reg29Unused : 1;
- Uns syncResetEnable : 1;
- /* Copy generation (0x2A) - (0x2C) */
- Uint8 copyGen0;
- Uint8 copyGen1;
- Uns copyGenMSBits : 4;
- Uns reg2CUnused : 3;
- Uns copyGenEnable : 1;
- /* Output Port Control (0x2D) */
- Uns reg2DUnused : 1;
- Uns cvbsEn2 : 1;
- Uns clk2En : 1;
- Uns encOff : 1;
- Uns cEn : 1;
- Uns cvbsEn0 : 1;
- Uns cvbsEn1 : 1;
- Uns vbsEn : 1;
- /* Null Array (0x2E) - (0x36) */
- Uint8 nullArray3[9];
- /* Input Path Control (0x37) */
- Uns xFilterActive : 1;
- Uns inputLevel : 1;
- Uns cursorZoom : 1;
- Uns reg37AUnused : 1;
- Uns yUpscaleFilter : 2;
- Uns yUpscaleActive : 1;
- Uns reg37BUnused : 1;
- /* Gain luminance for RGB (0x38)*/
- Uns rgbGainLuminance : 5;
- Uns reg38Unused : 3;
- /* Gain chrominance for RGB (0x39) */
- Uns rgbGainChrominance : 5;
- Uns reg39Unused : 3;
- /* Input Port Control (0x3A) */
- Uns chromaBinary : 1;
- Uns lumaBinary : 1;
- Uns compSyncEnable : 1;
- Uns yuvToRGBBypass : 1;
- Uns syncVia656 : 1;
- Uns svynt : 1;
- Uns reg3AUnused : 1;
- Uns colorBarsEnable : 1;
- /* Null Array (0x3B) - (0x53) */
- Uint8 nullArray4[0x19];
- /* VPS Enable (0x54) */
- Uns slot : 1;
- Uns edge : 1;
- Uns reg54AUnused : 2;
- Uns gpEnable : 1;
- Uns gpData : 1;
- Uns reg54BUnused : 1;
- Uns vpsEnable : 1;
- /* VPS Byte5 to Byte14 (0x55) - (0x59)*/
- Uint8 vpsByte5;
- Uint8 vpsByte11;
- Uint8 vpsByte12;
- Uint8 vpsByte13;
- Uint8 vpsByte15;
- /* VPS Enable (0x5A) */
- Uint8 chromaPhase;
- /* Gain Cb (0x5B) */
- Uint8 cbGain;
- /* Gain Cr (0x5C) */
- Uint8 crGain;
- /* Black Level (0x5D) */
- Uns blackLevel : 6;
- Uns reg5DUnused : 1;
- Uns uGainMSB : 1;
- /* Blank Level (0x5E) */
- Uns blankLevel : 6;
- Uns reg5EUnused : 1;
- Uns vGainMSB : 1;
- /* Black Level (0x5F) */
- Uns vBIBlankLevel : 6;
- Uns ccrFilter : 2;
- /* Null Byte (0x60) */
- Uint8 nullByte60;
- /* Standard Control (0x61) */
- Uns fise : 1;
- Uns palEnable : 1;
- Uns chromaBW : 1;
- Uns reg61Unused : 1;
- Uns whiteLevel : 1;
- Uns palSwitch : 1;
- Uns downA : 1;
- Uns downD : 1;
- /* Burst Amplitude (0x62) */
- Uns burstAmplitude : 7;
- Uns rtCEEnable : 1;
- /* Sub Carrier 0-3 (0x63) - (0x66) */
- Uint8 subCarrier0;
- Uint8 subCarrier1;
- Uint8 subCarrier2;
- Uint8 subCarrier3;
- /* Uns int SubCarrier; */
- /* Closed Captioning (0x67) - (0x6A) */
- Uint8 line21OddF0;
- Uint8 line21OddF1;
- Uint8 line21EvenF0;
- Uint8 line21EvenF1;
- /* Null Byte (0x6B) */
- Uint8 nullByte6B;
- /* Horizontal Trigger (0x6C) */
- Uint8 hTrigger;
- /* H & V Trigger (0x6D) */
- Uns vTrigger : 5;
- Uns hTriggerMSBs : 3;
- /* Multi Control (0x6E) */
- Uns fieldControl : 2;
- Uns lumaDelay : 2;
- Uns phaseResetMode : 2;
- Uns blankLevelOut : 1;
- Uns vTrigNegative : 1;
- /* Closed Caption/Teletext Enable (0x6F)*/
- Uns cCLine : 5;
- Uns teletextEnable : 1;
- Uns cCEnable : 2;
- /* Active Display Window Horizontal Start (0x70)*/
- Uint8 hStart;
- /* Active Display Window Horizontal End (0x71) */
- Uint8 hEnd;
- /* Active Display Window MSBs (0x72) */
- Uns hStartMSB : 3;
- Uns reg72BUnused : 1;
- Uns hEndMSB : 3;
- Uns reg72AUnused : 1;
- /* Teletext Horizontal Start (0x73) */
- Uint8 teletextHStart;
- /* Teletext Horizontal Start (0x74) */
- Uns teletextHDelay : 4;
- Uns reg74Unused : 4;
- /* CSYNC Advance (0x75) */
- Uns reg75Unused : 3;
- Uns cSyncAdvance : 5;
- /* Teletext Odd Vertical Start (0x76) */
- Uint8 teletextOddVStart;
- /* Teletext Odd Vertical Start (0x77) */
- Uint8 teletextOddVEnd;
- /* Teletext Odd Vertical Start (0x78) */
- Uint8 teletextEvenVStart;
- /* Teletext Odd Vertical Start (0x79) */
- Uint8 teletextEvenVEnd;
- /* First Active Line (0x7A) */
- Uint8 fal;
- /* Last Active Line (0x7B) */
- Uint8 lal;
- /* TTX mode, MSB vertical (0x7C) */
- Uns ttxOVSMsb : 1;
- Uns ttxOVEMsb : 1;
- Uns ttxEVSMsb : 1;
- Uns ttxEVEMsb : 1;
- Uns falMsb : 1;
- Uns OldTTXProtocol : 1;
- Uns lalMsb : 1;
- Uns teletext60HzEnable : 1;
- /* Null Byte (0x7D) */
- Uint8 nullByte7D;
- /* Disable Teletext Line (0x7E) - (0x7F) */
- Uint8 ttxLineLsbOff;
- Uint8 ttxLineMsbOff;
- /* FIFO Status (0x80) */
- Uns fifoUnderflow : 1;
- Uns fifoOverflow : 1;
- Uns bufferFIFOOverflow : 1;
- Uns inputFifoError : 1;
- Uns reg80Unused : 4;
- /* Disable Teletext Line (0x81) - (0x83) */
- Uint8 pixClock0;
- Uint8 pixClock1;
- Uint8 pixClock2;
- /* Pixel Clock Control (0x84) */
- Uns pclkInDiv : 2;
- Uns pclkOutDiv : 2;
- Uns bypassInputFIFO : 1;
- Uns fifoResetOnField : 1;
- Uns pclkSyncVSYNC : 1;
- Uns pclkSingleEnded : 1;
- /* FIFO Control (0x85) */
- Uns fifoThreshold : 4;
- Uns reg85Unused : 3;
- Uns nonDVOCompliant : 1;
- /* Null Array (0x86) - (0x8F) */
- Uint8 bullArray5[10];
- /* Horizontal Offset (0x90) */
- Uint8 xOfs;
- /* Horizontal Offset (0x91) */
- Uint8 xPix;
- /* Vertical Odd Offset (0x92) */
- Uint8 yOfsOdd;
- /* Vertical Even Field Offset (0x93) */
- Uint8 yOfsEven;
- /* MSBs (0x94) */
- Uns xOfsMsb : 2;
- Uns xPixMsb : 2;
- Uns yOfsOddMsb : 2;
- Uns yOfsEvenMsb : 2;
- /* Line Number (0x95) */
- Uint8 yPix;
- /* Scaler Control (0x96) */
- Uns yPixMsb : 2;
- Uns reg96Unused : 1;
- Uns lumaBooster : 1;
- Uns interlacedCursor : 1;
- Uns masterSlaveMode : 1;
- Uns cboPolarity : 1;
- Uns frameSyncEnable : 1;
- /* Sync Control (0x97) */
- Uns hSyncPolarity : 1;
- Uns hSyncOutput : 1;
- Uns vSyncPolarity : 1;
- Uns vSyncOutput : 1;
- Uns frameSyncPolarity : 1;
- Uns fieldOutput : 1;
- Uns vSyncMode : 1;
- Uns hSyncMode : 1;
- /* Line Length (0x98) */
- Uint8 hLen;
- /* Input Delay (0x99) */
- Uns hLenMsb : 4;
- Uns idel : 4;
- /* Horizontal Increment (0x9A) */
- Uint8 xInc;
- /* Vertical Increment (0x9B) */
- Uint8 yInc;
- /* MSBs Hor/Vert Increment (0x9C) */
- Uns xIncMsb : 4;
- Uns yIncMsb : 4;
- /* Weighting Factor Odd (0x9D) */
- Uint8 yIWGTO;
- /* Weighting Factor Even (0x9E) */
- Uint8 yIWGTE;
- /* MSBs Weighting Factor (0x9F) */
- Uns yIWGTOMsb : 4;
- Uns yIWGTEMsb : 4;
- /* Vertical Line Skip (0xA0) */
- Uint8 ySkip;
- /* MSBs Weighting Factor (0xA1) */
- Uns ySkipMsb : 4;
- Uns regA0Unused : 3;
- Uns enableBlank : 1;
- /* Y Border Color (0xA2) */
- Uint8 yBorderColor;
- /* U Border Color (0xA3) */
- Uint8 uBorderColor;
- /* V Border Color (0xA4) */
- Uint8 vBorderColor;
- /* Null Array (0xA5) - (0xCF) */
- Uint8 nullArray6[0x2B];
- /* HD Sync Line Count Array (0xD0) */
- Uint8 ramAAddress;
- /* HD Sync Line Type Array (0xD1) */
- Uint8 ramBAddress;
- /* HD Sync Line Pattern Array (0xD2) */
- Uint8 ramCAddress;
- /* HD Sync Value Array (0xD3) */
- Uint8 ramDAddress;
- /* HD Sync Trigger (State 1-4) (0xD4 - 0xD5) */
- Uns hdLineCounter : 10;
- Uns hdLineTypePtr : 2;
- Uns hdLinePatternPtr : 4;
- /* HD Sync Trigger (State 1-4) (0xD6 - 0xD7) */
- Uns hdDurationCtr : 10;
- Uns regD6AUnused : 2;
- Uns hdEventTypePtr : 3;
- Uns regD6BUnused : 1;
- /* HD Sync Trigger Phase X (0xD8 - 0xD9) */
- Uns hdTriggerPhaseX : 12;
- Uns regD9Unused : 4;
- /* HD Sync Trigger Phase Y (0xDA - 0xDB) */
- Uns hdTriggerPhaseY : 10;
- Uns regDBUnused : 6;
- /* HD Output Control (0xDC) */
- Uns hdColorInterpolator : 1;
- Uns hdFullGain : 1;
- Uns hdRGB_YCbCr : 1;
- Uns hdActive : 1;
- Uns regDCUnused : 4;
- /* Null Array (0xDD) - (0xEF) */
- Uint8 nullArray7[0x13];
- /* R Cursor Color1 (0xF0) */
- Uint8 redCursorColor1;
- /* G Cursor Color1 (0xF1) */
- Uint8 greenCursorColor1;
- /* B Cursor Color1 (0xF2) */
- Uint8 blueCursorColor1;
- /* R Cursor Color2 (0xF3) */
- Uint8 redCursorColor2;
- /* G Cursor Color2 (0xF4) */
- Uint8 greenCursorColor2;
- /* B Cursor Color2 (0xF5) */
- Uint8 blueCursorColor2;
- /* Aux R Cursor Color (0xF6) */
- Uint8 auxRCursorColor;
- /* Aux G Cursor Color (0xF7) */
- Uint8 auxGCursorColor;
- /* Aux B Cursor Color (0xF8) */
- Uint8 auxBCursorColor;
- /* Horizontal Cursor Position (0xF9) */
- Uint8 hCursorPos;
- /* Horizontal Hot Spot / MSBs H Cursor Position (0xFA)*/
- Uns hCursPosMSBs : 3;
- Uns horHotSpot : 5;
- /* Vertical Cursor Position (0xFB) */
- Uint8 vCursorPos;
- /* Horizontal Hot Spot / MSBs H Cursor Position (0xFC) */
- Uns vCursPosMSBs : 2;
- Uns regFCUnused : 1;
- Uns vertHotSpot : 5;
- /* Input Path Control (0xFD) */
- Uns downFormatDisable : 1;
- Uns rgbToYUVDisable : 1;
- Uns inputFormat : 3;
- Uns lutLoadMode : 1;
- Uns cursorMode : 1;
- Uns lutDisable : 1;
- /* Cursor Bit Map Address (0xFE) */
- Uint8 cursorAddress;
- /* Color LUT Map Address (0xFF) */
- Uint8 lutAddress;
- }_SAA7105_Regs;
- extern _SAA7105_Regs _SAA7105_settingsDef;
- extern _SAA7105_Regs _SAA7105_settingsVGA;
- typedef struct _SAA7105_HDLineCount
- {
- Uns count : 10;
- Uns unused : 2;
- Uns typeEntry : 4;
- }_SAA7105_HDLineCount;
- typedef struct _SAA7105_HDLineType
- {
- Uns pattern0Entry : 3;
- Uns unused0 : 1;
- Uns pattern1Entry : 3;
- Uns unused1 : 1;
- Uns pattern2Entry : 3;
- Uns unused2 : 1;
- Uns pattern3Entry : 3;
- Uns unused3 : 1;
- Uns pattern4Entry : 3;
- Uns unused4 : 1;
- Uns pattern5Entry : 3;
- Uns unused5 : 1;
- Uns pattern6Entry : 3;
- Uns unused6 : 1;
- Uns pattern7Entry : 3;
- Uns unused7 : 1;
- }_SAA7105_HDLineType;
- typedef struct _SAA7105_HDLinePattern
- {
- Uns time0 : 10;
- Uns unused0 : 2;
- Uns value0Entry : 4;
- Uns time1 : 10;
- Uns unused1 : 2;
- Uns value1Entry : 4;
- Uns time2 : 10;
- Uns unused2 : 2;
- Uns value2Entry : 4;
- Uns time3 : 10;
- Uns unused3 : 2;
- Uns value3Entry : 4;
- } _SAA7105_HDLinePattern;
- typedef struct _SAA7105_HDSyncValue
- {
- Uns value : 8;
- Uns hsmSync : 1;
- Uns vsmSync : 1;
- Uns unused : 6;
- } _SAA7105_HDSyncValue;
- typedef struct _SAA7105_HDSyncGen
- {
- Uns lcAddress;
- _SAA7105_HDLineCount lineCount[15];
- Uns ltAddress;
- _SAA7105_HDLineType lineType[15];
- Uns lpAddress;
- _SAA7105_HDLinePattern linePattern[7];
- Uns svAddress;
- _SAA7105_HDSyncValue syncValue[8];
- }_SAA7105_HDSyncGen;
- extern _SAA7105_HDSyncGen _SAA7105_hdSyncGen0;
- extern _SAA7105_HDSyncGen _SAA7105_hdSyncGen480P;
- extern _SAA7105_HDSyncGen _SAA7105_hdSyncGen720P;
- extern _SAA7105_HDSyncGen _SAA7105_hdSyncGen1080I;
- extern _SAA7105_HDSyncGen _SAA7105_hdSyncGenVGA;
- extern _SAA7105_HDSyncGen _SAA7105_hdSyncGenSVGA;
- extern _SAA7105_HDSyncGen _SAA7105_hdSyncGenXGA;
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /*#ifndef __SAA7105_H*/
- /********************************************************************************/
- /* end of file */
- /********************************************************************************/