- /*
- * Copyright 2003 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
- * granted through contract.
- *
- */
- /* "@(#) DDK 07-02-03 (ddk-b12)" */
- #ifndef _VPORT_H
- #define _VPORT_H
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #include <std.h>
- #include <csl.h>
- #include <iom.h>
- #include <edc.h>
- /* common for both capture and display drivers */
- /* maximum number of video frame buffers */
- /* VPORT field operation mode */
- #define VPORT_FLDOP_FLD1 0x1 /* field 1 cap/dis only */
- #define VPORT_FLDOP_FLD2 0x2 /* field 2 cap/dis only */
- #define VPORT_FLDOP_FRAME 0x4 /* frame cap/dis */
- #define VPORT_FLDOP_PROGRESSIVE 0x5 /* progressive cap/dis */
- /* VPORT video port operation mode */
- #define VPORT_MODE_BT656_8BIT 0x0
- #define VPORT_MODE_BT656_10BIT 0x1
- #define VPORT_MODE_RAW_8BIT 0x2
- #define VPORT_MODE_RAW_10BIT 0x3
- #define VPORT_MODE_YCBCR_8BIT 0x4
- #define VPORT_MODE_YCBCR_10BIT 0x5
- #define VPORT_MODE_RAW_16BIT 0x6
- #define VPORT_MODE_RAW_20BIT 0x7
- /* VPORT external PIN POLARITY */
- /* video port HORIZONTAL scaling mode control */
- /* 1/2 for capture, 2x for display */
- /* video port HORIZONTAL chroma resampling mode control */
- /* capture : 4:2:2 => 4:2:0 display: 4:2:0 => 4:2:2 */
- /* Video mini-driver control command */
- /* The following commands are common for both capture and display operation */
- #define VPORT_CMD_RESET 0x10000001 /* video port reset command */
- #define VPORT_CMD_CONFIG_PORT 0x10000002 /* configure video port */
- #define VPORT_CMD_CONFIG_CHAN 0x10000003 /* configure video channel */
- #define VPORT_CMD_START 0x10000004 /* start video port operation */
- #define VPORT_CMD_STOP 0x10000005 /* stop video port operation */
- #define VPORT_CMD_SET_VINTCB 0x10000006 /* set video channel error */
- /* call-back function */
- #define VPORT_CMD_DUND_RECOVER 0x10000007 /* force the recovery of */
- /* display under-run */
- #define VPORT_CMD_COVR_RECOVER 0x10000007 /* force the recovery of */
- /* capture over-run */
- /* base of control commands for external device */
- /* that is stack under the video drivers */
- /* external device control command base */
- #define VPORT_CMD_EDC_BASE 0x80000000
- /************************************************
- * Error call-back function prototype *
- ************************************************/
- /* Only one video port global interrupt call-back */
- /* function can be defined for each channel/device */
- /* pair. Multiple calls to setup the call-back */
- /* function overwrite the previous setup. */
- typedef void (*VPORT_IntCallBack)(Arg id, Arg mask);
- /* video port interrupt masks */
- #define VPORT_INT_COVR 0x0002 /* capture fifo over-run interrupt */
- #define VPORT_INT_CCMP 0x0004 /* capture complete interrupt */
- #define VPORT_INT_SERR 0x0008 /* synchronization error interrupt */
- #define VPORT_INT_VINT1 0x0010 /* field 1 vertical interrupt */
- #define VPORT_INT_VINT2 0x0020 /* field 2 vertical interrupt */
- #define VPORT_INT_SFD 0x0040 /* short field detected interrupt */
- #define VPORT_INT_LFD 0x0080 /* long field detected interrupt */
- #define VPORT_INT_STC 0x0400 /* system time clock interrupt */
- #define VPORT_INT_TICK 0x0800 /* clock tick interrupt */
- #define VPORT_INT_DUND 0x1000 /* display fifo under-run */
- #define VPORT_INT_DCMP 0x2000 /* display complete */
- #define VPORT_INT_DCNA 0x4000 /* display complete not ackowledeged */
- /* parameter structure to setup video port call-back functions */
- typedef struct VPORT_VIntCbParams{
- Int cbArg; /* call-back argument is for the */
- /* application to identify which channel or */
- /* device causes the interrupt */
- VPORT_IntCallBack vIntCbFxn; /* pointer to the video port interrupt */
- /* call-back function */
- Uint16 vIntMask; /* interrupt mask, All masks OR together */
- /* to indicate errors that are handled by */
- /* by the call-back */
- Uint16 vIntLine; /* line number where vertical interrupt */
- /* occurs, don't care otherwise. */
- Int irqId;
- } VPORT_VIntCbParams;
- /******************************************************************************
- * Binding of external device control function tables to the video port *
- * is done when _mdBindDev() is called at system initialization time. *
- * A statically defined EDC function table is passed to the _mdBindDev() *
- * function via the "devParam" argument. This argument must point to a *
- * type of data structure that is defined below *
- *****************************************************************************/
- typedef struct VPORT_PortParams{
- Bool dualChanEnable; /* dual channel mode enable */
- Uns vc1Polarity; /* vport control pin 1 polarity */
- Uns vc2Polarity; /* vport control pin 2 polarity */
- Uns vc3Polarity; /* vport control pin 3 polarity */
- EDC_Fxns* edcTbl[2]; /* function tables for edc modules */
- } VPORT_PortParams;
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif /* extern "C" */
- #endif /* _VPORT_H */