- /*
- * Copyright 2003 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
- * granted through contract.
- *
- */
- /* "@(#) DDK 07-02-03 (ddk-b12)" */
- /*
- * ======== pio.h ========
- *
- * Header file for pio.c, which allows a PIP to interface to an
- * IOM. As implemented only one IOM driver may be used, and may only be
- * used with a single input and single output channel. You may modify
- * this code to enable more channels and drivers.
- *
- * See the comments below for how to configure a DSP/BIOS application
- * which uses this code.
- */
- #ifndef PIO_
- #define PIO_
- #include <pip.h>
- #include <que.h>
- #include <iom.h>
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #define PIO_MAXPACKETS 2
- typedef struct PIO_Attrs {
- Ptr openArgs;
- } PIO_Attrs;
- extern PIO_Attrs PIO_ATTRS; // default PIO_Attrs structure
- typedef struct PIO_Obj
- {
- Uns submitCount; // keep track of frames submitted
- IOM_Fxns *fxns; // pointer to mini-driver function table
- PIP_Curdesc *curdesc; // used to access pipe on submit side
- PIP_Handle pip; // pointer to associated pipe
- Ptr mdChan; // pointer to mini-driver state object
- QUE_Obj freeList;
- IOM_Packet packet[PIO_MAXPACKETS]; // available frames for I/O operations
- } PIO_Obj, *PIO_Handle;
- /*
- * PIO_ctrl() passes parameters straight through to the mini-driver
- */
- #define PIO_ctrl(pio, cmd, args)
- (pio)->fxns->mdControlChan((pio)->mdChan, cmd, args)
- /*
- * PIO module initialization
- */
- extern Void PIO_init(Void);
- /*
- * PIO_new() must be called to initialize the I/O prior to any
- * transfers occuring. Pass in the pointer to the PIO object and pointer
- * to PIP object to associate with that channel. The last argument is for
- * various attributes including a generic argument to be passed to IOM
- * create, it may be NULL. You would typically call PIO_new() from main.
- */
- extern Void PIO_new(PIO_Handle pio, PIP_Handle pip, String name, Int mode,
- PIO_Attrs *attrs);
- /*
- * PIO_txPrime should be configured as the reader notify
- * function for output pipes.
- * PIO_rxPrime should be configured as the writer notify
- * function of input pipes.
- */
- extern Void PIO_rxPrime(PIO_Handle pio);
- extern Void PIO_rxStart (PIO_Handle pio, Uns frameCount);
- extern Void PIO_txPrime(PIO_Handle pio);
- extern Void PIO_txStart (PIO_Handle pio, Uns frameCount, Uns initialValue);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif /* extern "C" */
- #endif /* PIO_ */