- /*
- * Copyright 2003 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
- * granted through contract.
- *
- */
- /* "@(#) DDK 07-02-03 (ddk-b12)" */
- /*
- * ======== c5509_usb.h ========
- * This file defines the external interface of C5509_USB to user.
- */
- #ifndef C5509_USB_
- #define C5509_USB_
- #include <std.h>
- #include <csl.h>
- #include <csl_std.h>
- #include <csl_usb.h>
- #include <iom.h>
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- /*
- * BIOS driver version number defns.
- */
- #define C5509_USB_VERSION_1 0xAB01 /* 0xAB01 is version 1,0xAB02 is 2, etc */
- /*
- * This control code is used to connect the device
- * to the host before USB transactions can be performed.
- * Applications typically use SIO_ctrl() or GIO_control() API with
- * the 'cmd' param = C5509_USB_DEVICECONNECT.
- */
- /*
- * This control code is used to retrieve USB state information from
- * the USB device driver. The user passes the address of a
- * C5509_USB_StateInfo data structure to be filled in by the driver.
- * Refer to USB 1.x Spec chapter 9.
- */
- /*
- * C5509_USB_DevParams defaults.
- */
- #define C5509_USB_IER0MASKDEFAULT 1 /* ier0mask = 1 to mask self(USB) */
- #define C5509_USB_IER1MASKDEFAULT 1 /* ier1mask = 1. " */
- #define C5509_USB_INCLK12MHZ 12 /* USB inclk, input clock is 12 Mhz */
- #define C5509_USB_PLLDIVDEFAULT 0 /* plldiv, PLL divide value = 0 */
- #define C5509_USB_PSOFTMRCNTDEFAULT 128 /* pSofTmrCnt, PSOF value */
- /*
- * C5509_USB_EndptDesc:
- *
- * This is the USB endpoint descriptor used by the USB CSL.
- *
- * reserved is used by transfer API, not an integral desc part.
- *
- * ltmask is the length & desc type mask.
- *
- * addrsmask is the ep address and transfer attributes.
- *
- * maxPktLen is the max transfer pkt size in bytes.
- *
- * interval; host uses for scheduling USB requests (8 lsb bits used)
- */
- typedef struct C5509_USB_EndptDesc {
- Uint16 reserved; /* Used by transfer API, not an integral desc part */
- Uint16 ltmask; /* length & desc type mask */
- Uint16 addrsmask; /* ep address and transfer attributes */
- Uint16 maxPktLen; /* max transfer pkt size in bytes */
- Uint16 interval; /* one lsb used; host uses for scheduling */
- } C5509_USB_EndptDesc;
- /*
- * This is the application-level callback function for
- * USB bus connection notification..
- */
- typedef Void (*C5509_USB_TappCallback)(Ptr arg);
- /*
- * The application code can pass a pointer to this structure
- * for the function 'fxn' to be called with arguments as defined
- * by the C5509_USB_TappCallback typedef above. This structure is used
- * by the C5509_USB_DEVICECONNECT control command code to allow application
- * code to register a callback function to be invoked when the USB bus
- * is connected.
- */
- typedef struct C5509_USB_AppCallback {
- C5509_USB_TappCallback fxn;
- Ptr arg;
- } C5509_USB_AppCallback;
- /*
- * IOM channel object.
- * The channel object is used internally to the IOM driver,
- * but users declare channel object memory to alleviate the need
- * for dynamic memory allocation in the driver.
- * One IOM channel object is associated with one CSL USB endpoint.
- */
- typedef struct C5509_USB_ChanObj {
- Uns mode; /* data flow direction */
- USB_EpObj epObj; /* USB CSL endpoint object */
- IOM_Packet *flushPacket; /* IOM_FLUSH/ABORT packet */
- IOM_Packet *dataPacket; /* current active I/O packet */
- QUE_Obj pendList; /* list of packets for I/O */
- IOM_TiomCallback cbFxn; /* IOM callback */
- Ptr cbArg; /* IOM callback argument */
- C5509_USB_TappCallback fxnConnect; /* Fxn called when bus is connected */
- Ptr argConnect; /* argument to fxnConnect() */
- } C5509_USB_ChanObj, *C5509_USB_ChanHandle;
- /*
- * C5509_USB_EpConfig:
- *
- * This is the endpoint configuration array used in devParams to configure
- * a USB interface.
- *
- * chanp is the pointer to an IOM channel object.
- *
- * epNum is the number (e.g. USB_OUT_EP2).
- *
- * epType is the EndPt transfer type (e.g. USB_BULK).
- *
- * epEvtMask is the USB endpoint events mask.(e.g. USB_EVENT_EOT).
- */
- typedef struct C5509_USB_EpConfig {
- C5509_USB_ChanHandle chanp; /* IOM channel handle */
- USB_EpNum epNum; /* Endpoint number (e.g. USB_OUT_EP2) */
- USB_XferType epType; /* Endpoint transfer type (e.g. USB_BULK) */
- Uint16 epMaxPktLen; /* Maximum USB packet size(bytes) allowed */
- Uint16 epEvtMask; /* USB endpoint event msk(e.g USB_EVENT_EOT) */
- } C5509_USB_EpConfig;
- /*
- * C5509_USB_IfcConfig:
- *
- * The USB interface configuration of endpoints.
- *
- * numEps is the total number of configured endpoints
- *
- * usbConfig is a pointer to the USB config and alt i/f(s).
- *
- * epConfig is the array of endpoint configurations.
- *
- */
- typedef struct C5509_USB_IfcConfig {
- Uint16 numEps; /* total number of endpoints */
- USB_DataStruct *usbConfig; /* USB config and alt i/f(s) */
- C5509_USB_EpConfig *epConfig; /* USB driver endpoint configuration */
- } C5509_USB_IfcConfig;
- /*
- * ======== usb default event handler type ========
- * This is the function pointer type is used to override the mini-driver's
- * event handler. If non-NULL this event handler is for usb non-setup events.
- * When host requests RESET or SUSPEND for example, this event handler gets
- * called by the mini-driver for the application to process.
- */
- typedef Void (*C5509_USB_UsbEventHandler)() ;
- /*
- * ======== USB control events callbacks ========
- * When the event occurs, the mini-driver passes the default handler
- * and calls back to the application.
- */
- /*
- * Event(non-setup) callback
- */
- typedef Void (*C5509_USB_EventCb) (
- Uint16 event, /* event */
- C5509_USB_UsbEventHandler handler);
- /*
- * return values for USB request handlers
- */
- typedef enum {
- C5509_USB_REQUEST_DONE = 0, /* Request done. Can call again after setup */
- C5509_USB_REQUEST_STALL, /* STALL the control endpoint */
- C5509_USB_REQUEST_SEND_ACK, /* Send a 0 length IN packet */
- C5509_USB_REQUEST_GET_ACK, /* Prepare to receive 0 length OUT packet */
- C5509_USB_REQUEST_DATA_IN, /* Notify handler when IN data transmitted */
- C5509_USB_REQUEST_DATA_OUT /* Notify handler when OUT data received */
- } C5509_USB_UsbReqRet;
- /*
- * usb request handler type
- */
- typedef C5509_USB_UsbReqRet(*C5509_USB_UsbReqHandler)();
- /*
- * Setup event callback
- */
- typedef C5509_USB_UsbReqRet(*C5509_USB_SetupEventCb) (
- Uint16 requestId,
- C5509_USB_UsbReqHandler handler,
- USB_SetupStruct *setupPacket );
- /*
- * C5509_USB_DeviceConfig:
- *
- * Device configuration info.
- *
- * deviceDesc is the device descriptor.
- *
- * stringDesc is the string descriptor.
- *
- * stringDescLangId is the language identifier.
- *
- * eventHandler is the non-setup event handler. If NULL, then use default.
- *
- * setupEventHandler is the setup event handler for usb setup events. Set
- * to NULL to use default handler.
- *
- */
- typedef struct C5509_USB_DeviceConfig {
- Uint16 *deviceDesc; /* device descriptor */
- Uint16 *stringDescLangId; /* string desc language id */
- String *stringDesc; /* string descriptor */
- C5509_USB_EventCb eventHandler; /* non-setup event handler */
- C5509_USB_SetupEventCb setupEventHandler; /* setup event handler */
- } C5509_USB_DeviceConfig;
- /*
- * C5509_USB_DevParams struct:
- *
- * This is the device parameter struct which should be statically filled
- * by user and passed to mdBindDev.
- *
- * versionId is the mini-driver revision number. If the revision is not
- * supported by the driver the mdBindDev mini-driver fxn will return error.
- *
- * ier0mask is the IER0 mask used by HWI_dispatchPlug in mdBindDev.
- *
- * ier1mask " IER1 " "
- *
- * inclk is the input clock freq(Mhz at CLKIN pin) used to init the USB CSL.
- * deviceConfig is the USB device, string & lang id descriptors ptrs.
- *
- * plldiv is the input clock divide down value (CLKIN pin).
- *
- * pSofTmrCnt is the 8-bit counter value for the Pre USB Start-of-Frame timer.
- * ifcConfig is the usb endpoint configuration pointer.
- *
- * deviceConfig is the USB device, language, and string descriptor.
- *
- * ifcConfig is the USB interface descriptor(s).
- *
- */
- typedef struct C5509_USB_DevParams { /* C5509_USB_DevParams */
- Int versionId; /* version of mini-driver(e.g C5509_USB_VERSION0) */
- Uns ier0mask; /* IERx masks used by HWI_dispatchPlug in mdBindDev, */
- Uns ier1mask; /* set ier0mask=1 & ier1mask=1 to mask USB intr only */
- Uns inclk; /* input clock freq(Mhz at CLKIN pin). See USB_initPLL */
- Uns plldiv; /* input clock divide down value (CLKIN pin). */
- SmUns pSofTmrCnt; /* 8-bit counter value for pre-SOF timer. See USB_init */
- C5509_USB_DeviceConfig *deviceConfig; /* device, string & lang id desc */
- C5509_USB_IfcConfig *ifcConfig; /* usb endpoint interface configuration */
- } C5509_USB_DevParams;
- /*
- * C5509_USB_StateInfo struct.
- * This structure contains internal USB state information returned
- * to the application by using the C5509_USB_GETSTATEINFO cmd code.
- * See USB spec. 1.x chapter 9 standard request implementation.
- */
- typedef struct C5509_USB_StateInfo {
- Uint16 usbCurConfig; /* current USB configuration number */
- Uint16 usbCurIntrfc; /* current USB interface number */
- Uint16 usbCurAltSet; /* current USB alternate set number */
- Uint16 usbCurDev; /* current USB device state. 1 = self powered */
- } C5509_USB_StateInfo;
- /*
- * The following are USB descriptor definitions types. Refer to USB 1.x spec.
- */
- #define C5509_USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE 0x01
- #define C5509_USB_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIG 0x02
- #define C5509_USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING 0x03
- #define C5509_USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTRFC 0x04
- #define C5509_USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPT 0x05
- #define C5509_USB_DESCRIPTOR_POWER 0x06
- #define C5509_USB_DESCRIPTOR_HID 0x21
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* C5509_USB_ */