- /*
- * Copyright 2003 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
- * granted through contract.
- *
- */
- /* "@(#) DDK 11-04-03 (ddk-b13)" */
- /*
- * ======== sync_pci.c ========
- *
- * PCI Driver Sync Test for for Valley Tech vt1423 board which tests
- * DSP master transfers. The test repeatly transfers data from dsp memory
- * to 21555 registers (pci write) and from 21555 registers to dsp memory
- * (pci read). The data pattern is based on channel number, such as
- * 0x01010101 or 0x81818181 for channel one, 0x05050505 or 0x85858585 for
- * channel five. Uses the 21555 Bridge Scratchpad registers (32 bytes)
- *
- * User defines the following parameters:
- * -- VT1423_PCI_PRIORITY: if defined, tasks will have different priorities
- * -- CHAN_NUM: Number of channels to be opened
- * -- TRANSFER_COUNT: bytes to be transfered
- * -- PCI_ADDR_START: PCI start address
- * -- LOG_DATA: if defined, will print the memory read/write data
- * -- TIMEOUT: timeout if pci driver no response
- * -- SLEEP_TIME: task sleep time
- */
- #include <std.h>
- #include <log.h>
- #include <sys.h>
- #include <tsk.h>
- #include <gio.h>
- #include <c64xx_pci.h>
- #include <csl_pci.h>
- extern far LOG_Obj trace;
- #define LOG_DATA
- /* User defined constants */
- #define VT1423_PCI_PRIORITY
- #define CHAN_NUM 4
- #define PCI_ADDR_START 0xc00000a8
- #define TIMEOUT 2000 /* SYS_FOREVER */
- #define SLEEP_TIME 2
- static Void chan_tsk(Int chanNum, Int sleep);
- #ifdef LOG_DATA
- static Void logData(Int chanNum, Ptr reqp, Int status);
- #endif
- static Void setMem(int count, Ptr *memAddr, char value);
- static Void verifyData(Int chanNum, Ptr reqp, char value);
- static Ptr gio[CHAN_NUM];
- /*
- * ======== main ========
- */
- Void main()
- {
- C64XX_PCI_Attrs pciAttrs[CHAN_NUM];
- TSK_Attrs tskAttrs[CHAN_NUM];
- GIO_Attrs gioAttrs[CHAN_NUM];
- Int i;
- for (i=0; i<CHAN_NUM; i++) {
- /* C64XX_PCI_Attrs init */
- /* even numbered Channel used as low priority queue channel */
- if (i % 2 == 0) {
- pciAttrs[i].queuePriority = C64XX_PCI_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW;
- } else {
- pciAttrs[i].queuePriority = C64XX_PCI_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH;
- }
- /* GIO_Attrs init */
- gioAttrs[i].nPackets = 1;
- gioAttrs[i].timeout = TIMEOUT;
- }
- /* create GIO objs */
- for (i=0; i<CHAN_NUM; i++) {
- gio[i] = GIO_create("/udevPci", IOM_INOUT, NULL,
- &pciAttrs[i], &gioAttrs[i]);
- if (gio[i] == NULL) {
- LOG_printf(&trace, "ERROR!!! GIO_create NULL");
- SYS_abort("GIO_create");
- }
- }
- /* create tasks */
- for (i=0; i<CHAN_NUM; i++) {
- tskAttrs[i] = TSK_ATTRS;
- #ifdef VT1423_PCI_PRIORITY
- tskAttrs[i].priority = 3 + i;
- #endif
- if (TSK_create((Fxn)chan_tsk, &tskAttrs[i], i, SLEEP_TIME) == NULL) {
- LOG_printf(&trace, "ERROR!!! TSK_create NULL!");
- }
- }
- LOG_printf(&trace, "Exit mainn");
- /* fall into DSP/BIOS idle loop */
- return;
- }
- /*
- * ======== chan_tsk ========
- */
- static Void chan_tsk(Int chanNum, Int sleep)
- {
- char value;
- Uns size;
- Int status;
- C64XX_PCI_Request readReq;
- C64XX_PCI_Request writeReq;
- Ptr dspAddr;
- Bool flip;
- flip = FALSE;
- /* allocate dsp memory for each channel */
- /* dsp address need to be PCI word address, so memory alignment is 4 */
- dspAddr = MEM_alloc(0, TRANSFER_COUNT, 4);
- if (dspAddr == NULL) {
- LOG_printf(&trace, "dspAddr alloc NULL");
- SYS_abort("dspAddr NULL");
- }
- /*
- * pci address for each channel is divided, since each channel
- * read/write in different tasks
- */
- readReq.srcAddr = (char *)PCI_ADDR_START + TRANSFER_COUNT * chanNum;
- readReq.dstAddr = (char *)dspAddr;
- readReq.byteCnt = TRANSFER_COUNT;
- readReq.options = 0;
- readReq.options =
- writeReq.srcAddr = (char *)dspAddr;
- writeReq.dstAddr = (char *)PCI_ADDR_START + TRANSFER_COUNT * chanNum;
- writeReq.byteCnt = TRANSFER_COUNT;
- writeReq.options = PCI_WRITE;
- writeReq.options = 0;
- writeReq.options =
- C64XX_PCI_SETXFERMODE(writeReq.options, PCI_WRITE);
- for (;;) {
- if (flip) {
- value = (char)chanNum | 0x80;
- flip = FALSE;
- } else {
- value = (char)chanNum;
- flip = TRUE;
- }
- /*
- set dsp memory value as chanNum chanNum ...(0x0101.. for Chan1
- or 0x818181.. for Chan1). This is the write value being transfered
- to pci memory
- */
- setMem(TRANSFER_COUNT, writeReq.srcAddr, value);
- /* pci write : dsp->pci */
- status = GIO_write(gio[chanNum], &writeReq, &size);
- if (status < 0) {
- LOG_printf(&trace, "ERR - in GIO_write status c[%d] = %d",
- chanNum, status);
- }
- #ifdef LOG_DATA
- logData(chanNum, &writeReq, status);
- #endif
- /* set dsp memory to 0x99 as initial value */
- setMem(TRANSFER_COUNT, readReq.dstAddr, 0x99);
- /* pci read : pci->dsp. read back the value written */
- status = GIO_read(gio[chanNum], &readReq, &size);
- if (status < 0) {
- LOG_printf(&trace, "ERR - in GIO_read status c[%d] = %d",
- chanNum, status);
- }
- #ifdef LOG_DATA
- logData(chanNum, &readReq, status);
- #endif
- /* verify if the read value equals the value written */
- verifyData(chanNum, &readReq, value);
- TSK_sleep(sleep);
- }
- }
- /*
- * ======== logData ========
- * print out the read/write memory
- * Note: only display the first 4 bytes (Uns)
- */
- #ifdef LOG_DATA
- static Void logData(Int chanNum, Ptr reqp, Int status)
- {
- C64XX_PCI_Request *req;
- Uns *addr;
- req = (C64XX_PCI_Request*)reqp;
- /* print out info */
- if (req != NULL) {
- LOG_printf(&trace, "chan[%d], status=%x", chanNum, status);
- if (C64XX_PCI_GETXFERMODE(req->options) == PCI_WRITE ) {
- addr = (Uns *)req->srcAddr;
- LOG_printf(&trace, " sbmt-w: written=%x", *addr);
- }
- else {
- addr = (Uns *)req->dstAddr;
- LOG_printf(&trace, " sbmt-r: read=%x", *addr);
- }
- }
- else {
- LOG_printf(&trace, "request NULL");
- }
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * ======== setMem ========
- * Set memory value
- */
- static Void setMem(int count, Ptr *memAddr, char value)
- {
- char *tempMem = (char *)memAddr;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- *tempMem = value;
- tempMem++;
- }
- }
- /*
- * ======== verifyData ========
- * Verify read back data
- */
- static Void verifyData(Int chanNum, Ptr reqp, char value)
- {
- C64XX_PCI_Request *req;
- char *addr;
- Int i;
- req = (C64XX_PCI_Request*)reqp;
- if (req != NULL) {
- addr = (char *)req->dstAddr;
- for (i = 0; i < req->byteCnt; i++) {
- if (*addr != value) {
- LOG_printf(&trace, "ERROR!!! in verify chan[%d], addr = %x",
- chanNum, addr);
- }
- addr++;
- }
- }
- }