- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* VT1420.gel */
- /* version xxxx */
- /* */
- /* This GEL file is designed to be used in conjunction with the */
- /* CCS 2.0 and the VT-142x TMS320C6416 DSP based PMC modules. */
- /* Copied from the TI TEB_6416.gel. */
- /* */
- /* Things to do: */
- /* LED on/off func like LED_cycle() */
- /* Memory/config detect: Read GPIO, test memory, determine */
- /* Flash type (AMD vs SST) like */
- /* QuickTest() */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* The StartUp() function is called each time CCS is started. */
- /* Customize this function to perform desired initialization. */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- StartUp()
- {
- /* setup_memory_map(); */
- GEL_Reset();
- init_emif();
- init_GPIO();
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* The setup_memory_map() function does not appear to work in */
- /* the simulator. It code be unnecessary since C64x only has */
- /* one mapping (unlike other TI DSPs). */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- setup_memory_map()
- {
- GEL_MapOn();
- GEL_MapReset();
- GEL_MapAdd(0x00000000, 0, 0x00100000, 1, 1); /* Internal Memory */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x01800000, 0, 0x00000054, 1, 1); /* EMIFA CTL REGS */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x01840000, 0, 0x000082FC, 1, 1); /* INT MEM CTL REGS */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x018C0000, 0, 0x0000003C, 1, 1); /* MCBSP0 CTL REGS */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x01900000, 0, 0x0000003C, 1, 1); /* MCBSP1 CTL REGS */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x01940000, 0, 0x00000008, 1, 1); /* TIMER0 CTL REGS */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x01980000, 0, 0x00000008, 1, 1); /* TIMER1 CTL REGS */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x019C0000, 0, 0x00000008, 1, 1); /* INT CTL REGS */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x01A00000, 0, 0x0000FFFC, 1, 1); /* EDMA REGS AND PARAM */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x01A40000, 0, 0x0000003C, 1, 1); /* MCBSP2 CTL REGS */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x01A80000, 0, 0x00000054, 1, 1); /* EMIFB CTL REGS */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x01AC0000, 0, 0x00000008, 1, 1); /* TIMER2 CTL REGS */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x01B00000, 0, 0x00000024, 1, 1); /* GPIO REGS */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x02000000, 0, 0x00000030, 1, 1); /* QDMA REGS */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x30000000, 0, 0x04000000, 1, 1); /* MCBSP0 Data, EDMA map */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x34000000, 0, 0x04000000, 1, 1); /* MCBSP1 Data, EDMA map */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x38000000, 0, 0x04000000, 1, 1); /* MCBSP2 Data, EDMA map */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x64000000, 0, 0x00040000, 1, 1); /* FLASH EMIF-B, CE1 */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x80000000, 0, 0x01000000, 1, 1); /* 16MB SDRAM EMIF-A, CE0*/
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* init_emif() */
- /* EMIF settings depend on EMIF Clock freq and */
- /* memory device specifics. */
- /* */
- /* SDRAM devices: MT48LC2M32B2-7 */
- /* 2Mx32, 512Kx32x4 banks */
- /* tRC(-7) = 70 nsec */
- /* tRP(-7) = 20 nsec */
- /* tRCD(-7) = 20 nsec */
- /* tREF(-7) = 64 msec for 4,096 rows */
- /* tCL = 2 tcyc (min) for <=100MHz */
- /* tRAS(-7) = 42(min)-120K(max)nsec */
- /* tRRD(-7) = 14 nsec */
- /* tWR(-7) = 1 tcyc + 7 nsec (17min) */
- /* min for the following= */
- /* tRC for same bank */
- /* tRRD for different banks */
- /* tRD2RD(-7) = 1 tcyc (figure 8) */
- /* tRD2DEAC(-7) = 2 tcyc (p 17) */
- /* tRD2WR(-7) = 1 tcyc (fig 9) */
- /* tR2WDQM(-7) = 2 tcyc (p 16) */
- /* tWR2WR(-7) = 1 tcyc (p 19) */
- /* tWR2DEAC(-7) = 2 tcyc (p 20) */
- /* tWR2RD(-7) = 1 tcyc (p 20) */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* EMIFA Clock: 100MHz (10 nsec tcyc) */
- /* 33MHz DSP input clock */
- /* CPU=400MHz (x12 multiplier) */
- /* EMIFA clock boot settings: 01 CPU/4 */
- /* :AECLKIN_SELECT = CPU/4 = 100MHz */
- /* Notes: VT-1420 uses ECLKOUT2 */
- /* DSP EMIF timing is based on */
- /* ECLKOUT1 for tcyc */
- /* */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- init_emif()
- {
- #define EMIFA_GCTL 0x01800000
- #define EMIFA_CE1 0x01800004
- #define EMIFA_CE0 0x01800008
- #define EMIFA_CE2 0x01800010
- #define EMIFA_CE3 0x01800014
- #define EMIFA_SDRAMCTL 0x01800018
- #define EMIFA_SDRAMREF 0x0180001c
- #define EMIFA_SDRAMEXT 0x01800020
- #define EMIFA_CE1SECCTL 0x01800044
- #define EMIFA_CE0SECCTL 0x01800048
- #define EMIFA_CE2SECCTL 0x01800050
- #define EMIFA_CE3SECCTL 0x01800054
- #define EMIFB_GCTL 0x01A80000
- #define EMIFB_CE1 0x01A80004
- #define EMIFB_CE0 0x01A80008
- #define EMIFB_CE2 0x01A80010
- #define EMIFB_CE3 0x01A80014
- #define EMIFB_SDRAMCTL 0x01A80018
- #define EMIFB_SDRAMREF 0x01A8001c
- #define EMIFB_SDRAMEXT 0x01A80020
- #define EMIFB_CE1SECCTL 0x01A80044
- #define EMIFB_CE0SECCTL 0x01A80048
- #define EMIFB_CE2SECCTL 0x01A80050
- #define EMIFB_CE3SECCTL 0x01A80054
- /* EMIFA Control */
- *(int *)EMIFA_GCTL = 0x000120DC; /* Why did TEB board write a '1' to bit 12? */
- *(int *)EMIFA_CE0 = 0xffffffdf;
- *(int *)EMIFA_SDRAMCTL = 0x47116000; /* Pure coincedence that this matches the TEB */
- *(int *)EMIFA_SDRAMREF = 0x000005DC; /* Use powerup default, more conservative than TEB */
- *(int *)EMIFA_SDRAMEXT = 0x000504A8; /* TEB value of 0x00054549 is more conservative */
- /* I thought it should be 0x000504A8 */
- /* EMIFB Control */
- *(int *)EMIFB_GCTL = 0x000120DC;
- /*EMIFB CE1 FLASH, 8 Bit*/
- *(int *)EMIFB_CE1 = 0xffffff03; /* Conservative #, Optimize speed by trying VT-1402 number 0x2372CD23 */
- *(int *)EMIFA_SDRAMCTL = 0x47116000; /* Do this again to reset the SDRAM */
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* GPIO DEFINITIONS, 1=Enable, 1=Output DIR */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define GPEN_REG 0x01B00000
- #define GPDIR_REG 0x01B00004
- #define GPVAL_REG 0x01B00008
- #define MS_FLASH 0x0001
- #define GREEN_LED 0x0002
- #define RED_LED 0x0004
- #define MCBSP2_EN 0x0008
- #define EXT_INT4 0x0010
- #define EXT_INT5 0x0020
- #define EXT_INT6 0x0040
- #define DSP_ID 0x0080
- #define Get_GPIO_En (*(char *)GPEN_REG )
- #define Get_GPIO_Val (*(char *)GPVAL_REG )
- #define Get_DSP_ID ( (*(char *)GPVAL_REG & DSP_ID) >> 7 )
- #define Get_GREEN_LED ( (*(char *)GPVAL_REG & GREEN_LED) >> 1 )
- #define Get_RED_LED ( (*(char *)GPVAL_REG & RED_LED) >> 2 )
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Timer GPIO DEFINITIONS, 1=Enable, 1=Output DIR */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define T0_CTL_REG 0x01940000
- #define T1_CTL_REG 0x01980000
- #define T1_CTL_REG 0x01AC0000
- #define TIMER_CTL_DEF 0x00000000
- #define TIMER_DIN 0x0004
- #define TIMER_DOUT 0x0008
- #define Get_DSP_Cfg0 ( (*(char *)T0_CTL_REG & TIMER_DIN) >> 2 )
- #define Get_DSP_Cfg1 ( (*(char *)T1_CTL_REG & TIMER_DIN) >> 2 )
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* init_GPIO() */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- init_GPIO()
- {
- /* *(char *)GPEN_REG = Get_GPIO_En | (GREEN_LED | RED_LED | DSP_ID) ; */
- *(char *)GPEN_REG = 0x0 | (GREEN_LED | RED_LED | DSP_ID) ;
- *(char *)GPDIR_REG = 0x0 | (GREEN_LED | RED_LED) ;
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* clear_memory_map() */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- clear_memory_map()
- {
- GEL_MapOff();
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* LED_cycle() */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- LED_cycle()
- {
- RED_LED_off();
- GREEN_LED_off();
- RED_LED_on();
- GREEN_LED_on();
- RED_LED_off();
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* RED_LED_on() logic low puts the LED on */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- RED_LED_on()
- {
- *(char *)GPVAL_REG = Get_GPIO_Val & ~RED_LED ;
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* RED_LED_off() */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- RED_LED_off()
- {
- *(char *)GPVAL_REG = Get_GPIO_Val | RED_LED ;
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* GREEN_LED_on() */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- GREEN_LED_on()
- {
- *(char *)GPVAL_REG = Get_GPIO_Val & ~ GREEN_LED ;
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* GREEN_LED_off() */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- GREEN_LED_off()
- {
- *(char *)GPVAL_REG = Get_GPIO_Val | GREEN_LED ;
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* OnReset() */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- OnReset(int nErrorCode)
- {
- init_GPIO();
- LED_cycle();
- GEL_BreakPtReset();
- FlushCache();
- init_emif();
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* OnPreFileLoaded() */
- /* This function is called automatically when the 'Load Program'*/
- /* Menu item is selected. */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- OnPreFileLoaded()
- {
- FlushCache();
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* FlushCache() */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- FlushCache()
- {
- *(int *)0x01840000 = (*(int *)0x01840000 | 0x00000300);
- *(int *)0x01845000 = 0x1;
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* RESET MENU */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- menuitem "Resets";
- hotmenu Reset_BreakPts_and_EMIF()
- {
- GEL_BreakPtReset();
- GEL_Reset();
- init_emif();
- }
- hotmenu Flush_Cache()
- {
- FlushCache();
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- menuitem "Memory Map";
- hotmenu SetMemoryMap()
- {
- setup_memory_map();
- }
- hotmenu ClearMemoryMap()
- {
- clear_memory_map();
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Quick Test MENU */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- menuitem "Check VT-1420";
- hotmenu QuickTest()
- {
- LED_cycle();
- LED_cycle();
- LED_cycle();
- GEL_OpenWindow("VT1420 Output", 0, 5);
- GEL_TextOut(" DSP_ID (0 for DSP A, 1 for DSP B): %d n",
- "VT1420 Output",1,1,1,
- Get_DSP_ID);
- GEL_TextOut(" DSP_CFG0 (expect=0): %d n",
- "VT1420 Output",1,1,1,
- Get_DSP_Cfg0);
- GEL_TextOut(" DSP_CFG1 (expect=0): %d n",
- "VT1420 Output",1,1,1,
- Get_DSP_Cfg1);
- GEL_TextOut(" GREEN LED (0=ON, 1=OFF): %d n",
- "VT1420 Output",1,1,1,
- GEL_TextOut(" RED LED (0=ON, 1=OFF): %d nn",
- "VT1420 Output",1,1,1,
- Get_RED_LED);
- }
- hotmenu REDLED_ON()
- {
- RED_LED_on();
- }
- hotmenu REDLED_OFF()
- {
- RED_LED_off();
- }
- hotmenu GREENLED_ON()
- {
- GREEN_LED_on();
- }
- hotmenu GREENLED_OFF()
- {
- GREEN_LED_off();
- }
- hotmenu CYCLE_LEDS()
- {
- LED_cycle();
- }