- /*
- * Copyright 2003 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
- * granted through contract.
- *
- */
- /* "@(#) DDK 11-04-03 (ddk-b13)" */
- /*
- * ======== dio_cb.c ========
- * Callback based functions of DIO.
- *
- */
- #include <std.h>
- #include <dev.h>
- #include <que.h>
- #include <sem.h>
- #include <sys.h>
- #include <iom.h>
- #include <dio.h>
- Int DIO_cbIdle(DEV_Handle device, Bool flush);
- Int DIO_cbIssue(DEV_Handle device);
- Bool DIO_cbReady(DEV_Handle device, SEM_Handle sem);
- Int DIO_cbReclaim(DEV_Handle device);
- Void DIO_cbCallback(Ptr devp, DEV_Frame *frame);
- /*
- * ======== DIO_cbCallback ========
- */
- Void DIO_cbCallback(Ptr devp, DEV_Frame *frame)
- {
- DEV_Handle device = (DEV_Handle)devp;
- DIO_Handle dio = (DIO_Handle)device->object;
- if (frame->cmd == IOM_READ || frame->cmd == IOM_WRITE) {
- QUE_put(device->fromdevice, frame);
- dio->context.cb.fxn(dio->context.cb.arg0,
- dio->context.cb.arg1);
- }
- }
- /*
- * ======== DIO_cbIdle ========
- * DIO_cbIdle() simply return SYS_OK
- * which means it really is a NOP.
- */
- Int DIO_cbIdle(DEV_Handle device, Bool flush)
- {
- return (SYS_OK);
- }
- /*
- * ======== DIO_cbIssue ========
- */
- Int DIO_cbIssue(DEV_Handle device)
- {
- DIO_Handle dio = (DIO_Handle)device->object;
- DEV_Frame *frame;
- Int status;
- frame = QUE_get(device->todevice);
- frame->cmd = (device->mode == DEV_INPUT) ? IOM_READ : IOM_WRITE;
- frame->status = IOM_PENDING;
- status = dio->fxns->mdSubmitChan(dio->chanp, frame);
- if (status < 0) {
- return (SYS_EBADIO);
- }
- else {
- if (status == IOM_COMPLETED) {
- DIO_cbCallback(device, frame);
- }
- return (SYS_OK);
- }
- }
- /*
- * ======== DIO_cbReady ========
- */
- Bool DIO_cbReady(DEV_Handle device, SEM_Handle sem)
- {
- return (!(QUE_empty(device->fromdevice)));
- }
- /*
- * ======== DIO_cbReclaim ========
- * This function is expecting at least one buffer ready to be
- * processed from the fromdevice queue.
- * If there are no buffers ready then it will return an error.
- * If more than one buffer is ready, it will call the callback function.
- */
- Int DIO_cbReclaim(DEV_Handle device)
- {
- DIO_Handle dio = (DIO_Handle)device->object;
- QUE_Handle queElem;
- queElem = device->fromdevice->next;
- if (queElem == device->fromdevice) {
- return (SYS_EBADIO);
- }
- if (queElem->next != device->fromdevice) {
- dio->context.cb.fxn(dio->context.cb.arg0,
- dio->context.cb.arg1);
- }
- return (SYS_OK);
- }