- /*
- * Copyright 2003 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
- * granted through contract.
- *
- */
- /* "@(#) DDK 11-04-03 (ddk-b13)" */
- /*
- * ======== _C5509_USB_mdCreateChan.c ========
- * This file implements C5509_USB_mdCreateChan() function
- */
- #include <std.h>
- #include <que.h>
- #include <iom.h>
- #include <mem.h>
- #include <csl.h>
- #include <csl_usb.h>
- #include <_c5509_usb.h>
- #include <c5509_usb.h>
- /*
- * ======== _C5509_USB_mdCreateChan ========
- * This function is called to open a channel.
- *
- * chanp is used to output initialized channel object to IOM.
- *
- * devp is the global device object
- *
- * name is the device string name
- *
- * mode is IOM_INPUT or IOM_OUTPUT. Other mode is illegal.
- *
- * chanParams are optional channel specific parameters, but not used.
- *
- * cbFxn and cbArg is the IOM callback pointer and argument
- */
- Int _C5509_USB_mdCreateChan(Ptr * chanp, Ptr devp, String name, Int mode,
- Ptr chanParams, IOM_TiomCallback cbFxn,Ptr cbArg)
- {
- C5509_USB_ChanHandle chan;
- Uint16 epNum;
- C5509_USB_EpConfig * cfgPtr;
- _C5509_USB_DevHandle port = (_C5509_USB_DevHandle)devp;
- Int i;
- if (chanp == NULL ) {
- return IOM_EBADARGS;
- }
- *chanp = NULL; /* make sure NULL on error */
- epNum = (Uint16)*name - 0x30; /* atoi - ascii conversion shortcut */
- /*
- * Return error if user supplied illegal endpoint #
- * Note Endpoint 0 IN & OUTis reserved for driver control channel.
- */
- if ((epNum < USB_OUT_EP1) || (epNum > USB_OUT_EP7)) {
- return IOM_EBADIO;
- }
- if (mode == IOM_OUTPUT) { /* to host */
- epNum |= 0x08; /* USB_IN_EP1...USB_IN_EP7 */
- }
- /* Get this endpoint number from configured EP list */
- cfgPtr = _C5509_USB_devParams->ifcConfig->epConfig;
- for (i = 0; i < _C5509_USB_devParams->ifcConfig->numEps; i++, cfgPtr++) {
- if (epNum == cfgPtr->epNum) {
- if (port->chans[i]) {
- return (IOM_EBADIO); /* ERROR! channel is already open! */
- }
- chan = cfgPtr->chanp;
- break;
- }
- if (i == (_C5509_USB_devParams->ifcConfig->numEps - 1)) {
- return IOM_EBADIO; /* not in user EP configuration */
- }
- }
- QUE_new( &chan->pendList ); /* initialize pend list */
- chan->cbFxn = cbFxn; /* IOM call back */
- chan->cbArg = cbArg; /* call back arg */
- chan->mode = mode; /* mode */
- chan->dataPacket = NULL; /* dataPacket */
- chan->flushPacket = NULL; /* flushPacket */
- chan->fxnConnect = NULL; /* fxn called when bus enum is complete */
- chan->argConnect = NULL; /* argument to fxnConnect */
- port->chans[epNum] = chan; /* remember this chan is open */
- *chanp = chan; /* output chan to IOM */
- return (IOM_COMPLETED);
- }